Thesun 2009-06-18 Page09 394 Koreans in Race To Woo Millionairess

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theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 18 2009 9

news without borders

Aussie gang matriarch

accused over hit on relative
MELBOURNE: A under- of underworld violence.
world matriarch was put be- But she was accused in
hind bars yesterday accused a late-night court session on
over the execution-style kill- Tuesday of helping orches-
ing of her brother-in-law in trate the latest killing and
a case police described as too charged with being an ac-
far fetched for television. cessory in Desmond Moran’s
Gangland widow Judy murder. No motive has so far
Moran (pix) was one of been suggested.
three people charged over Police told the court that
the murder of Desmond officers saw Judy Moran
“Tuppence” Moran, a former dumping the getaway car
underworld enforcer who used in the murder that con-
died from multiple gunshot tained a rifle and gun case,
wounds to the head on Mon- while phone taps captured
day while enjoying coffee in killing reported that Judy her discussing disposing of
a suburban cafe. Moran arrived at the scene items used in the killing.
The Moran family played screaming “Dessy! Dessy!” A subsequent search of
a major role in a gang war for The 64-year-old had al- her house revealed handguns
control of Melbourne’s drugs ready lost her husband Lewis clothing and a wig fitting the
trade that claimed some 30 and two sons Mark and description of items used in
lives between 1995 and 2004 Jason in the Melbourne gang the slaying, police said.
and there were fears the lat- war, which was dramatised She was refused bail and
est shooting could lead to a in the hit Australian series will reappear in court next
renewal of hostilities. Underbelly. week.
Moran, 61, was shot at Since then, Judy Moran Family friend Suzanne
close range by two balaclava- has traded on her notoriety Kane has also been charged
wearing gunmen in a noon as a gangland black widow with being an accessory and
hit in a cafe in the city’s Ascot with frequent television ap- Kane’s boyfriend Geoffrey
Vale area. pearances portraying her Armour faces a murder
Witnesses who saw the family as unwitting victims charge. – AFP

394 Koreans in race

to woo millionairess
SEOUL: Almost 400 South Koreans said the spokeswoman.
have applied to marry a millionairess “We initially planned to keep the
who advertised for a soulmate but only bid open until the end of this month
eight “serious-minded” applicants will but the woman felt burdened by
make the final cut, a matchmaking unwelcome media attention and she Racist
agency said yesterday. wanted it closed on Tuesday.” attacks
The 49-year-old woman who The woman picked eight of the
is reportedly worth US$18 million men for interviews and is expected to in Belfast
(RM61.2 million) has been seeking a meet two or three of them per month pg 11
husband through an online advertise- over the next three months.
ment since May 20, a spokeswoman They are aged between 37 and
for Sunoo matchmaking agency said. 49 and include company employees,
Some 394 men – including doctors, teachers and bank workers.
lawyers, accountants, soldiers and “The bride prefers average but
government employees and ranging serious persons to high-flying profes-
in age from 26 to 49 years – responded sionals,” the spokeswoman said.
to the advertisement. “She wants a soulmate with a pas-
“As a business operator, she was sion for life, who will share the ups
too busy to find her husband herself,” and downs of life with her.” – AFP

Group sues White House

over alleged lack of openness
WASHINGTON: A watch- has been a proponent of “I don’t see how you can
dog group seeking greater clean coal, and we wanted say, I’m committed to trans-
transparency in government to know to what extent these parency but I’m not going
on Tuesday filed a lawsuit people had an influence on to let the public know who
against the Barack Obama the formulation of the ad- comes to my house doing
administration for failing to ministration energy policy,” official business with me,”
disclose a list of high-power said Anne Weismann, Crew’s she said.
business executives who chief counsel. Meanwhile, Obama
visited the White House. Weismann said that the spokesman Robert Gibbs on
In filing its suit, the non- administration’s refusal to Tuesday refuted charges of
profit group “Citizens for produce the names is very secretiveness, but said the
Responsibility and Ethics in similar to actions by the Bush White House is reviewing
Washington” (Crew) accused White House, which refused the previous administra-
the Obama White House of to divulge the names of parti- tion’s handling of similar
adopting the same lack of pants at an energy task force, requests.
transparency of which the which included powerful oil “Visitor logs have been
George W. Bush administra- executives, held at the White involved in some litigation
tion was frequently accused. House. dating back to sometime in
At issue is a list of execu- Weismann compared 2006,” Gibbs said.
tives from the coal industry Obama administration policy “The White House is
who have been to the White to that of the Bush White reviewing that policy based
House and to the official House, which critics said was on some of that litigation,”
residence of Vice-President too secretive. Gibbs said.
Joseph Biden since Obama’s But unlike Bush, Obama, He added: “The president
Jan 20 inauguration. she said, had campaigned on underscored his commitment
The filing was made a pledge of greater openness to transparency on his first
“because President Obama during his administration. full day in office. – AFP

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