Thesun 2009-06-18 Page10 Opposition Holds Rally As Iran Steps Up Crackdown

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10 œ theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 18 2009

news without borders

and members of Iran’s volunteer

Ahmadinejad: Vote
confirms faith in govt
TEHERAN: Iranian President Mah-
moud Ahmadinejad said yesterday
Opposition holds rally as Iran Basij militia.
Ahmadinejad remained defi-
ant, saying his landslide victory
in Friday’s vote showed faith in
his government of “honesty and
service to the people”.

steps up crackdown
that his re-election was proof of the Khamenei, who has the final
people’s faith in his previous four- say on all matters of state, said
year government. he was asking the Guardians
“The election result confirmed Council, a 12-member body
the work of the ninth government made up of jurists and clerics,
which was based on honesty and to examine the allegations over
service to the people,” the hardline TEHERAN: Iran’s opposition enemy “plots”, hauling in foreign opposition held mass protests the vote.
president said in a statement car- held another rally and stepped ambassadors and rounding up over what it charges was blatant “If the examination of the
ried on the Isna news agency the up its challenge to the govern- scores of reformists. rigging of the election that gave problems require recounting of
day after his return from Russia. ment yesterday as the authorities In the latest moves, the au- Ahmadinejad another four-year some ballot boxes, it should be
“Twenty-five million people con- intensified a crackdown on the thorities threatened legal action term. definitely done in the presence of
firmed this kind of management of media to try to contain the biggest against websites which publish In defiance of an official the representatives of candidates
the country and it is now engraved crisis since the 1979 revolution. material that “creates tensions” ban, Mousavi himself called for so that everybody is assured.”
in the revolution,” said Ahmadinejad, Tens of thousands of sup- and issued a new warning to the marches and a day of mourning Supporters of Ahmadinejad
referring to the number of votes he porters of defeated Iranian foreign media, already facing today for protesters slain in the and Mousavi had staged rival
won in Friday’s election according eXtra: presidential candidate Mirhos- tight restrictions on their work. post-election clashes. rallies on Tuesday, each call-
to official results.
Ahmadinejad’s re-election has
Exploit- sein Mousavi took part in what The media watchdog Re- And he repeated his demand ing out hundreds of thousands
was billed as a “silent” protest porters Without Borders (RSF), for the results of what he branded of people on to the streets of
been disputed by all his three ing our rally, marching through central meanwhile, said a dozen Iranian a “shameful fraud” to be an- Tehran, state media said.
rivals, mainly ex-premier Mir Hos- mineral Teheran, witnesses said. journalists and bloggers have nulled and a new vote called, in The foreign media were
sein Mousavi who has charged that
Friday’s vote was marred by blatant
wealth Wearing green wrist- and been arrested and many others a statement on his movement’s banned from covering the dem-
head-bands in the colour have gone into hiding. website. onstrations under the tough new
irregularities. – AFP pg 14 of Mousavi’s campaign, the World governments voiced At least seven people have restrictions which effectively aim
demonstrators carried placards increasing alarm about the situ- been killed and many more at keeping them off the streets,
accusing re-elected President ation in Iran, but US President wounded in clashes, with but Iranian newspapers pub-
US asks Twitter Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Barack Obama, while raising protests reported not only in lished pictures of the events.
to stay online having “stolen” their votes in “deep concerns” over the elec- Teheran but also other major Footage broadcast on the
NEW YORK: The US government Friday’s poll. tion, said Washington would cities after an election that has Internet has shown dramatic
took the unusual step of asking Iranian state television broad- not meddle in the affairs of its exposed deep divisions in the and chaotic scenes of violence,
Twitter to delay a planned mainte- cast footage of the rally. archfoe. oil-rich nation. including one purportedly
nance outage because of its use as Grappling with the biggest Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Witnesses said some clashes showing a protester shot dead
a communications tool by Iranians wave of public anger in three Khameini said he would con- also erupted late Tuesday and others of riot police beating
following their disputed election, a decades, Iran has lashed out at sider a partial recount after the between groups of young men protesters. – AFP
senior official said on Tuesday.
The request highlighted the
Obama administration’s web-savvy
approach and the power of social
networks such as Twitter and Fa-
cebook in organising protests over
the election results in the face of a
Fear in a country that has tasted freedom
ban by Iranian authorities on other by Robert Fisk Mousavi men and women on the other der, their linked arms holding both campus on Sunday night, when the
media. side of the police line. “We must defend mobs back, as they stared at their own security forces killed seven young men,
But it also seemed to run counter TEHERAN: The fate of Iran rested on our country now, just as we did in the comrades opposite with ever increas- wounded several others and smashed
to President Barack Obama’s public Tuesday night in a grubby north Tehe- Iran-Iraq war,” he shouted above the ing concern. An American-Iranian a few and looted the university dormitories.
efforts not to appear to be meddling ran highway interchange called Vanak uproar. But the Ahmadinejad man trying metres away, shouted at me in English Farhad Rabar said he would pursue
in Iran’s internal affairs. Square, where after days of violence, to calm him down, shouted back: “We that “we’ve got to prove they can’t do the killers through the courts, adding
Twitter delayed Monday’s supporters of the official President Mah- are all fellow citizens! Let’s not have a this anymore. They can’t rule us. We that “the invasion of the University of
scheduled tuneup, which would moud Ahmadinejad at last confronted tragedy. We must have unity.” need a new president. Either they get Teheran, which is the symbol of higher
have taken place during daylight the screaming, angry Iranians who Clearly the decision of Supreme their way or we get ours”. education ... has caused a wave of sor-
hours in Iran, and rescheduled it for have decided that Mirhossein Mousavi Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to instruct It was frightening, the absolute con- row and anger in me”.
Tuesday but said the decision was should be the president of their coun- the Council of Guardians to recount viction of these men, the total refusal Is it too late to end this fratricidal vio-
made with its network provider, not try. Unbelievably – and I am a witness Friday’s election vote had done nothing to accept any compromise, one side lence now? For each side, the integrity
the State Department. because I stood beside them – just 400 to dispel the suspicion and anger of the demanding obedience to the words of of their cause is fast becoming more
The micro-blogging site went Iranian special forces police were keep- reformist opposition in Iran. Ayatollah Khomeini and loyalty to the powerful than rational dialogue. The
down around 5pm (5am in Ma- ing these two armies apart. There were First it appeared that the council ghosts of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, the freedom which Mousavi’s supporters
laysia) on Tuesday and was back stones and tear gas but for the first time would examine every election result. other – emboldened by their million- have tasted – to ignore and disregard
online about an hour later. A State in this epic crisis the cops promised to Then only a few. Then Iranians were strong march on Monday – demanding and despise the clerical autocracy
Department official in Washington protect both sides. told that it might take 10 days to learn freedoms, albeit within an Islamic which has so humiliated them – is now
said Twitter had been asked to “Please, please, keep the Basiji from their decision. It was as well, perhaps, Republic, which they had never had so intoxicating that they are confront-
delay Monday’s shutdown because us,” one middle-aged lady pleaded with that Ahmadinejad had flown to Yeka- before. Maybe they now have the police ing their political enemies in the street
it was being used as “an important a special forces officer in flak jacket and terinburg for the Shanghai summit to on their side; if last night’s example was with a strange, unnerving, but genuine
means of communications” in Iran. helmet as the Islamic Republic’s thug- bore conference delegates with his anything to go by, either some senior of- humour.
– AFP like militia appeared in their camouflage speeches instead of the Iranian people ficer – or perhaps the cops themselves, At one point last night, men and
trousers and purity-white shirts only a whom he believes he represents. But on appalled at their behaviour over the past women wearing the green ribbons
few metres away. The cop smiled at her. Vanak Square last night, all this meant four days – decided that the special of Mousavi’s election stood on the
YouTube an online “With God’s help,” he said. Two other nothing. forces would no longer be patsies to pavement beside that chilling 100m of
stage for protest policemen were lifted shoulder-high. Plain-clothes cops – perhaps at last the frightening power of Ahmadinejad’s no-man’s-land next to chadored ladies
videos Tashakor, tashakor, - “thank you, thank realising the gravity of a situation which ever-loyal bullies. clutching the Iranian flag – Ahmadine-
you” – the crowd roared at them. their own obedience to Ahmadinejad’s Only hours earlier, seven men killed jad’s patriotic symbol. They even chat-
SAN FRANCISCO: YouTube on This was phenomenal. The armed men had brought about – persuaded by the Basiji at the end of Monday’s ted about the outcome of this fearful
Tuesday remained an online special forces of the Islamic Republic, middle-aged men from both sides march, were secretly buried by police confrontation between their two sides.
stage for videos of Iranian pro- hitherto always allies of the Basiji, to meet in the centre of the road in in Cemetery 257, a large graveyard It was a different narrative three
tests despite being blocked in were prepared for once, it seemed, to the middle of Vanak Square’s narrow close to the Khomeini shrine, where the hours earlier when Ahmadinejad’s men
that country in the wake of the protect all Iranians, not just Ahmadine- no-man’s-land. The Mousavi man, in a founder of the Islamic Revolution lies and women held their own demonstra-
disputed election in which Presi- jad’s henchmen. The precedent for this brown shirt, placed his hands around beneath a mosque of golden cupolas tion in Val-y-Asr Square. No word was
dent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sudden neutrality is known to everyone the arms of the bearded Iranian official and blue-tiled walls. No such honours said of Monday’s opposition mass
claimed victory. – it was when the Shah’s army refused from the Ahmadinejad side. “We cannot for the seven victims of the Basiji. They rally, nor of the street demonstrations
Jumpy video snippets evi- to fire on the millions of demonstrators allow this to happen,” he told him. And lay beneath a covering of earth, no in the cities of Shiraz, Mashad, Babol
dently taken hurriedly by people demanding his overthrow in 1979. he tried, as any Muslim does when he markers on their graves, no word sent and Tabriz. Indeed, most Iranians have
on the move continued to be Yet this is not a revolution to over- wants to show his desire for trust and to their families of their fate. no knowledge of these events; Ah-
uploaded to YouTube through throw the Islamic Republic. Both sets peace, to kiss the side of his opponent’s But the pro-government newspapers madinejad’s censors have seen to that.
the day. of demonstrators were shouting Allahu face. The bearded man physically shook in Teheran did report their deaths and The banners were predictable. “Death
Some videos showed people Akbar – “God is Great” – at Vanak Square him off, screaming abuse at him. one even gave its front page to the to the Traitor” – Mousavi, of course,
being beaten by riot police, and last night. But if the Iranian security forc- The two rows of police outraged condemnation of Teheran Uni- was the “betrayer” of the Republic.
other clips claimed to document es are now taking the middle ground, were now standing versity’s Chancellor at the Basiji “Death to anyone who is against the
the wreckage left behind after a then Ahmadinejad is truly in trouble. shoulder to intrusion onto the Supreme Leader” – which was a bit
military raid on a dorm at the As the fume-filled dusk fell over shoul- odd because neither Mousavi nor his
University of Teheran. the north Teheran streets, the crowds millions of supporters are
There were several videos grew wilder. I listened to a heavily against Ayatollah
purportedly showing a protester bearded Basiji officer extort- Khamenei (albeit
shot dead during massive street ing his men to assault the two men dis-
protests in Teheran on Monday. the 10,000 like each other); it
Clips of news coverage of Ira- is Ahmadinejad
nian protests were mixed with for whom
homemade commentaries and they have a
video of solidarity demonstra- hatred and
tions in Paris and other cities whom they
around the world. – AFP are trying to
depose. – The
Iranian Revolutionary Guards Independent

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