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4 theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 19 2009

news without borders

Husna Yusop and Giam Say Koon at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

New assessment for

Rais: No plan to STPM from 2011
BEGINNING 2011, the assess-
ment for the Sijil Tinggi Perse-
potential instead of examination
results only.

register bloggers
kolahan Malaysia (STPM) will be “This holistic assessment
changed from the current termi- concept is capable of enhancing
nal system to a modular system, the quality of students in terms
said Deputy Education Minister of human capacity building and
Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong. strengthening not only their
He said the Malaysian cognitive ability but also their
Examination Council (MEC) has inner strengths,” he said.
THE government has no plans to to improve the service in the long reviewed the Form Six assess- Salahuddin also asked how
list or register bloggers and they are term so that it could meet the origi- ment system in line with its the ministry was dealing with
still free to post information on the nal objectives. function as a bridge between what he termed as the “A-
internet, Information, Communica- He said at present, the rate of IT schools and tertiary institu- Syndrome” whereby students
tions and Culture Minister Datuk penetration in households is at 23% tions. become the victims as their
Seri Dr Rais Yatim said yesterday. and the government is confident it Wee said this in reply to a parents, teachers and society
“There are various processes of can reach 50% by end of next year. question from Salahuddin Ayub put too much emphasis on scor-
disseminating information these “At the moment, this service is (PAS-Kubang Kerian) who ing As.
days. widely enjoyed by the people in asked whether the government Wee said the government
“Whatever the authorities do, the Klang Valley. However, we will will conduct a holistic study to had decided to introduce a new
the websites are still free to post do more to improve it to reach the look at the effectiveness of the curriculum next year whereby
any information on the internet. remote areas and all schools,” he present examination system. only 30% of the Primary School
“At the moment, we do not list added. (For the record, under the Assessment Test would account
or register bloggers operating on To the original question from modular system, assessment for a child’s results and the
the Net. Datuk Ismail Abdul Mut- is conducted throughout the remaining 70% would be based
“And, there is no plan to do that. talib (BN-Maran), Rais said from study programme while under on several approaches.
However, to maintain harmony in 2005 until now, action has been the terminal system, the assess- They include psychometric
society, they (bloggers) must follow taken against 24 cases involving ment is held at the end of the tests, school-based assess-
the laws,” he told Lim Kit Siang compounds worth more than study period.) ments and achievements in
(DAP-Ipoh Timur). RM380,000 under the Communica- MEC chief executive Omar extra-curricular activities and
Lim in his supplementary tions and Multimedia Act 1998. Abu Bakar was reported saying sports throughout the six years
question said the plan to register “These private broadcasters in April, under the modular as- of study.
bloggers, made by some quarters were compounded for various sessment, four components will As for the Penilaian Menen-
recently, was a backward move. offences, including breaching the be applied, namely the normal gah Rendah (PMR) and Sijil
Last month, Rais was reported conditions set under the broadcast- examinations, school projects, Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) exami-
saying the proposal was good but ing licence,” he added. practical work and open-book nations, Wee said the proposed
required in-depth study. As for offences regarding abuse tests. weightages were 50% and 70%
Lim also complained about the of websites, six cases involv- Wee said the country’s edu- respectively.
broadband service which he said ing eight individuals have been cation system was undergoing a The pilot project started last
can also be called “narrowband” or brought to court for insulting the transformation process with the year involving Year One pupils
“snailband”. Sultan of Perak whereby one of implementation of the National in 50 schools nationwide and it
To this, Rais said the govern- them had pleaded guilty and fined Education Assessment System, was extended to 500 schools
ment has put aside RM2.4 billion RM10,000. taking into account students’ this year, he added.

338 ex-communists allowed to return home

FOUR hundred and thirty-one Hishammuddin Hussein. signing of agreement, submit their former communists accepted back
former Communist Party of Malaya “The other 93 were rejected for particulars and go through an inter- into the country and those rejected
(CPM) members applied to return various reasons, such as failure to view and documentation process. and the reasons.
home but only 338 were allowed comply with the conditions and Hishammuddin said not all Hishammuddin said the
to do so following the “Agreement problems in terms of citizenship CPM members chose to return to names would not be disclosed
To Terminate Hostilities” signed status. Of this, there were also ap- Malaysia as many of them opted to due to security reasons.
between the government and CPM plications which were withdrawn stay in southern Thailand. “To avoid any incident which
on Dec 2, 1989. by the applicants themselves,” he “Under the agreement, the can threaten or jeopardise the
“They were allowed to return told Teresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh) government did not force them to country’s stability as well as the
home in the one-off arrangement in a written reply. return. They were given the op- former communists themselves,
after the ex-communists had gone According to the agreement, he tions whether to retun or continue their names cannot be disclosed.
through all the required procedures said, former CPM members who staying in southern Thailand,” he For the same reasons, their
and met all conditions imposed,” wanted to return must notify the said. homecoming process were not
said Home Minister Datuk Seri authorities within a year after the Kok also asked for the names of given any publicity,” he added.

Set up task force to address human

trafficking issues
CHARLES SANTIAGO (DAP-Klang) urges Home raised in parliament …,” he said.
Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein to Santiago also accused former home minister
immediately set up an independent task force Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar for misleading the
to address human trafficking issues which had house and the country.
caused the country to be blacklisted by the In July 2008, the Home Ministry announced
United States. that a special committee would be established
In a press conference in Parliament lobby, to investigate accusations highlighted in a NTV7
Santiago said Malaysia’s credibility on the in- documentary titled Refugee for Sale … but the
ternational arena was at stake and if the home producer (of the documentary) was not con-
minister fails to take decisive action, Malaysia tacted for further information and evidence,”
would continue to bear the humiliation of being he said.
lumped with North Korea, Myanmar, Sudan and Santiago said the report placed Malaysia in
Zimbabwe in human trafficking. tier three which has ramifications for securing
“The condemnation of Malaysia in the US an- international loans from multilateral financial
nual Trafficking in Persons Report 2009 should bodies and eliminates all opportunities for
not come as a surprise as the government was civil servants to take advantage of Fulbright
put on notice a year ago on active trafficking in scholarships and other educational and cultural
persons in the country by local NGOs, questions exchanges with the US.

Caught in the act ...

Police released the images of
two men who were among seven
members of a gang who robbed
11 victims at five restaurants and
a hotel in less than an hour on
Tuesday in Puchong. Selangor CPO
DCP Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said the
images were grabbed from a CCTV
video footage recorded at one of the
restaurants. He urged those with
information on the whereabouts of
the suspects to call the Selangor
police hotline at 03-2052 9999 or the
nearest police station.

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