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theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 19 2009 11

news without borders

Hear us out,
say pork sellers Kim Hee welcomes any move
Press Digest to control pork prices, saying
that consumers will no longer
by Kong See Hoh be confused over the prices once they become transparent.
He said pig farmers, but not
PORK news hogged the head- pork sellers, have been trans-
lines again in the Chinese press parent about their prices.
following Domestic Trade, Hua Zong (Federation of
Cooperative and Consumerism Chinese Associations of Malay-
Minister Datuk Seri Ismail sia) said it is ready to mediate
Sabri Yaakob’s warning on between pig farmers and pork
Tuesday that the government sellers for a win-win solution
would consider making pork a to the problems of pig and pork
controlled item if the ex-farm prices.
price of pig continued to in- Meanwhile, the ministry’s
crease. secretary-general, Datuk Mohd
Ismail’s remark, following a Zain Mohd Dom, said the min-
row between pig farmers and istry has no plans to made pork
pork sellers, prompted pork a controlled item.
sellers to urge the ministry to He said the ministry will also
hear them out before making a not force pig farmers or pork
decision. traders to lower their prices.
National Pork Sellers Associa- Asked to comment on the
tion president Goh Chui Lai said minister’s remark, he said the
the ministry cannot list pork as a ministry has not discussed the
controlled item simply because likelihood of putting a cap on
the ex-farm price of pigs is go- pork prices.
ing up. This will not effectively “We will find ways to help
stablise pork prices, he said. pig farmers and pork sellers
Malacca pork trader Lim overcome their problems and
Woo Pau, a former pig farmer, hope that they will cooperate
opined that the government (with us).
should control the prices of pigs “We will not force them to
and animal feed before making lower their prices; that is impos-
pork a price-controlled item. He sible,” he said.
said capping the price of pork is The latest spat between pig
not a long-term solution. farmers and pork sellers arose
But Federation of Livestock when pork sellers threatened
Farmers Association of Malay- to pass on the steep hikes in pig
sia (FLFAM) pig unit chief Beh prices to consumers.

India, Malaysia to set up task

force on higher education
KUALA LUMPUR: India and Ma- and Distance Learning: Bridging
laysia have decided to set up a the Knowledge Divide” at the Asia
task force to address all issues on e-University (AeU), here.
higher education between the two Sibal said any impediment on
countries, India’s Human Resource the development of higher educa-
Development Minister Kapil Sibal tion between India and Malaysia
said yesterday. would be addressed by the task
He said the task force would force by exploring possible solu-
present a report within three tions.
months to the ministers in charge “A range of issues ... how to
of higher education of India and settle it ... to resolve it. This is
Malaysia for them to decide on the something for the task force to
next course of action. recommend to us,” said Sibal,
The issues to be taken up by whose portfolio covers primary,
the task force include those re- secondary and tertiary education
lated to the recognition of medical and vocational training as well as
degrees. human capital development.
“The idea behind this (task Meanwhile, in a separate
force) ... we would like a free flow function at the same venue, Sibal
of students from one system to performed the soft launch of the
another ... from one educational in- first “India Education Fair 2009”
stitution to another between India to be held at the Mid Valley Mega
and Malaysia,” Sibal told reporters Mall here on June 20 and 21.
after opening a seminar on “Open – Bernama

More women pursuing

entrepreneurship for career
KUALA LUMPUR: More women medium enterprise (SME) compa-
in Malaysia are choosing entre- nies in the country were involved
preneurship for a career despite in the services, manufacturing and
the various challenges they face agricultural sectors and women
such as lack of financial support owned 16% of the companies.
and competitiveness in the mar- “Malaysian women entre-
ket, Deputy Women, Family and preneurs are also increasingly
Community Development Minister recognised as key players in the
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said economy, in particular SMEs.
yesterday. “They have also earned rec-
She said the government was ognition in many fields as they
concerned about these challenges now headed several multi-na-
and the relevant ministries had tional companies which used to
been tasked to identify the factors be dominated by men,” she said
which impeded one from progress- at the First Asia Women Business
ing in business. Power Conference at Technology
Chew said 99% of the small and Park Malaysia, here. – Bernama

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