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Praying Effectively ~ James 5:16b-18 September 9-13, 2013 Monday: Read James 5:13-18 One of the main themes running through the letter of James is that of how Christians should view and handle suffering. James has already prescribed patient endurance as a way forward in the midst of character-refining trials, but in verse 13a he offers an addition means of moving forward in the midst of suffering. What does James say we should do in the midst of suffering? What is the relationship between patient endurance & prayer when we are in the midst of suffering? If you are in the midst suffering right now are you moving forward as James prescribes? Tuesday: Read James 5:13-18 In verse 13b James indicates that good things in life over which we should rightly rejoice never happen so the good emotions can terminate on themselves. Rather, good things James says should elicit another form of prayer. What kind of prayer is appropriate to the one who is cheerful? What is the relationship between occasions for cheerfulness & praise? What good things are you enjoying right now for which you should praise God? Wednesday: Read James 5:13-18 In verses 14-15 James sets out for us a view of life which is God centered and God directed. JA Moyter has written, On no occasion should a Christian approach a doctor without also approaching God, but there are those times when a notable and special approach to God will seem right and it is for this that James here makes a lovely provision. Does James view of God as the healer behind all remedies encourage & comfort you? Why or why not? Do you place more trust in the means God has ordained to bring about healing or in the God who has ordained the means to bring about healing? Thursday: Read James 5:13-18 In verse 16a James issues a command to confess our sins not to God but to our brother. Why would James instruct us to confess to each other? What does James say is the purpose of this confession? Do you honestly pray for others who are honest with you about their sins? Who do you need to pray for today regarding sin issues in their life? Friday: Read James 5:13-18; 1 Kings 17:1; 1 Kings 18:1 In verse 16b-18 James gives us a principle & an illustration regarding the effectiveness of prayer. What is the principle James states & what is the illustration James utilizes? Do you believe that God answers prayer in one way, shape, or form when we are faithful to pray? Do you pray expecting Him to answer? What is one prayer that you need to keep patiently praying and expecting God to answer one way or another?

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