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tjynfjynfqdkif&mjrefrm&[ef;awmfrsm;tzGJ‹ (tdEdN,)

F-34, F-Block, VikasPuri, 110018. New Delhi, Ph : +911145535099

Date- June 19, 2009

Today, June 19, 2009 marks the 64th Birthday of the only imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize
recipient, Aung San Suu Kyi, who will celebrate another birthday under the detention of
Burmese military regime. We, the International Burmese Monks Organization , hereby
wishes her a happy birthday and prays to have celebrations for her future birthdays in a
democratic Federal Union of Burma.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has remained the iconic symbol of freedom and the struggle for
independence in Burma since she joined the pro-democracy movement in 1988. She has
essentially become the face of Burma in its struggle for freedom, democracy and human
rights. No one comes even remotely close to her in that role of leadership. In Suu Kyi, the
majority sees her as one of their own, who understands them and can talk in the same
language. They see her as the daughter of their leader. And it is in her that the minority
communities like the Karen and Shan look for leadership, as do many other communities that
form today’s Burma. She is their hope and dream. She is their leader, comrade, and sister.
She is also a fellow-traveler tasting pain and suffering in the long march to freedom,
democracy and human rights. She is their last chance to redress their grievances and elevate
their status from statelessness to statehood, denial to acceptance, non-entity to entity, and
become effective citizens in a federal system that respects and protects their unique place in
history, culture and religion.

On 6th of May, 2009, an American citizen was detained by Burmese military regime after
secretly swimming across Inya Lake, Rangoon to gain access to the Nobel Laureate’s House.
According to the official Burmese media, he was identified as 53-year old former military
serviceman John William Yettaw of Falcon, Missouri, USA. On 13th of May, American
diplomat was allowed to meet with him. Although his motives for the alleged lake exploits
remain unclear, it caused the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi to serve jail terms
under the anti-subversion laws.

Aung San Suu Kyi has spent most of the past 19 years detained in virtual isolation in her
crumbing compound since the junta refused to recognize her party’s landslide victory in the
country’s last election in 1990. Her last period of detention at her home expires at the end of
May. This expiration of six years of house arrest, without trail or charge or even figleaf of
legal respectability, was to have yanked away from the generals.

Now, due to the uninvited access to her compound by American citizen, the military generals
no longer need to trouble themselves with legal niceties and it has given them a ready-made
reason to imprison the most prominent political prisoner up for at least another five years.
Even though unique appeals had made for the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi by former
presidents and prime ministers from around the world, the UN General Assembly, the UN
Secretary General, EU, ASEAN countries, Amnesty International, and many other influential
humanitarian organizations worldwide, Burma’s military leaders have still kept her in Insein
Jail and adjourned her trial.

So, we, the International Burmese Monks Organization (India Branch) urgently request for
increased international efforts for the release of our national hero Aung San Suu Kyi, U
Gambira, The Leader of All Burma Monks’ Alliance who was sentenced to 68 years and all
other political prisoners in Burma. It would perfectly play into the hands of the junta if the
international community do not stand up with the People of Burma who have been oppressed
by the junta for several years.

International Burmese Monks Organization

India Branch

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