An Easy Way To Invoke The Five Elements

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An Easy Way to Invoke the Five Elements - Go out to your backyard, or somewhere in Nature where you will not

be disturbe d, preferrably @ Midnight, the Witching Hour. - From having done your homework earlier in the Day when you located the directi ons of East and West by tracking Brother Sun, you then use that memory recall to designate which are the 4 Cardinal Directions/Elements, startin g with: - Earth/North: Step on that area with your bare feet, so you are direct ly in contact with Gaea HerSelf. Feel the connexion between you, the human/Divine Priest/ess, and the Ear th element. Say: In the Names of (Names of Your choices of God/dess here), I invoke the Divine Element of Earth. - Air/East: Face towards the Father/Mother Sky, in that very direction. Feel the Space connexion between the closest Element of magick in physical description to Akasha/Spirit. Blow in a h eart-shape @ least 5 times towards the East, till you feel Sister Wind responding in kind. Say: In the Names of (Names of Your choices of God/dess here), I invoke the Divine Element of Air. - Fire/South: Either have in your possession already some matchbook/ligh ter to be used as ignited, sparking the very Element of Fire, Rapid Action/Thoughts/Feelings. Put Your receptive hand Chakra as close to the flame as you feasibly can, until You receive its regenerative/cleansing/healing energies. Or, even more Naturally, l ook Skyward and see one of our Stars, and choose Your Power Star, if You haven't already done so. Reach out to Hir on the psychic p lanes, metaphysically speaking. With your receptive hand (usually left if You are right-handed), raise your hand Chakra towards y our Power Star, drawing Hir energies down into your metaphysical Being, recharging Your batteries until the next night, when you can repe at this sub-ritual all by itSelf. This is how I personally Draw Down Brother Sun/Sister Moon as well....quite effective, I might ad d. Say: In the Names of (Names of YOur choices of God/dess here), I invoke the Divine Element of Fire. - Water/West: If you haven't already equipped yourSelf with a small por table cup of Water, which would probably be most necessary in this particular ritualistic aspect if you are not already n ear a source of Water Element naturally speaking, which of course then you would adjust your Being to include said Water Source, if at all possible, to the West of You, which then You would face, touching Your receptive AND projective hands to It. Feel the DNA connexion between You and said Element of Water, which according to scientists, we apparently are @ least 85+% made up of. Say: In the Names of (Names of Your choices of God/dess here), I invoke the Divine Element of Water. - Spirit/Akasha: Enter into the Center of your 4 Elements/Directional B lessing Areas, and stretch out in the Traditional Pentacle Pose (as I like to call it), with your arms outstretched toward s Father/Mother Sky/Multiverses, feet stretched out, so that You are standing as the Ace of Pentacles ItSelf, the Element of Earth, redundant, yet also containing Spirit. Feel the Deva/Divine Connexion between You, the High Priest/ess, and Holy Spirit, in All of Hir Forms, especially as the Deep Dark Space of the Multiverses, the Connexion between All Things, the Space Between, th e Skin of Our Lady Sri Kali Ma, in Whose Divine Age We Are All currently living, and will be for the next several hundred Thousand years or so.

Say: In the Names of (Names of Your choices of God/dess here), I invoke the Divine Element of Spirit. All Forms of magickal rituals may be started now. Blessed BE! Cinnamon Magpie/Willow Tree (birth tree from Celtic astrology)

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