Lecture 4

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Lecture 4 (September 5, 2012)

Vectors Resolving Vectors into Components Vector Addition and Subtraction (Geometric and Analytical Methods)

Can you make it to Dr. DUrsos office hours (MF 10:00 11:00 am)?

(A) Yes (B) No

Could you make it to Dr. DUrsos office hours if they were moved to (MF 9:00 10:00 am)?

(A) Yes (B) No

Could you make it to Dr. DUrsos office hours if they were moved to (MF 11:00 am 12:00 pm)?

(A) Yes (B) No

Where to Go for Help

1. Your Recitation Section. 2. Office Hours: Lecturer: Prof. Brian R. DUrso Office Hours (113B OEH): Mon. 10:00 11:00 am Fri. 10:00 11:00 am Elliot Jenner Office Hours (B4 Thaw): Sumit Sarbadhicary Office Hours (B4 Thaw): Bradley Slezak Office Hours (B4 Thaw): Wed. 11:00 am 12:00 pm Fri. 4:00 5:00 pm Tues. 2:00 3:00pm Thurs. 3:00 4:00pm Tues. 1:00 2:00 pm Thursday 4:00 5:00 pm




3. Physics Resource Room: See link on CourseWeb page under Syllabus. 4. Pitt A&S Academic Resource Center (ARC) tutoring (starts Sept. 10): Free individual tutoring, see http://www.asundergrad.pitt.edu/ 5. Appointment with Lecturer or TA.

Kinematic Equations for Free Fall

v = v0 gt 1 2 gt 2 2 v 2 = v0 2 g ( y y0 ) y = y0 + v0 t v +v y y0 = 0 t 2
Here, the +y direction is up.

Vectors and Scalars

Some physical quantities are fully described by giving a single number, which could be negative. Examples are mass, electric charge, and temperature. Such quantities are called scalars. In contrast, other physical quantities are fully specified by giving a number (with units), the magnitude, and a direction. Examples include displacement, velocity and acceleration. Such quantities are called vectors.

Notation used in this course:

A vector will be written as a letter with an arrow over it The magnitude of a vector will be written as A scalar will be written as just a letter

r v
r v =v

Vectors can be represented pictorially using arrows. The arrows can be moved around. A given arrow represents the same vector, no matter where it is placed.

r A

r B

Vector Addition Pictorial representation of vector addition: the head-to-tail method.

r B

The vectors must live r B in the same space. The sum of vectors is often called the resultant. Vector addition commutes (the order does not matter):

r r A+ B

r A

r r r r A+B =B+A

A minus sign reverses the direction of a vector.

If this is vector

r A

Then this is vector

r A

(same magnitude, but opposite direction)


Vector Addition and Subtraction

r r The vector subtraction A Br can be performed by reversing the direction of B and then adding
the two vectors.

r r A+ B

r B
r A

r B
r r A B

Vector Subtraction: Another Method

Place the two vectors so that their tails meet. The difference is the vector directed from the head of the subtracted vector to the head of the vector from which it is subtracted. Example: Displacement:

r r r x = x 2 x1

r x1

r x2

r r r x = x 2 x1


Review of Trigonometry


Vector Components
Decomposition of a vector into its components (2-D)

A x = A cos A y = A sin
2 A = A2 x + Ay

r Ay

r A
r Ax

tan =

Ay Ax


points in the positive x direction points in the positive y direction (hence the name unit vectors)

= i j =1

Unit Vectors


Unit Vectors
A vector is the sum of its components

r r r A = Ax + Ay

Or in terms of unit vectors

r Ay

r A

r A = Ax i + Ay j

r Ax is a vector.

r Ax

Ax is not. r Ax = Ax i

Vector Addition using Components

r r r C= A+B r A = Ax i + A y j + A zk r B = Bx i + By j + Bzk r C = (A x + B x ) i + (A y + B y ) j + (A z + Bz )k


r r Vectors A and B have the following components:

r A

r B

x-component: +5 units -6 units y-component: -2 units +2 units r r r What are the components of vector C = A + B ? (A) Cx = +7 units, Cy = +8 units (B) Cx = +3 units, Cy = +4 units (C) Cx = +3 units, Cy = -4 units (D) Cx = -1 units, Cy = 0 units


r r Vectors A and B have the following components:

r A

x-component +5 units y-component -2 units r What is the magnitude of vector C = (A) (B) (C) (D)
r C r C r C r C

-6 units +2 units r r A+ B ?

r B

= -1 units = +1 units = -2.65 units = +5 units



Two vector quantities, whose directions can be altered at will, can have a resultant whose length is between the limits 5 and 15. (Consideration of all possible resultants covers the entire interval from 5 to 15.) What could the magnitudes of these two vector quantities be?

(A) 2 and 3 (B) 5 and 10 (C) 10 and 25 (D) 3 and 12


Halliday, Resnick and Walker: Problem 3-2 The two vectors shown below lie in an xy plane. What are the signs of the x and y components, respectively, of: a) d1 + d 2 b) d1 d 2 c)

r r

r r d 2 d1



Halliday, Resnick and Walker: Problem 3-6 Describe two vectors a and b such that:

r r r a) a + b = c and a + b = c
b) a + b = a b

c) a + b = c and a 2 + b 2 = c 2



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