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Body Flare To do a body flare, you should be able to hold a hangglide position pretty well.

If you want to do it clockwise, use your right elbow as your elbow in the middle part of your stomach, counter clockwise use your left hand. I'm going to explain how to do it counter-clockwise. Put your left elbow in the middle of your stomach and your right hand out to your right side, either flat or on the side where your pinky is. The right side of your head should be smooched on the floor as well. The closer to your head your elbow is, the higher in the air your legs are. Kick your left leg under your right leg and roll onto your back. You can also follow with your right leg and make it a nice backspin. This is also a big part of the windmill. You can also turn it into a freeze or headspin. Make sure to stretch your wrists a lot first so you don't screw 'em up. Good luck. Backspin Wear: Windbreaker, sneakers. Action: [1] Sit on the floor with your left leg bent and your right leg back in a 90 degree angle, support your body with your left hand. [2] Bring your right leg around in a wide circular motion. At the same time move from a sitting position and roll in to a ball with your balance on the top of your back. [3] Pull your legs in fast and keep your body in a tight ball. The less of your back touching the floor, the longer you'll spin. [4] End with a Pop Out by moving to your feet without using your hands. Sidewinder [1] Lay on your left side with your left arm on the floor in front of you and your right arm on your side. [2] Now move your legs as if your walking backwards and push off with your left leg pushing the lower part of your body backward. At the same time move your arms in a similar manner but push off with your left arm pushing the upper part of your body backwards. If done correctly you will smoothly flow backwards while looking as if your not supposed to move at all.

How to break dance

Mini flare The Mini Flare is like half a flare you do in the middle of you're six step and MUCH easier than the flare...but for some reason people seem to be more impressed my the mini flare... so here we go!! [1] Start from the push up position or wherever you start to do you're six step. [2] Do a six step or three to get some speed & smoother motion. Now as you start you're second (third or fourth) six step you begin the mini flare on step TWO of the six step. [3] So when you start the second step don't lock you're right leg on the back on you're left knee!! Just kick you're right leg "over" it like you would do when going' to a backspin except this time you're weight stays on you're hands. [4] As you kick you're right leg it should draw like a half circle and if you kick hard enough you're right leg should basically pull you're left leg with it. [5] So now both you're feet are up in the air, weight on you're hands and you're legs should be in a V like position (wide open & pretty straight) Remember you won't be in this position long so you don't have to worry much about arm strength. [6] Now the power of the first kick should bring you a lil' to the left and you should land in the same position you would be in the six step's step 4. Be careful wit the landing part 'cos it's easy to hurt you're leg coming' down so hard!!! 6 step This is the basis of bboyin. Its the thing people do when they first hit the floor. It looks like your sitting there with your legs flying around you. Like the name says, it has six steps. These instructions are for doing the move counter-clockwise, as are most moves. To start, get in the position like you would to do a push up, but with your feet spread about 2 or so feet apart.

Step 1: Lift your right hand, and move your left where your hand used to be. Step 2: Move your right leg forward so your knees are close, but keep your left leg where it is. Step 3: Pull your left leg in as your right leg stays where it is. Step 4: Swing your right leg in a WIDE arc kind of like how peeps do that coffee grinder thing Switch hands, so now you're right hand is down, left hand up. Keep your right leg swinging around. Step 5: Your right leg swings around and wraps around your left. You have your face down and both hands on the floor. Extend your left leg first, then your right leg. This is important to making it look right. Step 6: Now you're in the starting position, continue with step 1 that's how the 6-step is done. You'll see it often referred to in other moves such as mini flare, swipes, and other stuff. You will start most moves from the 6-step. All the power moves that you do on the ground (except flares) can only be started from 6-step and look good. Some moves from 6-step: Mini Flares/Baby Flares-This is kind of a half flare. All you do is swing both feet up in front of you like a flare, on step 2. Lots of people dont know how this ends up, but its simple. Both feet go back around you and you end up in step 4/5. Windmills can be put in on step 2 Go to Crickets/Jackhammers/other similar moves from step 5. Most other moves, you can figure out where it can fit just cuz it feels comfortable that way. Good luck and practice a lot. The Worm Also known as the Dolphin. Here try these out they pretty fun... My name is Sid and I am the leader of The VVeR(V) CreVV a 5 member group. I'm gonna teach U how to Worm. There are about 4 different worms. First of all make sure you always have your shirts tucked in. Guys, never do the Worm if U

got a boner or else itz gonna B really painful... And Girlz just watch out what's goin on around U...

#1 Da Original Worm =================== [1] First you start out in push-up position on the ground with your whole body touching the ground. [2] Swing your legs and thighs up putting your weight on the waist up. [3] Push up your arms while your legs go down so the space under you flows forward. [4] Repeat the steps. It may look like you're humping the ground unless you do it right. It's easy to learn but difficult to master. Once you get better at it try moving side to side by tucking in your right elbow and going left to right make sure you land on your side or else you can't get enough momentum for a second one. Also try using one hand. Use one hand to grab your shoulder then try doin werms. If you're skilled enough try the superworm by putting your hands in front of you like superman does. You can practice by lifting your legs and putting your weight on your hips and chest.

#2 Backwards Worm ================= It starts like #1 but instead of lifting your legs you lift your shoulders up until it reaches your hips then you use your legs to hop up, use your arms to move backwards and your chest goes down before your legs. You can start this by going from a dolphin dive it's kinda like a falling handstand where you slowly move down towards your chest then to your stomach then you do the backwards worm.

#3 Flying Worm ============== This is a bit like the rubber band or jack knife (whichever you call it) but instead of jumping

back you roll back on your back then jump out again. Just do Azn get ups then roll back on your back then do another Azn get up.

#4 Spazam Worm ============== [1] Get on your back and lift up your shoulders then when you put your shoulders down you lift up your legs. [2] You should land on the lower portion of your shoulders and jump when 2/3 of your back is up. This should look like an upside down worm. It might help if you grab the back of your thighs or slap the ground for height. Just make sure you do it fast like you're having spasms. Nipple twist This move is original to me, but I don't know if it has been done before. Just remember to wear a shirt when doing this move. (unless you only want one nipple, and not two.) Nipple Twist: 1.) lie flat on your stomach. hands out, and legs bent at the knees like in a turtle position 2.) curl your back slightly, so your chest, and upper abdomin only touch the floor. 3.) use your hands to push yourself in a twisting motion. (which ever side is up to you.) After you have mastered this move, which will take about two minutes, you can get into it from just about anything, as long as you get enough momentum. My favorite is the 6 step into this move.

Nilla ice This move is quite easy, and Vanilla Ice invented it, that's how it got it's name, ok: 1. Get in the push-up position; legs spread. 2. Go down, bending at the elbows, like your gonna do a push up. 3. Push hard up and to the right, and at the same time lift your legs off the ground; up and to the right. 4. *Land back on your hands and toes back in the push up position. 5. Repeat steps 2-4 as many times as you want.

6. Then start pushing up and to the left, so your body moves to the left instead of right. * If you can, you can get a quick hand clap in, while in mid-air. That's the Nilla Ice, KEEP BREAKIN'! PeAcE!, 3 Step What's up new breakers? This move is pretty easy to learn.......... SO HERE WE GO! [1] First, you get into a crab position(This is where your face is facing the ceiling) [2] Then, you move your left foot forwards. [3] Put your left hand by your right and in a spilt second, pull your left foot back and move your right foot up. [4] Your hands should carry some of your weight since you are leaning to your right. [5] (This is the hard part)You sweep your right foot to your left(like you are doing a helicopter) but let right foot carry, don't let it go through. You should end up moving 180 degrees to your left and left foot back at the same position. Keep practicing! Rubber Band [1] Start on your upper back with your hands on the floor behind you (or above you) and your knees in your chest. [2] Kick up and lean forward so you land on your feet but don't stand all the way up. [3] Lean back down and land your hands on the floor again and lift your knees back into your chest. [4] Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Rolls [1] Get so that you're on all fours, or in the crab position [2] Now take your right hand and throw it over to your left side. You're upper body should be twisting a bit. [3] When your right hand is securely on your left side make sure that your hands are the same width apart that you would do a handstand in. [4] Now lift your right leg off the ground, and kick up into a handstand, with you're legs bent and then jump off of your hands and back onto the ground in the crab position. [5] At the same time, your body should be twisting like a swipe. [6] Now repeat the steps, except when you are in the air and on your hands, spread your legs as far as they will go and then bring them back in to land in the crab position. This move isn't that hard, it will come with time and practice, but once you get it goin' it looks very nice

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