Ch. 37-38 Notes

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Ch. 37 Quiz What did Eisenhower call his domestic policy?

icy? Hint: _________ Conservatism Who led the Communist revolution in Cuba? Who did Joseph McCarthy accuse of harboring communists that caused the government and the American people to turn on him? Who did Eisenhower appoint as the Supreme Court Chief Justice? What court case ruled that segregated school systems were inherently unequal? Every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies . . . a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, APRIL 16, 1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower wins the election of 1952 Chooses Richard Nixon as his running mate in order to bring in the Anti-Communist vote Economic Boom Times Prosperity sweeps the nation as technology leads the way Suburbia expands rapidly David Riesman and William H. Whyte Jr. become social critics who openly criticized the mass media culture of the 1950s saying that Americans had become affluent conformists unable to think for themselves Exploding employment opportunities for women in the 1950s unleashed a groundswell of social and psychological shocks that mounted to tidal-wave proportions in the decades that followed Betty Friedan gave focus and fuel to womens feelings in 1963 when she published The Feminine Mystique The Television Age In terms of politics TV threatened the traditional roles of political parties Applied the standards of show business and commercialism to political messages Allowed politicians to address voters directly Encouraged reliance on short slogans and sound bites The American people loved Dwight D. Eisenhower and his greatest asset as President was his enjoyment of the affection and respect of the American People Senator Joseph McCarthy goes too far McCarthys anticommunist crusade ends when he attacks the US Army for allegedly sheltering communists Desegregation A gap between American ideals and racial practices revealed by WWII led to a new militancy and restlessness among many African

Americans In an effort to overturn Jim Crow laws and the segregated system that they had created, African Americans: Staged economic boycotts Attacked the underpinnings of segregation in the courts Black churches became staging points for black rights Adopted the non-violent tactics of Gandhi When singer Paul Robeson begins to criticize American racial policies in Europe the State Department revokes his passport The Supreme Court began to advance the cause of civil rights in the 1950s because Congress and the Presidency had largely abdicated their responsibilities by ignoring the problem Desegregation Cont. On the subject of racial justice, President Eisenhower had advised against integrating the armed forces Truman ignored this and integrated them anyways Brown vs. the Board of Education The 1954 Supreme Court case that ruled racially segregated school systems were inherently unequal Earl Warren was the chief justice on the case Little Rock Nine (1957) Forced the integration of Central High School in Arkansas Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus sends in the State National Guard to prevent this Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne to make sure that the nine African American students made it to school safely Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta are arrested for the first time in 1955 for organizing a bus boycott King is arrested a grand total of 300 times before his life is cut short by an assassins bullet Each arrest was calculated in order to challenge a law in court Eisenhower appoints Earl Warren to the Supreme Court Thought to be a staunch conservative because of his role with putting the Japanese in internment camps Turns out to be one of the most liberal judges in US history Eisenhower says of Warren, His appointment was my biggest regret SNCC Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Grew out of the sit-in movement launched by young southern blacks President Eisenhower defines his domestic policy as Dynamic Conservatism Eisenhower wanted a return to the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 when dealing with Native Americans Forced assimilation Eisenhowers foreign policy Called for open skies over the United States and the Soviet Union U2 Crisis and Francis Gary Powers Dienbienphu falls to Ho Chi Minhs communist forces

Eisenhower refuses to permit any American involvement Minh had been fighting against imperialistic forces in Vietnam since WWI John Foster Dulles was Eisenhowers vehemently anticommunist Secretary of State In a massive roundup of illegal immigrants, dubbed Operation Wetback in reference to the migrants watery route across the Rio Grande, as many as 1 million Mexicans were apprehended and returned to Mexico in 1954 The U.S. president and Congress proclaimed the Eisenhower Doctrine in 1957, pledging U.S. military and economic aid to Middle Eastern nations threatened by communist aggression In 1956, when Hungary revolted against the Soviet Union, Eisenhower promised aid but provided none when Hungary finally revolted Also in 1956, The US condemned Britain and France as the aggressors in the Suez Canal Crisis The CIA organized revolutions and assassinations in both Iran and Guatemala Sputnik is launched into orbit by the USSR Eisenhower wins the 1956 election in a landslide Castro and Che Guevara overthrow the Cuban govt. in favor of communism Election of 1960 Nixon vs. JFK Nixon was the heavy favorite Kennedys religion (Roman Catholic) and age scared many voters John Kennedys father, Joseph Kennedy, made his fortunes off of whiskey patents and film financing Joseph had been grooming his son Joe Kennedy to become president but he died testing a plane over the English Channel John was next in line and was a war hero himself in the Pacific The Televised debates make Kennedy look youthful and charismatic and Nixon old and flustered Nixon refused make up saying, thats for ladies Kennedy wins the closest election in US history (until 2000) Literature of the Era Two postwar American fiction writers, who explored the problems and anxieties of affluence, were John Updike and John Cheever Compared to World War I, the literary outpouring from World War II can be best described as less realistic Many of the better known poets of WWII ended their lives by suicide William Faulkner considered by many to be the greatest American novelist Earnest Hemingway commits suicide in 1961 Arthur Miller writes Death of a Salesman

Ch. 38 Notes Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans JOHN F. KENNEDY, INAUGURAL, 1961 Kennedys cabinet was much younger than any cabinet in US History Kennedys family and cabinet become known as Camelot or The New Frontier Kennedy was often cautious and frustrated in advancing social reform and civil rights legislation because conservative southern Democrats controlled key Congressional committees President Kennedy's most bitter confrontation with big business occurred when he forced steel industry leaders to roll back steel price increases The 1962 Trade Expansion Act reduced American Tariffs Khrushchev and the Soviets tested Kennedys resolve in the early years of his presidency Put up the Berlin Wall in 1961 Foreign Policy Kennedy sends Military Advisers (US Troops) to South Vietnam to stabilize the region Kennedy advised the South Vietnamese govt. that Vietnam was their war although by the time of his death there were 15,000 advisers in Vietnam While it seemed sane enough, John F. Kennedy's doctrine of flexible response contained hidden dangers because it potentially lowered the level at which diplomacy would give way to shooting CIA lets Kennedy know of a plan to take back Cuba that was developed under the Eisenhower administration Bay of Pigs is a huge disaster for the US as well as their foreign policy image Anti-Castro exiles were defeated by the Cuban military Kennedy promises to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade (1960s) Foreign Policy Cont. Cuban Missile Crisis U-2 spy plane takes pictures over Cuba and discovered nuclear missiles Naval blockade Soviets removed missiles US had to promise they wouldnt invade Cuba US had to remove their missiles from Turkey Khrushchev removed from power Cuban Missile Crisis video The economic and political results of John Kennedy's Alliance for

Progress in Latin America were generally disappointing In a speech at American University in 1963, President Kennedy recommended the adoption of a policy toward the Soviet Union based on peaceful coexistence Domestic Policy and Civil Rights President John Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy began to join hands with the civil rights movement when they sent sent federal marshals to protect the Freedom Riders American and world public opinion turned strongly in favor of the civil rights movement when Martin Luther King's peaceful demonstrators were viciously attacked in Birmingham Malcolm X took a much different approach At the time of his death, President John Kennedy's civil rights bill was still hung up in Congress Kennedy Assassinated Kennedy Assassination video JFK killed by Lee Harvey Oswald Oswald killed the next day by Jack Ruby Lyndon B Johnson takes the Oath of Office LBJ election video Daisy LBJ Before he became vice president and then president of the United States, Lyndon Johnson had exercised great power as Majority Leader of the US Senate President Johnson proved to be much more successful than President Kennedy at getting his legislation passed by Congress Largely due to the sympathy that the country felt because of the Kennedy assassination All of the following programs were created by Lyndon Johnson's administration: The National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities Project Head Start Medicare The office of economic opportunity In the final analysis, Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs won some noteworthy battles in education and health care LBJs Foreign Policy Lyndon Johnson sent 25,000 American troops to counteract alleged communist influence in the Dominican Republic The 1967 Six-Day War intensified the Arab-Israeli conflict by bringing into constant, direct conflict Israelis and Palestinians Vietnam War LBJ escalates troop involvement in Vietnam The focal point of congressional opposition to Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam War policy was Senator William Fulbright's Foreign Relations Committee

During the Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson ordered the CIA, in clear violation of its charter, to spy on domestic antiwar protestors The political challenge to President Johnson's Vietnam policies gained great momentum when Senator Eugene McCarthy nearly defeated Johnson in the New Hampshire Democratic primary 1968 The attempt to nominate an antiwar Democratic candidate for president in 1968 suffered a crippling blow when Robert Kennedy was assassinated MLK Jr. assassinated Tet Offensive in Vietnam makes Walter Cronkite declare, That the war is now unwinnable Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today? Hell no, we wont go George Wallace runs for President as a third party candidate Napalm & Agent Orange Richard Nixon wins the Presidency by exploiting Democratic divisions and appealing to moderately conservative law and order sentiment In the worldwide youthful protests of 1968, the movement in France succeeded in toppling the government, while the movement in Czechoslovakia ended in harsh repression and failure 1969/1970 Hippies Flower Power Sexual Revolution Woodstock Altamont Kent State Massacre Non-violent student protest Ohio National Guard fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis The skepticism about authority that emerged in the United States during the 1960s had deep historical roots in American culture You did it! Youre done with notes for the rest of the year! Hopefully this class has been more riveting than this

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