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Sheet1 UNIT 1: profile fiction profile poetry fiction poetry poetry fiction poetry drama profile nonfiction profile

poetry poetry poetry poetry poetry UNIT 2 fiction profile fiction fiction poetry profile drama fiction profile poetry poetry fiction UNIT 3 fiction drama profile fiction drama fiction poetry drama folktale poetry UNIT 4 fiction profile poetry poetry author title LOOKING AT LOVE O. Henry bio O. Henry Retrieved Reformation Sandburg bio Sandburg The People, Yes Mazer Up on Frog Mountain Hughes I Dream a World Howard Reflections Gold Spring over Brooklyn Angelou Greyday Braun He Ain't Done Right... Kerr, M.E. bio Kerr, M.E. Where are you now... Brooks, G. bio Brooks, G. Andre; Otto Coatsworth What is once loved Field Some People Freeman Christmas Morning Clemmons Spring TOWARD THE TWILIGHT ZONE Russell Appointment at Noon Poe bio Poe Oval Portrait Finney Of Missing Persons Swenson Southbound on the Freeway Stowe bio Stowe Cradle will Rock Ronan Boy in the Shadows Teasdale bio Teasdale I Stood upon a Star De la Mare Listeners Radcliffe Provencal Tale ZIGZAGS Savage Conan Doyle irving irving Johnson Reynolds Anonymous Fletcher Chang Silverstein pg 1 2 3 13 14 16 34 34 35 49 50 65 66 75 76 77 78 78 79 85 86 92 93 101 114 116 117 127 136 137 138 142 155 156 162 190 191 196 208 215 216 234 236 239 240 251 251 252 Page 1

Getaway Sherlock Holmes & Speckled bio Adventure of the Mason Mark of Kong-Hu Secret for Two Looking at Limericks Sorry, Wrong Number The Artist My Rules

DISCOVERING THE SELF Gilbert Gold Medal Dunbar, PL bio Dunbar, PL Sympathy Cullen for PLD

Sheet1 poetry poetry fiction poetry poetry poetry drama nonfiction fiction nonfiction poetry profile poetry fiction poetry nonfiction UNIT 5 fiction poetry nonfiction fiction poetry profile nonfiction profile epic epic profile fiction poetry Brooks, G. Melendez Giardina Sund Merriam Basho/Wright Thurston Bryant/Landers Moiself Whitebird George Hughes Hughes Hughes Horne Frederickson Charles Happy Thought Twice I Said I Love You A bee thumps Conversation with Myself Haiku Chair Dead at Seventeen from Dear Miss Piggy Ta-Na-E-Ka My People bio Dreams Thank You, Ma'am to James Starvation Wilderness 253 253 254 262 262 263 264 276 278 282 292 293 293 294 301 303 319 320 330 332 338 343 345 346 358 359 369 379 380 395

WHAT IS A HERO? Engle Terror in the North Hoey Foul Shot King, ML I Have a Dream Clayton On the Ledge Anonymous Native American Poems Alcott bio Alcott Tabby's Tablecloth Homer bio Homer Ulysses & the Trojan Horse Homer Ulysses Meets the Cyclops Thomas, Piri bio Thomas, Piri Amigo Brothers Giovanni, N Funeral of MLKing

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