AP World History Matching Trios Review (Periodic or End-of-Year)

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AP World History Matching Trios Review (Periodic or End-of-Year)

Teachers, In my experience, my students often learn isolated historical terms, events, etc. but have great difficulty linking those terms together with any/everything else theyve learned. (e.g. While discussing the Haitian Revolution, students use the term gens de coleur, but dont mention Toussaint Louverture during the same sentence/paragraph.) I used this Matching Trios resource this last year, and my students said it helped them to solidify their learning. I try to point out that using more than one specific vocabulary term will improve their writing. (and essay scores!) Hope this helps, Bill Strickland East Grand Rapids HS East Grand Rapids, MI bstrickl@egrps.org http://moodle.egrps.org//course/view.php?id=97

AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

Match the following People with the accompanying Vocabulary Terms and Historical Events.

Foundations People
Abraham Alexander the Great Attila the Hun Confucius Constantine Cro-Magnon Hammurabi Homo Erectus Menes Pastoralists Shang Dynasty Xerxes

barbarian cave paintings Christianity cuneiform hellenism hunter-gatherer monotheism oracle bones pyramids satrap steppes veneration

Historical Events
Antigonid, Ptolemaic, & Seleucid empires bronze metallurgy earliest Silk Roads Edict of Milan Epic of Gilgamesh Era of Warring States Founding of Judaism Germanic invasions Out of Africa migrations Stone Age the Royal Road Unification of Upper & Lower Egypt

Person/People Vocabulary Event
(Extra Credit)


Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

Person/People Bantus Charlemagne Heian Japan Justinian Maya Ming Dynasty Muhammad Prince Vladimir Song Dynasty Sufis Tang Taizong Thomas Aquinas Urban II Vocabulary south-pointing needle caesaropapism caravan cyrillic equal field system excommunicate investiture controversy kinship groups maize Scholar Bureaucrat scholasticism seppuku sharia Event Abbasid Caliphate Corpus Juris Civilis Crusades Grand Canal Holy Roman Empire Kievan Rus Medieval Europe Neoconfucianism Popol Vuh sub-Saharan migrations Sultanate of Delhi The Tale of Genji Yongle Encyclopedia

Person/People Vocabulary Event
(Extra Credit)


Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

Adam Smith Atahualpa Bartolomeo Dias Cardinal Richelieu Ignatius Loyola Gavin Menzies John Locke Martin Luther Ming Dynasty Motecuzoma (Montezuma) Nicolas Copernicus Peter the Great Shah Jahan Thomas Hobbes Vasco da Gama Voltaire Zheng He

3 Rights of the People ahistorical capitalism caravel* chinampas divine right of kings galleons heliocentric indulgences Jesuits mercantilism philosophes quipu Taj Mahal treasure ships volta do mar* westernization

1421: The Year China Discovered America Aztec Empire Cape of Good Hope crasez l'infme (crush the infamous) Mughal Empire Council of Trent Europeans reach India Glorious (Bloodless) Revolution Machu Picchu Ming Dynasty Potos silver mines Protestant Reformation Scientific Revolution The Wealth of Nations The Leviathan Triangle Trade Window on the West

* caravel and volta do mar can each be used on (the same) two different examples.




(Extra Credit)


Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

Person/People Alexander II Cecil Rhodes Cixi James Watt Janissaries Kaiser William II Karl Marx Matthew C. Perry Maximillien Robespierre Muhammad Ali Napoleon Bonaparte Nicholas II Otto von Bismarck Porfirio Diaz Simn Bolvar Toussaint Louverture Person/People Vocabulary blank check caudillo communism coup dtat devshirme Duma extraterritoriality gens de coleur Gran Colombia guillotine imperialism realpolitik samurai sick man of Europe steam engine zemstvos Vocabulary Event Bloody Sunday Boxer Rebellion The Communist Manifesto Crystal Palace Exhibition Egyptian rebellion against Ottoman Empire Emancipation of the Serfs Franco-Prussian War Haitian Revolution Jamaica Letter Mexican Revolution Reign of Terror Scramble for Africa Tanzimat Reforms The Meiji Restoration Waterloo World War I Event
(Extra Credit)


Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

1914-Present - Key
Person/People Ayatollah Khomeini Chiang Kai-Shek Fidel Castro Gamal Abdel Nassar Harry S Truman Hideki Tojo Jawaharlal Nehru John Maynard Keynes Joseph Stalin Mohandas Gandhi Muhammad Ali Jinnah Nikita Khrushchev Osama bin Laden Vocabulary collectivization comfort women communism containment de-Stalinization deficit spending fundamentalism Guomindang Muslim League nonalignment Pan-Arabism satyagraha terrorism Event 5 Year Plans Bandung Conference Cuban Missile Crisis Great Depression Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Iranian Revolution the Long March Marshall Plan Pakistan Salt March Sept. 11 attacks Sputnik (launch of) Suez Canal Crisis

Person/People Vocabulary Event
(Extra Credit)


Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

Foundations - Key
Person/People Homo Sapiens Cro-Magnon Menes Pastoralists Abraham Hammurabi Shang Dynasty Confucius Xerxes Alexander the Great Constantine Attila the Hun Vocabulary huntergatherer cave paintings pyramids steppes monotheism cuneiform oracle bones veneration satrap hellenism Christianity barbarian Event Out of Africa migrations Stone Age Unification of Upper & Lower Egypt earliest Silk Roads Founding of Judaism Epic of Gilgamesh bronze metallurgy Era of Warring States the Royal Road Antigonid, Ptolemaic, & Seleucid empires Edict of Milan Germanic invasions Year (Extra Credit) 100,000+ BCE 10,000 BCE c. 3000 BCE c 2000 BCE c. 1800 BCE c 1750 BCE 1766-1122 BCE c. 500 BCE 486-465 BCE c. 325 BCE c. 325 CE c. 450 CE

Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

600-1450 Key
Person/People Justinian Maya Thomas Aquinas Prince Vladimir Tang Taizong Sufis Urban II Charlemagne Muhammad Song Dynasty Ming Dynasty Heian Japan Bantus Vocabulary caesaropapism maize scholasticism cyrillic equal field system caravan excommunicate investiture controversy sharia south-pointing needle Scholar Bureaucrat seppuku kinship groups Event Corpus Juris Civilis Popol Vuh Medieval Europe Kievan Rus Grand Canal Sultanate of Delhi Crusades Holy Roman Empire Abbasid Caliphate Neoconfucianism Yongle Encyclopedia The Tale of Genji sub-Saharan migrations Year (Extra Credit) c. 527-565 c. 600 c. 1250 989 c. 600 1206-1526 1095 c. 800 750-1258 960-1179 1369-1644 794-1185 2000 BCE - 1000 CE

Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

1450-1750 Key
Person/People Zheng He Bartolomeo Dias Vasco da Gama Martin Luther Motecuzoma (Montezuma) Atahualpa Nicolas Copernicus Ignatius Loyola Ming Dynasty Shah Jahan Thomas Hobbes John Locke Peter the Great Cardinal Richelieu Adam Smith Voltaire Vocabulary treasure ships caravel volta do mar justification by faith chinampas quipu heliocentric Jesuits galleons Taj Mahal divine right of kings 3 Rights of the People westernization mercantilism capitalism philosophes Ming Dynasty Cape of Good Hope Europeans reach India Protestant Reformation Aztec Empire Machu Picchu Scientific Revolution Council of Trent Potos silver mines Mughal Empire The Leviathan Glorious (Bloodless) Revolution Window on the West Triangle Trade The Wealth of Nations crasez l'infme (crush the infamous) Event Year (Extra Credit) 1405-1433 1488 1498 1517 1519 1532 1543 1545 1565 c. 1650 1651 1689 1689-1725 1700s 1776 late 1700s

Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios

Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

1750-1914 Key
Person/People Toussaint Louverture Maximillien Robespierre Muhammad Ali Napoleon Bonaparte Simn Bolvar Janissaries Karl Marx James Watt Matthew C. Perry Alexander II Otto von Bismarck Cecil Rhodes Cixi Nicholas II Porfirio Diaz Kaiser William II Vocabulary gens de coleur guillotine sick man of Europe coup dtat Gran Colombia devshirme communism steam engine samurai zemstvos realpolitik imperialism extraterritoriality sphere of influence Duma caudillo blank check Event Haitian Revolution Reign of Terror Egyptian rebellion against Ottoman Empire Waterloo Jamaica Letter Tanzimat Reforms The Communist Manifesto Crystal Palace Exhibition The Meiji Restoration Emancipation of the Serfs Franco-Prussian War Scramble for Africa Boxer Rebellion Bloody Sunday Mexican Revolution World War I Year (Extra Credit) 1791-1804 1793 early 1800s 1815 1815 1839-1876 1848 1851 1853 1861 1871 1878-1914 1898 1905 1910-1920 1914-1918

Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


AP World History Matching Trios


Name _______________________
May 16, 2011

1914-Present - Key
Person/People Joseph Stalin John Maynard Keynes Mohandas Gandhi Chiang Kai-Shek Hideki Tojo Harry S Truman Muhammad Ali Jinnah Jawaharlal Nehru Gamal Abdel Nassar Nikita Khrushchev Fidel Castro Ayatollah Khomeini Osama bin Laden Vocabulary collectivization deficit spending satyagraha Guomindang comfort women containment Muslim League nonalignment Pan-Arabism de-Stalinization communism fundamentalism terrorism Event 5 Year Plans Great Depression Salt March the Long March Greater East Asia CoProsperity Sphere Marshall Plan Pakistan Bandung Conference Suez Canal Crisis Sputnik (launch of) Cuban Missile Crisis Iranian Revolution Sept. 11 attacks Year (Extra Credit) 1928 1929 1930??? 1936 1937 1948 1949 1955 1956 1957 1962 1979 2001

Bill Strickland, East Grand Rapids HS


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