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Asses for respiratory distress in an adult
Assess the ventilatory status of an adult patient
Provide treatment for a patient in respiratory distress
Perform techniques to assure a patent airway
Provide ventilatory support for a patient
Use oxygen delivery system components (nasal cannula, face mask, etc..)

Assess a patient for cardiovascular compromise
Assess a patient complaining of non-traumatic chest pain/discomfort
Attempt to resuscitate a patient in cardiac arrest
Provide care to a patient experiencing cardiovascular compromise
Provide care to a patient experiencing non-traumatic chest pain/discomfort
Provide post-resuscitation care to a cardiac arrest patient

Assess a patient with a head injury
Assess mechanism of injury
Assess a patient with a suspected spinal injury
Assess a patient for signs of shock (hypoperfusion)
Perform a rapid trauma assessment
Provide care to a patient with suspected spinal injury
Provide care to a patient with a suspected head injury
Provide care to a patient with shock (hypoperfusion)
Assess a patient for external bleeding
Provide care to a patient with a chest injury
Provide care for external bleeding
Provide care to a patient with a burn injury
Assess a patient with a painful, swollen, deformed extremity
Assess a patient with a soft tissue injury
Provide care to a patient with a painful, swollen, deformed extremity
Provide care to a patient with a soft tissue injury
Perform a rapid extrication of a trauma patient
Provide care to a patient with a open abdominal injury
Provide care to a patient with an impaled object
Provide care to a patient with an acute amputation

Assess nature of illness
Assess patient for an altered mental status
Assess a patient with possible overdose
Provide care to a patient with an altered mental status
Assess a patient with a history of diabetes
Assess a patient with abdominal pain
Asses a patient experiencing a behavioral problem such as threatening suicide, violence, etc…
Assess the patient experiencing a seizure
Provide care to a suspected overdose patient
Provide care to a patient with a history of diabetes
Assess a patient with head pain
Provide care to the patient experiencing a seizure
Assess a patient experiencing an allergic reaction
Assess a patient with suspected poisoning
Provide care to a patient with abdominal pain
Provides care to a near-drowning patient
Provide care to the patient experiencing an allergic reaction
Provide care to a patient with head pain
Provide care to possible poisoning patient
Assess a patient with an endocrine disorder other that diabetes
Provide care to a patient experiencing a behavioral problem
Assess a patient with a suspected communicable disease
Assess a patient exposed to heat
Provide care to a patient exposed to heat
Assess a near-drowning patient
Provide care for a patient with an endocrine disorder other than diabetes
Assess a patient with a suspected blood disorder
Assess a patient who has been bitten or stung by an animal or insect
Provide care to a patient who has been bitten or stung by an animal or insect
Provide care to a patient with a suspected communicable disease
Assess a patient exposed to cold
Provide care to a patient with a suspected blood disorder
Provide care to a patient exposed to cold

Provides care to an infant or child with respiratory distress
Assesses an infant or child with trauma
Provides care to an infant or child with trauma
Assesses an infant or child with respiratory distress
Provides care to an infant or child with cardiac arrest
Provides care to an infant or child with seizures
Provides care to an infant or child with shock (hypoperfusion)
Assess an infant or child with seizures
Assess an infant or child with shock (hypoperfusion)
Assesses an infant or child suspected abuse or neglect
Assesses an infant or child with cardiac arrest
Assess an infant or child with a fever
Assess an infant or child with abdominal pain
Provides care to an infant or child with suspected abuse or neglect
Provides care to an infant or child with a fever
Assess the patient with a gynecological emergency
Assess an obstetric patient
Provide care for the obstetric patient
Provides care to an infant or child with abdominal pain
Provide care to the patient with a gynecological emergency
Assess an infant or child with a suspected communicable disease
Provide care to the newborn
Assist with the delivery of an infant
Assess an infant or child with a suspected blood disorder
Provides care to an infant or child with a suspected communicable disease
Provides care to an infant or child with a suspected blood disorder
Provide care to the mother immediately following delivery of a newborn

Provide for safety of self, patient and fellow workers
Assess scene safety
Use body mechanics when lifting and moving a patient
Drive the emergency vehicle in an emergency situation
Take infection control precautions (body substance isolation)
Dispose of sharps (needles, auto-injector, etc…)
OPSare the emergency vehicle and equipment before responding to a call
Make decisions regarding abandonment, refusal of care, negligence etc…
Assess the need for additional resources at the scene
Obtain vital signs
Dispose of materials contaminated with body fluids
Move patients using a carrying device
Provide a report to medical direction of assessment findings and emergency care given
Move patients using a carrying device
Communicate with bystanders, other health care providers and patient family members
while providing patient care
Communicate with patient while providing care
Complete a prehospital care report
Obtain consent for providing care
Use physician medical direction for authorization to provide care
Make decisions based upon Do Not Resuscitate [DNR] orders
Drive the emergency vehicle in a non-emergency situation
Use methods to reduce stress in a patient, bystanders and co-workers
Use the incident command system
Preserve the crime scene
Personal counseling, etc…
Participate in the quality improvement process
Refer patients to non-emergency medical care based upon an examination
Provide education on emergency medical services to the public
Give consideration for potential organ retrieval
Provide injury prevention education to the public, such as seat belt usage, helmet usage,
pool safety, etc…
Deliver or assist in delivery of home health care

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