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General de Jesus College San Isidro, Nueva Ecija TELEFAX (044) 940-61-81 / e-mail: gendejesus@gmail.

com Second Test for the Third Grading Period in English III Name:________________Yr.& Sec.:________Date: January 25, 2012 Score:______ I. Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Write only the letter on the space before the number. (20 pts.) _______1. True friends (A. is B. are) treasures that we should keep. _______2. Our life (A. depend B. depends) on the decisions we make. _______3. People often (A. neglect B. neglects) nature. _______4. Disasters (A. is B. are) results of our abuse of nature. _______5. Most of the time, we (A. take B. takes) it for granted. _______6. We (A. read B. reads) for pleasure or for entertainment. _______7. A book frequently (A. interest B. interests) us because it gives us a glimpse of life. _______8. The characters in the story (A. become B. becomes) real people when they are vividly portrayed. _______9. The characters vividly portrayed (A. resemble B. resembles) the people that we (A. meet B. meets) daily. _______10. Reading good books (A. carry B. carries) us to another world. _______11. A good biography (A. reveal B. reveals) what a man has done in life. _______12. It (a. bring B. brings) out his characteristics that have helped bring about his success or his failure. _______13. In a detective story the interest (A. lie B. lies) in happenings or events. _______14. The characters in a detective story (A. is B. are) subordinated to the plot of the story. _______15. The romances (A. deal B. deals) with knights and fair ladies. _______16. Some books ( A. fail B. fails) to interest us because the characters are not like us. _______17. The short story (A. is B. are) Americas contribution to the field of literature. _______18. The novel (A. is B. are) Englands contribution to the literary family. _______19. Lyric poetry (A. express B. expresses) the personal feelings and emotions of the poet. _______20. There (A. is B. are) different types of sonnet. II. Write C if the underlined word is correctly used in the sentences if not write the correct form of the verb on the space provided. (10 pts.) _______21. I goes to school everyday. _______22. Autophobia refer to fear of being alone. _______23. Ricardo takes a walk every morning. _______24. One who afraid of staying at high places is afflicted with acrophobia. _______25. Every time it rains, the manager does not go to office. _______26. The tides of the sea rises and falls twice in every twenty-four hours. _______27. The paranormal scientist confirm that ghosts exists. _______28. The students want to know where light comes from. _______29. The reflection of the suns rays on the spherical globules of raindrops produce the beautiful colors of the rainbow. _______30. Most Filipinos know how to speak English. III. Literature. A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer then write it on the space before the number. (30 pts.) _______31. The poet in the poem The Road not Taken stood at the intersection of? a. Crossroads b. two roads c. three roads d. forest _______32. The Road not Taken depicts? a. Conflicts in life c. problems we face in life b. choices we make in life d. the solutions to our problems _______33. The poet felt sorry because? a. He could not see the road well c. he did not know the direction b. He could not travel on both the roads d. he made the wrong decision

_______34. What did the poet see in the yellow wood? a. Two paths diverging in different directions c. trees in the forest b. Green grasses d. a crossroad _______35. How was one path different from the others? a. One was greener c. it seemed less used b. one had more grass d. all of the above _______36. When the poet chose one of the paths, what did he hope to do? a. Come back and try the other path c. go home b. Not go back d. look for another road _______37. In the line Oh I kept the first for another day! the first refers to? a. Narrators choice b. the road c. fate d. his decision _______38. The poet uses the image of two diverging roads to symbolize? a. Sorrow and regret b. lifes choice c. the love of nature d. the spirit of independence _______39. This poem might have special relevance for you if you are. a. Planning to move to another country c. concerned about the environment b. Deciding which college to attend d. planning a trip _______40. Which of the following statements is the closest interpretation of the line yet knowing how way lead? a. You can never go home alone c. one path takes you to the next b. Its easy to get lost in the path d. it is difficult to choose _______41. Which line from the poem shares the same meaning as the following sentence: The travelers choice of road directly impacted his life path? a. I shall be telling this with a sigh. b. And both that morning equally lay c. And that has made all the difference d. And having perhaps the better claim _______42. What is the fork in the road a symbol of? a. A time in someones life c. a choice that is a bit risky b. A decision someone must make d. none of the above _______43. Who is the author of the poem The World is Too Much with Us? a. Ralph Waldo Emerson c. Edgar Allan Poe b. William Wordsworth d. Robert Frost _______44. The poem The World is too Much with Us is about a. How people become too engrossed with consumerism b. How people disregard the nature c. How peoples selfishness destroys the earth d. All of the above _______45. The speaker in the poem says that a. He would pray a lot c. he would rather join everyone b. He would rather be a pagan d. he would ask Proteus to blow hard _______46. Sordid boon means_____. a. Self benefit b. self sufficient c. social control d. socializations advantage _______47. What activity doesnt show concern for the environment? a. Dispose the trash properly c. support organization that promote natures protection b. Plant trees in Farmville d. avoid using non-CFC appliances _______48. What does the first eight lines of a sonnet present? a. Resolution b. problem c. subject d. conclusion _______49. The last six lines of a sonnet present.. a. Resolution b. problem c. subject d. theme _______50. What does In disgrace with fortune and mens eyes mean? a. Having a bad luck c. the public looked at the poet unfavorably b. The poet experiences a lot of fortune d. both A and B

_______51. Why does the poet describe heaven as deaf? a. Because it cannot speak to him b. Because he wants to exchange his state with kings c. Because his prayers are unanswered d. Both B and C _______52. As he wishes to be featured like a particular person. What does featured like him mean? a. Skills of a person c. intelligence of a person b. Physical features of a person d. wealth of a person _______53. What theme is expressed in sonnet 29? a. Contentment b. friendship c. hatred d. both a and b _______54. a. IV. Reading Comprehension. Read the following paragraphs carefully then answer the questions that follow. A. Dogs and cats should never be permitted to eat chocolate, because chocolate works like a poison in their bodies. Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which is similar to caffeine. Human bodies are able to process the theobromine without any ill effects, but dogs and cats cannot. Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine. It would take 20 ounces of milk chocolate to kill a 20-pound dog, but only two ounces of bakers chocolate or six ounces of semi-sweet chocolate. The amounts of course, are much smaller for a cat, whose body weight is typically less than that of a dog. Most cats are not naturally attracted to eating chocolate, but many dogs are. Dogs by nature will sample nearly anything that they see their masters eating, so pet owners take care to keep all chocolate products well out of reach of their dogs and cats. _______1. According to the passage, why is chocolate poisonous for dogs and cats? a. It contains caffeine c. it gets stuck in their intestines b. Chocolate is made from processed cocoa d. they cannot process theobromine _______2. How much milk chocolate would be poisonous to a cat, according to the passage? a. Substantially less than 20 ounces c. approximately one pound b. Substantially more than 20 ounces d. half a Hershey bar _______3. Why might a dog eat chocolate? a. Because it taste good c. they can smell the theobromine b. Dogs wont eat chocolate d. dogs like to imitate their owners _______4. What best summarizes this passage? a. Look before you leap c. pet foods for pets, people food for people b. Monkey see, monkey do d. a penny saved is a penny earned B. Plato, the famous Greek philosopher, taught that the things of the world around us are merely copies or shadows of greater, eternal realities. He used a metaphor of people, living inside a cave to convey his ideas. The people inside the cave could not see the world outside the cave, they could only see shadows of people and animals as they passed by. Plato was suggesting that the shadows would seem very real and alive to the people inside the cave, because that was all they had ever seen of the outside world. But these shadows were not the real, living creatures of the outside world, they were merely reflections of them. Platos point was that this temporal world is a ____________ of some greater, eternal reality. The word that would most accurately fit the blank at the end of the second paragraph is Picture b. contradiction c. corruption d. reversal The underlined word convey, as used in this passage, most accurately means Give birth to b. rationalize c. experiment d. explain What is the main idea of Platos cave analogy? This world is not all there is c. mankind cannot hope to see the truth

_______5. a. _______6. a. _______7. a. b.

C. V.

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