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Tools for volume measurement

Here you will learn how to use Reconstructors

tools for measuring volumes.

B29. Volume

Tools for volume measurement: a quick reference

Requirement Integrate a mesh onto a custom plane Integrate a mesh on the Z=0 plane in the current UCS Volume of a cameras frustum Volume of a 3D hull defined by points Volume of all objects virtually scanned by an ortho camera, integrated on the cameras horizontal plane Method Volume button -> Volume recipe window -> select desired mesh and plane Right-click on a mesh item -> Meshing tools -> Compute volume from Z=0 plane Right-click on a camera item -> Volume Calculation -> Frustum Fill the point list window, click Make mesh -> 3D hull Right-click on an ortho-camera item, Volume Calculation -> Integrate volume

B29. Volume

Tools for volume measurement

In Reconstructor, volume calculation
works (in most cases) in the following way: A mesh and a plane are selected The mesh is integrated on the plane The volume resulting from the integration is reported. Note that the mesh in the picture is in

the positive semi-space with respect to

the plane (Z < 0) as you can see from the direction of the blue axis (Z axis). Integrating meshes in the negative semi-space will always give zero volume as result.

B29. Volume

Method to integrate a mesh onto a plane

1. 2. Press the Volume toolbar button The Volume calculation recipe window appears. Follow the instructions contained in it, by dragging and dropping the desired mesh and plane items. You can also use the current view of the virtual camera as plane. Press the Ok button


B29. Volume

Method to integrate a mesh onto a plane - 2

After pressing the Ok button, the system calculates the volume delimited by the selected mesh and plane. The system then displays the report dialog shown below:

Reconstructor provides also a shortcut for mesh integration on plane: 1. Right-click on any mesh item 2. Select Meshing tools -> Compute volume from Z = 0 plane 3. Reconstructor will integrate the selected mesh on the Z = 0 plane, defined according to the current UCS. Note that meshes located in the Z < 0 semi-space will result in zero volume!

B29. Volume

Volume of frusta of cameras

The frustum of a camera is the portion of space that the camera sees and projects to the screen. Volume of the frustum of a given camera: right-click on any camera item, then Volume calculation -> Frustum

The frustum of a perspective camera is a pyramid trunk

The frustum of an ortho camera is a rectangular block

B29. Volume

Volume of frusta of cameras - 2

The frustum of cylindrical camera is a cylinder with a hole inside of cylindric shape The frustum of spherical camera is a sphere with a cavity of spherical shape

Cameras frusta are determined by the near plane, by the far plane and by the cameras shape

B29. Volume

Volume of 3D Hull


Select a few points and gather them in the Point List Window Press the button (Make mesh) and choose the creation of a 3D hull The system calculates a mesh as Delaunay tethraedralization of your points. The volume of the resulting solid is reported.



B29. Volume

Volume determined by a virtual scan from an ortho camera

Right-click on an ortho camera, then select Volume calculation -> Integrate volume The camera will execute a virtual scan and will report the volume of anything contained in the virtual scan, integrated on the Z=0 plane of the ortho camera system

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