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Basic measuring tools

Tools for basic measures and survey

Here you will learn how to use JRC 3D Reconstructors tools for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Saving snapshots of the 3D view Measuring distances and angles of the 3D models Adding annotations to the objects in the 3D world Defining new viewpoints in the 3D world for later use Exporting data to Autocad

B46. Basic measuring tools

These tools are useful for

Like a good toolbox, if combined together these tools are useful for many applications: 1. Taking basic measures on your 3D models 2. Annotating your 3D models 3. Creation of viewpoints in the 3D world, useful for ortophotos, texture mapping, data re-structuring, etc. 4. Simulations for forensic analysis (e.g. simulate a viewpoint in a crime scene) 5. Communicating points to AutoCAD 6. Etc.

B46. Basic measuring tools

Saving snapshots of the 3D view

1. Its as simple as pressing the button 2. The dialog below appears, where you can decide where to save the image file with the snapshot of the 3D view.

B46. Basic measuring tools Distances, angles and annotations

Click on the Annotation button Double-click on any point of the model, you will be able to insert an annotation. Click on the Angle button With three mouse clicks on the model, define the angle you want to measure. You can choose to save it in the project, as an annotation. Click on the Distance button Click on a model point and, keeping the LMB pressed, drag the mouse towards another model point, then release the LMB. The distance between the two points will be shown, you can save it in the project as annotation. Important note: Distance and Angle button are accessible also for Point List Windows: Selecting 2 points a Distance can be measured. Selecting 3 points an Angle can be measured

B46. Basic measuring tools

Creating a new camera from the current view - 1

1. 2. 3. Press the button Your current view on the 3D world is saved as a camera item If you navigate away from the camera definition point, you can see the camera you created.

Far plane

Near plane

Frustum: portion of space that delimits the region visible by the associated camera.

If you are in orthographic projection mode, the camera you create will be orthographic: the near and far plane will have the same size.

B46. Basic measuring tools

Creating a new camera from the current view - 2

Creating cameras is very useful. Here are some things you can do with your camera, after creating it: 1. Texture mapping. Right-click on a camera item Set projector image The camera will be associated with the picture you select. If you then right-click on the camera and select Load projector, the camera will project the photo on the model. In this way, you can have photorealistic models. IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a maximum number of projectors you can have loaded at the same time. It depends on the PCs graphics card, normally its 8. If you use shadows, this number is reduced by half. You can turn shadows on and off in Navigation Options Projectors cast shadows.

2. Virtually scan your model. Right-click on a camera item Scan tools Virtual scan The Virtual Scan dialog appears. Like having a laser scanner in your virtual world, everything that is seen by your camera will be sampled with a grid pattern. The resolution can be set. See the documentation on Virtual scan (B34) for more information.

B46. Basic measuring tools

Connection with AutoCAD

Start JRC 3D Reconstructor Start AutoCAD, with Kubit PointCloud plugin Click on the button JRC 3D Reconstructor connects to AutoCAD. Points selected in JRC 3D Reconstructor are communicated to AutoCAD, if there is an active drawing command in AutoCAD, the point selected in JRC 3D Reconstructor will be used for the AutoCAD drawing process (drawing a polyline, for example).

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