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Navigation system in Reconstructor

Here you will learn how to:
1. Move around in the 3D virtual world, easily performing all possible camera movements

2. Select the navigation mode that suits best your needs:

a. To move around a 3D model b. To move like a human being walking in the 3D world c. To observe the 3D world looking around from a point

d. To zoom into details

3. Select how you want to project the 3D world onto your screen 4. Navigate to useful viewpoints predefined by the system

B3. Navigation Reconstructor's Navigation system

You can navigate your 3D models by moving around a virtual camera This camera can do all possible translation and rotation movements! Besides translation and rotation, zoom movements are also supported (the camera stays still, but the angular field of view changes)

The navigation system has four state variables, each of which can be in many modes Interaction modes: how the 3D window responds to keyboard and mouse Navigation modes: Pivot mode Walk mode Bubble mode Zoom mode Tool modes: Select tool Distance tool Angle tool Annotation tool Current coordinate system: it can be a default one, or set by the user Viewing projection modes: how the 3D world is projected onto your screen Perspective mode Orthographic mode

Camera rotation modes: whether the camera rotates according to human movements or not Human movements on Human movements off

B3. Navigation
How to load a model and start to navigate: Navigation

select a grid point cloud and load it

To view the imported point cloud: - select the tree item (scan1), right-click on it, then choose load model - the item name is in bold and the flag in checked - if the flag is unchecked the item is not visible but it is still present in memory (scan2) To unload the file from memory: - select the tree item and right-click on it -> unload model (Dome_virtual_scan)

B3. Navigation
Pivot mode In pivot mode, any point of the 3D model can be selected as rotation pivot. The pivot is set by a left mouse button click on a valid point. Rotation pivot RMB LMB CMB Left Mouse Button + move mouse: camera rotation RMB to move closer/farther from the model

Central Mouse Button + move mouse: camera moves sidewise LMB to rotate around pivot Right Mouse Button + move mouse: camera moves closer/farther from the model CMB to move sidewise

B3. Navigation
Pivot mode There is much more to the pivot mode. Here is the complete documentation of navigation in this mode:

Keyboard/mouse event


LMB + move mouse

CMB + move mouse RMB + move mouse back/forth Mouse wheel rotation Shift + LMB + move mouse left/right LMB click on a models point Shift + mouse wheel rotation Alt + LMB double click Shift + CMB + move mouse

Camera rotation (pan and tilt)

Camera sidewise translation (tracking and booming) Camera dollying, forward and backward Zoom in and out (change of field of view) Camera rolling Selection of rotation pivot Translation towards point indicated by the mouse Selection of points for point list window Draw rectangle to zoom into (zoom tool)

Key c

Copy readout windows contents to clipboard

B3. Navigation
Walk mode The walk mode is designed to simulate a human being walking around in the 3D virtual world. You do translation movements with the keyboard, and rotation movements with the mouse. While the pivot mode is focused on the model viewed, the walk mode is focused on the viewer, that moves in a world with many models. Left Mouse Button + move mouse, (or four arrow keys): camera rotation

Keys w and x: move forward/ backward Keys a and d move left/ right

Keys + and - , or Keys q and z: move up/ down

B3. Navigation
Walk mode Here is the complete documentation of navigation in walk mode. Some actions can be performed both with keyboard and mouse.

Keyboard event

Mouse event


Four arrow keys

Keys W and X Keys A and D Keys + and , or Q and Z

LMB + move mouse

RMB + move mouse forth/back CMB + move mouse left/right CMB + move mouse forth/back Mouse wheel rotation Shift + LMB + move mouse left/right Alt + LMB double click

Camera rotation (pan and tilt)

Camera dollying, forward and backward Camera sidewise translation (tracking) Camera vertical translation (booming) Zoom in and out (change of field of view) Camera rolling Selection of points for point list window

Key C

Copy readout windows contents to clipboard

B3. Navigation
Bubble mode
In Bubble mode, you can stop in any point of the virtual world and observe the model doing only rotation movements. This is particularly useful if you set the point of view exactly in the laser scanner position.

Select a scan and Center to local origin

Press the bubble view button

Start navigation in bubble mode

To go back to the pivot mode, press the pivot button

B3. Navigation
Bubble mode Here is the complete documentation of navigation in bubble mode:

Keyboard/mouse event LMB + move mouse Mouse wheel rotation Shift + LMB + move mouse left/right Alt + LMB double click Key c

Effect Camera rotation (pan and tilt) Zoom in and out (change of field of view) Camera rolling Selection of points for point list window Copy readout windows contents to clipboard

B3. Navigation
Zoom tool 1) Press the zoom tool button in the toolbar 2) LMB + move mouse: draws a rubber-band rectangle on the 3D view, to zoom into. 3) Release the mouse: the rectangle becomes the new viewport. The system changes back to the last navigation mode used (pivot, walk or bubble).

B3. Navigation
Viewing projection: setting Field Of View and clip planes
Projection: It is possible to change the angular size of the field of view

Clip planes: it is possible to change the depth of the point of view

B3. Navigation
Viewing projection modes: perspective & orthographic
From Perspective view is

possible to move to Ortho

(orthographic view)

Perspective view

Orthographic view

B3. Navigation
Orthographic view

In the Orthographic view you can watch the object from a planar view (point of view very far)

In the Perspective view you can watch the object from a point of view

B3. Navigation
Orthographic view

In orthographic view, all interaction modes (pivot, bubble, zoom tool) work in the same way, with the same functions. However, zoom operations (mouse wheel rotations) now change the vertical size of the orthographic projection

and dollying (moving back and forth) the camera has no visible effect, except for moving the model in
& out the clip planes. Zoom: change the vertical size Move in & out the plane of view: RMB + move mouse



B3. Navigation
Movements: It is possible to set the navigation speed defining Pan scale (bigger the value, faster the translation i.e. for large models). Setting the translation speed is useful especially in walk mode, where each key press will move you of this quantity. Navigation parameters

Movements: it is possible to change the rotation type, constraining the rotation according to a camera movement

B3. Navigation
Camera rotation modes: cameraman movements on or off
1. From the menu, select Navigation -> Options, a dialog appears. Check the Enable human movements while rotating checkbox, and press Apply. 2. After doing that, a cameraman appears in the bottom-left corner of the 3D window. 3. Even after many rotations, the cameraman will still remember you where the horizontal plane is. For example, if you look up, the cameraman will look above himself, without losing his vertical. 4. Most importantly, since the cameraman never changes his vertical direction, you are sure that the camera will not do unwanted rolling movements. 5. You can still tell the cameraman to roll the camera if you want, for example with Shift + LMB. The cameraman will adjust his vertical accordingly. 6. If you turn the checkbox Enable human movements while rotating off, the cameraman will go away. After panning and tilting the camera, you will experience unwanted camera rolling movements (it can be useful when you navigate models without vertical direction).

B3. Navigation
2D navigation
To visualize the Grid point cloud : 1. select a Grid 2. right mouse button 3. filtering tool 4. Edit 2D The grid is displayed in 2D. To Zoom: rotate the mouse wheel . The view zooms towards the point indicated by the mouse.

B3. Navigation
Here is the complete documentation of navigation and selection functions for all 2D views in Rec: Keyboard/mouse event Effect

Arrow keys
Keys N, M, L, R, P, F Mouse wheel rotates Shift + LMB + mouse movements Alt + RMB click Alt + CMB click LMB + mouse movement

Translation of the image

Switch between selection modes (None, Markers, Line, Rectangle, Polygon, Free hand respectively) Zoom in or out, towards the point indicated by the mouse Translation of the image (only None and Markers mode) Resets translations and scales of the image Image scales to fit window Draws on image a selection shape: rectangle, polygon or lazo, depending on the selection mode. Polygons are defined by LMB clicks and closed by a LMB double click

Release LMB after press and movement

Release LMB after press and movement + Shift Release LMB after press and movement + Alt Release LMB after press and movement + Alt + Shift LMB double click RMB click on a marker LMB + drag marker

Selected region is shape just drawn

Selected region is former selection united with shape just drawn Selected region is former selection subtracted with shape just drawn Selected region is former selection intersected with shape just drawn Markers mode: puts a marker (point) on the image Markers mode: deletes the marker Marker becomes yellow and is dragged around in the image

B3. Navigation
Load an item and select it (e.g. RGB total)
Predefined viewpoints

Right-click on it: a menu contextual to the item appears Option Go to: to set the view so that all the objects (bounding box) are visible Option Center to local origin: to set the view point in the scan acquisition points Option Align to bounding box: to align the camera view to the bounding box of the loaded model (front view, back view, left view, right view, top view, bottom view)

Show axis Show bounding box

Color by ID: the point cloud are colored according to the assigned ID in the Properties browser

B3. Navigation
Predefined point of view

Is possible to set a predefined bounding box (as UCS) according to predefined plane. Define a plane (i.e. horizontal plane) - see video tutorial 08_Model Analysis Load the model you want to change the UCS Select the plane Right button of the mouse Apply as UCS Now when you align a model to a bounding box the reference plane is used as reference

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