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1 Software Install and Starting project

New installation set up Run the R2setup2*.exe and follow the steps

1 Software Install and Starting project

New installation procedure Default path is now under C:\Programs\Gexcel\JRC Reconstructor 2

1 Software Install and Starting project

New flexible licensing system If you have a hardware key (dongle), insert the dongle and run the software. Under Help About Reconstructor you will find the expire date of your key

1 Software Install and Starting project

JRC 3D Reconstructor Trial

New flexible licensing system If you dont have the dongle, the software starts in Trial Mode and you can test it for 30 days

1 Software Install and Starting project

New wizard when the software starts The user can decide if he wants to create a new project or open an existing one

1 Software Install and Starting project

New default project extension Reconstructor projects are now saved in .recprj Old projects are fully compatible with the new version. Open the tutorial project to start software testing.

1 Software Install and Starting project

Principal windows Viewing parameter windows: to set up the viewing parameters (Ctrl+V)

Project window contains all the imported data or data created during the processing

Property window: to set the properties of each object imported or created Read out window: to know the coordinates of 3d points Pressing the C button is possible to copy the coordinates in the clip board

Adjust point window: to set up position of the objects (i.e. points, meshes, planes)

Log window: software processing messages

Point list window: for points selection and editing. With the selected points several actions are possible (distance and angle calculation, surface and volume, scan registration. Press ALT key and click the mouse left button

1 Software Install and Starting project

Principal commands
FILE: to open and save a project NAVIGATION: for navigation properties SURVEY: to measure, note, edit and CAD TOOLS: data processing tool according to the suggested workflow WINDOWS: to open software windows HELP: for software info

Navigation ad visualization tools

Project tools

Survey tools

Processing tools suggested workflow

1 Software Install and Starting project

File organization

Is possible to create sub folders to organize the data in new groups, all the data in the project windows can be moved in a new group through the command copy and paste (right button mouse)

1 Software Install and Starting project

File organization

Press to re-set the view

Is possible to look for a file in the file group organization with the following syntax: Folder|.|File Name

1 Software Install and Starting project

Internal and external hyperlinks Each file in a Reconstructor project can have a hyperlink to an internal or external file. To open a hyperlink select a file in the project windows and with the right button of the mouse select Open hyperlink file and then Open.

In case the selected file is linked to a grid you can open it in 3D, Bubble or 2.5D view (see navigation tutorial 02_R_V)

A file can also link to an external file

1 Software Install and Starting project

To set a new hyperlink 1. select a file 2. right mouse button 3. set hyperlink to local file Select a file Found the hyperlink address in the file properties Internal and external hyperlinks

1 Software Install and Starting project

The project structure is organized in the project main folder containing the project XML file and all the sub-folders containing the imported or created data

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