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2 Importing and Navigation

Start a new project We suggest to create a new project and to start the process from the beginning. To build the project, use the data you find in the Tutorial_project

2 Importing and Navigation

The software can import different types of data (2D and 3D): Grid Point Cloud: 3D point cloud organized according to a regular grid (typically raw data from laser scanner or DTM digital terrain models) Triangle mesh (see video tutorial n. 05_Meshing&MeshEditing) Unstructured point cloud: 3D point cloud not organized, archived in a list of 3D coordinates Poylines (dxf) for flythrough video creation (see video tutorial n. 10_Video Creation) Scanner project that includes grid point cloud and calibrated images (tool available in Photo module)

2 Importing and Navigation

Grid Point Clouds

Grid Point Cloud: 3D point cloud organized according to a regular grid (typically raw data from laser scanner or DTM digital terrain models)



*.zfs *.ptx


*.zfs *.zfc



2 Importing and Navigation

Grid Point Clouds

Drag an d


For grid point clouds format a drag and drop importing tools is available



*.zfs *.ptx


*.zfs *.zfc


2 Importing and Navigation

Unstructured Point Clouds

Unstructured Clouds: 3D point clouds





2 Importing and Navigation

Import Grid Point Clouds

In the Import folder you can import a structured point cloud in ASCII format A grid point cloud can be viewed as a 3D point cloud or according to a 2D view (right button of the mouse on the file name - Filtering - Edit 2D) The grid point cloud is saved in the Grid folder as: *.rgp

2 Importing and Navigation

Project contents

Annotations: Distance, angles, annotation

Cameras: Plane. Spherical, perspective and cylindrical views. Calibrated images Press here to re-set the view Flythrough: trajectories for video Is possible to look for a file in Grid point cloud: cloud of point from scans Group: all type of files organized in a group Polylines: from edges, sections or draws the file group organization with the following syntax: Folder|.|File Name

Triangle meshes: mesh created or imported Unstructured Point Clouds: un-organized cloud of points

2 Importing and Navigation

You can set up the navigation parameters opening the View Parameters Windows (CTRL+V): You can view and navigate according 3 projection views: 1) 2) 3) Perspective standard view style Orthographic Bubble view and rotating the mouse wheel (3) NB: You can dynamically change all the values selecting the value Navigation

Start to navigate in Perspective mode:

select a grid point cloud and load it

2 Importing and Navigation

Start to navigate in Perspective mode: Navigation

select a grid point cloud and load it

To view the imported point cloud: - select the file (scan1) right button of the mouse - load model - the file name is in bold and the flag in checked - if the flag is un-checked the file is not visible but it is still keeping in the memory (scan2) To discharge the file from the memory: - select the file right button of the mouse - unload model (Dome_virtual_scan)

2 Importing and Navigation

Perspective view

Rotation: left button (1) to rotate the model Zoom: right button (1) Pan: press mouse wheel (3)
rotation pivot point is automatically set pressing a valid point with the mouse

Zoom windows: Shift key (4) + mouse central button (3)

Shift (4) key + left button (1)

Rotation around vertical according to the screen

Shift (4) key + right button (2)

Rotation around the axis exiting from the screen

2 Importing and Navigation

Perspective view Projection: It is possible to change the angular size of the field of view

Clip planes: it is possible to change the depth of the point of view

2 Importing and Navigation

Orthographic view

From Perspective view is possible to move to Ortho (orthographic view)

2 Importing and Navigation

Orthographic view

In the Orthographic view you can watch the object from a planar view (point of view very far)

In the Perspective view you can watch the object from a point of view

2 Importing and Navigation

Rotation: left button (1) to rotate the model Pan: press mouse wheel (3)
rotation pivot point is automatically set pressing a valid point with the mouse Orthographic view: to move the mouse pressing the right button correspond to move in & out the plane of view; in order to zoom, you have to change the vertical size of your planar view point Orthographic view

Zoom: change the vertical size

Move in & out the plane of view: right button (1)



2 Importing and Navigation

Movements: It is possible to set the navigation speed defining Pan scale (bigger the value, faster the navigation i.e. for large models) Perspective & Orthographic view

Movements: it is possible to change the rotation type, constraining the rotation according to a axis

2 Importing and Navigation

Bubble view In Bubble view you can set your point of view exactly in the laser scanner position and you can constrain the navigation to this point

Select a scan and Center to local origin

Press the bubble view button

Define the up vector

Start Bubble View navigation

To go back to the standard view, press the pivot button

2 Importing and Navigation

2D view To visualize the Grid point cloud : 1. select a Grid 2. right mouse button 3. filtering tool 4. Edit 2D The Grid is displayed in 2D. To Zoom: press ALT + rotate the mouse wheel (3)

2 Importing and Navigation

Load the file Select the file (scan1) Right button of the mouse Go to: to set the view so that all the objects (bounding box) are visible Center to local origin: to set the view point in the scan acquisition points Align to bounding box: to set the view according to the bounding box of the loaded model Predefined point of view

Show axis Show bounding box

Color by ID: the point cloud are colored according to the assigned ID in the Properties browser

2 Importing and Navigation

Predefined point of view

Is possible to set a predefined bounding box (as UCS) according to predefined plane. Define a plane (i.e. horizontal plane) - see video tutorial 08_Model Analysis Load the model you want to change the UCS Select the plane Right button of the mouse Apply as UCS Now when you align a model to a bounding box the reference plane is used as reference

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