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Control module


Control module

Scan acquisition

Control module

Camera acquisition (multiple pictures)

Control module

Post process
1. Scan Import

Control module

Post process
2. Photo Calibration

Control module

Post process
3. Texture Mapping

Control module

Post process
4. Colored Scan & Full resolution photo reprojection

Control module

FOR MULTIPLE CAMERAS It is usable with different cameras and focal lengths

TO GET COLORED POINT CLOUDS It automatically produces colored point clouds with accurate color overlap

TO USE FULL RESOLUTION TEXTURE It automatically produces calibrated full resolution images to be projected onto the mesh model

TO GET MEASURABLE PHOTOS Through the virtual scan tool is possible to produce measurable photos at the original image resolution

Control module
MULTIPLE CAMERAS It is usable with different cameras and focal lengths

Nikon D80 18 mm

Nikon D80 Fisheye

Control module
COLORED POINT CLOUDS It automatically produces colored point clouds

Control module
FULL RESOLUTION TEXTURE It automatically produces calibrated full resolution images to be projected onto the mesh model

Control module
MEASURABLE PHOTOS Through the virtual scan tool is possible to produce measurable photos at the original image resolution

Control module


Control module
1. Fix the laser scanner on the tripod

Control module
2. A. Select the camera you want to use B. Set the infinite ( ) to the zoom C. Switch off the auto focus D. Fix the diaphragm and time exposure E. Fix the camera on the top of the scanner F. CONNECT THE CAMERA TO THE PC (through an USB cable)

Control module
3. Connect the camera and the scanner to the PC where Reconstructor with Control module is installed. Switch on the scanner and the camera, run Reconstructor and select Tools Acquisition tools Stop Scan and GO acquisition or run ssgapp.exe (C:\Programmi\Gexcel\JRC Reconstructor 2 (32 bit)). Create a new folder (or select an existing one) where storing scan and photos

IMPORTANT NOTE: The camera must be connected directly to the PC through an USB cable

Control module
4. The Stop scan And Go window appears; press Next ScanPos to start. Define the base folder to save each single scan and the relative images. For each acquisition point a folder will be incrementally defined (the folder name can be incrementally numbered)

5. LASER SCANNER acquisition: Select Faro window to start the scan acquisition Put the camera in parking position Set the correct IP address and connect Set the scan angle parameters (by default 360 x 310 are scanned) Set the noise compression (=2 suggested) Set the resolution (i.e. 4) Press start for the acquisition. The scanner will rotate of 180

Control module
6. CAMERA Acquisition: Switch to Nikon to start the camera acquisition Select the camera model Select the Platform (= scanner you are using) Set Camera field of view (for fisheye use the default 72 [deg]) If already available, load the file: the camera field of view is automatically set Set minimum overlapping among sequential images (the lower the value, the lower the number of acquired images). Pressing Text picture to view the first photo Press Start to acquire all the images. The scanner will rotate of 360 and stop at regular angles If you want to acquire a photo to a predefined angle, insert a rotation angle and press Goto angle to acquire a photo

Control module
DATA STORAGE: For each point of acquisition is created a folder incrementally numbered (Site 1, Site 2, Site N). Each folder contains: Scan in raw format Images acquired from different step angles Log file (*.ssglog) containing the relative paths of the scan and relative images. Each image is named according to the approximate step angle where the scanner stops to acquire the image. The accurate angular positions are reported in the log file as PanPos values

Control module

Post Process

Control module
STOP&GO POST PROCESSING: 1. Select Tools Acquisition Tools open the Stop and Go post-process window 2. Load the log files concerning the scans you want to process 3. Select one *.sslog file and press View log.

Control module
4. The View SSLGLog window displays. Select Tools Acquisition Tools open the Stop and Go post-process window 5. Select one of the photo in the Panorama sub-window and press Calibrate IMPORTANT NOTE: select the image that makes easier the camera calibration: it should present several welldistributed features recognizable both in the photo and in the scan.

Control module
6. Import the scan that will be used for the camera calibration.

Control module
7. After scan import, the Camera Calibration window is open. To Zoom: press ALT + rotate the mouse wheel To Shift the Zoom view press CTRL and move the mouse Press TAB to rotate the image 8. Select min 11 homologous points between the Scan and the Photo (geometrically welldistributed) 9. Press Calibrate and check the re-projection error (expected value < 2 pixels)

Control module
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a pre-calibrated camera, press External and choose min 7 points; when you press Calibrate the software asks for a *.cal file.

10. Press Save Calibration to save the *.cal file (The accurate PanPos value of the image is automatically set up)

Control module
11. Close the windows and go back to the Stop Scan & Go post processed window (eventually load all the *.log files)

Select Auto convert raw scan to import the scan, setting the sub sampling Select Texture mapping, press Load camera calibration and select the *.cal file With the option Reprojected and blended picture over the grid, the scan is automatically colored and the full resolution images are inserted in the project

Control module
12. STOP&GO POST PROCESSING - RESULTS: Grid file created for each site: File Load items in the Grid folder you will find the *.rgp file.

The grid file is automatically colored; in the Grid property window, select Blending layer to see the colored points Full resolution image re-projection: Survey Create Projector Perspective from calibration, load the *.cal file of each image. Camera items are created to be re-projected at full resolution over a mesh model

Colored grid point cloud (results A & B)

Full resolution images to be re-projected on mesh model (result C)

Control module
IMPORTANT NOTE: To register different scan positions: Import different colored scans After the preprocessing, register the different sites Load the Cameras (Survey Create Projector Perspective from calibration, load the *.cal file of each image) that will be positioned according to the registered scans

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