G H D Gossip Theory of Chess Openings

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Theory Of The Chess Openings 2nd Edition G. H. D. Gossip THEORY or THE CHESS OPENING ay G. H. D. GOSSIP, Authde of th * Chay Player's Manu," the" Cheer Payer's eet Book? Second Edition. REVISED AND IMPROVED, WITH ALL THE LATEST THB DISCOVERIES UP TO DATE. LONDON: W. H. ALLEN & 00., LIMITED, 18 WATERLOO AND AT CALCUTTA, 18gte att aah ars PREFACE. “Tax suooees of the first edition of the present work, of which all ‘the copies wore sold in six months, has encouraged me to publish ‘tho present revised edition, comprising the most important theo- retical discoveries made since 1879. Ihave availed myself of the latest analyses contained in Part I. of Mr. Steinits’s Modern Chase Instructor, Cook's valuable Synopsis, Messrs. Freeborough and Ranken's Anciont and Modern Chee, tho Berlin Schachesitung, La Stratégie, Columbia” Chass Chronicle, Salvioli's excellent treatise, anslyses by Messrs, Osank, Gattie, and othérs, in the Chews Monthly, &o., 96 well as of many novelties in the best Hnglish and ‘American newspaper chess columns, and have been especially ‘careful to avoid all reférence to obsolete works or to the various unreliable or worthless treatises published of lato years in this, ‘country, except when 1 felt it sBeclutely necessary, in the interest ‘of the student, to point out their most glaring blundsks; so that it is hoped the present volume will fuitly represent the actual state ‘of Chess theory, and be useful to players of different classes of strength. T have adopted the new fashionable notation in ealumans employed in modern treatises. Selantifio analysis istne of the factors which have mainly coy Aebuipd to Zaine Chess to its prosent high position as an intellechisi: \widiipe but fi" in atrious to note thaw extent, theoeinte ie! ’ ive raavace. To quote two notable instances: after the moves 1. PEt . PoRG, @.KtQB8 8, PBA 4. BPxP in the Vienna Game,” KEEBS = P=Q4 ‘Bukertort, in his notes to a game betwoen Englisch and Knorre, in ‘the Wiesbaden Tourney, condemns White's last move, which, he says, should result in Black's favour, and asserts that 4. P—Q 8 in much better; whereas most leading experts now-t-days favour the very line of play which he censures. Modern analysis, more- over, is against him. Again, in a review of the Sook of the Inter- national Paris Chase Congress of 1878, edited by Schallopp, the Chess Monthly (p. 266, Review IV.) contains the following paragraph : “The notes on openings do not contain anything novel, but are vwery often faulty. After 1. P—K4 2, Kt—QB8 8. PBS PoKe Ki=KBS Pa 4. BPxP; Clore (White), Englisch (Black), we read: «4. KP xP seems to us more favourable for White.’ This noto sooms to us to indione that the writer's knowledge of the Vienne opening is not profound " (sic). Quite recently, moreover, this move (PXQP) is condemned. ‘by Freeborough, in the British Chess Magaziné, in his notes to ‘© game between tho author and Mason in the Isto Manchester ‘Tourney. Now, it is just this very move which is strongly reoom- amended in the International Cha Magasin, and which Stenite prefers to all others. The wonderful potentialities of the Ruy Lopez and Evans, the Bishop's, and other Gambits, and the fascination which surrounds ‘heir analysis, have inducod me to add Supplementary Tables, ‘which will be found in the Appendix. In adopting this course, I bbave been actuated by several motives; firstly, in tho interest of the Chess student, I have deemed it best to ad an analysis of many interesting, but lees important, lines of play omitted from ‘the main Tables ; secondly, I have considemd it a duty to point ‘out many of the blunders of the Handbuch and other authors, in order to prevent the public from being misled by failty or careless. rarrace. ’ ‘analyses; and, lastly, I have thought it wisest to anticipate the dvarso criticism of eaptious critics, at all times eager to distinguish ‘themselves at an author's expense by their loud denunciation of any similar omissions, or real or fencied mistakes. Thave devoted special attention to the Evans Gambit Declined and the Vienna Game, and venture to hope that my analyses of the latter opening will compare favourably with those of any single author yet published in any language. Tam indebted to Mr. Muller for several valuable improvetnents ‘on the lines of play indicated by the Handbuch end Ancient and Knight's Game and the Gambit 5 leo to Mr. J. G. Cunningham for some anslyses of the Algaier Gambit. But, as I have received no other assistance whatever in the com- lation of the great bulk of the present work, or in the arduous task of seeing it through the press, I must crave the indulgence of my readers for any slight oversights or mistakes, several of which -will be found rectified in the Appendix. G. H. D. GOSSIP, a LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS 0 TE FIRST EDITION OF MR. GOSSIP'S “THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS.” -” HLREH. Prinoe Leopold. Sir J. G, Tollemeche Sinclair, Bart, MP. The Ret. 0. B, Rasken. ee” A.B. Skipworth, Brot, Wayte. EO, Sanders, MORE EM: 4 z Fs 4 Spann ps: ae ae oat ee aie hp (ee Merny £ bs nd may otha {the above List te names precded bya ater (*) ae thos of emien Player, "ead Chae Bion nw of eminent * OPINIONS ‘OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN CHESS PRESS oN THE ins EDITION oF Mr. Gossip’s “Theory of the Chess Openings.” ad The Thury of th Ch Openings, by 6H Ds Goo nes enti of ings, by G. H. D. Gossip, just been published at New Wortley by A. Inman, We ‘Hosa; and aa far'as we ean judge ftom'a very brief examination, ‘we should consider it s good one.” 2, “Tnuvsrmarep Loxpox News,” March 1879 (the lato Mr. Duffy) —“ We have suficiently examined Mr. Gossip's new work, The Wheory of the Chess Openings, to ensblo us to recommend it as Presenting @ oaroful summary of the present condition of chess theory. Sevag a8 pola Dok wpm th subject is lessened to some extent by «revival of the old controversy between the author aand the critios of his first book, the Chess Manal, In the opini pe tee reo bok, Oke Merge a a ee reviewed with unnecessary harshness. ‘The food between authors fand critics is one of long standing : it raged before tho time of Mr. Gossip and his reviewers, and it will probably survive them ; but an author upon the subject of chess theory should remember that it must always be easy enough to find faults of omission commission in. such works without furnishing his eritios motive for seeking them. Shing that asda, Fowersr, iis Took printing and paper leave nothing to be desired om that score.” "Tas Omnes Pravmns’ actx."—" There is room at ti ‘OrDMaNS OF THE PRESS. 1874-6. Mr. Bird's publication of last year, taking these two ‘authors for its bass, failed in the necessary atiention due to fresh, iseoveries; and Mr. Bird's own lucubrations by no means com. opened for this onplial daft. Mr. Gom ‘bas hed an excellent? beforo him. His former work—tho Manual—whatever ite sults, was not wanting in industry ; he has hed for his ground- ‘work the last edition of tho Handbuch, of which Staunton had made no use and Wormald very little, and le 1s well aogusinted swith the mass of recent material still floating and unsystematized. He has given us a view of chess theory, tolerably complex and well 00 , down to the time of the Paris Tourney of 1878. An eminent first-rate, who was one of the reviewers of the Manuad, Wasreagonent tad jatgeens ef portion shows by Me Gest te arrangement and ju: sition a 1. Gossip in the present work. Ir ‘Philidor's Defence,’ the learned theorist, who ‘has roviowod Mr. Gossip's book in the Huddergfeld College Magazine, hhas failed to perceive the real bearings of this question ; and even if suthority and not reason were the true critenon in matters of chegs analysis, it would be as vain to cite the example of Staunton inst the players we have named as to appeal to the practice of forphy twenty years ego in favour of the soundness of the «Comer Gambii” “On this point we entirely agree with afr 7 4. “"Buumy (Mfr. Collins).— The author protest terms against the malignant attacks of certain which iliberal a yented under the guise of impartial criti- iam. The work is not intended for the tyro, but for those thoroughly acquainted with the moves of the pieces and pawns and laws of the game, whose wim is to become expert players. Mr. Goseip’s new book is well printed on toned paper and copiously illustrated with clear diagrams. We heartily wish it success. 6, Hou, Betuaux” (Mr. Crake). —* Mr. Gos ‘Work on the chess openings is now in the ‘and, we venture (o thing, will have, on the whole, a favour. ‘ble verdict passed upon it by impartial eritics. It bears the {impress of much careful research and laborious analysis; and, catthough it may oot eteape censure at some bands, may fily ‘laim to be tho most reliable work, of the ind i ie Eg language, ‘The most recent improvements in the method of ‘treating tho openings are recorded, and several débits, which have lately come into vogue or been’ rehabiliteted, are given more fally than in otlier treatises cm a similar subject, ‘The different ‘variations are clearly defined, and the letter-press is distinct and t to the eye. Alt -»we think the work is one whieh ‘will be of great service to the student.” 6, *Inswio Jovaxas.”—' This is & learned book on a recondite ject. The suthor has some reason, we apprehend, for saying gs"be does in his preface, “I am fully aware that the ‘ion of the prosent work will ubject me to the malignant attacks ‘OpmoNs oF THE Pazes, ix cof cartain periodieals fo, ‘There is much ‘liberty and con- ‘eit in the. world, and there are Dot a few ohariians; bat shoal be fond in the cae wort shoes oor ene of the GET things, "We tought tht chess was repre in effect on such vulgarities; but Mr."Gossip ‘knows. the world ‘Shear, and he is certainly very ontepoken, The way that some ‘Sf tho entice are punished is Hightftl, Ic is indeed o deterrent tn ourselves that we will not attempt to say anything more of the ‘ook than tht it hes been well spoken 7. New one fem io abd Po Ha Jong promised work of the fe by Me. GHD. Gossip has at lust made its appearence in Hnglaud; but it Zot 20 far ax we know, as yet been soon in thie country. Tt is frll spoken “of bp tl citcn as an improvement on his Mma! Mr, Gossip as the ability to produoe a. work which, would be sca tbs on Ge ‘ney, od tr a eed bimgoif in the preparation of the one just published to vu Mant mck felt fy all chow players, by geiug'us the bet rebate of Evtnowledgu nnd geinstaking gare Lf he hos dauo tis, we tony be sure the book will be a valtable one; if not, or if like its imme- inte prodocesor lately published, it be mmorely ‘a eateupenny collection of others" mistakes, interlarded with ‘ta authors own ee and eooenteitie,* lke tie later, it will prove to bo’ Thing of no wort toto parelaser and’ delusion and w snare to ‘hoes who fondly Lope to derive bene from the sady of i jr stamapun’ Srecraron.”— On examining fs. Gossip’s Theol) of the Cher Upeningn, from chess point of view, une doubly «large amouut of right good matter is brought together fn's compact, wall-arranged, wellprnted manner. ‘The Vienna Game an Steunton'e opening aro both well rented, and se note sever allusions to Pret, the Nuova Riva, Homditch, and Schack Stang.” This, we think, ie applying for information in the right quarters; for the French, Germats, and Italians are devoted to the Game end most petiens analysts,” ‘Wo strongly Tooommend: Mi. ono prepare second ein forth per wih alarasona ‘dons in thore parte which ihe well-intentioned ertiiam of 1s readers or his ‘ovm espera ave pointed onan his otk qu thn be wach a one nao chess Urry shoul be witht je, however, congretulate Mi, Gossip on the opportune eppesrance of his book sit time. when, in consequence of the extinction of Wainer “Piper, a review of it onl 20t appear in tha 7G, Bemuonzerrone " (Berlin, June 1879) worked oat with great diligence, which Tarious chess openings iz their main variations, Conscentious ‘ear ben mado of errent chee tera, he Secon, Bird's trative, to which rolerence la apparently made, was the immo- ate pedacnnor ey Theory. “(Ashore nie) ” wi ‘OPDUONS OF THE FREas. 1872-6. Mr, -Bird’s publication of last year, taking these two ‘authors for its basis, failed in the nevessary attention due to freeh Aiscoverios; and Mr. Bird's own lucubrations by no means com, ensated for this capital defect, Mr. Goeeip has hed an excellen field open before, him. His former work—tho Manual—whatever its fants, was not wanting in industy he hs had for his ground. ‘work the last edition of the Handiuch, of which Staunton had rade no uso end Wormald very lil, and lie is well cquaintad with the mass of recent material sill floating and uneystemstized. ‘He has given us a viow of chess theory, ‘tolerably complex and ell |, down to the time of the Paris Tourney of 1878. An eminent first-rate, who was one of the reviewers of the Manual, ‘has failed to peresive the real bearings of this question ; and even if authority and not reason were the true criterion in matters of chee analyst it would be as vain to cie the example of Staunton agai ‘we have named as to appeal to the practice of i Enty years ogo. in favour of ike aoandsese of the On this point we entirely agree with Mr. 4. Barer” (Mfr. Collins).—''The author protests in strong terms against the’ malignant attecks of certain periodicals, i which illiberal abuse is vented under the guiso of impartial criti- fism, Tho work is not intended for the tyro, but for Nhoge thoroughly acquainted with the moves of the pieces and pawns and Saws of the game, whose aim is to become expert players. Mr. Gossip’s new book is well printed on toned paper and copiously illustrated with clear diagrams. We heartily wish it success.” 6. “Hout, Betaaux” (Mr. Cralte)—* Mr. Gossip's long expected work on the chess openings is now in the hands of the gb and we rentaefo tik, wl are om tbe whale favour. fable verdict passed upon it by impartial critics. It ‘bears the impress, of much careful research and laborious analysis; and, although ‘it may not etcape esnsure at some hands, Ing ‘claim to be the most reliable work, of ind iin Bog rags, The most rom Smprovment in ike methoy of ‘treating the openings are recorded, and se » Which have lately come into vogue or been’ rehabilitated, are given more folly than in other treatises cn a similar subject. ‘The different ‘variations are clearly defined, and the letter-press is distinct and Pleasant to the eye. Altogether, we think the work is one which ‘ill bo of grost sorvico to the student.” 6, + Inswion Joumxat.”"— This is a learned book on a recondite subject. ‘The author has some resson, wo apprehend, for sayi ‘s‘he does in his preface, ‘I am fully awaro that the tion of the present work will subject me to the malignant attacks OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. . & of certain periodicals,’ ic. ‘There is much illiberslity and con- ceit in the world, and there are not s few charlatans; but that Peete ands esr sone ou sae f the ‘of things. We thought that chess was repressive in ite tffech‘on auch valgertion; Sut MMz-Goanip iow, the world of chess, and he is certainly’ very outspoken. The way that some ‘of ths crite are puniahet Is Kightit. Ii is indeed to deterent on ourselves that we will not attempt to say anything more of the took than that it has been wll epobtn of by ligh antoorids,” 7. New Yorx “ Tonr, Fran, and Fans” (Mr. Delmar).—* The Jong-promised work on th: ii G. #H. D. Gossip has at lust made its appearance in Englaud; but it bas not, 80 far as we know, as yet been seen in this country. ‘wal spoken of bp thu titce a8 an. improvement on is Meme! Mr. Gossip has the ability to produce s work which would be indeed am uuihosiy on the opening, and wo trust ie haa exotted himself in the prepaation of the one just published to supply a trast och ia oy Al chose players, by givingas the beet rents of his knowledge and painstaking care. It he has done this, we may saa ‘the book wile eval one; aot o ke me fo predeccowor lately” publahed, ibe mocely aca aleadon of others’ ‘tales, interlarded with “ie ‘author's ow. ‘vagaries and eccentricities, like tho latter, it will prove to be a Tag of no worth to tie purclueer and « dolunon cas mare to thoes who fondly hope to deriv bane from the study of te Sr "caupue Srecraon."-—""On examining. ‘ir. Gossips Theory of the Chess Upenings, from a chess point of view, un- doubielye large moult of right good materia brought tgether in @ compact, wall-arranged, well-printed manner. The Vienna Gatse and Stountou's opesing aro both well ented, nde netns era! allions to Plas the Moe Tita, Homdlach, aod Seas seitung. ‘Chis, we think, is applying for information in the right quarters; for the French, Germans, and Italians are devoted to the game and most patient analysts. We strongly recommend Mr. USemcy to propare a second Giton foe tho psy, wits leads and additions in those parts which the well-intentioned erticism of iy readers or his own experience have poinied ou, and his wort will then be such @ one as go chess Lil should be withont. ‘We, however, congratulate Mr. Gossip on the opportune appearance of his book at a time when, in consequence of the extinction of Hrmngr "apr raven of tld Bots in tat journal" 9. Scuscuzerrune " (Berlin, June 1879).—* A serviceable book ‘worked out with great diligence, which jin succession with the Jarlous hes openings if ther"main variations," Oonscentoas ‘use bas been made of current chess literature. The Schachseitung, ~ he, Beds out, yi rere aparenty made, wee Wo bse ie oscar ey Tanyas ae x in tho volume ‘or 1977, p- O49, informed those who might be Anelined to subscribe that’the work was in contemplation. Now, ‘however, that tho book of about 270 pages, neatly got up, bas Appeared and proves tobe well worth fiantion, wo cannot refi from taking the opportunity to reoommend it thor ro eds with great independence and without the least belief in tthortes, and does notin the lest srople to point ont errors and wealmesses where great names have iuty for correct- 10. “Nuova Rrewra Dzau Scacom” (April 1979).—' The work gn the Thary of th Chess Opening by aaa HD. Gonp, which inglish chess players expected for a long time past with great {nterest, has at length appoared. We are enabled to state that the expectations formed of that treatise have not been illusory. In fact, this work, containing tho most recent discoveries in the theory of the openings, could not fail to excite a lively interest amongst chess players to whom it is rendered all the more precious bby accurate analyses, well-weighed judgments, a clear and precise method, and a typographical nicety and exactitude which leave to be dosired| The newspapers prin t highly.” 11, Gmonmarr Comoran.” (17th May 1879).—* We think Mr. Gossip has made a very fair presentation of the chess open- ‘ings. He has the advantage of some years in time of publication over other authors, and of this sdvantage ho has availed himself. In the Preface he claims to have made use of the latest analyses ‘contained in the Schachseituny, City of London Chet Magazine, Chess Players’ Chronicle, American chess journals, &c. He tttends ‘well to the promise made in the Preface to point out Mr. Wormald’s mistakes, as we find his name repeated on a great many pages of the work, and always in connection with some inferior variation of an opening. This, of course, is all the better for readers, and should not cause complaint. ‘The claims of the author as to novelties seem to be justified by an examination of the work. ‘We could find plenty of other points for comment and illustration, ‘and still more for approval, did we not feer to try the patience of ‘our readers. We therefore close by recommending to their favour- able consideration this, the latest, and, we believe, a very fair and reliable, exposition of the chess opgnings.” NB.—Sach are 4 fow only of the favourable eviews of the fret edition of the proseat work, whioh received the highest praise from the best authorities. Ps ‘America, and the Continent, Yot it s never even once referred to Ia. Ma. Bird's ators treating. Under thoeo elreumstanoes, It ie not, ‘that I was unable, oven with £50 worth of signed. orders for e ‘Publier wilig to uoderake the pabllenin of s ancond elton, ‘itbongh Tsado stroous aod uooeesng eters to publish 1s before T aalled for Ansrala in Febraary 1684. However, pereereranio onaia vin, aod Ave at lngth succondad Ia bringing ont tho recent work in pte ofiseeaab ‘ppociion,diparegement and noa‘ocogatcn. y CONTENTS. “Bamuuxoms” ns ome tame New Youx DeteRNaTiosaL axD Avermtax Masrems’ Tourn 5... il Punizpow's Darexce Persorr’s Derexce ‘Tar Soorce Gaxarr . ‘Tae Ror Lorex. ‘Tar Grv000 Puaxo 1 ® 8 : Le . 4 ‘Tux Dovate Ror Lorex axp ‘Tanne asp Foor Kwiorrs' Gauss. 67 7 ‘Tar Eves Gum? . % 02 ‘Tee Bvawe Gaxorr Deus 2 ‘Tae Two Kxicen' Dirmcr 2... . ue ‘Tax Quem's Bisnor's Pawn’s Ganz mt rue Kivo's Konoar's Ommc 67. oe 6 ‘Tax Creme Couren Gaworr nx riz Kxiom’s Oreo 180 ‘Tax Greco Covwtme Gar 2. - fn ‘Tm Cone Gumr 6. , + + 188 ‘Tar Daou Gace 5 7 0 . 188 ‘Tae Knic's Bio's Ormco. =... - Mo ‘Tae Kn's Kwonr'sGumr. . 2... - 8 ‘Taz Common Gus + 18 Tm SuvoGomr 9... ee 8B 159 ‘Ter Meno Gyan... ‘Tae Avoame Garr... ‘Tae Hawes-Avoauee Gausrr . ‘Tae Kive's Brstor's Gano. ‘Tas Kivo's Gaworr Decusen . Tas Via Gane 2 ‘Tae Ques’ Bisuor's Pavn's Gawe ‘Tae SroriaN ‘Tue Cextes Counter Gaxorr : ‘Tae Feescn Gaus... ‘Tae Quex’s Gasmir axp ormen Inezoutar Chose Ormwvas Frow's Garr, Tue Fiancurrro a) Avpexpix.—Appimoxs ap RECTIICATIONS AND SUPPLEMENTART - m8 Tas... BasuiaNey wv Carss BEE8 165 1% 188 . 198 282 269 370 885 NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT. Suowatren », Gossrr a wae ete wie” epen.s (rom The International Chees Magasine, Spell 1889, . 127.) "The shove note in by Mr, Staats, the word's champion. ar ‘Tho above position qeourred in a game in the first round of the late New York International Masters’ Tournament, between Mr. Showalter, who won the first prize of £50 (250 dols.) in the recent Tournament of the Wnited States Chess Association st St. Louis, without losing a single game,* and the Author. It ‘was generally expected by Amorican chese-playors that the special prize of £10 (60 dols.), offered for tho best game in the first round of the New York Tourney, would have boen awarded ay NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT, to the Author for this game; but, contrary to expectation, the Committee awarded the prizo in question to Mr. Gunsberg for 9 game won by him of Mr. Mason, and declared to be very inferior to the Author's game by, Messrs. Showalter, Mason, 8. Lloyd, and ‘a host of other competent erities. Prior to the award, which ‘gave much dissatisfaction, Mr. Lloyd, in the New York Herald, ‘wrote as follows Mr. G. D. Gossip, the Australian chasapion, wil lesve to-day, by the steamer ‘Tyave, to tke part in the Brocan aa well an the Parle chees touraumente. Mr. Goan id not eacooed tn getting « prize in tho recent ternational cont errno gun an placed some casing itr oh ead scuirat the Kentucky champion a'noting, and Se aadoubtedly woperor fhe game we fave lee Thiseday between Weis and Gunobrg, shakes 481d the 0 dle pas to bo awarded. ‘And in fact no one was more surprised than Mr. Gunsberg him- self at getting this prize, and also the honour, in addition to the third prize of £120. We append the games, which are useful to the student as illustrations of the “Scotch Gambit” and the * Ginoco Piano,” for comparison -— (From the New York Herald of March 80th, 1889.) Goss's Bunzaxe Mare, The following fine game elicited a hearty round of applause from the spectators when the winner announced beautiful mate, involving the sacrifice of the Queen and Rook :— Swowarmen v. Govern, .PK4 BBA = 47.B—Kt3 98 BxP PoRa PERK) “KR—Kieg(@) | Ke—BO aT DKKBS 10.502 18.0-Qeq 25. Pkt 55s ExEP RRs BxPaiva EPLQ4 RK 18, F—KBag PxP Qk? Kt &ixP RIBS, Pte EDS ar BERKS BRixKt = QRS at EXE GaleGR | Bas 6598 BXK 2. Q—KiS P=Q4 (a) PBs PORRG (@) TPES (BRA 28, RK ag, SEE eK PRS B.Castls 48, BRS ch (6) 7 a 7 [NEW YORE INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT. x» NOTES FROM THE “NEW YORK CLIPPER.” ) “ Brovity and brllancy to nome purpose. Te will bo an exhibition of frpworks iden, backed by mote ereordiaary depth of calealation ‘apd solotifie acouracy of exovution that ean wrest the 80 dol. prize from this glorious game, 2. serve sod pomansion which prompted thow move are ad: mish. (©) White could now rid i of his formentors by ERX, "look at that supported central phalanx of Blac r, the Aight would be longer. they used to aay in war times, now makes bis coils ei an Par 0 8 nk a ‘more; but there is ho time. le as though he meditated giving Ke for fre not quite sure—bat the actual mate seems to be delayed it "Raq. See our benuifal Problem: ‘Black announcos mate in soven move This game was tormed by the Nee York Clipper of April 20th 1889, “Mr. Gossip's historically magnificent performance,” and ‘the preceding notes are from tho chess column of that paper, edited by Miron J. Hazeltin ‘The Author's astonishment and diseppointment at the award of ‘the Committee was ineréased from his having been congratulateds ‘and assured on gil sides thet he would have the prize, and his also having been givdn to understand by Ma. Ruld—one of the wi AUSTRALIAN MASTERS’ TOURNAMENT donors—that it would be given to him. Subjoined is the com- paratively dull game which obtained the brillianey prize -— 6 Masox v, Guesnene. APRA BLQRS § t.PKA PKL wr Gear aks MKD QRKe oSBE SKB anon 8 Kink > et spas sre * RQ? a Kem oR ane M.PHKY ML KtonK 3m Sakis Bek earns aR? RxD Kens RE cs TOKO? WPKP | Q-KI Se BP KiKS a raons Tore ‘Mason rorigns With regard to the title of * Australian champion,” conferred on hhim in America, the Author desires to state that he never assumed ‘that ‘ttle, as he came out a point behind Mr. Charlick in the Adelaide Tourney. But as the Author has signally defeated Mr. Grane—the present Australian champion—who could never win a single game of the Author, but who has since beaten Mr. Charlick, hhe considers hie has now some claim to the ttle. The South Australian Committee at the Adelaide Tournament, however, were more impartial, and had more discrimination. ‘The following is the game which obtained the special brilliancy prize in the first Australian Masters’ Tournament. It is also useful to the student as illustrating an important* variation of the Ruy Lopes opening. Mr. Charlick—the winner of the first prize and hess Editor of the Adelaide OMereer—génerously remarked in that paper «that the Author's vietory was a splendid specimen of skill, depending as jt did on the sacrifige ofa picbe. 2, Kt—KBS ‘KBs 3.BoK &PxP Krk? 9. Rag, BOR? 10, KK exer Gossrr ©, Eau. Bane 28, PxRtP. ee BxP °.K-QB3 OL RXEP Poker Ras DUKES RRS. POERI 58 26, RXRP Ke .PxKe RKB 28, RR B08 29, RK ay K=93 0.RKS yoke MRS RRA Rig RXR, ae $8. PQuoens LRP. BxQ Resigns Position after White's 160h mow, With regard to Mr? Ealing, the Adelaide Observer stated “ that ‘Mr. Blackburne expressed a very favourable opinion of his skill five yours agot andgthat e competitor in the Australian Tourna- wii AUSTRALIIN MASTERS’ TOURNAMENT. mont, qualified to judge, esteemed him stronger than the late Mr. Wiskor. Mr. Esling is of Gorman parentage, but Victorian by birth. A few years prior to the Adelaide Tournament, when it Germany, he played a gamo with the late Professor Anderssen. The latter played his favourite opening, the Evans Gambit, but ‘Mr. Bsling won the game after adopting the compromised defence.” ‘The foregoing game, although published with copious notes in all tho Australasian chess columns, and in both the German Schach- zeitungs, 08 well as in the International Chess Magasine and American newspapers, did not appear in any London paper. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS USED IN NOTATION. | Arnote of ‘exclamation after a move signifies “best.” PA note of interrogation after « moro signifies “ woak "or “inferior” _+_sbove the line means that White has the better game. “ ‘elow the line that Black bas the advantage — signion equal gums, : THEORY oF THE CHESS OPENINGS PHILIDOR'’S DEFENCE. Tae defence thus named, from having been strongly recommended by Philidor, who endeavoured to establish its validity, first ocours in Lucena’s treatise, published two centuries before Philidor’s birth. I is not, however, to be commended, since it unnecessarily restrains the action of Black's King’s Bishop, and renders the development, of is forees dificult. Philidor erroneously relied on his favourite counter-gambit, 3. to turn the attack; but it is shown to —KB4 . be bad in Tables IL, IIL, IV., and V. THEORY OF THE CHESS oPRETO8. TABLE I, APR © RRERBD = Poe rt St ve 1 2 8 ‘ saerr ‘ Kaan TEER) anHoKs anaes a? RBs a x0%) e.pxnt a. BaKts ‘Castles BxB QT Tontings) Lams on 1 BxKt Fai) Rem “roe “axe pxm = aBKS © ake oe iki “TER 0x0 REDS Canes GR Pxa Keak "Gale 1UKBS O34) HOKE — 10, conte 18, QL xx — eae 14.BxB per 4, Poe ms my a2 B-a84 D orm ann BOK AKICEDD Ou th Kot aS i i oe Bxp I PoXKLA a de Wale he beter gene ra : ) RECEBL | RLCKBD 6, FLERE omhy ad De Bn). b wR OP own SromBle ont 2 axE KD WE FLKn4 wins extont pe Bett (Bink best coiy, Ho Sainte’ opnon, to 3B, ma ste Wes te Bs a) . cing up the paws for Mt (0) Stata the Hands and Tas wnd Pane all dcr tha obo Buc’ at more ae ifr. . (1) Bite ic © ton ‘TABLE IL. 4. Poke 2, Ke—KBS 8 Poa Poet Pas PoRBI? L 2 8 “4 5 BPXEP! BPP SKS _ ead 6.QKtB3! 5s TPKO 1.QK—BSt ERS car BKKXKP 8 8 BK Pak BRP PoBS Q-Rbch O.BXKE 8, Cantos PORES PoKS! 1.0-K5_ 10.0 $0, Rx? Roky | RQ? Oke 11, QB—KKG5 1, Castle QR) AKDT ao KY $2 R-Quat 12 BBS AU KKS} 12. KtxR a PxBy $8, KRKag+ mm amt ot 12, uataa (QR) oF sty, 1S gms winnkenmclan = ms EKGs ore 7. QELS tinge aboot theme postion ain the feat colan on ‘ais page In rey, Rowena, to 6. QKIWBSI Hack pay 6 White wine by Keath PLQRS be, mn a BaKLss" ort 7 am ERE amt ous, Met mmm L a xta38 PROT Bax? = 6. B_oKts PxP 1. KtxP BB as Ks TBRORY OF THE CHESS OPENIKOS. ‘TABLE II. P-K¢ = KLBS © BPO aK ras F ‘ ‘ . PXRPF HUT 8. OKtxP, 8. BaOKs Por PREP (®) 6. KRtxKP 6. QkixP FoR Par Q-R5eb ixP Pos Px .Kixe BKexkt KREDS Pxkt .Q-K5 cb BBxPaa = ear {0,BB4ech 10. QR pace POR Kon QE 5 eby mR — $2, DKK sa kK $B BXKE xB C $6 QxKP kt 45, Castes (QR) + ee ee cee TABLE IV. aKLKBS Page a PEK 1 2 8 “ 6‘ 4 B0BK0) RBs . apxxr! Keo? QPXKP ‘EKRS 6Paas! Keakigi “KER 1.QRB8 1. Rigns PRP PP PBS BRK BRBS — BOKIXP-ROKEXP —PBE(®) nr Es FRE @.caston * 9, curtin Qh BKISeh — B.PXGP E-KES PRP PBS PKs WRKt 10. s0.D

Blaek ay also aaflyplayae think, ©.KI-KB9 ere. OKLKS Ke 10. B—Kt 5 ob BQ? tH, KixB ER: sa Poe ey fom at 1, ae gma Fa? vernor's DErENce. 16 ‘TABLE XIL REKBS = &RtxP? KES FOB 2 8 ‘ 6 6 mas KEES 1 TLPOBAP — TCastlen! 7 Centon PBs Px BE 9G) BG .Bxkt BRLKS OB RLKSE PB Kg $0. RK 5 wks 14.0-R5 eh PORK 42. Kix? 3B 18. QxEP BxK $QK Bch AQKagof foloned by KKK It apo om RS ch 10. GALE eas (teat, 18 THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENTEGS, ‘TABLE XV. LPKG RRLEBS = ABBE POY KES KP 2 a 4 5 ana xR BQPxRt 4 PORT Pa 6, Curtin (a) D 8, atx? « ® ean xegm rem “men “OKA RQ4? TL KICKRA TRKey GEIKRE 1BxPoh et ex Pogs POKES 80K? aK ORR APB Pgh Pam OBKIS RKP obs rar BK) soos $0. RxQ eR Bx t1.Rne 1 DKS oy KER 1. Cale crit 6b? POKES aa me ORK nae! meee om or mr Bs ma MEKSeh I PORAENS (Banton, are oe 19 TABLE XVI. APoK4 © RKEKBS © BBLBe Pox4 KBs, RP 1 2 8 “ G Akasa LKixP BL Q=K2 KEKE yaa pout BQPxKt BBKts PURBS aoe 6, Caution 6. Canton Qk er De oxKe TRKa! oT TRKm KBs! Pgs agit BKRQ¢ RKLKRE BGK? BKXKL — BaxkiP Keke? Ki ges BOKKES «Qk aay | QeREP BPX PERS 8.048 9 RDeg Pos By? BxPaL ‘RS M.PXP —— §0.G—R Gch 10,K—B oq 10. Qc KBP ob QPxPH@) KGa BXR Raq MAKKIG , 1. Q-B8eb Be Kr BUT) + ee Diag, Tobi XIV. cl 1, wher the same poston orcs, (=) Tae sana gine ys Shaan and appease he et eration, ours sae ono tra te corres of eee rss mores (0) From the Handtush, 46) From the Modern Chae Inbrctor THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS, 1PoKes aK eBKes age “TL Pg8 Cation 8.P-KR a TABLE XVI, 2.KLKBS RKB 3.BB4 KixP PErBOPr's DEFENCE. a ‘TABLE VII. TABLE X. oe 1, 208 Poon ater Whe Calan 1,088 —Poton ater Whit ‘move. ‘Oh more. 2 THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS. TABLE XIV. TABLE XV. Cofwnns 1, 25 8, and 4.—Posiion ater Whitt oth move TABLE. XVI Position after Black's dd move 28 THE SCOTCH GAMBIT, 0 called from its being first brought prominently into notice inyamatch ‘by correspondence between Edinburgh and London in 1826, is safe and strong déhit. APRA AKLKBS = APL LKiXP. Pat KeOBS, PP ‘OLASSIFICATION OF DEFENCES. 1. Fins Devon, S.KLQBS, e045. KLAKtS Tables XVIII. en so XIX, ‘S.KICKE5 (cotinuod) Table XX. 8. QQ8end8 KKB — Tables XXL, SEMIL, and XXILL ‘Stooxp Durnacr. & S.BLK8 Tables XUIV, XXV., XXVL, . Ba XXVIL, XXVIIL, XXIX, and XXX. 5. KIB 6, 8, KeseKt, and 8, Kix QKe3 Tables ‘ERM and XEXM, ‘Tau Devercn. Qi and cod attack AP—OBS Table mm — XXXL Your Derawcx. 4, "8. QKt-BS, and 8. KExK¢ Tables KEXIV,, KEEBS XXXV, and XXEVL ‘Tump Artice. 4 BBA, 4 Teble, XXXVIL ‘ om 7 . SHAGTA | able xXVIT aot . . =a 5 WALPORA RELEBS BPLQt ARE, andKexKt Table Pot Kip come, “ ‘THORY oF THE cHEAS OPENINGS. TABLE XVII. 2K S rs 1» 2 ‘ 6 4K? wae 8. KIB 340) 8 KK? xs rsa KK xP a () BK? By Kr OKixB a5, peaery 9.xixB EK-K2() RBS 10. P—9B 4()10, kas ET $4, QKU-KB§ 14, QKIKBS 11. Kn Pama ‘ARR Hits 42, PAKS er 18.Ki—ups Poke a Ror = Kens 18.q—Beeh 18.K:@2)—K4 Fant wa $6, D—Q2chwine (2) hd gh np at ohare ht thee pas ee ome meas wget mpc neat x4 gugn age eo Ca) at movest in thier Bbc ly Th" RQag te, Att 10, BRS e—(Modern Chas Tatructor, p81.) ® ORT aeg ML RKbeg 14. BOREL BORLA ee a Betiber 1s gost oun er meme Pope om, ‘i dae feo bythe Ones Players Cheol for dannary 19. 7 pouondncepne Hal. ewea scat 3 ae, mes Se » Mem te Geo mpcge wnne ok meme ahem mame ” fa OE Ban “gaat “gate TABLE XIX, 4.PKY 2. Kt—KB 3 BPHOE rot es PRP 1 2 a 4 8 602 ara URP eb BK2 1BKS Tae Bont aBDs BaRng qRs Sai “g=Kar 8. KixP ob 8Q-Rs OKtnB4 Xam Pons POR 10, KixR $0.0xB 10. Kt-Q4 Re Koos Uxki ee MM KEXBP 11, P—OBS. 11.0xQ— Pxa= 1.0 oe Kewl HQxQ RBA BxB xa MKR-Qey 18PxD Pays REDE AQP IOKKS 108—E8 BRS xk Woke AN RKDS ALDXR * $A REGS KOE 4a) Back wold do o beter to oaptare Kt ith chop. @) Howat, ants Baten Conse (e) Conte ik Beat 1 contd ce bate ood MBaKY "18. B08 ga diese ae ons Q KODA IN KNQe UL RbR ak BaD qi Ca i i QLOEEP ae" Goan Diack may ao pay 18 (a ws ks mgr ct veges an ("as own gle yin Quis ip q"wech 4 g-gpssin = seas Set TABLE XX. Pee 2K apd oe Ns we L 2 8 ‘ 5 Ake ens BRK 8 QxkP ok? ca 6 Qk? BeRIS 8. Castle BxB 9. QxB-(@) 40. BxQ+ 10, Caste @R $0,Q-0R4+ (©) Wotare ww by tanpoion of more» peon ieny soap In Table XVI, oe amg. Eear ‘mE sooreH Gases. oT TABLE XI poke 2.x1KBs apaae O53 PP 1 2 % ‘ 6. Peart me Boga KBB) GRO? 6Ktxke? Bt PKR PBS) LKBS LKQ? 1. B-KRS a a Be ETT) BPxP BQ? A POKKHS «A KILBS Kix EXE ae a=8 @Pxk — 8BXB KILLS «OBE oe xP BORK xB 19x 1Q_KS HB KS AU KIUS BQ ta iy Ge BBA HPLRRS H.0-B4 1. KtO4 Cats Rag BRE Ke MM Ountne— 12.QXKt —A2PXB AD. QE Rok BBG} PHQSE sn BKS PORTE wns. gem, isgt enous gxq mpgnee or rE agp our epKs Sout EgBs HL Ringler BK Ms? ross nt ‘ae “a (6 or mpm ow gee . 28 ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS orENIKoS. ' 4 RixP PKs em 1 ® ‘4 axiuss GRKP ch one Eka nest, BRI @) oH Cartes 8, Cant 8 8 Rebs KREE? KIN apgs RK aq BRKeq PORE RRs “PQs Page WRK 10, P—uKi4()10.B-9B 4 1.B-Q8+ 10,192 PQi6) KS KS car BOK HPLORS 1, KIKQ4 mee Payee RD Sar bx PXP BKB RK cas RRP Pe rar sR ROKLs 1.4—aRi8 13.P—KRe Boxe Gatien keun 1.91 16 gum? ae WE Kempe Rr “ soe . rata MRR Kee GETS PRK AL RQts anes (econ ote et on 0) Sh ort may aD plage am a : wt 59s, Mg NEES ws uence ia mmm Bosse scab, , ‘TABLE XXII. a Poke DKIKBS = - A P_Qe A KixP PEG Res PRP Rs 6 a 7. Gaston RKRE Kans Cr BRK 8 8. Kt-aKt 5 Pas aaties Ra MO.K-Q5 108-8 10. KL_KRE RQ PORBY(@) RB aq 4.393 SRK? 14.29 Gara Page 2KKB¢ (2. KLKBE ES Km $BPERS 18, BB Ach i 16, KLKKG 16 Kt 5 AB POR A+ 18.9-9RO Bae $6.K1Qu8 BEES ARB Bx $8. KOR 4+ @ 0 MEKA BBA RKHE ae, on 7 Ea Scamtee 6, Poe “ese? (CS Mascens SST UR RIGBP+) Bcuate it& nraba sos ("exes eam Sin “Gre Mgg Meaee eee eg, we a) mpage 80 [THEORY OP THE CHESS OPENINGS, ‘TABLE XXIV. 2KKBS APOE Kix? OBS PRP ~ = B.BLKs eKr@ EDI 6QKBs @ Pops Bxki | KKI-E TBD B-QKLB Ih Koes Pans BBxKE = QELRE —&BXEE oF PORE RB OKRQ5 OBE 8 aq KG QxxP 10.B-Q8 10. Ki-Q2! 10. PKB 10. KBs EET | PoQE ras cm MCesee— 4 PBSt 140-02 QBS 4 HPO ras Or ok 12, Q_Kn2 sage ak ‘Castles 1.92 18, Pxps RT ERs . MBPOBG or RixKt +) PERS KKB 18. PRR Ay 6 inadvaele; oe Table XXXI. ern oy ts ig an en a (0) amet yaa strongest the ode Oh Iutractor, coaiee White fo Cute and inf “PMBC pono slowing ck 0 Sees Sp «teem ea © Ohenlayrs Choi 29M, Aer AKL KL 1 BH Wiehe nih ane Bishop and doxbid pawanan advantage fo ha ed plea shown by Winer ‘mR sore Gass. a TABLE XXV. 4 P-R4 REKRBS = RPLQA | AKIXP. Pa KRgEs Pe 2 8 ‘ 6 7 Books 1 BOK KEKE) ‘Gavtlos Ceatler BPxKE 8, Castes! 8 Kixker PEe fears “scars “Rea OBS 8 ORs 9, PRBS Faas BK) PSOKTA PT 40.B-Q8 10.PxB 10, B-B2 40, P-KG+ 10, Canton Pas KKrs BXRE P98 MH, Castle 4, Catln$ (@) 14, PxB 11, Bog rar ky) 12. KLgB ay ape mate tgne mzgue Tom “Gate “Sate “ait ZTE wa tate (one Zeon hc (> es aoe vbr an a Bis el a he EP, Ce ated yn Che My ea ’ @ oe 8.BxB 1BxKt und the pmeisabout ome, om “Pes Gn [THEORY OF THE cuESE OPENINGS, TABLE XXVI. 2. KimBS Peed ROB S ad 1 8 ‘ & ‘ =n aB-Ks 8. Bs BRT? 6 PBs Bx RESEE “KtBa1() LBLOKS TREBS! LPoKS? Gaile PUB] RE QPLEB4? 8.BUKS!4(d) BPKDE a. BQKt 5 Ene ‘Cantlos” any PxKt BoKe pas BREF) xo ORE 40.Cestes —10.Cartls 10. PX Kt Pag PXP KixB MM B—OB4 1 PxP ALP XK PRP XP. Castes PXP RK ay AB KR BRS} | BEKKT RK 18 K-Qaq— care (a) Food oy FTL FBS ‘The Handbuch ie he weak continuation 6 gu ePoKS i we Sp Saute .QxQ LBS, PABA Whiteharing tho beter me, Gero oun 8 gets te sto Bishop and Klghtagauat two Knlehte end Bishop, which coatitte 8 (0 Wate Sivantage arson NaS Gog” aig he AY back REET attewasdsby PORRS If © BK? evengame. i Ort 8 BKS 8.Cuatle Rag BKB 8 game kor "Gade “eon Soe ra gigs Teton WRB Ae ‘mE scores Gaara. 88 . TABLE XXVI. AP-Ké RKKBS = APLAR KIX? POR es PxP mr SB-KS = GPO ges ERCE? 1 2 a 4 ‘ QKixKH- 8 KEK5? x 0x8 9 PxB Cale 10, KexeBP $0, Rex? () a PxPT MPP HMPA RUKR ROG, RixKi Im M.q-Q05 MPXKE — 1Bg-Ba O-KEE ee Ce Wg seh wi MRBLK2 RPK | AMPORRIS ax Qxke ERE Me PxKt 14. Q-QBS_ KBD xP HKeqch KKS 15, PaKts ike @mn Ares 8 PKS MEDS KE maar “ge” Gees ao oF ta Quokten Masts 15 KI-xte ag oa 7 Gone Gamtorgn G=Ks (©) Contnoed: 1, Ke: oe 4 MER” SH TREE ME SER OER ie SEB M6 Q-kd ML K-BS_ RBS KIS. a (ites, Cee Se 4 {TMEORY OF THE CHESS OPEXINOS. TABLE XXVIII. DKIEBS 87Q4 KLKtXP BBKS &P_ons Ra0ps PxP | BBG! Q=BS KK? 1 2 8 4 6 Qmu2 P= BPmBs 8 8 RKE5() 8, Castes we pge ra Castles BM() OPES &.QxB oct aE eR “K=Tiq? “Gatos PxRr $0.Cesen 10. B=Q81.PXP_—ALKLXP_— 10. BD Casi Bakr Tek RR PKB QM 4.PXB BOK Ot ALKEXP Bes EKG BBY RE 12. Castor se PxKt om Eee 18, Pkt OP 14.908 8 ik_ a 18. K=059 Oars (@ OF 6 Q-KBA, tolowod by 1-89 (Freborough end Ranken, (0) ‘mys coneutos ttm Peburmgh and Rapes eto nnd by Bit nthe "Wer Cha hector a Ba Bnet a EES kor "Bap SRS WK DR QBa, PSR Re SK ge Saat ke eae M6 BKEE 26. KuHteg o, Column 4s ome as colma 9 or car ‘THE scores Gaatarr, 85 TABLE XXIX. RKLEBS = RPLQt | LKtxP. Kaos PxP Be BB-KS GP. eB 1 2 8 4 5 TRiR2? TL POKBA? TBLK2? 7.B-QD47 BB QE 81) PHO) | RKTT BKUxB apps | 8 BLK? PP Pas OBxP 8 PLKBA Gd) Bx GEES” 9, KIKTS 10 KIB4 (0) 1.KI—BS 1PXB PKS 10. BK qomes 5S c Qe ORT MOK? MH WPS 1, PKB Page mE Ga 42.Q-R4ch 42.9x0 Bg?+ | BxG B.ROg 18, P—KS Qekri+ (a) tt 10.PowRA nL Pa er! KEK ae ome. ares (te opens mo Kisn wim) 8 ma GS (See Ger ET) RG Pek The Hondineh tow gives .B-RtS 12 KLBS 1, Canon Kem “Gente SKS Ran nd ater a few moves damien the gxne an egel: butte Modern Oh 5 SGrector peters i Diobat 12 esha” Mk'BeKE wth Abo eter gu BaKs Ss Pane ‘Black, however, on Bis 6k move may check with Q ot HS, an suggested byt ‘Behachettang. our Castor mg-gs mas mp ee a Fr MRR: MERE RRP 16 QBAe . eke ike Pes (@ to xege 5 RATS ee 86 THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENING TABLE XXX. 4PR6 | MRS APLOe | REXP. FEEL ERS PP ‘31 aaKs aps eB REE? 1 2 8 ‘ 8 Bape on 1 1 KER "GORE? pays” Gate A DK2] AKER: — Cann Canon (9) Caton GRR OR KR) GR REKG P.Cuile (a) .DxPch 9B-Q3 KLEE 0, ran) Ke Page RE $0, BRR 51(0 10, QR ch 10.088 eR PKs BoE RK () HH. QxB 14. QR ear OP * M.QKI-Q? 12. Omter ‘Castle + (0). QBS . OKs (@ 1 Bm an ous mKKg2 LPRBE TLDS KEL 149-08 wa oan “Ges “ee eae “SS and Wha hse pont fick (Drak Che api wl L, Ne, 9, fi mrxme ot weer Onin anaverto 10.Pa? eats fie eames B BBs with rat advantage; for it Black may play erm ae goes uae iF 18. Quxt (Chee Benth, p90, (a) Werpeter tne more play by Max Jedd agaist Mekensls fo U1. KE-Q2 (o) Rastes QML IGN EEDS HexD 18 KEKDS L DaRt Senge a Wig moma "BR MBeRE (it BLOBS 0 3 Bee w.2get ane) “ae “orem “oe 0, QDS. (Britah Che Mopanne, Ape 8, p18 ores ° wits, axige ae Or 8 PRBS followed onthe retreat of QUoKtSty 6. Cul de, ‘Ta scorom oar, TABLE XXX1 PRA | RRERBS | PLQd A RixP rr KaBs PRP Br L 2 a ‘ A xtpo? Far O.KtxP ent x-teq UERS 1QxP | LPXP. eer ad Ere BKK RPKG | RQUK? EEKGT “KRG5) KS BK ODS & PKK SHER) KPH EQ 10B-K3 — 10K-2 1. PxE RB RR RU 18. PxB KOXP, 12, Cation axes ex OK aah $B Pxkt K-02 Be ae 2x0 SKK BQ keke ARB 15.502 RoQsF + aa emery BOKBO wa 5 @ torr wake ure mags mom “Gn! “ie “HSH (0 stat ies 10.PKRS hreteing with art mex. ESR =m attack, (0 Mee Stas ve 6b the Modern Cha utractor, xk (aor 4. faowet the KE be tates, by Ri WF te : eB BRD ge une em oa fem “Keer TABLE XXXIL APOKL = AKERBS © APLQE | A REP. Ross Pep 9 1 2 a ‘ 5. AEBS? Kegnts? eae) a 4.x2038 KioBs KK? Eons KK8) TPx@ 1. DORKS a Kuki "PORES arK2(9 398 6. BLKBA() @BRA Cas anion fous cuss i Cc) .KReq $0, KKIQKO)I BY — 10, Kt_g2. Twas ® Kk KS = MMARIXKt — 44,P—QRS. aq | RE $23 PaBE 18. Q-R5 ‘PRR sh QeRO PEP PEON) (6) Comite, bet by Houta; bat we peer ania peetng abe a 0 Stas Wodere, Che, Iara, bra, 1 ol at it ae now 8 0 eee Gel Sac st code SSS ate” We alan a (© Recommentnt by Bate, The Shacag 28 Bowtie, hort, Peet & (0) A psa cots weld now Wp B—Bt at BB waas” pam Ge Ga ae ck old do nay mec Boge he ape a (0) 30.398 ao go ‘ () From Sehachrtang, Maze 17, 9 1) Or eens a Boxa. (Scarhuetig, Pesan 6 Vax Lane. ke “Sahn TABLE XXXII. Pome 2. KILEBS a Pgt PORE PP 1 2 a ‘ s amix?, wpe, x FQ PRP Baxks BEPXP BABA Sethe Danish Gam- EEBT or i, OPES 6 Px? gKest RKaT "BARRE BKM LKBS BKat axa RKtT " Caatan aBxa aks POEBS eR anme 9.Kins Pe sunt $0, BxP_ 40 Canton POT Bxgt 1, Carin 1H, BxB Pgs Weare now fhe same oreo ft ssi ) wenarene” MMAR EMELL See Bin ah Ms tele aa 2 Care ba aordng 10 the Handbuch 8 ae, pp aE me an, : (weil oe as Dig a a ogee da es ey 40 ‘TMMEORY OP THE CHESS OPENTNOS. TABLE XXXIV. APRA = 2 KCKBS = A PQe A BixP rE Keass eP Kas 4 2 8 8B _Rtseh 8 BBA) QF or BBxBeh 8, Castlon xe Canter 10, BKt60h 10, Custis 10, PERS os aK? RP Qs! RXR PP PKG PxP sa BxQeh Ore EB 10x 8 Pans Exe Pek BOBS PXE Rk PXEEP. MBBXR 18, QR—Kt sg 18, Kg? RKB QRKiog rar 18, P—oB3+ 18. Px? Par wwe, *GR2 meg! Mowing mete ame ‘wnites oa te Sassy pee ena oppoioa to Bere, who dais she ene 2 (Gata) longer as 6 Cuan 9, E—Kgch 10.9-K2 yee “Gere SEES oo (o) Wate as the better gue oo ascot of is porn ponte. (@ Wiegeke 8 BoP GQuatch In QxQgh rit 10.Ki-Ds) OM ae (See) 1 Canoe oven game J (oT 8 Custos to gune between Showalter an the aut, on Frontilee, ‘TH sooTcH oun, a TABLE XXXV. PoRt © ices © gpngt Rie a ) L 2 8 ‘ ‘ ako SPX e299! ernksr Por Kes guxz 1.98 fer ee «Ree S2xP AKLEI@) BGK Ree aie “Res BQxKich o.cue B03 Ser “Eee CE faxes PKs seed Ben “oes “Oe ti cutie" 1.92 th Canin HH Canton Qh HPS i mre wPigns PKR ioe eae par srons spears =e as PKK Peers i726 km 6 gE ) ERDE tory LG. i ot 0) coniaed 3, Mam Ege mame BQH Soe “em EH MS Set ("ap Modern Ohne Tntrator ai ten 9 BEgy mE ge mage wpe grate 4a ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPEXIK TABLE XXXVI. PORE 2KLKBS = APs AXP, Fo KeQBs Pe Ens SQKBS GKtxKe BRS RPE ERs 1B BOKKL5! 13, KtxB! Ht KE WEKS 14 B Bork BL Be = a 18. 0xB a 18. KRQ ay Pup * emp potis mayb rene Fos Noe ame” bya tanpetion of ore (a) gene by Berger as peferaie wo & ‘a column = (@) Berger righty peters this to %.Q—KS— tho move recommended by the Deaths ‘Sedachattang. (Bocolama sabove) + (6) Bxbwe do not agree with him in yeterng this moveto 10, RQ sm column & () Wattot moves are raged by Sits 5 ‘THE scores oases, 8 TABLE XXXVI. APR AKLKBS Plat FoR KeQhs PP 1 2 3 4 5 5, Cast SRK, Pua I Pans? 6 PQKAT 6. KxBP S=ERTE(a) BXP! 3 qums BK DP BBxPa amon KE BPxB BBxKL GK ROBE RAB ean $0395 $.PXB__— $0, B-KKUL(OIO. QxPeh(e) 1.BXP- QBq PORE) RT OW EB HDS 14.004 PKS HPKQ tH. QxKE em EU eh Ray) OK BBS PKA BBP 1. Boks BK REKE BE AR BK ARBRE AB KER. Fue Kee Wage Qe sh BxKtP EEEF “BxB 18.0xB as $8.KQ2 $8, QxRP— PKB ine) K-BI— me nap qamue 4 mamta mains a ©) tn aes tele moe ar (aie Ane @ Wn ecxe ort MaKe Eas EE ae wmeee nL HLguy, 12 P-gne ort moue aL pgps Sow ae Sn OS Sy (A Me. rd, this ook, p44 vos the tad more of 1. KOEKPG, end concider ‘wrongly fm favour of Witte, = “ ‘THORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS. TABLE XXXVI. APRA «= KLBS «BPQt | BBE FoR mages XP 1 2 8 “ ‘ Bakr 5Paas PRP S.Cutln ea PP TQ-KtS — LPLEG(a) TL BXKIP 7, Curlew Bem PRP KBs) RGus BQxKtP — &QRxP —LRIKIS — B_QKES eg? Casts uP 9.9xR PKS BxRt Rs KiXP! BB MOQxKe A PLKKIS 10,KIKY 10. BxKt 10, PQBAY es Pra Fu MRKeg+ 11 BxP 1, B—u3_ ~ EXE KK $2.QxKi_ KKB Gelat KD $8, Kickt + GBs 4 PBd BoBEch 18.5 ‘PORK— (o) Un pee os (0) he Moder Chen Iuractor gies 1. FEBS, god folows out sho variation in Wit’ © firey 8 gap pK IO Mgr TL Ke ak Bap ae as pee GRY KUPKRT ome 6 REBS fs, 5 5s TABLE XXXIX. A Pot 2. RiKBS args rot Ke OBs RP w 8 “ SPKB 8, 5. Bane a eT) 6393 GKKBS BBxKH() Bt P=QBSI (+) Q=REeh kbs 1, BBL Kexbe | KK Baxkt ap Rs BoBE Bue Cates $0.BxB+ 10, Custlon QR Kt Pose ‘mR scorer Gurr. 6 A Ktxkt Px Bax? bcos cre 6, B_aB4(0) KES 9-95 Gas cation BoE) Pagps Boke 10, PAS (ey Sent na Mga peter tie move; Yt the Hondbch and Thole and Prat and eke (2) The Modern Ohaus Imtractor, p. 1h ves the introrcontrations 6, only a oot (e) Again we yentare to iter wth Sts, who only ve the bad contizuatin 6 K sf ili AIBI 8 a cet 108 [THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENIOS. THE EVANS GAMBIT DECLINED. ‘TABLE LXXXIX. 4PaKe Be A PLOKE Pot sae er 1 2 a “ 6 8. P—gree 8 POEs PF & P—B3(0) OPHkts. rs as TQ-K2 QRS TL POBA(H) 1. KexP ras Gnas =| BETS as BPa8, &PQ3 | &KRILBS =Ks ees RES ORES OPRS OBES OPES mk? BRD KEK? Q=Kr3 $0, Cases 10, BKKIS 10, QK:Q2— 10, Custos! 10. Bx KE? Pa ERE RBS ORE 14, KIRt ke $2, PRisy or Agua GRY GF ELM wot haat TO) 6 fem Shue (tea ) Ten pga pe mp nea bgt Sas “Ro Se Eee ‘ea se pong nad of Cting st ooh et mre, part om mews apoB BRD eC coe He serps eng cmon or We, oars pte eae sta Pl by een tne (0) Page by acign, 1. PRE Andes move e wa on consol Ta ‘Tm vaxs Gantnrr DEOLINED. 108 TABLE Xo. APRA REEEBS 6 ABBE A PLORH oes = =a L 2 B 4 8 sPaaR4 B.Coatier PORE KBs oPns ePaaRe i FoORS TPES TEAM) PxP PP 8.BxP aPoKs ras aRKy Poa Scenes! — 9, PQ? ®Cautin = PXKE EXP Gamer atl Pe $0.Q-K2— 10.Cutlon — $0.BxKt BRD 10, RKageh SS “eegs me “eg e MK 440elon LKR ALP pa Pgs ee a POS OHNO? BBL ( RE oc SO 8 Sas s.PLRRS 19.584 8.0K Poas pepe = eRe Per 18. :Kar Pat xP onP 150-85 15.753 49-33 T=ERGF () Conlon te.Ki-g? BET f1.—Ks unites bacKbume. Contaaed UA PsP EXD MERI AL eR ° Sx ‘EXP aE Pa sy mn (0) Setters Darn reas Toomey (oS bons MBPaP Pgs 14498 (Geta » Mang, Reale, kok Re ie “Sir 3: Ta spot ame (@) PRS Ws preferable. Iu ool ‘was played by Baglish o, Zaxertort, Waris vm 5 104 UBORY OF THE HESS OPENING: Pee é Pome KG Ks 2 3 ‘ s Pat Fas aBxae PK 8. BxKtP a-EKral 10.BxP ob co $4. BXP “4. a. BORKEH (@) qx? RORRS ‘$2. P_KBS 12Ki-Q2 12, F088) ier ORF EK ‘.Caatin 18, PERE BOR 18.0—BdA@ ‘EBS RBS Ks KS Kray KR 1 PxB QR RO? KE Rix PERS Ux ABPXKE 48. PxKt 18, Cann QR 18.09 5U5 ee xe $6. P—BS QxQ+ 6) 16.BKeBH SxEP ae —— @) Pas. "coated 1. BxB 38 PBB (Chew Player's Ohne, Ja. 307, p30, Gb GE ae () Contnsod 3h" KRCRKtog 18 P_KRAG. wg par — (OF, gn lad Reon) LAIRD Ne ado aot gpa wou 4 F Eee “So exe a. (Or 38 BKKIS 4 KBE Ae, ented, 2-ETS BR (@ Contioned 18, MRomas, ue ‘THE EVANS GaaenIT DECLINED, 103, TABLE XOI. 4 POA = 2 KBS 6 ABBE PLR PERL OBS Br Ke BPRS | A KXP RA 8 4 8 QBs 8Q-R5 9 KixEP iBeq Sanw “eRe BRS (0) 10BxPch 10. KeXBP $0, Kix BP! 10. Kix Px E-K2 XB) PQ6! KBs 44. xg kRrg! “EK! Ra” BBS KOs PKR KBs! 12, PBB KOBE BX BXOP BES Cale PxB 1. PODS. 1BKe—_Q5ch 48. KI-BT PxKt EKG: Bxke ar PX?! MhQxB! 14 PES. xB KeQuEF GREE KeQBoy we mgas (em PAP wis a nomcaie = c ce ) ape get 42g aml a ims 0) or ne micron a8 Qian ih UKE father vin, on “Si aa ome were aioe) s0 Roe Ri-gMa Kgs wan “Eat “Gaia “Gat “Ga ae ea wa borate) Pech 38 106 {THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS, TABLE XO. APRA = AKERS © RBBA A PLORtY POEL One 9 sks BPRS a KexPs Rt cma 1 2, a TBxPedt TLPQ4? LBXPoh! 1. REXBP Kar OxKP ESaql Ok QBxKt! = PQ¢? A BxPch | Bx RB Oxr Ger KET xr OP OBS BR By OR Beg BLOB Que PBs Fas @ POs PBs ‘Uxgeht AMBXKt — 40.Q—BBeh Se col, 5 next Skee | Eq Tet, 4K? 11, QB Teh PxEt aq BRS 1. PXP Qh PX Pat as 4p me Ear + HE 6 BRS & move sagged by W. Peauen, 6 PEGE me came MO Fm 6 Pops ae xs a (© Potowed by BBE wth mach the batier pane, (0) Bc strug, Bower, rr lh tthe connate of ls ek ath moe ‘EVANS GnuarT DROUIN: 107 TABLE XIV. 4 PoRt A KEKBS «= ABBA PLOKHA FEL 05S =a = BPomI5 | 8 KtxP eee 1 2 ‘ 6. 6 om xa 1. BxPeh T.Q—B8? (@) TKtxBe a QxKr Ox a Poge AQxPo BEB ra8 EQq xP 8. Bxkt! (0) BORE 8Q-K? ee EPH QXGcE 5 M0.QxK_ KO 10K xQ 0) RORT ERB XD 14, BRAC) HPQBS MLBXP AL KEXR, rq = KE Par 42, Custos $2PxP_—12.QxQch_ 1 POI PxB eR xa xRas $8 i088 1B Ceslen+ 4RBXR_ 1 Rog ‘Bx BxPT ng 48 KixQP 14 BREE aE xeat mas 8 18, KiB i KE5S REE KIB Toh 18,KL_BT ob aq Og $M.KixR $1, BP wine 41, BXKP iach wins Ce wgege Meee gee @ wm PREC PxP_ WL EBoyeh UL B-BICH woe aq a “Gam “ie (o) Resental in Za Siri, ban shown 11. PxP of M,Caroe to be Dad, an the ‘Handtush shows 1, PKB to be eqaally mnatiafecory. 108 ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS. TABLE XCV. APEC = REEDS «= PDA PLR a ae 1 2 ‘ pi arxr Ee Gcumint G5-Rs gps Pane Bixee “Sa “ox “sats “Ra ax TCaniee —T.Canen TREX Fup} aks mis apes args | aPias toms ns ut B.QeRbeh BKB BLAKBI P ra Se Br — MOPHKs 10, BKiSehy 10. BLK = HBS) Walt oy alo play =KID wit the preferable game, ~ For6, KixP so nert Table, ws UL HBE 6 BKey des or 1. BQS (Chae Bondy) ee “ken = we THis? 6 PBS 9. PQt+ —Léwenthal, howora, pre mem gs pk tered & forthe dtence, =m O rae a EE EG up rg We pegn EBay MRR a Re QL RR Batts (Buekbarn#. Gola) ‘THE vans qaxrT DEoLINED. 100 TABLE XOVI. SPOR © A RIRDS © RED} A PLQKY PORE E53 Es Paar L 2. 8 ‘ 5 A PxP ‘Kix? 8ktxP ‘ EP = LEK! TPaQd? 10am S—Beqh PES B-Eioch B-EBT ABme RRO amge a BoRNa) Chr ‘BxPch* ‘BxBb eq 8Q-K2h RKB OKIXB- RG 5g Era BK oe MORK 10, Ke Q4eh 10.38 xr En kxE M1. Rieke 14, BORE 14.5-Ro xk Fen 12, Cates 2.7088 ers QT 12, P_Ri8(0) sa. 3xm ean axe RDS 16.P—mmo 5s Er 1K 18. PxB | Pas Px jn pne 10 PERI ER ae AO Hg+ (q) Preebroagh snd Ranken eonsderthe game sbontequal We die, and think tin Walt ome 2 Mabank PQs ae, on Se Be ot a Pg att aR Oe Gate * Rae neta, mm P98 Mara EKae me “Esa Pa no ‘EORY OY THE cHESE OPENIIOS. TABLE XOVIL PKA QRKBS = ABBA A PLOKM | PXP PoE Rass Bt at RP 1 2 8 “ G ex? 6 6 Ea = ER 1. Ouse (0) TQ-K2(Q 1LP—Bs 1. PLOB sas RixPa BREF = BQ-KBS A PLERIS (A K—Oeq —Q—RAh BL P_OBS. ORT Bee Eqs = PoBS Bar 8QxB PQA 8. KL-BSAlnch 8.QxKE Ex@P GK? Er PP $0 Q—KtS 10,EXB_—10,QxQeh 10, Q_KtBc Ep Castles Exe ca MBAKE+ 1 POBS tL. KtxKt 11. 0x0 ROP Bx Bx 42.QB8_ 12 KBE 1. BXPH rr a AR KUCKBPS —Custlee+ (a) Macommendet by Lange and Wormald, () Worms’ vatation, rem audi Wie may io ay ACHBA 8 GN Bea ° ceruener oo SEE "rect Bop wes amg . txBPech = QxQeh Kix I @ue Carne, sr ‘WE HvaNe qincarr DecLMED. a TABLE XCVIIL. APE = RELEBS «= ALBA RPL PRE Es a a 1 2 8 ‘ 5 BBxPr 8 BLES ?(6) 5B BBxP EEX? PxPr BxRP EXE GBR) GBPxB oO RXKP = GRIXKP ORB. OER PXET ea ORR qe BxKich = BYP HF pce Calon PRE OBE BOuses BR PXP__ @PxQP A RILKS. SRS R-EIy Bx 9. BK 8 Pxmt ke (a) White may suo play 6 B—QRS, GKtxP, 6 QBS or & BELG hee; bat MO RBS TRteRt 8 KEKS ermmme > a . (©) Avwous mony wrontypetoved by Wika, tat fony condemned by Lament and us ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENDOS. THE TWO KNIGHTS’ DEFENCE. ‘Tans offshoot of the Grvo0o Puaxo, although briefly notiood by several of the earlier writers on chess—by Gianutio in 1597, Salvi in 1604, and Greco in 1619—hea novor been seriously analysed until Lieutenant Von Bilguer, the originator of the German Handluch, directed attention to its resources. According to that work, it is first mentioned by a fourth Tialian author—Polerio—in 1590, Now, after the lapse of three ‘centuries, some remarkable discoveries, which completely revolutionise the theory of certain branches of the opening, by strengthening the attack in some variations and upsetting it in others, have been made by Mr. Steinite; and their result in the main is to confirm the opinion we cxprossed in our frst edition (p. 114), «that the Two Kxicwrs’ Draxor fs unsound; and ought to yield the first player a decided advantage.” Bteinite's new defence in the Modern Chess Instructor of 5. to RixP the old Frosreszo (tied liver) of Polerio and Gisnutio, in vogue three ‘hundred years ago in Italy, appears to demonstrate theoretically the ‘unsoundness of the old time-honoured attack of 6. KtxBP for White fgainst the best defence (we Table CVL), though by 6. Q—R5 White ‘oan obtain at least an equal game, In praétical play, however, the Two Kmoure’ Devexce will be found exooodingly dificult in many forms of the débit, Steinite defines it as a counter attack, which, being go early instituted, ought to be disadvantageous to the second player on principle, and tho same may bo said of tho Psnsorr defonco. It may be pointed cout thst many variations in the Two Kisomns’ Drrexox are brought about by a transposition of moves in the Sootch Gambit and Danish Gambit. ‘Tm rwo xmoHTs' DEYExcR. us TABLE XCIX, 4 POR4 — LKLKBS AB BOBA | LILES | BPX? vat OF RR Pat Oe GEAR = PXP =e PB 1 2 8 4 8 anak?! PORE: A. ROERS (0) om s $0.PxB. 10K Ho) OOS 15 BoB PKS sont EBS RB 2. rn oKe gar ys | KEK? 3? ABR? 1,.PBS aR PBS a ReQBP 8, OBS Bgr Ri) KERTZQ-gs ean QR? PHONIC) POR K+ 1 BORE GuteeKR GoRbe) Keg RT MPLQS BELG? 18, POR) $8 PB re x Regt oe sag snPaB PORE $0. Pockt mee mee Se 1 PXP+ (M1. RABI— a7. QoRA ReKga= ee Stats, ore, whieh ad for oe cman marl She attention of (0) Mace ast ai rc ato Sot soe way Hck hou take the Keak onc. SeFihieci cot y us Co sl won Soe wo uae i omterauae fr Sc, weet Wate be ‘owed ping BQ, hee gu ane ‘walsh ts efetign ng pegs penieot a gatos (0) Wet Sais ORE pa SR=R witch boner aoa (a) stenite os, MQR PY GEER de RRS Oke i) it we Pau Pak BB a cy wkgme weap MEE, ame mga gad Sie Ga Gre es (ales Ch Intact) ou tcodae we She "Ht GRE ort WEERS — 1g-RE ea te .gei-gne ‘Romingn AKRA &e Tobe Sa Galen Sete scxseguron of 18 KISHEY, Sco Tbl ily. + We do aot sppoe ofl ete cpr, a8 pre or he tac 8. us ‘TORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS. TABLE ©. “PKA «A RLEBS BBA | AMES | PXP Pos Kos KBs ae RL 6 BRIS ch PxP PBs ‘PxP ®RtKps PKs 10, Kis 10. eas B=aa 14, Knee HPQE() HH KLRL bom eB Roekt 2D an 2 $2 PLEBI 42. BxRt ERQE(e) “BQBT? BK! © PP enpam. KiKi $B PoQBS(H) 18, Cunln 18D CC) $B RXP 1 ees PKS PRBPch © BORKYS —Caatee HBR? | DBS KB OK? AL PLERS KK PXPch © Ghnlos (@H)Guntw ER” QRS WBxKt | KR AK P-BS AB K—B2_ 18, PERG OE Coa) =O GERRY ERP 18. Q-K2( 16.722 3B ora 11.040 $1.3 BQ KEKE (©) Seat gros 1k whch ie wonly cntamnd bythe Hanuch, Seco » tf 28 cation a Keke Gor Ems ug as hgeue eg Bee iat witkse mut ihereabynty ote TON aap epee Poe a rae (©) Tia move, given bythe Handbuch, seme alghly preferable to lth 1. KtBA_ ot TURKS, genta the Modern Cha utrctr,p9. if 1, PoRBAIEPRQe nee pone uae RET PF ees Baas MERE BBD 2 1k Kes as j {IuE Wo KNIOHTS' DEFENG! 18 TABLE Cl. MPRA = RELEBS = BBE | AL KILLS, okt Es BS Pa BPxP GBAKiSch | LPXP eee PP 1 eBK2! PRR OREBS PKs BoE 8 om Rr BoRt QxR BERS | BET 10. P94 40.Q-KK'8 10, Q—KBS POS PORRS | BRET M1.KKiQ2 14, Castles 44, KtKROMojfs, Q_KKES cH OF Cant $2. QKLBS (oD KK4 12. Outon @) 12.P—08(/) P=EOQ) Kixkt Casties QR PKS MU KBS 1PM 18, K—QBS(«) 19. Caton ‘PxPch ‘PRBS PRs PoE A&R OBS WL KXP OKs | BED Tegra RTS aa ae 1B.RtxP_ 18. QxB BxPch RG 16.K—eq 16, 0_KKES KRSKagt PRPS (o) RL-KBA sea gna ithe Matern Ch Dara oun ‘ahnsckbag towed by ek mn : ou eee a zmms Qe dt game MRRP gem Bar “ra 22 ( a a) a Wax? 1 gxmen sor Rew “GT (ou roKms BORD Gt IRE BS UL QBs Meg RD a rae eR woGekteh 18 Ruhag” 3 EKA Page ste Be.) * to wa geEn serge oot mg Sega ee Bs “Ee ea ER () 8 Canta HRS 4 HP Por "Ee ig as us [THEORY OF THE GHRSS OPENINGS. TABLE OI. DELEBS = ABBA | AKERS es BS ra BPxP__-GBLKISch «=. PXP cet PxP L 2 & 4 5 ope gps? PoERS os 0. Kips ORKRS 8.0KBS 8 BK PKS Sx BRRIS © PERS 1.Q-K2 $0, Ki_Kieg 10.PxB_ 10, Ki_95 ks BE GQ? xR MKIKS 4,PQBS 44,PQBS 44, QxKE a Gis = EBs ROH ABxPch | $2POKM 4 PRIA OK LKB xe BxPa | KEK? PRL Rk MB KxKi(e) 1 KXB__ 1RKRS GES KR o R-Ribch = QXEP PxE as MQ-ORG KKeg APES MLS | 1. Rt Rtg a reat PORE AL PLKIS 14-2 tM Outlse $4 P98 () oar Es KS EBs $6Q-OK5 169-2 AR PXP_ 16, QP Oat SRW) KixPe | RQ) (a) Sana soa Nema peter 18, Q=QEAR. ("ha ote char cnn XB ran mee ikea SEs _ Eat iscnein iyo mmc Efthrs “ES wm o ng-gha mbm Bae a ca aera cabin he ats 9 ot ed ae eee De ates ers ‘Tm two wxtonTs’ DEvENoe, ur ‘TABLE CUI. 4PoEt 2Kieps = pms Ams rom OT cay ra Bre? 4B Kt5eh ram L 2 ® 4 5 « 6 nos 1.Q-K2 1. PxP ar xB 8. QKi—B8(0) BK? Castes PERS OBxB 8 KER. OB eke $P—QRS 40, KL-K5 10. ae or M4 PoO84 11, Pus 1. PoKBA 14,PQe7 8 Bat 12, Bay a $8. PBs ean 14 PERS Bas 18 POKES we $8. ExB! (a) From the Modern Ohaw Iutructor, by Stats, Stanton (Theory and Prato, 9.45) ‘ho gree @, BxBch 8, PQS nd conclndes in favour ot Whi ‘The Hand: ono 8 BQREY gue “ faa “Ee gs somethin a interes Pe Nasa ar aaa 0» omen pay an na sci Saa'h pom pen w gueoy m neta © apg ee a EER" Geis (o)Cook doabta wheter Blak has fll eguralan or bi oat pa Ben ate Table 0, eo and note (0 us ‘mumony OF TRE CHEas OPENIXOS. TABLE CIV. 4 POE¢ 2 EMBS 8B-BA | AKIKIS | BPXP Rt RRQ BS QE ORT L args? ® PERS (0) eT Ki—KBS atin POKST() oar aqne Ag-KHy coo knee apa . SPxm al x2 PERS 10, PERS 40, KRI—Q2 (10. KK Canles BBC KERRY mR? Bf 11 Ox Pook eK? 12. K089(0) 12. BxP BK 12.QKI_DS PP XBT ae PoEBT mgr PXD {2x8 48, KKK Qxgs KIRK Poke PBS MELON WEB Os Hat OR = rue MMKxB— 18,PoKs3 18 PERS}, EPA EBS @) 6 gee ante ee = oe oun A PORRE NQeB 1 Q-KEe orphy» Mongrdin sam “iar 5 CEE (Mm P gm Per 1a Ren mre pat Goes Eghes rr + A 4 oudion 1 9-8 15 KEKE ant teat, opposition to Lorena, do fan “fee “rn lars the gue to bn Blac’ feour, (@) Continued 18 PBs Be we ae U) 8 KEQBE tual good, ‘mE Two MIGHES' DEFER us TABLE OV. 2PLRA A ELEBS SBA A RRES | BPXP rot ages BSR 2 8 ‘ a peer SkixRP! Dx? QxBPebt kegs | “Regs S.gxke oa 10.KixPch 10,Q—RBch Kaa KG WLEixQ 11.08 RexPoh Px BRAKE Px ae EB MQKRSY 1. QBS @ wm. m.gege magn te =e, Bx ed 120 ‘THEORY OP THE CHESS OFEXINGS. TABLE CVI. .rke | ame kA RRS i = a Spx? xu? KtxP EXKt 2 6 ‘ a roar foxee maxr_ te PaRe 7) En “Sn “Ga Pas Rr KBD DOR) Pa — ee ee Dt ALDOR ECKL | AL B-KIeD 12 Ou iq eR — ee PHP | EDT) IOs MOK BPA mom? “te “Fo saxPe W) sh KLE gr ° Oat rz wranwEene nd s6.0-a4eh a s.gxaeh RxQt (© {0 Thnk te weak cneaon 3, egies ‘13 BLEBAY " ERS Ou spepune pgs nem Ue QP. nea: “EPs Colas ) ” rag an aan (han png ene LECgNE udirags posh (0 ome eee mre xs: a ie = ot Kea ‘ = Poh P» quuse Seqe Sqr uz . 4 Star + cue 1 makes age mpiad ‘mE Two amIGHTS! DEFENCE. tat TABLE OVIL APE 2REBD = BBL ALE re Koes eis Kner 2» 2 8 4 8.BxPeht* acm Fate 6 6 O.Rixkt? POKRB() "Pot Ue RBS) RB TPxP_ 1 P=QBS_ LBS T.G—BBeR(e) Gee gms Pas Kg BQxP! &BQ5 A PLEBS |B P_OE mE oxd KERBS SOKKSPHQt @Q=REch 8BxQ KB? = Ga? H—Kt6 PRs K-KBS “Q-Key KO? i $QxKP 10, KL_QB3_ 40, KexR 40, Cees! —(@)0. xP BR PBS RKB EDF E MQ—Bich MB —KES — H4. QE 5 PERS a OKI BRS QA +H omtenr? 5 gcxa 1 RAM (HT goo OR Qie # gas “Rags CO Migra “amar " KoePa ae) FN OSES nrogs manne urwieuy 6 cle sy “ES OT woe st TL iba @BoBten Raat a0 Kag sort @ PEK Kee “keg “Gime pagiee! “mee 2 eRe Rox Bae) agus ¢ Beh Ges) GREG "Quen win, Msgtoe epar 1. Qeens Sor ina gy Se et KEBS Keg 18 QBxP a. BiB mney er uggenas Bare ER? iia To SKE won, 3 guna” a cae oes “i zoge i ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPEXINOS, TABLE CVIIL APOK¢ 2 KBs 7 ogee 1 2 8 5 aPLae PP 8, Cantos E+ 6 Rag Pan 1.BxP oF eer Tiron Han OEUXKH(@) &RxKted a xs aKe =ET Pgpe 10, P_QK18(6) 40, RexP 0 BKRA(o He FBS Pokes PRP BRS 44, R BE Bx Ree ‘BSKE (6) "Cutler P=Go 2BxB 12. Ktxkt 2. KEK EB axes em $8. QBoq 18. KixQ 18PxQ_ BRAD QR PXKE KBa $QRSch 14, ROBE $4 BRR tq PB = 18, B_BA- om Gres Max Tange attack ote tao Plano. 5, eae paged = = een ere 6s 8 PRY pgs ena ae We neRe = “ga SEH oe son cee ‘ez) lowe. eae @ Woe sake pms aig Be OBR PoDs wk PaP Kem Pn a 5 oman 18 PQA wine; fort 1A 1a Ke Em FP pan. om KER 14 eB Eeh won aa mH (©) Proeboroogh so Rasken give 10, KIXP! aa landing ton aan etme. wa none ‘Tm Two KxtouTs' DEFENCE, 138 TABLE CIX. Poke 2KnKDs BBuBe PORE Res KBs 2 a “4 5 5. BAKRES PORES 6BxK: oe 1. T.Castien 1, Casten a 8 BxKt QKixK: = KixP = PLQBS PB BxPa( BOF rae B Castes ®KBa OBxKE rR? Co PE $0,KK:—B8 10, P—QB4— 10. KtQB5 (102-3 49, xP ake iee=(o)Kexkt | Q=K os 1. Qk? MPxKt 14, Pap PoQpa PQRS ~ 12, P_aB5— $2. Kt_gtadisch =e PXB 18, Kikns aay (a) Tee ame postin cours in the Bestch Gambit by a mere trenipetion of moves (0) Hondtueh. Werleve 10, fatter Bere Et (6) Orperhaps beter & $39) Ee gee ar 7G Pian ‘Handoh is bad on soonat of 10.BxBae —1.Q-Qat o ven by she 5 + gg Pam WBE QBs BHR be. Rest Eg OF WB gtuee UES EB EEE Ege SS an sy) [TERDRY OF TEE CHESS OFENMVOS. TABLE OX. spoxe 2. mmpa apne PERG Rows EBs 1 2 “ ‘ & arcas =r 5. apuxs F =m See Tabla OVI, 6, K-92 cl | Pee 1 BaKts atin ns apnea 8B rE EK Pa RoR — ABXPL) BQ-RS sams BRR Kimi «PORK FORRS suPxK — 10.¢-K5 tonne ko KBE HH Rexkty M4, BoKEBalech 4. PouRS = eRe s2.3-n6 12. PoekA— ra n=O Ky (0) 1 4 tae ganereed o ts Pane =m () thence itr move #2-Qh heh woul Bac he brane Fe a se “EET oe (9 tuna § maya cot Inthe Gene Plane, Conned 3-9 16, 9-K8 “in + meet nee onze. wes) onBe eat “ath “NE “Stn “Wen? GH ‘CuK PBB aon Fit Hat Tourney) 195 THE QUEEN’S BISHOP'S PAWN’S GAME IN THE KING'S KNIGHT'S OPENING. ‘Taxs form of the King’s Knight's Opening, otherwise known as “Pon- tiani’s Knight’s Game,” from Ponziani being the earliest writer who noticed it, and latterly styled Staunton's,” or The English Opening,” by some writers, had fallen into disfavour ten years ago, inasmuch as its general result was then thought to yield the second player a certain advantage ; but recent analyses by the two Russian masters—Alspin and ‘Techigorin—the latter of whom has frequently adopted it with success {in public tounaments and matchee—show it tobe, after all, a safe and ‘sound débit, and confirm the opinion expressed by Cook on p. 21 of his ‘Synopsis, that the Queen's Bishop's Pawn's attack is strong. In Table CXL, column 1, 8 P—Q4 is given by Alapin as White's best move, ‘nd it is unquestionably superior tothe old coup 8. B—QB4, to which Black may safely and advantageously reply with 8 In ‘may safely igeously reply the lato New York Tournament, Weiss adopted the defence 8, J KBs ‘against Techigorin in two important games, both of which were drawn. After the moves 1.P—K4 %Kt-KB8 8.P—B8_ it may be PKG = RE-QBS RE-BB, pointed out that if White play 4.B—Kt5 the game is resolved {nto a form of the Ruy Lopes by 4, 5.Q-K2 6.KtxP bo, ERP K-08 126 ‘TuEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINOS. ‘TABLE OXI. 4 PEt = KE KBS PBS PKs OBS ‘ PxPP 8. RtxP a 6 Kexkt PRE a BBA Pe Eon ee BKLQ¢ — 4, Custle 8, Castlon ar ake RES KKO2! OKxKt GPs POSH Bit BxKr PxP $0.BxBeb!* 10. RKuq 10,BxBeh 10. BxP+ 1 Oe PSQRS EB Me Q-Kts BBA th RK Ries | G=RF Fort .QxKt 12, QB? Pons “arlor Con Eta RBS PBS 1 Pot mot ce} $E-KS KP xP as EOS PP ABP—QRA- 18, P—OKE4 18, Q—B2er Rtg 2~ eas 18, Qnty EDs UPam POs MERE BeBe GHEE fara Goma“ roaws a GBP 26-KB_Koqeh These varatlons ar fom an elaborate analpalaby M. Alain, of a 1% Petersburg the Chas Monthy fr Jy 360, p80, Contnaed 1, Rox “EH “Gi? "hie “HY "Hi ” cormnxo, 127 ‘rum queen's Dustor's mawn’s uum DY THE x's mxTonT' TABLE OXIL spoke RKLEBS = -B.PLBS me ROEs Poa 1 2 8 “ inks 4 ‘ PES (a) KROES) | PXF BQRM! GRtxPP | QR BLKtxP REERE | PxRr PoBS, zd wohare bya & Qh aPgs@ egnes Sine a RET Monet movessthe 7, Bt TCs TA KIXB ( SP exh, Px PQS xi ‘qolumnlreched 8.QxKPch &BxKt = GBxKtch 8. RixP Ca = a Px PONS cone 9.q_B2 Ki-Rs- 9, BK?! PxBS ker RK SB_Ks 10, B_Ks— 10, Cantos RGR? swe Bie 12, Pat KiRP $8, Px BxPa HK Rm om 1 Q-Ers+(0) Sarno Wa (©) Webarenow spoon nh oy Zap 4a) Woah peer 6 PLP dvb Aa, ide Ta CXL cama * Preerouhand ashen hove ©BxRL T.G-RA AHEBL . fe a A HLaD H.gran lntngtoeqatt. im 4) ET KURL Gouin Rag NBA em Sor Me raer ais, We, hector, fer for Bacto meisctems 6 « na on 5oBd pen gironby Froborngh un Hashem, sry EG) "OE os, 18 ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPEN TABLE CXIL APRA | EBS PBS PERG KOBE ‘PHBE (Ponca Conte Gam) 1 2 8 ‘ 5 erat rar xe wpgste 8 A BAOKIS? 8 KixP PxP EET) PARP KES omcus GBRE5h GKEXEP — 6 BOKS (¢) (— ) — Qumts ch TRB Pe XB ORT a ARAKI BQ—RS BBXE eB ERO POD 8.QxBm QBS PP ear? M.PxP_ M0.0xKP 1.0K 10. D-H a id HORI BS 4 KOKPS 14, Q—B5ed— Re SM DXKE BORIS PB $4 Qk suey cmos nga gue omen oe rie “ane “ear SS = i aiKs Eat wn ee Mar oh gor. PogDA be Oa SBQF NEE A BRES Amat wm guaee a = ae ioe ote gana a = OrAp-REH) Too Qu me ome ae a en cae sam quaan’s misuor! Pawns OucE 1 TRE xING's xoTOHT's oPmNG. 129 TABLE OXIV. APRA = AEEKBS «= BPQBS A PHOM Poke mee Ros — 1 2 8 ‘ 5 a ‘ RGXEP! cy Aras APxEP? — 8,B_QKES a EBT REP e293 60-9509) 6 RtxP ‘ORB xP a LK? DECK? KxB ra PRE OxKt 8, Cuslor BQKQ2 8. Canes Cantos KEE K-08 OPHoKts 9-08 OL BxKe P50) tO WRBE 99, 0K-Q2 $0, PxP en poss 10, R—Keayoh BRS PoKBE OF = A PLORE 1. RtxKt M0xQ 1. Qk? ms IPE Px Goats Qe KB $2 Rixkt PoQB3 Gauls Px Per sR B-KS 18, Kika PRPS PREG ine $8 PKR $4 KUcKP BRE Oo eas Tide Wola in Yon eteeatioa otra age a otis ur opnoe thatts Bes Dent nance a hs ener (0) BERD ay hob played bare, oe ee Saeco sae * Fa Bar $8 ( “oe “St ara ‘ope, Cc” Sire ee eae ee. 180 THE CENTRE COUNTER GAMBIT IN THE KNIGHT'S OPENING. TABLE Xv. (Most authorities worthy of notice condemn this counter attack.) “PK | LEIKBS ‘PoKA at 1 2 8 5 a ERR 4 Qk? appar 2) RH Kr as Bkixe CEN) RE OxKe RRs a Page ee BP OBL tome inereing vations tray trom 5. BxP eh a ‘ut sould rls i ln favor wih comet play. A game tate M. De Beyisoray andthe anor wae ented CROP 6 BoBag T-B-RY qa “ems “is AgxB 8 Q-Béch mQeBP gem? IL geRP Black bevng Se MEW? ite “Bar 2 reboroagh 20d Baaken hve 6, TER APQt ant + rretara a n naam args FO FB (o) cw senators Wht bs ema te ier ton ent ep eas ar ome tQeh Cb Tonk ADxBe 8Pg6 om ‘tim ‘iar “ior “gee “Gas < igarian "TRB odor» Pecan) ea (©) Cook and Frsborongh and Ranken only gre 6. omops imps mm err "or 181 THE GREOO COUNTER GAMBIT. TABLE CXVL Pome 2, Kapa Pot PoRBT 1 2 8 ‘4 6 BBB) a a Px aa a AE? 4PQt bgt BKK? RR gee Pas Be 687 SQPXKPI+ BQPXEPS 8. PQ. or ra See Table IV. “ phildor Daseo." ORB at 7, RixR PxBQ) apas + or 8. KOR wins warge omer EN Ears oe ome, aBus! 92g) meer) upmig RAP SRE Rica Sinavel we redone a ON . hate + me quien ei frm of es Dt sar ‘SEsharpamirhie emg peers ie aaah TES) ibe come kore a Blackie 182 TNRORY OF THE CHESS OFENTIGS. TABLE OXVIL. APRA | RRIKBS © BKixP PR PEBT — 1 2 o “ 6 2 a a a om KoRES CET Koos RPQt | ABBE | AQURSch A KIXKH © A QURSaAE F=Q5() PRP PRS OPxmr | POS BEee BKLBT AKI BPOKS} | AXE PP eK? xEP oi KEBS GKBS! ORR = A BOK BQRSert- Paar) Pe KEES at TEXKP 7.BLK2 ,Q_R8 GES (9 POKES PRRE BGK? BPs ROxR ar xe 9. Regt a aKraee (0) mae s0.B7+ me SHE gD2 THIQEIE food by iad “EG inom ‘nme KBT) GBNBYobh T.PKR( GORE 8.5-KKtG win mmy 4 AgRe tem p oer “Er oF 6 TPoRRE BROS 8 rexegs: it aT a ’ wean eae, Meise ee eg eater caer ora on “gi Sitee* “ac “aa “kee ame mgs wg ung appre ope eet “ee eR a? By + ugh pine apatite setts a Pi @ oO es MRteRPeh * U Qe wun gg mEKLE 188 THE CENTRE GAMBIT ‘must be accepted, otherwise the second player gete at once an inferior ‘game, Many of the variations may oocar in the Scotch Gambit, if ‘White does not immediately recapture the Pawn with Queen on his third move. ‘Tho retrest of the Whito Queen to K8 at the 4th move, generally supposed to be & novelty from its having been brought ‘prominently into notice by W. Paulsen, in 1881, at the Berlin Congress, in reality dates from the time of Stamma in 1745. ‘The Centre Gambit fs a safe opening, and should result in an equal game, although in ‘the main variations the first player is exposed for some time to a rather troublesome counter-attack, 184 ‘Tuony oF THE CHESS OPEXINOS. TABLE CXVOI. 4 POKA 2 P-Q4 QP Ake Port PxP ws | TS 1» 2 8 ‘ B32) BEKH B &PoKS? vos “SSE a Ri: | KOR OKigRs BPLKS 6Q-K4 4. Q-K4! ce eG ERK} | POF Tues 7. Q-ERE 1. PxPenpanrsh ras aks B95 OBE? aes ar 8 Rixkt OPxP Bxkt Or 10, PEBAI— ‘TABLE CXVIL., Coluen 6, and TABLE CXX., Columns 1 and 2 ‘Poaton after ‘Black's Teh move. ‘Tan onxTae our, 185 TABLE CXIX. apage RQxP hQq-Ks PP Ex rs 2 8 ‘ & a Paxpar() 8 B9B4! Pat Bk Bad) BCR) Exe ® es PRP xP we 10.032 0.KixP() 1.9-Bd 40, 10. Bae qk Eixkt Keka KSB EG AL RiKing 14QxQ_ 1 KB LBXKE 1, BQ. ee Re mes UE KS AR PXKL 12. Q-KIS A QAPH 1 BQH Gq PBs — B98 KRG) EES — #4. P—oRS PORES 18.KtB8 mom. 18. Ki—o4 BEG) (@) Notte wrong at B=QB4 recommente by Sat and Roni cl 8 (©) mace contnetn. 6 WP ere 4a) Me nae ot te Dok of the Bratioe Torny pete 30 PaP nay cam Base rere eer panes (oy mucxasvomevba he ter gon ox cna of Wii's pea. Movs Goatberg Gooianed WEEDS. ARLES 3 ° fan “ES ae orem GeGee ae _cnstry wn, (© aegis pra, Waban rd eck 186 ‘Turon OF THE OHESS OFEXIIOS. TABLE CXX, 4P-Ks = BPQs BaxP 4Q-Ks FEL iP Rs KEBs L 8 4 6 apes? 4. K1088 (0) ‘ERS BOK equK Bok 8 age Pat Par Cal ST PxP ev paso TPOKRS 1,PxPenposech 1, Cenea QR a “Ekixkr “EOKS Koy QpxPr_ &BgRe? A PLEBA BPXP ap_xps? Eat) TP eG OPE Pag See Table ONIX. OBxP 9. Q-Ke oil. cara “a 169x914 PXKE Keg rae sBxk EDFA K-24 EXE+ a (a) Fotowet by 6 e-Wnit oworer, play 8 BQH fn oo 1 than flome Imray . TF ae, (0) WorBleck now tenons and we ERPS as (6 Sonal ronments 5, PRD which ia ore wl wry of omen ut anne ames wg umn ran Eh Soe tt Eat guise Bexi+ (evi only Draa Tour) TABLE OXXI, APR = APQt RL QxP ma Be Ks 1 8 ‘ 5 &oxs: 4Q-Qur &QuRer na bo EB Brus 8BQ8 BRILKBS om Pogi Pas 6PxP 6 B_QB4 OP EBS BKK Cation ear aH anos PoERS 9. B_mpe oe 10.3xQ — xa XD. Intnl oonalded dvb denne he Cntr Gambit Risa abd Ala Rowe ‘res owas Trode RPQ¢ APeP CDRS! patwnitenitnow aly PODS ware “iene ep ih weber gan, ESGKDES mater wink on acraat of & a keg zum 17) comm agig: meme Be Hine ES Gn SW “St nage upK! Meng MED! UEBia MED Bt MGR “Ge “Eh “ES “Et CP Alla) The Beko Bra Tory ets va SWatety Mae? oa Dap i boge mh g-be h Dome MPCRES an “Ge “SR MER "San (Paina ee he Pesci mgm Bote onmn Stt 198, ‘TREOHY OF. THE CHESS OPEXINGS. THE DANISH GAMBIT. 4PoKt PRI L 2 apigne ‘EBS! BKixP. 5 OxiK? Satin Ph + KS 8. Canton Kix OPxmt Bt 10, RLKs3 a * ra Toa Dani Gat vias onto ler (ert mms o.ntsP pom Kr TABLE OXXIL 2pu94 A PR0Be Pe Pa 8 “ & 5 PKs Foot GBxPc KEXP «GPX Ex xs PB TGR Gch TQxQed — Axed ar ke 8 QxB BPXEL | BPXEWP @) KoxPp | PxP BxP ‘opps ==EBT $0, Canon QR ob = oat game fo Wala anda theaore never opted n 10, Caan ial 199 TABLE OXXIL Pee args Pass rT Per re L 2 ‘ 6 B.gRxP Ene Goss 6 6P_xsr Es BS BKB ch TERK? LERBS 1. RgRs Exe = Scale QBS KK? © A PXEE © Q—RAch xt Fags BEES = PXB O.KixKt —,Castlon QR, Canton 9, Q—RA ch(e) BP. ‘xk BxEt Rex Ress KD $0.BxB_ 10, QxB! 10 KtxKt 10.PXP_— 10. PKG me BES BxKr Rg FKP MRK geht HER Eegt 11, BxB 11, Ki-QBS 14, KBs o Canleee B KEE Canin 12, RKeq RRs 38.922 eB (4) Me captre of the tied pow i mnndvanle ate sae 5 OBE svat (0) Cot 1 Lindon and Mecsas). Bucs game ts hopes. (9 thawte moe: bt & gx gah 18.FxP spencer er bn ry RB. inode 6ouueRR oDxD ‘Bam Castes meas = name Poh M0 RORY OF THE CHESS OFEITIGS, THE KING'S BISHOP'S OPENING. ‘Das clasioal de of Philidor ia now seldom i doce not afford such promising’ chance night aod oer opening, “Sil it i per yn wd le way of opening, and many of its variations ooour in the Ginoco Piano ‘Vienna Game by transpositions of moves. TABLE OXXIV.—(Lorez Gosm.) Pome appt ‘PORE card ry cs cy A BEE i a se NEB ponies OBES Ee ‘Tm xmvo's musnor's' crzwmx0, ut TABLE OXXV.—(Bamum Dzrnyor.) Poke KL 2 2 ‘ 8 apus PRP To ap-une Page — ABP) ELK Rr ee EK aPoss ape a kiom? BRT axe Bae Paki Se aknce REx arm ar toxins on thcanlee 14, SPT BSKiSr anr- PHKRS PORRS— BxKt ee ste eres i “EE SRE “Be see eee play 1. and equalise, cise <1 eS a ee GREY lap Meigen, usb 8 Pake gE ae ton thE, tht ap-gu ° mr Fa Kaa = (@) WC QP wodare thn cote Gent ua ‘mony OF’ THE omEss oP=KIXGS. TABLE CXXVL—(Braum Darmxcr,) Pkt UB Be c= ‘BS L 2 ® ‘ apt 2 Fat RP APxQP | ABPXP | A PLOS BxEP(@) KEXP ena Pugs QBS PERS BERKS QERGG() KxnP GKCKBS. GPOKRS 6KIKBS cP = EXE = GRE Pom | TRoKtg oe re Kew ORLBS BBxP | A RLKES xs PP ex P38 A KI-BBI() O.BxPch 35 xB $0, BRS s0.ns Paar ex 14, BxBtch x retcenceto BOIS ad ate, i ook 8 See the Blbop'e Gambit (Prose ‘sn Defeoce). 10, ERIKS an beat tor Wt, tm (6) Saguered by Warte, who thinks Blacks advantage doubt. We peer tho White, FR Wines, gas" SamK, el Gp a) BBD (KEE tgeBLe Bh re ang nga BOBTH te Tuan aap te Lope us TABLE CXXVIL—(Braum Duraxca.) 4 PK = awe Poe ESS L 2 a ‘ 6 Rms 8 RQK2 ar RRP APQS 0 AKixKL | &.BxPar ms Qt EXE BBXP() 8, Kixke BR Bs OB re Carlen 6.HL-088 (0) @Q-BSch GRXB_ —-&P_Q8 ER “KRiq Galle? = FQ KICKS PQS 1, BOKLS— eer Fa (ou apgs ener wate“ BSksas or kgege TREKS oe, (ors. oy Ma ‘TMEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS, TABLE OXXVIU. sPes apps <1 1 2 s 4 co 2 cory xo S.RtoKBS & aPaKd ERP @) rm Kos 4K? ARR kOe? 8 Pui ER mut See the Two . Aamir) Aer! Rsghy, De a minss a Qdoe Ras aque es Tetle pgs orgs 6 Pas GW ov nd GP_O8 OV. and RebT PRBI() OVE Caos UEixP TLPxKt— Rags agus BB«B Curtin KP 40.Q-K2 RAR) ws vobare the Two alt Dato, to which rele. a () A HLB4. trammpoen nto vation of Pete Delece, seedy scaled tn Tabs “RW, XV, 2¥1, end XVI (© Agsia, 5.5txP twtagr'sboat postion in Pemots Delos, wns 1 QRKEP ORKQ EB ace, wre “ESRd “Sonar fea Pe RK Per RteiP . (0 6 gag, Mer na ny Laer Cais inooL 8, White play &.KExQBP the fllows 6 apna EE) EEG te MB THE KING'S KNIGHT'S GAMBIT; on GRECO-PHILIDOR GAMBIT. ‘Frmsr mentioned by the early Italian writers of the sixteenth century ‘and Bishop Ruy Lopez, leads to tho more brilliant Murio, Algsier, ‘and Kiesoriizki Gambits—its offshoots. Most modem suthorities, in- luding the Handiuch, confirm the verdict of the Academy of Chess at Naples, which doclarod itself in favour of tho defence more than thro and a half centuries ago. Philidor was of opinion that the most correct defence might draw but could not win, whilst Lolli maintained ‘the contrary. As Frecborough and Ranken rightly observe, “the pro- ‘gress of analysis has been more satisfectory for the defence than the Attack.” We sce, therefore, no reason to modify tho opinion wo ox- pressed sixteon years ago, that the King's Knight's Gambit is not 90 strong as the King's Bishoo’s Gambit, notwithstanding the adverse ‘opinion of the Atheneum, whose Chess Reviewer at that time was neither a master nor a theorist, and displayed profound ignorance of hhis subject. Lewis also rightly condemned this Gambit. 48 ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OFEXTNGS. ‘TABLE OXXIX, BKeKBS = ARBAB. Canton En 1 2 8 4 6 ‘8. ERS Bak BRS (6) mor ORB? ®PHERA er Enis 10,393, 40.PxP KD BP $4, POR, Kins Ok—O2 POs 2.3K eB sa. PRe Rt 14 PO (oyna sccrting othe Handbuch Mr, Bs, Ba hagas bare tianered ren ai anatng example ‘of Moreeal quran oe tt abort Ot ag, MGR REMI ae (atts eteie nes AELERS st og sahat ow om Taove. We peter the Black. ‘rae xiyo's mom's cuca. ur TABLE OXXX, PoR¢ = RPUKBA «= KiKBS © ABBE vot re PoRKG Sms Scene = «PQ. PABS ras PORES 1 2. a “ ® 1, 1 EERE (@) wa a PoEKss BPRS 8 PRS Kes POS aapxr = A KLRE Bos QQBxP Px 25s PRB PX 10. WKxP! AM PLRRS fMRI s.0xP a Pek xm RRR me R92 LOxP AL REXP oo Bins Gaels PR KER $8P—Q5 ARBXPch | A2.QXP a Kote! | BERET) $8.Q-R5_ 13.QxPoh xe QF 4 nw2 erat Fre 48. PXP— cr: (tm ety Bt ©) tone ery ee es oa -Eeerie crete nt hat a Seti Se Sees wont move rigntiy advocated by Jeanlach us "TMEOHY OF THE CHGS OPENINGS. 1 2 A “ ‘ t 1. ES PooBT? eax aP_unis Be Pau eqns s.goxP Cia ‘PxEt sores t.axr Po eR tem? HORS HRI gz PKey PoE cr — 9x0 axa s3.5,0P ROSES HKHQes (oy mh ren by Prrcth Hasta, ey xe by the Beh om ting, a yding While the advantage, ‘Tm xiNe's mamom's cue, up TABLE CXXXI. 4POKA 2POKBE QKLKDS GEDA OPERA 6P_O4 PRY PRP PORN BSKHD PER P=QE L 2 8 4 & 7.9-98 LPxP un ‘PxP APxP & RXR xP Bx anxR 8.998 BE = PKS 40, 10, 10, PxRig Keig! ER® Pe CEI Q-R7 1.KBS Q-RT AL. EIB: Bk: KERS Bg PS QRS | @PxP A BLKIS 8, PXP mm Fe ee PP MEMO) WKS AB KEKE EEMST K-Bq | PX maa Mh KtxKP 16,POKS PES Gk Pots BEF SRBXP 15, BRSch era KK (PKS 1 KLRE Sia HEE $K-Q2 47, Kgn ay Sere ve onnms te ar (0) Bisd trey te abet move REQBE and by 1% wrongly consaden In taro of Black, a (®) A coutination that maybe ally adopted, ‘oy eroreyadgonled by Worm hon Bs Oh Qing 2, ter @ Aner sri Se five ran so na pa LQURY wang « plcn, hlg dite tame re ee ESTEE Se Sa a re oS The 150 ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPEXDIOS. TABLE OXXXII, PoE¢ = PLEBA «= AKLLEBS = ABBE PEt PP Poke rd SPLERA = P04 FOES P98 L 2 8 ‘“ T-Kt0B8 PBs PoGBS (a) PKB BPxP BRLKtey 8.0BxP PxP Er BxKE ORxR OQK2 — 8axP Bx Keaes KS $0.KB2 $0,P_KKtS 10, K-92 foe PORTS Ro? MOR 11.0BxP MPORS S20 Pxki ao QRS xP $B Pai oR PRE $8. KeKs! x sh PxP Kus 18. QKt5 Pr 16. B_Kiben Bat (a) Bon his apertela ana of tia opening, eves the very inferior more 1 “\e) Gal 8 from Preeborongh and Ranken, (o) reborough and Ranken point out that other 1. or T. _ may be alto a on on 1mm no's mnioHr's uum, 151 TABLE OXXXIV.—(Inmsouan Deraxors.) 4 PoR¢ PEDALS. PoRL Pe 1 2 8 “ 6 3% % ry a 2 eo i FE FH rE APxP 0 APXP | APCES «APLQA ABBA) ra Ri 0 RS PORK Apo P-Q4 BLE? BBA PLR PORK xP a ) PRS GPL BXP ~ GKixP Cutlets Pom Fos Or SK | KEKY LBxKe TEKS oar PORES nope args oe ‘PRR BxQe Px a aa 168 [NERORY OF THE CHESS OFEXINOS. THE CUNNINGHAM GAMBIT. ‘TABLE CXXXV. 4 PKA OPERA LKIKBS ABBA BEB PEt oP KE RR 1 2 & “ % roa abe EES Teas EB! @) ako Saaiee BRxBi Pas ORK Kis 10,BxP Qk? 14.PxB! PxP ane TR 12. PxP 12. RKKeng ws ma MEQ a2} PKS ent ~ KS KK? Kew 18.0024 (9) our * 8 orem mpame 1.999 ome “oh (Sim “san “ewe “SSB apme mmr | uggte ma “Sn TABLE OXXXVI. 4 PoKA = APE = RLKBS © ABE PRL PxP x ea BPOER:S 6, Cantlon TEReg PRP PxPo Z B.BxP oh Ke KBS xe BBxPch —BQKIS GEES, Kt_KScht mer xB Kix ka 40.5xB 10,Q-K2 10, Q—Rscht ERO ER $M P=Q8_© 14. BxP od aq ie $BS 12. QxP PEERS) KK ama? sabre com a5 axe axd kia + EB (ee ew heh xing io Bt or an Deg gue mae maege! g-eE @ “Hen “Eke “Ba “ESa? EG Chara geen “Eh! cut mege mage Ps tice Saag Moa Ey MES vn, Gos om . wan * “eae . gm oe” EEE an. 164 ‘HREORY OF THE Gus OPEXINGS. ‘TABLE CXXXVIL. “PKA = PlEBA «= LBS, BBE FoEs PP xr BPORKS 6, Cention PP ‘PxPch L 2 8 6 3 5s = QRLKS &BxPch Bros 8 POT) “K-Bq EXE rai BBxP_ OL KIKS) OJ EIKSch © Bx! 8, BxKty BxEV®) —- KSKBS «—E=Eugl(@) PKB M.9-R5 (9 M0. B-KIS 14Q-RE 4. L_KS! = a i Pa MW KIBT 1. KtxP 11. Kix Big | KEES er IPR} RX 12. RXR axe ora $8, KAXcKb dis ch18, KxP “BORK 1 Ke_gnsy ue sagas mmr unnes ange sauce om “GH “Gn “eno? “Gi Neg MEO! Bem PBS T.KinKtS wan (at 18 fan “aa Ga AEA CH H.QoEs te) Ome, WED Ug-Bsa! gs (Hw pect] xn PB fear ("mon MILKS woe PQ6 UKM IPRS 16 Qentr- ) “SH “oar “en “Gan of ope = a wus ‘agentes waar ae a 186 THE SALVIO GAMBIT. ‘Tas opening, first noticed by Salvio in 1684, takes its name from that writer, who, however, did not himself discover the variation, as hhe admits having adopted it from a Portuguese treatise. Van der ‘Linde conjectures, from the MS. of Polerio, that the move of 6. ‘which constitutes the Salvio defence, was the invention ‘KE-KBS of the celebrated Portuguese player, Santa Maria, whose works un- fortunately have not come down to us. At the time the first edition of the present work was published, it was generally considered that the Salvio attack, commencing with 6. Kt-K65 was the only correct procedure for the first player. But the able analyses of Herr Ceank, of ‘Vienna, tend to show the new defence of 6. to be 80 E058 strong and to offer so many chances, thet a win for Black is the rule ‘and s draw the exception ; and the Salvio, being thus reduced to the defence in a difficnlt postion, must be termed problematical and of inforior value. 156 ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENIGS. TABLE OXXXVII.—{Viewma Durexcr.) 4PES = RPLEBA © LBS ABLE ro PRP Po oR 8. KIKS ax, Cia eas 2 8 8 BKtxkteh #. axes 8 Bxkt ERB @) BB $0. P93! $P-04? 10. Gog RORY iP Post 1. Q-Kny tt 1.0-K2 44.703 POR) KCKGa? BBs PoBS $2. KKteq 12, Kt_BSorQuia P_ERS! og eevee ERD sy Br ‘AK 18, Bay + .KUXBP te shown by Herr A. Cou, of Ves, to be ren more dendrantngoat for ‘Wille, Mf 1. Que, ee Table OX, eb (oF &. tow sa Pans oF Kings a fouowsd by WHET and SKE ae EET $4 atu soontee for Blak, me aacri0 oucerr, 187 TABLE OXXXIK. APoR¢ = &PLKBC KILNS ABBA | BRED, ro PRE POKRHE | POKES GERD. OKBag KeERS 2 8. “ & 1 Pe QBURBA! 8 KL_gBs? PP pas SEXP Ks Pas Pa $0.K1QBS 40.R—B2 —10,K1Q810,KxP. ees | BRS ee BED WKQRS .P—Q5 ML BxB- 4 KEI A Kt Bee BB PBS —S KBE WKB 12, BURBS 2 BKs ks Oatler 18.295 18.092 ox ita 44. PERS Fcmr) $8, BxKt Be 46, RPXP Poke a1, K1—aR3— . Ki @ me sox REED AEB UR ema “ere Br Gk PBs GSBePch 16 QxQ+ Although the Hondtwoh dacarn the game equal, Wille ‘asthe edrantge having # Qen for Hook and Bishop. tore. @RiQ0 KxP_ 1L.3=Kh a BA move & cole (and 5 lee 8.Q-Kag oF ORxQ WE Kig Kgs EXP; or APE Be “MENG “Poe EBs em Ske mrs. a amc =k 188 [TERORY OP THE OHHES OPENINGE TABLE OXL—" Suto (Coomae) Gas. 4 P-EA | LPORD¢ «= AKLEBS ABBA © BL RLKS me foxm “FSRS | G=Reck aE Bm L 2 8 5 6 “ « = co ent Pt LKXEP_ LBxPALQKPY TL EgBe Brae “Kees “eer “Ge “kegs Qkxr GRR PKP ARQ REQ a Oki 8K ORKK | ELE? Px kext “bra ae KeRT 0-08 OKXP__1KiKP PRP 10.905 Se re “a Ko Era $4PxQ HL RRng_ HPD skim Pgs Bapedky exe fxm 2.798 12. 9x BP ch Be Era eae 8.x BKKy i. DxP Exra TRE Sar axK WExK Bq a RBo ; eet BxOP a 16,0-05+ we emg A%Kg2 mee ums. ume kaa twat by 08 Ba ns & =a 1 ok Back wns ay, THE MUZIO GAMBIT. 160 ‘Tony oF THE cHESS opExIIaS. TABLE OXLL. 4PLKA SPKBA RK RBS &B-Bs 5. Cente BQxP PEt PXP PokRia Pots PxKi © Q-B8T BPLQalt ORB 108-92 ERs ROK? 1 2 8 4“ 6. 10, RES 1. RK EBA $2.RK4 Ganiles $8.Q8xP Boke 44. Q_K2 (@) 18. QBxP QoKit ee 16. PENA) 16. PERG ms rar ioe exe BRP Gk? Bx Kixke BxP pcr WBE ABBE 18 OKB. xP BL Qa POS $EDP SL QRMKDA 9.x Enc PBI wine BOKSY (0) H—KRteg}(¢) G-RDT= Ameen 8. PQA and Black nego decided advantage. Thin aration om. rar ee g gna tet Frocborongh ad 0 the Pepsin br he, etn sborough and flasken, who give the fandtt 14 QRKag ERE ae Boat ae. a eT erat ae ERS oo ean ting ETE te @ om, -prtrad by E Pasian, loon exalt ove hasnt ee mpgs mpgs H=QG PYRG wine The Handbuch wrongly declares ‘um xoz10 aus, de TABLE CXLIL 4PoKA = QPHKBA = ARLRBS BLE rot PP PORE roms Boutin xP PRE L 8 ‘ 5 P08 1 1 eOEH+ EEE “FW BKBS RBXP EXP) RBXQP —ALPXP. BBisi@) BETH | XB PBR ERs OER BER 80x ®BKIs B92 = a Ks REE .QBxP 10 KQBS 1RxQ —HBXP_ 10, BBS Pas Bes | POEBS) QP RT WQRS ARGS 4K QBS RIBS 1, K—Reg RF RHE) PQTGaslleQRF R=Kiea a BxKE xe $05 =r MRXP+ (©) . et pus ft abril y Haabasbaus athe Celmsta Ohne Coron, poy (emails Pexatenean nom at aaiaby & A GR mPw cf mamas nee C58) “eare (* rian). SEAR mngs ase | atin won nem ad WRLQ? Whe Galt "Be a he Bs . ee ee nest ndbch at '. sor eh Soma to menue Ra tel cag iD mere, wep Nghe egan h pg” ware (mg Onin “Sar “eg eter C* a oun getie yt 8 gee wea unr a gese (wag hee ager an ar » Mopar Re pees MERGE Sa Gea “an = (0 Yotowsd by GR-KB ag 162, ‘mony OF THE cHESS orEXDNOS. TABLE CXL. APKA | 2 PRBARBS ABBE POEL PF PORE ers 1 2 a ‘ a Roane 8 arot 1 aaxra, CET Poa ‘PXEE (a) ‘PXKt EXE GRHO88! BBxP_ 6 QXP_—QXP BRIS ch Gt Pg TP—Qt LBLKES | LBXQP_LBXP_.QxP. we "Re “Eom “Ron "koe AMES 8QxP_ Gant BEI.) MBP eK B-ERS PBs aS ar) HS OPQ BXPch «BKB Caton aq GPa ED PB Bg AMKSxP@S) 10.K—Req 10.BxP__10,Q-REch 10,P—Ot xe Gera QE RBS 14. Rk 8 KexRRP 2 Q—KKIS 2.curlee 12, Rix XRF a sR Kat sa Exe KtxB 2K Paget or emer tam Agee eu “mon "Pa oe T-BxP oh tn this vaslaion ls bad, 4g. To ML Soh 8. KEAREP we Ke Rs tomas 11 Coates " a - OSE EAR ae, o) Hapa 1g-mm wPKE ona? “bar ‘mm ono ouscrr. 168 TABLE CXLIV. PKs PORBA «SEIKBS 4BLBt —B.Custlon Pot PxP 0 POKRGG © POKES BKKE 6.axP TPogs! EB 1 2 a 1 KBs aaxP! ane 2k Rm rar 10,Kt_ons OKT 14, Q—Kest (a) co 12.3: a QxB TR PRB PKS IS BXPch 18.BxPch EDP aq OE MOR Koy 1BXQ win 14 RXQ Bas ER * 18. RBogeh PkBs us 18, Q—Kt7 wine +18 QxP BUS IRQ 5 wins (a) ‘Thin Dental mov sugrectad by Teubechans in Za Stratigi demolihee Rosenthal alga tn La Yue Moderns and ahows T-P—QE to be stronger than 7. DHE 1 fac, ales th abovo analyse canbe ups; he Maso may be coasdared not oly ox, etre ra Teed oH Q-ELB Honig REQ fatowed by, wre ciel sane of Buc ar Foe. ‘borough and Hania, nor Cook, otc thee recent dacverie of te Psi schol () Wotlowed by 15.QR-KB qe, ann Table GXLIL, el 8. 164 ‘THEORY OF THE ORESS OPENINGS, ‘TABLE OXLL iinet th si Ee ‘TABLE OXLIL Pouton after Whlt’s Th move, mutant —mieias SG: sl ‘tel a ware, TABLE OXLIY, Cole 4.—Poaition ater White's 1h move ues 165 THE ALGAIER GAMBIT. ‘Tax variations of attack in this besntifil opening are almost as inex~ hhaustible and fully as instructive as those of the “Evans” Gambit. Algaier was the first to devote special attention to that variation of it arising from White moving his Knight to Knight's fifth square on his fifth move, whilst Kieseritzky favoured the stronger attack—5. Kt—K 5. ‘Henes the denomination of the opening now known as the Algaier or Algaiet-Kieseritcky Gambit, ‘The seven chief defences to the latter attack are 5. 6. 6. 5. TR RERBS QS PU 6. and 6. advocated or brought eRe KR-QBS BR? into notice by Louis Paulsen, Philidor, Kalisch, E. Morphy, Rosenthal, Neumann, and Polerio respectively. ‘The old classical defence of 6. hhas fallen into desuetude, In many of our conclusions Ra ‘under this opening we venture to differ with Messrs. Freeborough and Ranken, and occasionally also with the Handbuch and Wormald. The ld defence of 5. * first played by Philidor, and absurdly KKBS condemned, as utterly exploded, in a superficial and worthless analysis by Wisker, in the Westminster Papers,” is shown to be perfectly sound, and to yield the second player a marked advantage, 1068 ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS oPExIXGs, TABLE OXLV.—(Pavusen’s Dzvexcr.) 4PoKA = PLEBA = ALK PRE PP POR APRRE © KEKE roms Er L 2 & “ 8 ort KB BBs ru BPxP, atin * Cuan 9, BP. 8. K_oBs PoBL KP KR $0, PBS (0) 10, BxKt 10, Kt_K2 PP QxB MLPxP $4, Caston ER Eas $2 Ki0ns! 12 P03 RABI) ixkt Kix xP cb AMPXKE 18, PxKt 18. 9x@ xk oR PxQ $&PxB 140-02 R05 oa BP BS WRXQ— DXB 1B, KixKt BEI) OBTO PREC) + te mie yoxson oer a Table LVI cl, nte (a) (BME Deteca oe Gah ye enmoaen of ones 5 tiene nee Pge ae Go) U MPxPmpae UKteKy MQBKP ore BAP of 20, Gene Pek Eaton: Te” oR nen ot 8. a mis te clam 1, ange roomments 9, ©) Conta BQO EXP BKB MRKe wBE m.DoHED as “ihe “ip “ass “ack “AE (6) Gontoned 16 11n3 Sa i ups oie (ooo ILLKY oh Kix ae a mmo unas uPgue oats ae ERs ‘ame CEH a ee ‘mE ALGATER-KIesERITZKY AMT, at TABLE OXLVI.—(Pacusex’s Dzvexce.) PEt = PLEBL © RIBS ORT Pee PRR SPORRA = RKILKS ‘ FoR 1 2 8 ‘“ 8 erat EEEST BBs Pat Ganat epee . 8. Kt-aBs! ‘Guat — Pe ©. Cuaton OBLRt5ch O.KexBP PoBt sobs RXR $0, P38 40.PxP_ 10, BxRch PRP Santas axe SEXP APXQKP 44BXP_ th, EXP Gr EER KR AM BxKi? $8, Canton £2, Canta OE ria 18.058 a AERP 1h BxP BxPa = KES AKL? 1B KUXKIP(@y Kass BP $6Q-R5 — 16:Ki—B2 16. QR—Kog a PERS) M1, BxP 1s, BxKH SRR (@) or 1a xuxxt Pai own Route BMS UBeRL RIK mea Kg Ks (oy Ranken enggeatn 36 a lnding to an eqeal game, 7 168 ‘THEORY OF THE cHEse OPENINGS, ‘TABLE OXLVIL.—(Pavuans's Davexor.) 4 PEA A PHKB( A EKBS APLERA |B RILES ee PP PRPS KE 2 2 a ara. ras 1.Ki_Q38? rar amnas 8 Gant 8. KDKBP ake KixEP KOE WHANE KEK 10. Eq "R-Esy anes MBE! ngs 19-48 KOE PKB . EBay ERD =a 18, Bos x=egiich 16 ae FKGR®) NB-Conmn softs te Wat more Qu Whit bs io oer moe i TCPxKE tk Q—Ka and Blank ring Agata ee 7 Whens Nit means Rg a tp a em “be ouvir ex. ox wee ByKech | KE-WGch wing. (Dubolne Pasion) 1 See SE oon ara yee | "ar cones RB, @ contol hai deems mxegss pen ma xten B a 7 uct at pagt® Be Peer ty Mia, Blck ay alo play "& = Sat Reavis ( wey HH) Aguas snpgs! nF = fo aa Hee Witges urge ae “thee a Mies a eee uw ‘THE ALOATER-KIRSERITERY AMRIT. 169 TABLE OXLVII—(Pmusvos's Derexor.) APK4 A PLMB¢ «= BKLKBS = APLER( | B.Ei_KS. re PRP PORKH «PRS EBS 1 2 4 8 comers Pai UPxP BQ8 (0) aplas oR) 8.Gusties "9, o.Kigpa? GRP PER KT $0.Q2K aq 10, BKB ch? 10, BEES ch aaa PBs a RG QR HPAP. Santas Canes BRP 12. B@s— xs tn a Kg Cae! SU | UKs? ABKEQBP $8, Ke_QUAI(o48, HBT ob xk BBE EXEL $4 Beech 4 BBE B-Q3T (@) Ckren 18. Bxk (@) 48. BxP oh Sopa de vie @ un. ‘rere the sao ponsion asin Puslen'sDaeaoa, We pratir a cacy ere assert, A ome Sar mo Rasoy (ut m guru eRe xn rm Mier PRBS) gwen, mrt marr lerens Pat ee “Pane aise “go MBoets IK BUH) PRP 14. caston Bape 5 Kegh 16.POKGS White may aug play 9 Candee instead of &.BXP eg. & Cult oer 9-4 PKG MQBxP MR—BD_ mMK-Bege Sa isos “ite “Gaeta “EY ‘ek and Neen and Psion peer 10, oa or Be, saa Rok 170 ‘TmmoRy oF THE CHESS ormUXoS TABLE OXLIX.—(Pamvon's Dursvce,) LPKt = LPLHBA © RDS © A PERG Pot Fer POREH PRS BReKs BBE LPxP ape KEES | P=Qt a) een 1 2 3 ‘ as 8 ® 8. Bib Oe MRK? BXP (KEI! 10,PxP eK EE Car FKP MM.QRIxP 14, PHERISI) 14, KexQBP Ex EEF) kk $RBXK 12.002 12, Bx Keech PBS PBS a £0, Cuation 48, Custos 18, Canton 18 BR re PERE PAKS mee MM KUXBPBS) {BRIS 1 PP EB? EXE G2 BR ERE MKBxKt A PXP_— 18, PQS 18. QxKt i TS KE $8KtxKE 1K KRoy 8 PXD 18, i—-aB8 ome BRR QRH? Ganon ARK edyit PKG PKG 41, B05, PERT) 0 SMM MEKA? 10. FLAKES Hare the HandOueh and Frosborough and Raskan eG care pe tobe In White four Wo malian on the onkry, hat Bak oof wa by ak ebm esses eee f som Fs ESB PE WtxOe} mtextgch —8K1-QB6 and ation, Thine, ae! peas oe REE go Ean ofa en wot ten un, Sbomea ING-g? Ae iar akg mw ae ue, mg-gs uakaee wg “ER Fa Bay (Ke MEBS |) tes Poms ae) serra ES wine (THE ALOATER-XIESERITZKY GAMBIT. m TABLE CL—(Punnor's Darexce.) APRA = A PLEBG |= AKBS © A PLERA aed PP Pom Pe BERKS = 6. BE TPxP. apse EES card age mo L 2 8B ‘ & 9. Bomtsch .Kz2 ros cons 10.PxP 10, RK my PRP oar $4, EixQuP 14, KKB tf, KBs xk hE $2. BxRtch "1 $8. BxR mS 4X32 44 R-R2? Ka BOERS QxK 8. 15,395 PORGa! SEB) KOR 16.KKeq (0) 13-95 10.KIBS RoR RRigeh AUK MKS KB? A KXK BROGO) Kg. ERE PRP 18, PERS $x? wRaae (o) 16 katy ort ws ae. (© Coma eontinoel RBs PKB MRR .Gu Bree ee SSE win (©) In Chae Openings, ancient and Mader, . 18, Mons. Frsborongh and Basken gi oe ak Without any further analy of the ater mov, rom rom” om ‘ees ran wile the tet oon Se gaa Te TARY oes where (@ Cuminged KREIS . SR ERE ana Bick wins, (o ugeaveaen Ka ia Th as, mm ‘THEORY OF THE CHESS OPEXINOS. TABLE CLI—(Panivor's Darexce,) APRA «2 PKDA |= KEEBS «APCERE | A KILKS, PRT 0 PxP PERKY PKS EBS L 2 a 4 5 6 exkir? ExPT@) TPQt — T.PA98 cx kek ack: abe 8 fim “een QRR2 — .G-KI2a) Bee 8 RE rr REC) EixR? MQxQeh —10Er—BEed 10.092 10, Dae BQ ug OQ G5 246) HER? BXPA WLEIXG 14.P23 BQ EXE Kixk OEP KR Ose MBLKE ALK MKD ie Fm ete Ea@ WKixQ — ALKiXPeh+ AM KLQS IM KIQSeh BxKt BRP BeKw okt 1H. CantlesQR $4, BXBeD ro ROBT EK $8, Q—KBE 46.R—Boy 15,336 RaRieg BP Re 18. QxBP 16.BxPch 16,02 iq HK REKig $.9xP A136 11, BKB S wins kes . KER ems 18 P=Q4+ so ~ ue name age oxegns wrge uy roar “on “Sg; “ea Gt ois PsP auch 13 caus (Antenne Morey ot O or ae Wee: GHD mxnPA WgQsD WXEL mr Ekta a ae MER ESBS oe gig. iki MAKeEt tonowed by Che: ey Se Erman ‘a MRUPa HEHE SRSA gaps i QueDe OO ie, US “Gat Gat “ga hat neat one, Q-QRE (avo, = ‘Ta ALOAIER-KISERITZKY GAMBIT. 178 APRA RPKD( |B KLKBS | APLERG | BKK PKG PRP PERKIE = PKS PoRRT L 2 8 “ & 6 BBe ra ar t Pas mK? & KLxBP (@) 8.QBxP ke Fa @BxReh — OU EI—98 (9) x98 XB BEE as 10. Bx? i on 8. KexBP 14, Cans WRB 1Q-BEC) 18. BER KW ‘KRwT WKS KOBE KER KP BAKES 18, QR_KBS ee BBs A, PLKS— 16. KOs Re BR 11. 9x34 (/) (@) MC 6.5103 the varation Is raped into ests 2 above, orm ULKLBE (lf H.Caml) 1.9-98 = ON gare) Reais own WRB MBS GQ] KOR-KDQ BK Saxe kk“ Gkegr! kat ae .QoKtseh wie (@ Moxa 10.BeRe Bane ame Ge KE ae. (@) 18Q-AB ag not o got om fe ator, ac (2) Contnsod 37, AReR__RLAAKE MD RxD winn a 1% [TREORY OF THR OHESS OPEXINOE. TABLE OLII.—(Rosesrmx’s ax Kousca’s Durzxcxs.) LPoKt = 2 PLKBA PEt PRP L Bon Ek ePgu? 6 Pas PoRBY TRtKKIP 1, B_QB4 PERT KE—-KBB QKe82 BKLons RKBS (by Pas @BxP &BOBTh ExPi KO 10,Q-R5ch 10. BxP Haq Gk? 4.3K? 44, B—oKes Kees kK 2Q-BS— 12 KT BS ROKK Ig $B. KKK TR AL KLE Gwinn A KLuBs PORK 8 BXP? Pas 8 BERS EBS 8.088 Poa a" Ps ar ar (Gorda) Punrer dureh di Shachthore One aga” WB we og RT rite "aS So Ee PS 2 BQ borP_gs— 10) Cas, CHicBs noi, Se Appa og atone & wees aneme ane or sgn Mae as ‘urae and Dermenon} 1K. im APLERG | BELLKS Pees “ 6 6 BRB (atid) Kiki? “PORBT (0) 1B? RES BPHOt P94 PRE TET OBxP KBE x3 Beet 10. xB 7 sh BxKtch na 18, BxP BoB 18. Keg Bx £1. 9xB ge $5 OPxQ Pod 12 R-RE ma Ie s T@-Ke mpm « smn) Tague *) npg RRS ‘THE ALOATER-KIESERITZXY unen, 198 TABLE CLIV.—(E. Monps’'s sm Pouzmo's Darzxce.) APOK¢ | 2 PORBA | BKIKBS APLER( | 8KILKS PoE Pee PoRS a BOKY(Poterie) Oras BPxP. “ GKixKP a Ktxmip? Pre. BomR+ PxKPE Pa TPxP. BxPS axe Bakek fer) OP 10.P—a4 EOE) 11.7088 55 2BXP TRE (a) Gata ieee 1a 7 pare. TPQt B84 sol fe pie ie tanpod at Ps's a ‘Delos czamined in poceng Tien 116 ‘rmzoay oy Tae cums cPmemtas. TABLE OLV.—(Kousvos's Duraxcs.) APKA | A PHEBE | RKRBS PLR PRY iP PERT PRS . BERKS &EtxKP PQs er 1 2 a “ 6 Pgs BaP oRe3e & 8 one ee es aans a Hans) ARE DE Ee) Ke ET PQ! 10K—QBS 10, KtgBs mii KEEET SP MQxP_— 14.3921 (0) 11, BxP Bea = Okie .EXB_— 12.3-08(0) 12.00 Gm “eee ikea #8 ERIS) 8 EEK I-18 Kod or = 1h BxBed xe 8 K—Kig Keg 8 KBI()— (a) agg y Rost (b) Navneet Gai Th Geran ouch mes Wiley the was more p= an (0 Wa ana pt eae. {0 Tandab gr 1-328 wetter or mas (2) WKI-BE alba good more bar. (TRE ALOATER-KIESERITENY AEN wr TABLE OLVL—{Pouano's Darexcr.) LPOK4 P-RB¢ RELKBS LPLERC | BRIKS PoKi PxP PORK PKS GHixKIP? 6. QxKiP! Pat | Pgs TPxP_ 1. Q_KIT EXP | BxPch amb? BKR-Oq Bete | Px OEXB | -8QxR OP BxKIGeh 1X38 10, 10,P94_ 10,B_K2 PORES: «= PQUS? «= GBT! Q=KRTA WEQs HL BLKIS ,P—QBS BBS! Poss PKS KE KBS BKB $RQBxP AL KI-QSARBXP_— AR. PXB. REE GP Bee oa max s.9xPeh ae ea rowed gases RxD Goo reer “Ga Ea wxKka cat Kea? oem ann, ooking EE? PP fem “Gare sinks ikke on ee (eo) Dit tres the bad contention. sd wrong coetde in toe of Wie ene poo + cols eontinaad 1. wee Beer eg nye ana, oS SS 178 ‘TatoRY oP THE CHEAS OFEKIKOR. TABLE OLVIL.—(Nevwn's Derexce,) 1PoKt PLEBt AKILKDS LPLER( |B KtLKS Pos PRP PORRI€ PRS KE QBE 2 ‘8 4 5 GER! @Poge @. 6. RixKIP! pege KKH | Ree PT TPxP_ TPXKt = KtQBS 1, PxP “Ra PQs Rink «= QT ADEM 6QBxP ARLQS BED! Reg RE as RUE O5.Q8 BKB? DGB BPxRL © KILB? Ean kek ERT GP KER 90m MOKLS (ORS MOBxBP 1, KBs mens FS PS PA RH) Anne tex? Qe RxD exe era 2 aegeh REKKE Kon MEH 2.BxQ — 12,Canln (0) BoKbe KGS a Rix m3s__ 1.708 18. xs Guile GEE BB — ams CauergR 92 Ke 5 18. BxK eas Co) 0, ato ont: bt ran by Worms saad Wenademaa byt 8 oF New Dns Seacaeltng, UsincoL 1, 10.Q=KA: it gs oe Sa" sa GR Bind as ama ver the Inter contest, an omit notice of & the = ete eur," ea ating oe Mind Sach eset t Hac es a nuance so ony Coo sors ‘mm AvoumeR oAneart, Uy TABLE COLVIN. SKiKBS 4PLERG | BRILKIS PORE PoKrs = PCERGT TPQ a oe ts ae ae Ee EE ae Bia a LE Rao obte, aBie GE Fone Gore 0g SP wke near Set Sr ae Gin 9.08” ge ees Ea, as. wre: mod ame Pad EKG quae 18 ‘eae 18. Ein? ROK ra 4, PBT ch Bat a) oF woke? 1. cated or 1. or 8, momtgna Fy, RR Ke a em Ks a ou NCGREE azar saeasy a agegn mane Be Eg So” tae NES OB agg SD pee UPR he a Ba Sin “eae “Es SE te ogee at RE eC Pe, Bn co 1 a EEE, Se np ht «| Ray perp eeeias + xoy TMD Sy gemby Freeoroth cad Haakon: vo spas meee wap Aggy one 7 » Ee oe “ son ETbamfilts « PKS mRQ—aisee egies Bek may kewl play ethic = 180 THEORY OF THE CHESS OPENINGS. “P-E¢ | &PLEB4 «RELLEBS LPLERE | 8.KiK:5 PoRi PRP PoE «PKs PEED L 2 8 ‘ 5 axe xxi TPaat FBR (0) apxe BBA ®. ri = $0, BxPob 10. 10, Kt-Q38 Kal rE Qe 1.38 0-93 1. BES Bra BxPch -BPch Kat $2 E—Quq_ 12 E02 PoRRG ERO Ess $8.38 13 PoEDE rae POREL 16 B_nis PoBS BR = A P—Bt 1 BXB. BxFE Ora ean : POOR (a) tats ta the International Chess Mopasinc, recommends ths oye. me acouea Gum, 181 TABLE CLX. 4 POR¢ 2POKBA BKIKBS APOER( BEKIS GKGxP eG FP PORK Pos PORES) L 2 a “ 5 1BBech Page BBxPeh 8 kn ey a.BxP apt 8 POBE Ce) ERs PEE 10.BxB! §0.BxR? ARLES 10, PxP on PF SKS a PxP $M R—King (9) M.BxBP 4, BKB! Ea) e RixB | BXPch 12 RKteg MRK? (2 PXRt_ LKQ? PoRIS PoR 0 BxKta mPaat MAKES PXD KBB eet ERE OF PoBsIy* $Q-K2 K-98 4 Q-RIa rs ks} 1B 5_KS 18, Gules ER REE? i= co 16.533 16. BES okt ST, PaOK:S AT. PKS SxRP | B=Kits $8 KtQBS 18, Castle QR+ kK (0) Beate waggete 3 eu ‘Dek Walt should wl got the beter ow Ee, mgsg 3 muerafeanbore lene ad We wana eee en Ee SE NGA MBE ormes 182 [THBOHY OF THE CHESS OPEALNOS. TABLE OLXL—(Tar Haxrs-Atcume Gans.) APEG = AEBS APLBA A KIBO. PEt Es PRE PORES * BPOKRG = GEEKS | LEixP PoERS xx 2 8 4 5 8 8 Em era: “TERE 10. 2—Ba4eh $0,K—82 10, B-0B4 RoR Pokies | KR BOK PKS | 14,KKteg 11. BXKBP rn Ear RET ©) MR QQderQ21A QS QxKE «12. BKS PORRE Q-Qs4. KERB ARBxBh (LEK? AB PORE Ex a 1g—a38 ake 18, Q-Keeoh+ 2..~The Rasp Aiue oer ete chaos of acne tan the orfinar Ager Gam as ‘vied anne complened pottons ms me. Egy Ome MRpia mp ees gy poms “kt axe “ollbwed by (Unternatinal G36) Or tT pany Sie on gege ml Peg “th Er Ge . ome OPP BS MBB BA Pap (Fg, DRE) Me ncad is nome Seedy wgege fot mUN GE wi eng aad ga, 8 bxaP MEK owe ae urgnt ee wea ney, Boe in “de “oe “ire ome Bea WRX? sh cutie bo. me oun mpm mPoRs MP mg-gH — a or EE ‘Scat 188 THE KING’S BISHOP'S GAMBIT APRA RPE BBE PEF Pep styled by Jaenisch ‘an imperishable monument of human wisdom,” i still, we believe, the strongest of all the Gambits on the King’s side, For although, against tho old classical defonco recommended by Lopes ‘and Gianuto, it should result either in en even game or unfavourably for the first player, it leads against all other defences to 8 far more enduring attack than the King's Knight's or Greco-Phitidor Gambit; and the favourite Bilyuer Counter Gambit of 8. erroneously? ru advocated by Zukertort, certainly yields no advantage to . The critic of the Atienaum declared the author to be “ignorant of Chess for expressing the foregoing opinion of the siréngth of the Bishop's Gambit in 1874. Recont analyses, however, by the first German ‘and Italian masters (1ce Tables OLXIL., OLXIIL, CLXTV., and CLXV. of the present work [embodying some of the best illustrations of this soit from gamnes ii the Breslou Tourney of 1689 between Metger, ‘Termasch, and others)) superabundantly prove the author to have been right and his critic wrong. Sneh is the ineompetent Chess criticism of the Atheneum ! In the Bilguer Counter Gambit 8. some experts disapprove ra ‘of the advance of the White Pawn to K 6 on the 10th move (we ool. 8, 184); but there is a wide divergence of opinion among the sutho- 8 to which is Black's best 10th move in reply to 10. K—Kteg. 5 Rosenthal prefers 10. ‘while Salvioli inclines to 10, P—Kt 6, Gis, ~~ Again (tee p. 191, Table OLXIX., col. 1), Salvioli, in opposition to the Handtuch, says that White can get the better game by 8. Q—Keq instead of 8. Q—K2. Where such eminent authorities entertain such diametrically opposite opinions, we do not, in most eases, presume to decide; but give both continuations, leaving tho student to form his own opinion; but wo and Salvioli are moro reliable, as a rule, than the tee ‘TmEORY oF THE CHESS OPENINGS. TABLE OLXU.—(Bnovrs Couwres Gaunt) LPoK4 2 PLMBA = ABBE A xP me ‘PxP Boge aa ar OxHBs —-.P0t PORE sear ce 4 & 10, * x83? {4 KoKtag? 44. BxKteh! PoE EixB() Ke Keg 12.808 R-Qq | Gatle RUS 18. KixGRP KD RoRteg WEEK: 4 PLUS Woke 18RD @ ‘GxkP MORK 16K Kag TRF) OBE sR $9, KB ng Bin oak 1 above, Wide may tho ply 8, B-QB 4 when the otal continents te « ‘ee Sao CG bay WER, amet “iene a wu a at Tae? te avin by Rowetha. tn ob 1 Wate pay 10.003, () Beet socio Galvoll IF UL PBS orf LIKE of ML oe o. Sa a. ‘+ AL GKag tu bet (ne col Table CLAY.) where the eae pout cork 6 a tame Aras waar (gk HERA won, See leo net Table ‘me xrxe's stenor's our, u TABLE OLXIL—(Bnoven Coveems Gausts.) “PORA «= RPLEBE BBB4 | OA BKP EB PEt mPa ERT POET ORigBs 1,704 : me MEK? 0. PRES 1. RES Ber 12. PxB KERTH kok! Paue Axe axe cura an Ron 18. Qos? Packt x 16 32K3 18.09 eae BQ m.0-92 nebo Pagus 14, RKB sm dome RS $0, RKB og ARBxkech 6BxP_ 49, PR. kas phy M—Urng Kae ke ‘m. Qa1 boot Coie oe, Cats 14, BAKKE 3) 24, QRS ag TBE PoEBI-O) 4 Giang ent Stell In prceding Tube CLXIL 168th wekarcontneton Peeters ONS Se ah © Contnnet EB SK wine @ wR. EP DR Conlay BB BRP wins Sper EHP Bae ame MPP = 106 ‘THEORY oF THE CHRAS OPENINGS, TABLE CLXIV—(Buoves Coorres Gass.) APKA A PLRDA BBLBE A aeP KBR pore “ip ere PS QKERS 1. PoERA Var nn 1. BRETT) EK Ki $B, BXRt eh! AR BRIS 18. BxP ch? (0) PB Qs EK? iaay peau wKeg! Wet HOOKS rains kee seus IR KCKRS * 18 i798 Edw Baar ecw kee ure Ren Re WKS Sie Stat meet mPa PoE BxP whom Wika! mor “po” idee bob xxB ~ weeps xa ‘M1. B-Q24 (@) (Sail, Go annexe Table CLA, ole. 18, Continual a are rome MEEBe LAER LRM D9 PKKGO wine, We pre ies keg) ay Savi unalgalat flL (2) Me Ronde icy wrong in ing tha «waning mone for Bik; alist shows (0 Thine tbe weak mors, gren by the German schoo, bat demllabed by te Lian mate. @ Bras wm ear a ‘THE xivo's niamoy's ouuenrs. u TABLE CLXV.—(Buoven Covxres. Gusmr) RPK BBE LBXP BEBiq PP Pog ea PHkK © & PEG KK) kota” 0a aoa He a eek! Mw PBI se Paoel abxe 12B_K8@ BRS PAP ES 18.82 KB ABBxKich 18. PERK) Fn core PB BS ro PCED 1k Kgs eRe PKB EEK Roms PxB 3 KOENS 18 ieP Bois EOeP DOs Lomas aks cae Keke 16, KIRKE Tens, mea get aks whe ot ul mqma_ wa AB er ee Bae, Se om ot Fame earear Be REE ee pep a Gar hee 1m. apowe PoE (de gem a cl the tat Table of tle opening by «rasan o nasal ee VERA flowed by BOK and K1-@0 and prefer th (7) 18.72 P iso te, a atonta Black the orperanity of Cann QR. (Gy (star. Tarmaseh} “Continned 8 Teg mpRt mF REe ‘penue Foray at 9 SE 188 Poke Po L 2 aap era BEB “EEE 6. K-gB8 RoKn TELBS om BPomRs 8 pogps | PENS OBR OBxPa ras | OE 10, KKK 4 10. KK “es $4. Q-R5ch oe RBI oF AKER oa 1h PxP+ (@ or anus Rae yom" Bae apeBiley SaeBs up Baba wn, waxper Faas (@ Or BY mnoay OF THE MESS OPMANGS. Pr

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