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SPEECH 6th SEPTEMBER, THE DEFENCE DAY OF PAKISTAN Worthy Principal, respected teachers, and my dear fellows Asalam

u alikum! With due respect and great reverence, We are celebrating the day of defence, A cunning enemy we had to face! But we accomplished our work with grace Yes! My dear fellows, on 6th September, 1965 is the day, when India attacked our dear home land in the darkness of night like a cunning thief. The Indians were so sure of their success that they settled among themselves to celebrate the victory a few hours later in Lahore, They were armed with all kinds of weapons. Honourable Principal!
As history tells us that ABRAHA! Who was a nonbeliever and an arrogant king attacked the

sacred house of Allah (KHANA KABAH) led his army with black elephants. In the same manners, India attacked our country while their black Russian and American tanks were ahead of them and their vulture like fighter planes hovering above i n the air. But what a
Courage, Boldness and Bravery was demonstrated by the Pakistani nation. As soon as the

news of the attack was heard, a wave of oneness, boldness, sacrifice and patriotism ran through the whole nation. The entire world knows that in 1965, how the fearless, courageous and daring tigers of Pakistan Army crushed the planned, organized and secret aggression of the enemy. They tied the bombs with their bodies and were ready to scarify their precious lives for the mother land. By laying under the enemys tanks, they wrecked the gigantic tanks in a shake, which reduced all the pride and boldness of the large Indian Army to ashes. In the words of Iqbal: Dusht to dashat darya bhi na choray hum nay, behray zulmat main bhi dora diay ghoray hum nay,

Admirable Principal! In this war which continued for seventeen days the enemy, who had come to occupy whole of the West Pakistan cut a sorry figure and was unable to get anything except a horrible defeat and humiliation. Indians had not only to retreat but lost a mentionable area including a big city of Khamekaran. A large number of Indian soldiers lost their lives and were captured by our army. Under such circumstances, India had to beg for the cease fire through its friendly country Russia and thus the war came to an end. Dear Principal and respected audience! Now I shall narrate briefly, what we got in this war. We got a dazzling victory over a cunning enemy. We got the sympathy and appreciation of all the countries and the nations and above all we got an emotion of unity, oneness, love and pride in our being Muslims and Pakistanis. Our poets, writers and singers paid homage to our great martyrs and brave warriors in such a splendid way as will always be remembered. My dear fellows! Being the young falcons, lets aim together. We shall work hard to excel in all fields of learning and warfare. Defend our country till death. We shall the flag of Pakistan up stand in the comity of nations. May Allah help us in this essential task! Pakistan zindah-bad Pakistan army paindah-bad. Aameen!


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