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03 02 Missed statutory deadlines Key decisions: 28 clear days notice Where it has not been possible to give the

statutorily required 28 clear days notice by publishing the necessary details of a proposed key decision in the Forward Plan, there are two urgency processes under the Access to Information regulations 2012 which can be followed in order to obtain a decision. General exception: This is the preferred method. Where at least five clear days notice can be given; notice means when the final cleared report on the proposed decision is published on the website together with a special notice giving the statutory required explanation. The issue should also be included in the Forward Plan at the earliest opportunity (with a note explaining that the general exception process is to be followed). The report author is responsible for providing the final cleared report and completing the general exception notice (doc 03 03). Democratic Services will manage this process in order to ensure the report and notice are published as follows: Email: Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee for information. Email: Head of Democratic Services & Scrutiny (HDSS) and Scrutiny Manager - for information (copy of above) Website: all members of the council and the public (either via the relevant database for a delegated decision or a second despatch for a cabinet agenda).

Special urgency: This method must only be used in extreme circumstances, and applies where five clear days cannot be given. The decision can only be taken where the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee gives his/her agreement. A report explaining why the urgency process had to be used is required to be submitted to the next ordinary council meeting (for information). The issue should also be included in the Forward Plan at the earliest opportunity (with a note explaining that the special urgency process is to be followed). The report author is responsible for providing the final cleared report and completing the special urgency notice (doc 03 04). Democratic Services will manage this process in order to ensure the report and notice are published as follows: Email: Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee to seek agreement to a decision beinig taken. Email: Head of Democratic Services & Scrutiny (HDSS) and Scrutiny Manager - for information (copy of above) Website (once the agreement of the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny Committee has been obtained): all members of the council and the public (either via the relevant database for a delegated decision or a second despatch for a cabinet agenda). Draft the necessary report to Council, and seek comments from report author concerned.

Statement of urgency items Where it is considered that a proposed key decision cannot be subject to the call-in

procedure because it is so important that any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would substantially prejudice the Councils or publics interests, the report may be exempted from the call-in process. In these circumstances the approval of the Monitoring Officer or, in his/her absence the Chief Executive, must be obtained (if necessary in consultation with the Strategic Director Enabling and/or the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee). This process is used only in extremely rare circumstances.

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