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04 01 Decision is taken Delegated decisions On decision day, the pre-notification entry on the council website will automatically be updated

to show that the potential decision has actually being approved, unless the decision has to be delayed for any reason, in which case the CCO can amend the decisions date. In most divisions, the report author is responsible for obtaining the necessary physical signatures on a print-out of the published report (e.g. making the necessary request to the Leaders Office). Cabinet, committee and council decisions These meetings are open to the public, usually commencing at 7pm and held at the Town Hall. Report authors may be required to their Strategic Director to attend to assist in the presentation of the report or respond to queries from councillors. Draft minutes are published in accordance with the following deadlines: Cabinet: after three working days (Friday morning from a Monday meeting) Council and committees: five working days(e.g. Tuesday the week following a Monday meeting) Enactment of decision Council, committee and non-key decision items: Can be implemented as soon as the decision taken has been published. Key decisions: Key decisions are subject to call-in by any one councillor, during the five clear day call-in period. Therefore, the key decision cannot be enacted until five clear days (five clear days = five working days (not including Bank holidays or weekends), excluding the day of publication and day of meeting or decision-making) after publication by one of the following means:

Cabinet Member Officer decisions the database being updated to show a decision has been taken. Cabinet minutes to be published on the Friday following Mondays meeting (so, for example, if the meeting is on the 1st, the decision can normally be enacted on the 15th).

The only exceptions are: Statement of urgency items items submitted under the special urgency procedure

Such issues are not subject to call-in and can be implemented immediately. Call-in: how does it work? Any one councillor can call-in a key decision for scrutiny by the relevant scrutiny committee by completing and returning a pro forma setting out their concerns.

If a decision is called-in, the decision cannot be implemented. A meeting of the relevant scrutiny sub-committee is held. This must be arranged within five clear days of the call-in being received, and is then to be held within another 10 clear days. In practice, the meeting is held as early as possible. When a decision is called-in, the decision may be enacted immediately after the relevant scrutiny committee has met and decided either: To take no further action; or Not to recommend that the decision be not enacted, but to advise the decision-maker of issues arising from the discussion Where the relevant scrutiny committee decides to recommend that the decision be not enacted, the decision-maker considers the reasons given and may still decide to enact the original or amended decision. If the scrutiny sub-committee decides the matter should be reconsidered, a meeting of the Cabinet is normally held.

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