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The Mentalist quotes: Season 1 1. Jane: Be reasonable. This is my case. Lisbon: Your case? Jane: Red John's mine.

Lisbon: Red John doesn't belong to anyone. [Long pause, everybody except Lisbon and Jane go into the house] Jane: He belongs to me. Jane: There's no such thing as real psychics. Grace: I beg to differ. My cousin Yolanda is a psychic. Jane: Your cousin is deluded or dishonest or both. Grace: Five hundred years ago, radio would have seemed like magic. Five hundred years in the future, it could be totally normal to communicate with the other side. Jane: The other side?...There is no other side 2. Jane: I made a booking for two for this afternoon. Could you put us on the terrace? It's more romantic. Thanks... Yeah, Patrick... Lovely. See you then. [To Lisbon] Don't fret, I wouldn't seduce you over a meal. That'd be very sophomoric. Lisbon: I didn't think you were trying to seduce me. Jane: Come on, how could that thought not have entered your head? [Lisbon stares speechlessly at Jane] Jane: Your denial that it did intrigues me. Lisbon: Bite me. Jane: Raquel, look at me. Before you fall asleep tonight while you're lying in your bed relaxing and slowly drifting off into sleep... I want you to think of me. Think of me and imagine that you can fly. Imagine that you're weightless. You can float gently into the air if you want to. Safe, and calm, and serene. You can fly away and leave all your burdens and worries and fears behind you. [pauses] Imagine that. What a nice feeling it is. Next time you see me, [taps Raquel gently on the knee] when I say hello you'll remember that good feeling and you will want to tell me the truth. Because when you do tell the truth, you feel that a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders. I'll say hello and you will feel as light as a feather... as if you are floating on air. [leans back with a smile on face] Why don't you sit here a moment and think about that before you go back to work? Jane: I've a daughter that would be about your age if I hadn't caused her death... her and her mother. Frankie O'Keefe: How? Jane: Out of arrogance... stupidity. I made an evil man very angry and he killed them to teach me a lesson. To make me sorry for what I've done... and I am sorry. Being sorry is far worse punishment than being dead, everybody dies... very few people ever feel truly sorry for the bad things they've done. 3. [Talking about Dane Kurtik] Jane: He's not gonna confess. Lisbon: What'd you think, he'd break under the bad lighting conditions? Lisbon: My father was a good man, just like you are. And after my mother died... he was a self-pitying drunk, just like you are. He killed himself. Damn near killed me and my brothers too. Get some help. Your kids deserve it. So do you. Minelli: If! And that's a hunch. Based on rockabilly. Lisbon: It's a Jane hunch, you keep him around for a reason. 4. Rigsby: I look around, I don't see anyone here who could torture a man to death with pliers and a lit cigar.

Patrick: Picture them naked and ravenously hungry. Grace: Ew! [Talking about Grace] Rigsby: I sent out the vibes. I got nothing back, okay? So I'm leaving her alone. Jane: Vibes. Really? Vibes? Cho: That's where he stares at the back of her neck for several hours. Women love that. Rigsby: Oh, shut up, Cho! Patrick Jane: You gotta go get her, man. You gotta seduce her. [Investigating the crime scene] Jane: [talking about Jason Sands] He's still here. Det. Carla Mulvey: Not unless he's invisible. He's not, Agent Jane. Lisbon: He's not an agent. He's a consultant. Jane: No badge. No gun. [Whispering] They don't even give me dental. Det. Carla Mulvey: Oh, yeah. You're the one they were telling me about, the psychic. Sorry, Gandalf. In our own bumbling way, we did look around pretty good. He's not here. 5. Jane: Tell me, of the men on this search party, which one would you guess is a violent sexual predator? Sheriff Nelson: What kind of question is-Jane: [Interrupting] Who's name just popped into your head? Someone's did. There's always someone. Sheriff Nelson: This is your method? Asking people to guess who done it? Strange kind of detective work you guys do.

6. Matt Etienne: The Casino's on the Nevada side of the resort and offers full-service gaming. We recently spent ten million upgrading the facilities to improve the experience. Jane: They use the same techniques in state-of-the-art animal husbandry to make cows and sheep feel more comfortable. Matt Etienne: Really? Jane: Dim lights, soft music, a maze of passages that lead you back to the pens, or in this case the slots. Matt Etienne: Don't hold back. Speak your mind. Jane: There's no clocks or windows anywhere, so there's no passage of time. Low priced alcohol is poured down you by attractive young women. Oxygen is pumped into the place to make you stay awake and the constant symphony of bells and sirens that make it seem like someone's winning all the time. Matt Etienne: But someone is always winning. You see, our machines are carefully designed to let every gambler have a taste of victory. Just enough to keep them pumping their money into the machines and on to the table. So what's your point? Jane: Oh, no point. I love it. [Lisbon asked why he did not tell her about his hunch] Jane: If I told you about every hunch, you would get very irritated. 7. Kristina: I talked to your wife...[Patrick begins to stop her] ah, ah... [Kristina pauses] Ever since your wife and daughter were killed, there's a question about that night's events that's been tormenting you, yes? Yes? Jane: Yes. Kristina: Your wife wants me to tell you that your daughter never woke up. She didn't know what happened. She wasn't scared, not even for a second. Jane: Are you done channeling? That's it? Kristina: That's it. [Jane looks away] Jane: [Curtly] Thanks. Kristina: Goodbye, Mr. Jane. [Entering the psychic's home] Jane: [Sniff, sniff] Uhm, I smell dead people. 8. Jane: Nice to be nice. But if you wanna get ahead in life, sometimes you have to be a bitch. I know you know how.

Van Pelt: Gee, thanks. Jane: It's all about the balance, Grace. Yin - Yang, nice - bitch. A little bit of bitch inside the nice, a little bit of nice inside the bitch. 9. Jane: We've never discussed this because I thought it went without saying, but when I catch Red John, I'm gonna cut him open and watch him die slowly like he did with my wife and child. [Lisbon just stares at him quietly] If you have a problem with that, we should talk. Lisbon: Then let's talk. Because when we catch Red John, we are gonna take him into custody and he's gonna be tried in a court of law. Jane: Not if I'm still breathing. Lisbon: If you try and do violence to him, I will try and stop you. If you succeed in doing violence to him, I will arrest you. Jane: I understand. Lisbon: I hope so. Jane: Well, I'm glad we talked. I had no idea you were so bourgeois and conventional on the issue. Lisbon: Jane, we're officers of the law. Jane: You are. I don't care about the law. I care about justice, and justice says Machado deserves to suffer. Lisbon: That's not justice, it's vengeance. Jane: What's the difference? Lisbon: Seems like this whole thing has changed your mind about vengeance. Jane: Has it? Lisbon: "Revenge is for fools and madmen"? Jane: Yeah, that was rather good, I thought. Total nonsense, but quite good nonetheless. 10. Jane: Yeah, I went through a rough patch. Did a little time in a hospital. Sophie helped me through that time. Lisbon: It's not on your record. Jane: No. Believe me,'s not easy to do. I know there's nothing shameful about having a breakdown, but I gotta confess, I am ashamed of it. Lisbon: Thank you for being so honest with me. Jane: Sorry I kept it from you. Lisbon: Seriously, I've stuck my stupid neck out for you for the umpteenth time. I think I deserve the truth. Why is Sophie Miller so important to you? Jane: She was my doctor. Lisbon: She's a psychiatrist. Jane: Yes. She was my psychiatrist. Lisbon: But you hate psychiatrists. So you always say. Jane: She was a good psychiatrist. Lisbon: She must have been, if she managed to keep you in the room. Jane: It was a locked room. Lisbon: [pauses] Oh. Stutzer: You are skeptical. Nevertheless, it's true we are plumbing the depths of the human soul. Do you know what's down there? Do you know what your soul is made of? Jane: Frogs and snails and puppy dogs' tails? Stutzer: Ah. Humor. Good. Jane: Hey, thanks for not telling I made you take the case. Lisbon? Hello? Lisbon: Tell me the truth. Jane: Truth. Darth Vader? Luke's father. 11. Jane: The law's the law. My desire for revenge doesn't outweigh the rules. I have to accept that. Minelli: I'm glad you understand.

Jane: Thanks for your time. [Jane exits] Minelli: He's lying through his teeth, isn't he? Lisbon: Yes. Jared Renfrew: [to Jane] Your wife...Red John painted her toenails. Yes. Painted them with her own blood...the police didn't make that public, did they? She's the only instance he did that, huh? A touch of elegance for you alone. 12. Brad: Go away. Jane: I can't. I wish I could. It's my job to hound people until I get the truth. Mrs. Elkins: How can you be so cold? Jane: Practice. 13. Frank: [about Jane] Who is this guy? Lisbon: He's a pain in the ass, but he's making sense. 14. Jane: [observing Cho] Kid's a natural. Look at him. The Cho. No business like Cho business. 15. Jane: I do hate when people say thank you. Rigsby: Why? Lisbon: He likes to play the Lone Ranger. Who was that masked man? I never got the chance to thank him. Jane: Exactly. 16. Jane: This blind thing really works. Without my vision, I can tune into my other senses much more clearly. Lisbon: That's great. Let me go make you a superhero costume. What do you want to be called? [Jane puts his hand on her shoulder, and feels up the side of her neck] Lisbon: What are you doing? Jane: I wanna know what your face feels like when youre smiling. Jane: Holding something of James' would help me pick up a feel for him. Get a sense of his being. Mrs. Medina: Okay. Excuse me. [She leaves the room] Jane: Thank you. Lisbon: "Sense of his being"? What are you playing at? Jane: Just go with it. I have to practice this touchy-feely stuff. It's been a while. Lisbon: You're not gonna be blind forever. Jane: No, right. Because bad stuff like this doesn't happen nearly as often as people think it does. Lisbon: What the hell? Jane: Oh, doctor's orders. She said it was the best thing for me to do, get back to work. Lisbon: She did not. She said you insulted the entire ward and were a complete pain in the ass. Jane: Nah. So? Lisbon: So, you can't do that. Jane: What was I supposed to do, just sit there and listen to television? Besides, the food was terrible. Lisbon: You need the rest. Jane: I need to work. Lisbon: You're blind. Jane: It's no problem, honestly. My other senses are heightened. They're super heightened. I'm like Daredevil. Now, if you'll excuse me. Lisbon: Okay. [Jane walks off and almost hits a column] Jane: Ah, heightened. Jane: Oh, please don't look at each other like that. Lisbon: Like what? You can't see. Jane: I can feel. I can feel your pity.

17. [A guy is walking around the CBI office with a paper in his hand] Cho: He's from the A.G's office. We're catching a hot one. Jane: Hooray. I was about to go mad with boredom. Grace: Don't say hooray. Someone's died. Jane: Well, if they have, my happiness makes no difference to them. Grace: Nor does catching their killer for that matter. Jane: True, but it makes a difference to the killer. Jane: Really, you don't trust me? Lisbon: Of course not. How many times have you lied to me, misled me, tricked me? Is that trust? No. Jane: Well, we have to remedy this. Let's do a trust fall. Lisbon: A trust fall? Jane: Yeah. I'm sure you did one on your CBI retreat. It's when you turn around and fall backward, and I catch you. Lisbon: Oh, yes, we did do that. Jane: Mm-hmmm. Lisbon: No. Jane: You won't? Lisbon: We have a long drive still. Jane: Ah. Here we have two co-workers recognizing the boundaries of their professional relationship. See, you want to trust me, but there's something holding you back. Lisbon: Yes. You're untrustworthy. It's my job not to trust you. Jane: Lisbon, I want you to know that you can trust me. No matter what happens, I will be there for you. I will. I need you to know that. 18. [Jane is trying to convince everyone else that Rigsby is hypnotized] Jane: Deeply hypnotized subjects are very suggestible and have very little inhibition. Rigsby, do me a favor. Close your eyes. Please. [Rigsby closes his eyes] Now, relax. Don't tell me, but think about it. Think about what you most wanna be doing right now. You can do anything you like in the whole world. What are you gonna do? I want you to open your eyes and do it. [Rigsby opens his eyes, gets up and kisses Grace] Jane: Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Cho: Huh. Lisbon: Okay, he's hypnotized. Jane: Hypnosis is just a way to connect to the imagination rather than the conscious mind. The mind will accept whatever the imagination creates, however bizarre. Lisbon: Hypnotism is what you use against my explicit orders to get witnesses to tell the truth. It's a little different than convincing somebody that a dead girl is a sack of vegetables. Jane: Different in scale. Lisbon: What's NLP? Lindsay Hendricks: Neurolinguistic programming. Jane: Well, sneaky ways to influence people doesn't sound quite as catchy. 19. Felicia Scott: I hope that she finds happiness. Because happiness is so hard to find. Once you find it, you've gotta hang on tight, or you will lose it. Jane: That's true. Jane: Love is not blind, but it's often pretty stupid. 20. Rigsby: Teenagers. I hate questioning teenagers. It's like talking to mud. Jane: You need some love in your heart. Rigsby: Oh, is that my problem. Jane: Yeah, it is. Jane: Look at it this way. We've closed yet another case. Lisbon: Toying with mafia bosses is no way to close cases, it's stupid.

Jane: Meh. You just trying to find fault. And I know why. Lisbon: Oh, really? Jane: You're still a little grumpy about the birthday present thing. Lisbon: Will you leave that alone? Jane: Unbelievable. You've got no reason to be grumpy anymore. [He puts a red bow on Lisbon's office door. She opens the door and finds a pony standing in her office. Lisbon smiles and is lost for words] 21. Brooke Harper: I'm impressed. Jane: Oh, for finding you? Wasn't that difficult. Brooke Harper: Would you have a cigar? Jane: Thank you, no. I hear they're not so good for your health. Brooke Harper: Well, who wants to live forever? Jane: It'd be horrible, wouldn't it? Immortality. Imagine the boredom. Rick Bregman: Six months of living in that chair. Six months and no one ever questioned me about it. Why did you? Jane: Whenever I meet someone in a wheelchair I check the bottoms of their shoes. The bottoms of your shoes were scuffed. I've been checking shoes for years. This is the first time it's ever paid off. First time. That's gratifying, man. Very, very gratifying. Lisbon: Ah, he's a pistol, isn't he? Jane: That urge you have to get one over on people, the need to be smarter than the next guy? It'll keep biting you on the ass. Brooke Harper: So my butt'll hurt occasionally. I'll still be smarter than the next guy. Rigsby: Be fair. Not all the Doctors are cold and creepy. Jane: First day in Medical School they get a stack of books and a dead human being. That, I'm afraid, would change you. Brooke Harper was warm and emotional. Lisbon: You like her so she can't be a Doctor. Jane: Pretty much. 22. Jane: Who's Zachariah? Mr. Maclean: Who? Jane: Zachariah? Mr. Maclean: Never heard of him. Who is he? Jane: Liar. Mr. Maclean: Liar? Jane: Pants on fire. They're ablaze. Mr. Maclean: I wanna cooperate with you people, but this man is trying to...I don't know what he's trying to do, but I resent it. 23. [Jane is interrogating a suspect] Jane: Please understand something. I have a very personal interest in this case. I'll do whatever it takes. I will have you framed for murder. I will torture you, I will kill you myself if I have to. [Lisbon and Minelli are listening on the other side of the glass] Minelli: Geez, Lisbon. Come on, this is on tape. Control your man there. Lisbon: Cut him some slack. Look, he's just playing the guy. He doesn't mean it. Minelli: Doesn't he? You know what Red John does to him. He can't think straight. He would do all that he said and more if you let him. Lisbon: I won't let him. Jane: If we catch Red John, he's not walking anywhere. He's mine. Lisbon: Don't talk like that. I can't let you anywhere near this case if you start talking crazy like that. Lisbon: We still have Hardy, okay? He's gonna tell us what we need to know. Jane: Oh, you think so? You should have waited. We agreed on that. Lisbon: What if Hardy had killed you right here? Jane: He would have led you straight to Red John.

Lisbon: You'd be dead. Jane: But you would have Red John. Lisbon: I don't think you mean what you say. I think you'd choose life. Jane: Well, you think wrong. Lisbon: No. No, you think wrong. Can't you see there's people who care about you? Who need you? You're being selfish and childish and I want you to stop it. Jane: I wish that I could, but, you know, some things you just can't fix.

Season 2 1. [Jane's meeting with Bosco] Jane: Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not happy I'm off the Red John case. You might be right. Here's the thing Sam, if I may. I know this case. I can be a very good resource for you if we could just come to some kind of understanding. Bosco: You want me to keep you up-to-date on the case? Jane: Yeah... sure. Bosco: Tell you about fresh leads and so? Jane: Yeah, let's just keep an open line of communication. Bosco: Let me communicate this to you. You're a party entertainer. A clown. Fresh leads? I wouldn't tell you where the bathroom is if your ass was on fire. Jane: [laughs] Bosco: Do we have a good understanding now? Jane: I understand you. It may take you some time to understand me. Bosco: You're filled with equal parts of self-loathing and self-love. You're addicted to control, you're terrified of confinement. Your wife wanted you to quit psychic trade. She begged you to stop. But you were making too much money, you were having too much fun, you can still hear her pleading with you. How am I doing? Jane: You read the interviews in my case file. You can read. Very impressive. Bosco: Look, Patrick. I'm sorry for being so blunt with you. You're not a detective. You're a victim. (leaves) Lisbon: You're leaving? Jane: Well, frankly if I can't use this job to seek some kind of personal revenge then, uh, there's not a whole lot here for me. I don't make anything better. I can't bring dead people back to life. What good do we do? We drive around California visiting unhappy people. Grace: We're fighting evil and injustice. Jane: And how's that going? Any progress lately? Cho: We put bad guys away where they can't hurt people. That's good enough. Jane: Nah. I was doing more good as a psychic. I was giving people hope at least. False hope, but hope anyway. Lisbon: You're right. Best you leave. That way you can go back to being a full-time fraud and we can continue our useless jobs in peace. Jane: Can I please continue working with you? Lisbon: I thought you were quitting. Jane: You know I didn't mean that. Lisbon: So the job is worthwhile, is it? Jane: Uh, it's not that. I mean, it' not that at all. It's just... I have nothing else to do. Lisbon: No jokes. From now, there have to be boundaries. Jane: Agreed. Lisbon: I need to know that you can do your work and be effective without creating a mess that I have to clean up. Jane: No mess, I swear. Lisbon: On that basis, you can remain with the unit. Jane: Thank you. [He hugs her] 2. Minelli: You abused a corpse to get a confession. Jane: Used. Used a corpse. There's no "ab". 3. [Lisbon is in therapy] Lisbon: I didn't even pull the trigger on Tanner, Jane did. You signed off on him after one session. Dr. Carmen: He has good mental health. Lisbon: Now I want to see your license to practice.

Jane: What if something bad happened and you're blocking it out? Lisbon: I didn't kill McTeer. Jane: Well, let me hypnotize you so we can be sure. Lisbon: No. Jane: Why not? Lisbon: Because I don't want you inside my head. Dr. Carmen: What do you do for fun? Lisbon: Fun?! Dr. Carmen: That thing when you're not working. 4. Lisbon: [about Nina Hodge] If she followed her husband before, she could have tailed him again and killed him. Jane: No, she didn't do it. She loved him. Lisbon: She was a prisoner of her husbands life. She gets rid of him, gets a fresh start. Jane: People trapped in miserable lives, always talk about escaping. Few actually do it. It's easier just to close your eyes and pretend the misery doesn't exist. 5. Deputy Fisher: (talking about Jane) What's this guy's problem? Lisbon: That would take way too long to answer. 6. Jane: I'm touched that you would risk your career over me. That means a lot to me. Lisbon: If you're right, and I'm not saying you are, it would mean I broke the trust of somebody I trust and respect for your sake. If it is true, I would hope in the future you would be a little more mature and responsible in your behavior. Jane: I'm grateful and all, but let's not go crazy here. Lisbon: I should have let you rot in jail. [both smile] 7. Bosco: Keep 'em honest. Lisbon: Hey. Care to reframe that, Sam? Bosco: No. They're Jane's people. They need watching. Lisbon: I like to think of them as my people. Bosco: Think what you like. I can't have them trying to pull some cheap stunt behind my back. Jane: Well we have a whole range of expensive stunts if you don't like the cheap ones. 8. Meredith: [about the attack against CBI agents] Special Agent Minelli, our condolences. Would you describe your feelings at this terrible time? Minelli: Wow, Meredith. That's -- you media guys, that's just... You know, for eight years I've put up with the idiotic questions of the media and I've never said squat. But today, I must tell you, Meredith, you've really set a new standard in horse-assery. You people have no concept of what we do. We go into dark, horrible places. Alone and afraid. And we do it with no money, broken-down vehicles, with computers that have more viruses than a $10 whore. How? Good people, and I've lost three good people today and a fourth who is in critical condition, and you ask me how I'm feeling. I'm feeling sad, you moron. Any other questions? 9. 10. Jane: It's funny, isn't it? The big regrets in life people keep to themselves. Lisbon: I don't know. I tell people about you. Jane: Nice one. A zinger. High and tight. 11. Lisbon: You go to hell. Take a toothbrush. Jane: Which way is that? [Lisbon glares at him] I'll go. 12. 13.

Walter: [To Lisbon] You have a damaged intensity thats quite attractive. Jane: [With his mouth full] Hmm, yeah. 14. Elyse: [sees Jane, who is reading on the couch] I thought hed look scarier. Lisbon: Hes resting. 15. Lisbon: It's okay. She's gone. Jane: Who's gone? Lisbon: Oh please, your guilty conscience is obvious and well deserved. Jane: Man. Justice can be a harsh mistress. 16. 17. Lisbon: What are you looking for? Jane: The dirt under his nails smelled like rosemary. [finds a planter of rosemary which fits a jewelry box found at the scene] Whatever was inside this box killed our man. Lisbon: Well. The case is practically closed. Jane: There's no reason to be snarky. 18. Hightower: I guess it's your way of saying you're unhappy with how I'm handling Lisbon. Jane: We spend a lot of time together, and when she's unhappy I'm less happy. It's human nature. Hightower: Yes, it is. I'll tell you what, Patrick. Why don't you let me handle my business my way and judge me by the results, and I'll let you handle yours your way. Up to a point. Jane: That sounds fair. Up to a point. 19. Jane: Catching killers I enjoy, but being reminded that we're just a cog in a petty, fascist machine? That is a little depressing. Lisbon: Crime fighting is hard. Suck it up. 20. 21. 22. Sheriff Burnside: So you're the psychic, huh? Jane: No. There's no such thing as psychics. Kristina Frye: Don't you ever get tired of your own cynicism? Jane: Oh, weary as hell, but what's the alternative? 23. Kristina: You can smile your arrogant smile and pretend you know everything about everything, but you don't. There are whole worlds that you can't even begin to understand. Jane: Synchronized swimming is the only world that springs to mind, but I'm sure you are right. Season 3 1. Jane: You just put your hand on me. Drew Yost: No. I mean, yes, but -Jane: Yes. Don't ever do that again. Yost: Or else what? Jane: [leans in close] You ever smell a dead mouse? Remember that smell? Yost: Yes. Jane: Well, I just now put a dead mouse in your jacket pocket, and no matter how many times you clean that jacket you will always smell that dead mouse, and you will remember that you should never have put your hand on me. Yost: [feels jacket pocket and immediately removes the jacket] You son of a bitch. Jane: It's actually just a wadded up napkin, but it has the same psychological effect. The human mind is funny that way. Lisbon: You're isolating yourself. You're pulling away from us, from me and the team. You are. You are and it's not good. What's going on? Jane: Anybody that gets close to me, bad things happen to them.

Lisbon: A: That's not true, and B: Even if that were true, I'm a cop. It's our job to be in harm's way. Jane: You're not listening to me. Lisbon: We're family. What you're doing is a kind of betrayal, a surrender, a defeat. You're letting Red John win. Jane: Oh, please. Please. Really? Okay, enough. No more pulling away. Give me a hug. Lisbon: You don't mean it. I can tell. Jane: What do you mean you can tell. You can't tell. I don't mean it, but you can't tell that I don't. You're guessing! Lisbon: Yes, I can tell. Jane: How? Lisbon: I don't know. I can tell when you're lying now. Jane: No you can't tell! Lisbon: I can too! Jane: That's nonsense. You're lying. Liar, liar, pants on fire. 2. Lisbon: I didn't know your wife was from this world, too. Jane: Oh yeah. Her grandparents are carnie royalty. They ran big metal: Ferris wheels, ghost trains. They ran them all across the midwest. My wife, she didn't want to have any part of it. Lisbon: Why? Jane: Carnies are good people, but you're either with the show or you're not. There's nowhere in the middle, and if you're not with the show, you're a mark. You're a sucker. She didn't like that. Danny: So, this is it, huh? [remarking on his sister and niece, along with Jane's wife and daughter's graves] They'd like it, I guess, if they had a preference. Jane: You know this is the first time I've been here since the funeral? Danny: Why's that? Jane: Because they're no here. Danny: Hey, who knows for sure? Maybe they're up there right now looking down at us. Annie's saying, lighten up, you dummies. Jane: Yeah, maybe. Danny: Yeesh. I'm sorry I asked to come. Who would have known a trip to the cemetery would be such a downer. Jane: It's all right. It's irrational. No reason to be sad. Are you going to give them those flowers or what? Danny: Guilt is for marks. You know that right? Jane: [looks away as his eyes fill with tears] Yeah. 3. 4. Cho: [looking over a ransacked motel room] Someone was looking for something. Rigsby: Thank you, captain obvious. Cho: Three hours of brooding silence and then sarcasm. It's like we're married. Jane: Was it worth it? Max Winter: Was what worth it? Jane: The man that killed your wife no longer exists. The time you took pursuing him, the pain, the sacrifice, was it worth it? Max Winter: Yes, it was. Jane: Thank you. 5. 6. Hightower: Hey. So, I just talked to Judge Fitzwilliam. Jane: And? Hightower: And she says if you will apologize for the cavalier method in which you disrupted her mother's burial she will not pursue disciplinary action against you, Lisbon or myself. Jane: Hmm. Tell her Jane says she is a self righteous embittered, old bat and she should thank me. Hightower: Oh God, Jane, please. Judge Fitzwilliam: [surprising both Hightower and Jane] You're right, Mr. Jane. I came here for an apology, but I realize now I was wrong to stand on my dignity. I am embittered, and your arrogant, callous, juvenile behavior did reveal the truth after all, so thank you. Thank you very much. Good evening to you. Jane: Sorry. 7. [Jane just guessed something about Mashburn.] Walter Mashburn: I do! How do you know? Patrick Jane: Pupil dilation.


Teresa Lisbon: Pupil dilation?! Patrick Jane: Yes. When someone see something that they want, their pupils dilate. Walter Mashburn: Pupil dilation... [stares at Lisbon] It's fantastic! Patrick Jane: [glances at Mashburn's eyes, then at Lisbon's] Yes, it is. [Lisbon smiles] Walter Mashburn: So my friends say because you saved me that means you own me. Teresa Lisbon: They have a return policy? Walter Mashburn: I upset you? Teresa Lisbon: Upset me? No. Irritate me a litte? Maybe. Walter Mashburn: Why? Teresa Lisbon: You're egotistical. You're arrogant. You're entitled and rich. Walter Mashburn: When do you get to the bad stuff? 8. 9. Todd: Rest assured, I won't be pulling any vigilante nonsense. Lisbon: I'm very sorry for your loss, and I'm glad you see it that way. There's no upside to taking the law into your own hands. Revenge truly doesn't work. Jane: Well that's just a sweeping statement, isn't it? I'm sure we can all think of examples where revenge has worked splendidly. Lisbon: Thanks for your input. Jane: Just saying. Lisbon: Examples where revenge worked splendidly. Nice. Jane: I was just teasing. A little hypocritical to lecture him on revenge, don't you think? Lisbon: How's that? Jane: Uh, all these years you've been helping me seek revenge? Lisbon: Well that's different. Jane: How's that? Lisbon: I'm in control of the situation. Jane: Oh, really. 10.-11.-12.-13.-14.-15. 16. Jane: I'm better off alone. Hightower: Nobody is better off alone. 17. Francine Trent: Are you the CBI agents? Jane: Yes. She does the detecting and I do the insulting. Lisbon: Consulting. Jane: That too. 18. 19. Erica Flynn: What do you want from your life? Jane: I want my life to be free. Erica: Free how? To love? To be loved? Jane: Free from my past. Jane: I'm looking for someone who, uh -- someone I can trust. Someone strong. Someone at peace with themselves. Someone better than me. Someone who knows the worst side of me and still loves me. Erica: Sounds like an amazing woman. Jane: She was. 20. 21. Jane: Memory is unreliable because the untrained brain has a crappy filing system. It takes everything that happens to you and throws it all whilly-nilly into a big, dark closet. When you go in there looking for something all you can find are the big obvious things, like when your mom died or stuff you don't really need. Stuff that you're not looking for, like the words to Copacabana. You can't find what you need, but don't panic because it is still there. 22. -


23. Jane: [walks into Lisbon's office to see her trying on a bridesmaid dress] Hey, Lisbon. Any word on that list yet? Lisbon: Geez, Jane! Do you mind knocking? Jane: Whoa. My, my. Lisbon: Van Pelt must die. Jane: No, no, no. You look good. This is beautiful, like a princess. An angry little princess. Someone stole your tiara. Lisbon: She caught me by surprise when she asked me, otherwise I never would have agreed to be a bridesmaid. Any why would she even ask me to do this? She knows I hate this crap! Jane: I told her to ask you. I told her that you secretly wanted to be a bridesmaid. Lisbon: Really. Why would you do that? Jane: Oh, for the fun, and because deep down you secretly really do want to be a bridesmaid. Go ahead. Confess. 24. LaRoche: You're a fascinating man, Patrick. Who knows what you might have achieved in this world, were you not quite so damaged. Jane: Why are you telling me all of this? Timothy Carter: Well, I think we have a connection that needs to be honored. I want to say goodbye. I want to apologize for any pain I might have caused you, and I want to release you from this curse you're been under. Jane: I'm not under a curse. Carter: Doomed to an endless angry search for vengeance you will never have? I would call that a curse, don't you? Jane: I look at it as more of a hobby, and I will have that vengeance. Carter: Vengeance? On what? Look at me. I'm just a regular guy. You thought I'd have horns, huh? Right? I'm not a monster. I'm not the devil. I'm just another human being with flaws, and vices and problems just like anybody else. Forget about me. I'm not worth ruining your life. Jane: Wherever you go, you delusional freak, I will find you and I will kill you, and then, then I will forget about you. Season 4 1. Lisbon: So, what now? Jane: Now? Well, tea would hit the spot. Lisbon: No. I mean what now. What you've done, what you've set out to do. You got your vengeance. Do you feel different? Feel better? Jane: No. I feel guilty. Lisbon: Guilty? Why? Jane: For deceiving the jury. I mean, I had no choice. Going to prison for murder would have been a victory for Red John. Lisbon: What do you mean? Red John's dead. Jane: Timothy Carter's dead. He was an evil man, but he wasn't Red John. Red John is still alive. Watch the road. 2. Lisbon: How'd you do it? Get Bertram to come around? Jane: Oh it wasn't so hard. A rational discussion between two reasonable men. Lisbon: [smiles knowingly] Rational discussion. I bet. Jane: Mhmm. But, by all means, go ahead. Lisbon: Excuse me? Jane: Say it. I won't get embarrassed. Lisbon: Say what? Oh! You mean say thank you? Jane: Oh! You're welcome. Was it so hard? Lisbon: The thing is, not dealing with you every day has been very restful for me. My back pain is gone. I sleep really well. I'm not so sure I'm grateful to be back. Jane: You're a terrible liar. Good, honest people are always bad liars. Lisbon: Which makes you what? 3. Lisbon: Cheer up. Jane: Oh, I'm cheery. Lisbon: You heard her. You gave her hope. Jane: I didn't give her hope. I sold her hope. Lisbon: I think hope is worth it at any price. Jane: Are you running for office now? Lisbon: Okay, you know what? You're a wicked charlatan and you're going to hell then. Jane: That's more like it. I'll save you a seat by the fire.


Lisbon: Oh, I'm not going to hell. Jane: You're not? Lisbon: Nope. Jane: You've made other arrangements, huh? Lisbon: Mm-hmm. 4. Wainwright: You know that psychopathy test I gave Tibbs? I figured out why it didn't work. See, it's a rating scale based on observation, so the more time you spend with the subject the more accurately you can then observe their behavioral traits, and guess what I've been doing? Jane: [smiles] Oh, you haven't. Wainwright: Glibness and superficial charm. Check. Jane: You flatter me. Wainwright: Grandiose sense of self worth. You betcha. Cunning and manipulative. Poor behavior controls. Failure to accept responsibility for actions. So I cross-referenced all of my observations with your history as a thief and conartist and, uh, congratulations, Jane. According to the score you are a clinical psychopath. Jane: Wow. Well, that certainly explains a lot. Wainwright: Now I know what I'm dealing with, so I'll adjust accordingly. Jane: [smiles] As you should. Lisbon: Everything all right? Jane: Yeah. I like our new boss. I think we'll work very well together. Would you like some tea? Lisbon: I'm tired. I'm going to go home. Jane: I made a pot. Lisbon: All right. I'll take one to go. Jane: I heard you got your man. Lisbon: As did you. Nice work. Jane: Do you think I'm an anti-social personality? Lisbon: Yeah, sure. Who isn't? 5. -6.7. James Panzer: Congratulations, by the way. Jane: Thank you. For what? James Panzer: You killed Red John. Jane: Oh, that. Yes. James Panzer: What was that like? Jane: Not as satisfying as you might think. 8.9. Lisbon: Hey. Jane: All good? Lisbon: Yeah. Doc seemed like a changed man. Jane: He's had a perspective few of us ever get. It's energizing, I'd expect. Lisbon: Would you want that? To hear what people say about you when you're dead? Jane: When I am dead they can burn me in effigy or build a statue or forget about me completely. I couldn't care less. Lisbon: You don't mean that. Everybody wants to be remembered. Jane: Childish vanity. Lisbon: I want to be remembered. Jane: And you shall be; fondly, but you won't care about it because when you're dead you're dead, and until then, [a waiter sets down a hot fudge sundae between them] there's ice cream. Lisbon: So good. Pattrick Jane: The truth hurts, I know. It's biologically based actually. Our brains process sound faster than they do light, but light moves faster than sound. So the brain is constantly shifting reality so the world syncs up. Doc Dugan: What does that have to do with anything? Patrick Jane: This. Only when someone is standing 30 yards away do we see and hear the world exactly as it is. That's when your brain, sound and light are all in perfect harmony. Doc Dugan: So? Patrick Jane: The rest of the time we are living in a world of lies. Lies are what make the world make sense. Ergo, the truth hurts. 10. Jane: We're working toward it, right? So I haven't missed anything. [She looks lost.] So, what's your name?


Lisbon: [smiles] Are you putting me on? Jane: I wish I was. Lisbon: I'm Teresa Lisbon, I'm with the CBI. I'm a homicide detective. You're my consultant. Jane: I catch bad guys, well that sounds like fun! I always wanted to put my psychic gifts against criminals. Lisbon: You're not... a psychic. Lisbon: So the memory palace is intact? Jane: I told you about the memory palace? Lisbon: We're friends. Cho: This is my fault. I'm the one he conned. I should know better. Lisbon: So should I. I'm the one who got him out of the hospital. We were all marks today. Van Pelt: Not me. What? He didn't con me. Rigsby: Only because he wants to have a date with you. Van Pelt: [smiles] Really? Cho: Don't take this the wrong way, but the death of Jane's family made him a better person. Lisbon: That person was always inside of him. The murder just brought it out. [shows Jane the face Red John drew in Jane's daughter's room, which causes his memory to return] Lisbon: I'm sorry. 11. Lisbon: Don't you think it's time to tell the truth about Red John? Jane: Well the truth is, I killed Red John. You can ask anyone. It was on the news, Lisbon. Lisbon: But you think he's alive. Jane: I told you that. You, Lisbon. Nobody else. It's better that way. Lisbon: Then why make him reemerge? You manipulated Panzer into insulting Red John so Red John would kill him. Jane: I didn't know how else to stop Panzer. He would have just kept on killing. 12. Van Pelt: [having sustained a head wound, is talking to a figment of her imagination] Did you love me? O'Laughlin: Of course I loved you. Van Pelt: Then why did you try to kill me? O'Laughlin: I had to make a choice between you and Red John. We all have to make hard choices, Grace, but that doesn't make me evil. Van Pelt: [scoffs] It kind of does. O'Laughlin: Grace. Van Pelt: I was just too stupid to see it. O'Laughlin: Oh, no. You saw it. Van Pelt: No, I didn't. O'Laughlin: Not all of it, but you knew there was something. Something a little dangerous under the nice-guy stuff. You kind of liked it. You can't open your eyes a little bit, Grace. You've got to open them all the way to see the truth of things. Van Pelt: What are you talking about? Why are you doing this to me? O'Laughlin: How should I know? I'm just a figment of your imagination. Van Pelt: Jane, I'm sorry to ask this, but do you ever talk to your wife? Jane: Yes, sometimes. Van Pelt: Do you ever see her? Jane: No. Never. Van Pelt: If you did see her, would you think you were crazy? Jane: Craig came to see you, didn't he? Van Pelt: Yes. Jane: What did he want? Van Pelt: I don't know. This will sound really weird, but he kind of saved my life. Jane: Figuratively speaking, I hope. Van Pelt: Yes. I mean, he wasn't really there, but -Jane: Now you can't decide what to do with the necklace he gave you because it reminds you of the past. Maybe try to forget it or you could learn to live with it. 13. Lisbon: You're losing your touch. You didn't know it was her. Jane: Don't be ridiculous. The trick worked exactly as I intended. It didn't matter which one I thought it was. That's how a good trick works. Lisbon: [smiles] You would say that, wouldn't you?


14.-15. 16. Bret Stiles: Farragut was a dreamer. Dreamers are useful in their way, but we don't live in dreams, do we? We live in the here and the now. Van Pelt: Did you kill him? Stiles: You've killed, haven't you; someone who mattered to you, who hurt you. Did you enjoy it? Van Pelt: No. Stiles: Really? I'm told it gives the feeling of great perspective, like waking from a dream. Van Pelt: It changes you. Stiles: Did you friends notice? Van Pelt: A little, but I think it freaks them out. Stiles: Of course. They don't have the imagination or the vocabulary to converse with you about it. You know, you're like a little bird that fell out of the nest, but you don't need the nest. You need to fly, and that I can teach you. Stiles: [after having watched the confession of a murderer] Thank you for letting me watch this. Van Pelt: No problem. Visualizing my anger works really well. I'm just returning the favor. Stiles: There's so much more that I could teach you. Van Pelt: Really? Stiles: To be free of doubt, anger, fear. Let me show you the world as you've never seen it. Let me show you you as you've never seen yourself. Van Pelt: Great sales pitch, but I'm sort of over bad boys these days. [kisses his cheek] Thanks anyway. [walks away] 17. 18.-19. 20. Van Pelt: Hey, how did you know Billy was having an affair with the teacher? Jane: They both had leaves on them from their make-out spot in the woods. Van Pelt: And? Jane: Plus, I could tell she liked him. She was meaner to him than the other kids. You know, like Lisbon is to me. Lisbon: Shut up! Jane: See? 21.- 22.-23.24. Lorelei: I do what Red John tells me to do. Jane: What? Lorelei: Your freedom, our night together. That was a gift from him. You can harm me if you'd like. Jane: No, I don't wanna hurt you. I've given up, he knows that. What does he want from me? Lorelei: He doesn't want anything from you. After all these years, he's coming to see you as an old comrade rather than an enemy. He hopes you'll come to feel the same way. Jane: A comrade. Lorelei: Patrick, look at yourself. You need a new life. He can give that to you. Jane: You have to leave. Lorelei: He's offering the hand of friendship, if you refuse him, he'll be upset. Anyone wouldJane: Get out. Lorelei: You know where to find me. Jane: This is God! What is it now? Lisbon: You scared the life out of me. Jane: I crawled all the way on my hands in these from that door, but was worth it. Lisbon: What are you doing here? Jane: It's good to see you! How have you been? Lisbon: Worried sick, that's how I've been! And then you pop in here like you're some sort of a lunatic playing games and asking me how I've been?! Jane: JustLisbon: Shame on you. Jane: Just stay calm, ok? It's important no one sees us together. Lisbon: Why not? Jane: I'm faking my breakdown. It's a boost to trap Red John. Lisbon: You son of a bitch! You. Son. Of a bitch! Jane: Ok, we are in a church. Jane: Fooled you, I could fool him. Lisbon: Yeah, you fooled me. Alright, well done. Jane: Yeah... Well, I'm sorry.


Lisbon: I tried calling. I tried calling you hundreds of times, begging you to talk to me, begging you to get help. Not a reply, not a word, not a text. Jane: Sorry. Lisbon: You know what? I've not been sleeping, I have not- Forget it, never mind. You know, you're a jerk. And your plan, it's not even a plan. Jane: But you will help me? Lisbon: What am I supposed to say? No? God, you're despicable! Season 5 1. Jane: Your inarticulate rage is understandable, but it's misplaced. You should probably just calm down. Mancini: You calm yourself down, I'm not angry. Jane: No? Your temples are pulsing like some weird under-sea creature. If that's not anger you should see a doctor. Lorelei: I'm fine. Never mind about me, how are you? Back to solving crimes, huh? Jane: Yes. Lorelei: Why do you bother? You're trying to hold back the tide with a broom. I think you do it to be close to Teresa Lisbon. I think you're a little bit in love with her. Jane: I-I do it to...pass the time. Jane: I can do anything you want if you give me Red John. Lorelei: I want your trust and friendship. Jane: You have that. Lorelei: I don't believe you. Jane: How can I make you believe? Lorelei: Kiss me. Jane: What does that prove? Lorelei: First you say you'll do anything I want, then you refuse the first thing I ask for. You're very complicated. [Jane leans in and kisses Lorelei, while Lisbon listens in, shocked] Rigsby: Ah well done. Cho: Good job, when do we get her back? Jane: The judge said we can pick her up from County Jail tomorrow. Rigsby: Did Mancini really throw a bottle at you? Jane: Yes he did. And then he proceeded to chase me through the State House. But failed to catch me. Lisbon: Congratulations, another mortal enemy made. You should be very proud. 2. Jane: I had a daughter named Charlotte. Charlotte: I know.. Jane: No. No you don't. Who put you up to this? Red John? Charlotte: Red John, Red John, Red John. I'm so over Red John! Jane: You are not my daughter. My daughter was murdered. I found her body. Charlotte: You are safe, you are loved and you are wise. Jane: Who told you those words? Charlotte: You did. Every night when you tucked me in the bed. Charlotte: What happened to you? I've been dead for ten years and you're still stuck in neutral. You have no life, just this endless obsession. Red John, Red John. Mom would not be happy. Jane: Well, my relationship with your mother is... it's my business. Show a little respect. Charlotte: Hello? I'm a figment of your imagination. Show yourself some respect. Jane: This is what I've missing out? All these years? When you're gonna go to college again? Charlotte: Look at you, you can't even be real with someone who doesn't even exist. Does anyone know who you are? Jane: Yes. Charlotte: Who? Come on, who? Jane: Lisbon.

[Jane gets into his car to realise Charlotte is there]

Jane: Still here. Charlotte: You're still tripping.


Jane: It would seem so. Charlotte: You really shouldn't be driving. And you especially should not be driving an ambulance. Jane: [looks around to see that he's actually in an ambulance] Well that was some strong tea...[sees Lisbon approaching] Oh-oh. Lisbon: Now you're stealing an ambulance! Jane: No! I'm just admiring the interior. Wicked GPS. How much you think one of these rigs goes for? Lisbon: You need bed rest! Jane: I need to go back to the crime scene. Charlotte: What's her story? She have a boyfriend? Jane: Be quiet. Lisbon: I didn't say anything. Jane: I was talking to the hallucination. Lisbon: In bed. Now. Jane: When I was in the victim's kitchen I made a break through in the case. At least I thought I did. That's about when the wacky tea kicked in. Lisbon: Fine, I will have Van Pelt come down here with crime scene photos. Jane: Not the same, I have to be there. Hallucinations are part of the subconscious, mine could be clues. Lisbon: We'll go when you're lucid! Jane: When I'm lucid I could forget everything. But right now, let me tell you, right now my visions are very very real. Lisbon: In other words, you wanna use drugs to solve a case. Jane: Some great minds did their best work on hallucinogens. Lisbon: Now you have a great mind? Charlotte: Uhuh! I like her! Jane: Oh you're funny. Double act, huh? Lisbon: Jane, you're scaring me. Jane: Teresa, you can call me Patrick. Drugs is not the path I would choose, but it's been chosen for me, so I must stay the course. Please, I implore you, take me back to the crime scene. Charlotte: This is dull. Why do you work for the CBI anyway? Jane: You know why. To catch Red John. Charlotte: Okay. Whatever. Jane: What does that mean? "Okay. Whatever."? Charlotte: Well to be honest your obsession is a little creepy and weird, you know. Jane: What? I do it all for you. And your mom. Charlotte: Yeah. I hate to be the one who breaks it to you dad, but... there's nothing that you can do for us. We don't give a damn what happens to Red John. I mean, we're dead. Gone. You need to start dealing with that. Jane: I deal with that every day. Charlotte: Maybe that's the problem. Jane: Hang on, where are you going? Charlotte: Hello? I'm practically a grown woman, I don't need to tell you where I'm going. Jane: No, yeah, I-I know. You're coming back? Charlotte: I love you dad. 3. Mancini: I think you know this guy, right? Bertram: Teresa, I didn't take you for a gambler. Lisbon: It's not gambling if you know you're gonna win. 4. LaRoche: The plan did require Moss to put his own head in the noose. Small gamble Jane had to make to keep everyone's hands clean. Lisbon: Moss fired his gun! LaRoche: So you all say. And, of course, Moss can't tell his version. And now Rigsby has taken perfectly legal revenge against the man who killed his father. You think it will effect him? Jane: Well I think it's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do. LaRoche: Perhaps. I suppose Rigsby will never know. Agent Lisbon, my report will reflect that you made a mistake in calling agent Rigsby on the scene. An error in judgment. Lisbon: Yes sir, it was. Jane: Yeah, Lisbon didn't call Rigsby. I did. Lisbon: Jane! LaRoche: Of course you did. Agent Lisbon, your instincts to protect your team are admirable, and your biggest flaw. Jane: Yes, but we all have our flaws. Don't we, agent LaRoche? 5. 6.-


7. Lisbon: Volker is not going to get away with this. I'm gonna get him. If not for the murder, then for whatever Amanda Shaw can give me. Tax evasion, fraud, unpaid parking tickets. I'm gonna bring in Amanda and lean on her. Jane: Look at you! So tough! I'm getting goosebumps. Rawr. Kirkland: Sorry Mister Jane. Jane: Do I know you? Kirkland: No. But I know you. 8. Jane: You'll never know. Lisbon: I'll never know what? Jane: Wether I engineered the escape and abduction. Lisbon: Trust me, I know. Jane: You don't know. You just guess. And you didn't tell your new best friend Kirkland either. Lisbon: I don't have any evidence, if I did I would put you in cuff myself. Jane: No you wouldn't. Lisbon: Try me. Jane: Hahaha... Lisbon: What's so funny? Jane: Nothing. Sorry. All of it's worth it. She told me Red John and I are very much alike. That it's a wonder we weren't best friends from the moment we shook hands. Lisbon: You've met Red John? Jane: Yes. He's someone I know. 9. 10. Lisbon: Jane, you can't obsess like this. Jane: Obsess? I know that I've met Red John now. Shook his hand. Jane: See that face? That's exactly why I didn't tell you the plan. Lisbon: It's not a good plan. Jane: It's a good enough plan and Rigsby is wearing one of those ear thingies, I will talk him through the con. He'll be fine. Lisbon: What if the killer doesn't show up? Jane: Then we go back to old fashion police work. But this way we get to enjoy some room service. Please, have a seat. 11. Jane: Lisbon, you're distracted and you have an eager gleam in your eye. Either you have a breakthrough in the Volker case or you're in love! Which is it? Lisbon: I got judge Davis to sign the warrant and Van Pelt should be getting Volker's records momentarily. Jane: I was hoping it was love. You deserve happiness, but I'm glad for you anyway. Lisbon: Ive got a hit on Volker. I think I found his enforcer. Hes a guy named Charles Milk. Im waiting to get a warrant on his residence. Jane: Bravo. Lisbon: Theres no way this guy is as smart or as careful as Volker. I can turn him. Jane: Excellent police work, Lisbon. I admire your pluck. Lisbon: I hear a but. Jane: No but. Im just a little worried that hes inside your head. And believe me, thats not a good road to go down. Bad neighborhood. Lisbon: I think you can understand, I dont really have a choice. Jane: Well, yeah, I can certainly understand that. I just I-I want you to be careful. Lisbon: He may be powerful, but he is not invincible. And hes not in my head. Jane: I hope not. If you need my help, let me know. Lisbon: No thanks. This one's mine. Judge Manchester: Sometimes you are childishly naive Teresa. Lisbon: That might be so, but which side would you rather be on? Childish naivete, or defeated cynicism? Judge Manchester: Ouch. 12. Volker: Came to offer your best interest. Jane: No you're not. You want us to think that you're gloading, but you're not. You're afraid.


Volker: Afraid? This certainly is a strange way to showing it. Jane: I can see right through you. We were close searching your offices like that. Too close. You want us to think that you're in control, that you're untouchable, but you're not. You're afraid of us. And you should be. 13. Jane: How was the rest of the party? Lisbon: Torture. Like it can't happen ever ever again. Jane: Ten years, huh? Lisbon: More, actually. One year with you counts as two. 14. Bertram: See? I know how to play poker. Jane: Of course you do. Bertram: You play the man, not the cards. I know the odds, I know myself. Jane: You know people, you know how to control them. Not that you always care. Bertram: What does that mean? Jane: Well, you win more flies with honey than with vinagre, but you use vinagre anyway. Bertram: Is this about Lisbon? Jane: You're very fond of the fake tell, aren't you? Before you bet you look away and you breath out very slowly, like you're tring to calm yourself. Bertram: Yes. Jane: Well, you have a tell inside the fake tell. When you're bluffing the breathing is audible. Bertram: What the hell is it? I-I control myself! Jane: You get yourself a good hand and puff away like that Manchester will for sure think you're bluffing. Trust me. 15. Jane: Uhm, Lisbon, I'm sorry, but I think we might have to get back to the crime scene. Lisbon: Really? That place was so creepy. Jane: Yes. But I'm worried we might have missed something because of that. Lisbon: Okay, fine. But no jumping out and yelling "boo" at me or anything like that. Jane: I mean, seriously, what do you take me for? Lisbon: I'm not going to answer that because I am a nice person. 16. Lisbon: You're putting your trust in the mistress of a serial killer. She's playing you. Jane: Playing me? How? Lisbon: You're blind. You're involved with her, it's clouding your judgement. Jane: There's no involvement. I feel nothing for her. Lisbon: Now you're really lying! ...I will make this very simple. I will not be a part of this and neither will you if you want to remain on the team. Jane: An ultimatum? Someone is playing a little too much poker... I confess. I may have some feelings, but if I have crossed any lines it is not because I like her. I will do anything I can to get to Red John, but you have known that since the start. 17. Jane: Discipline always comes with a price. 18. 19.


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