Kid's Box 1

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Unit 1

CD 1, 02 Mrs Star: Hello. Im Mrs Star. Mr Star: Hello. Im Mr Star. Stella: Hello. Im Stell Star. This is Marie. Simon: Hello. Im Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy: Hello, Im Suzy Star. This is Monty. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye. Monty: Hello. Im Monty. Whats your name? CD 1, 04 Narrator: One Simon: Hello. Im Simon. Narrator: Two Simon: Hello. Im Maskman. Narrator: Three Simon: Hello. Im Suzy. Narrator: Four Simon: Hello. Im Monty. Narrator: Five Simon: Hello. Im Marie. Narrator: Six Simon: Hello. Im Stella. CD1, 05 Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five,

One, two, three, four, five. Marie: Hello. Im Marie. Whats your name? Maskman: Hello. Im Maskman. Whats your name? Monty: Monty. All: Goodbye. CD1, 08 Stella: Hello, Meera. Meera: Hello, Stella. Hello. Whats your name? Suzy: Suzy. Meera: How old are you? Suzy: Im three. Simon: How old are you, Meera? Meera: Im eight, and you? Simon: Im six. CD1, 09 Simon: Hello, Im Simon. Im six. Meera: Hello, Im Meera. Im eight. Suzy: Hello, Im Suzy. Im three. Stella: Hello, Im Stella. Im seven. CD1, 11 Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow to you. CD1, 17 Toys in the toy box,

Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here. Maskman: Listen to my chant, Marie. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Marie: Very good, Maskman. Maskman: Yes, good. Maskman: Listen! Look! What ...? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie: No, Maskman. Its a ... Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie. Marie: Goodbye, Maskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you. Monty: Hello, Marie. Marie: Hello, Monty. Monty: Look, a blue pencil. Marie: Yes, a blue pencil.

Unit 2 My school
CD1, 19 Suzy: Oooohh! Simon, is that your bag? Simon: Yes, it is. Suzy: Its yellow. Simon: Yes, it is, and my pencils red. Suzy: Is your eraser red too? Simon: No, it isnt. Its green. Suzy: And what colours your pen? Simon: It,s blue, Suzy. Suzy: Oh, and ...? Simon: Here, Suzy! Look at this. Its my Maskman book! Suzy: Wow! Thanks, Simon! CD1, 25 Lenny: Hello, Im Lenny. Whats your name? Stella: Stella. Whos that? Lenny: Thats Alex. Hes my friend. Stella: How old is he? Lenny: Hes six. Whos that? Is she your friend? Stella: Yes, she is. Thats Meera. Lenny: Is she six? Stella: No, she isnt. Shes eight. Lenny: Im seven. How old are you? Stella: Im seven, too. CD1, 26 Thats Meera. Shes eight. Thats Stella. Shes seven.

Thats Lenny. Hes seven. Thats Simon. Hes six. Thats Alex. Hes six. CD1, 28 Mr Star, Mr Star, How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. How are you? Mrs Star, Mrs Star, How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. How are you? Stella Star, Stella Star, How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. How are you? Simon Star, Simon Star, How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. How are you? Suzy Star, Suzy Star, How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. How are you? Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. How are you?

CD1, 32 Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Marie: OK. Sit down, please, everybody. Marie: Open your activity books, please, and pick up your pencils. Marie: Listen to the CD and draw the monster. Maskman: Oops! Oh! My activity book! Monty: heres another book, Maskman. Marie: No, not another book, book. heres an eraser. Maskman: Er, no, Marie. Another activity book, please.

Unit 3 Favourite toys

CD 1,33 Stella: My favourite toys my computer. Whats your favourite toy, Alex? Alex: My bike. Whats your favourite toy, Simon? Simon: My favourite toys Maskman and ...the car. Meera: Is Maskman a doll? Simon: No. Maries a doll. Meera: oh. My favourite toys my ball. Lenny: My favourites my train. Whats your favourite toy, Suzy? Suzy: Mo... Aaahhh! Wheres Monty? CD1, 36 Whats your favourite toy? My favourite toys my red car. Look at my green ball. Its my favourite toy. Whats this? Its my blue computer. What colours your train? Its yellow. Whats your favourite toy? My favourite toys my orange bike. Whats this? Its my pink doll. CD1, 40 Mr Star: Simon ... Simon, is your ball in your bag? Simon: Er, no, it isnt, Dad. Mr Star: Simon, is your ball on the toy box? Simon: Er, no, it isnt, Dad.

Mr Star: Simon, is your ball under the table? Simon: Er, no, it isnt, Dad. Mr Star: Simon, wheres your ball? Simon: Er, its next to your chair, Dad. CD1, 41 Monty isnt here, Monty isnt here. He isnt on the table. He isnt under the chair. On, where? Where? Where is Monty? Is he in the toy box? Is he under the book? Is he next to the computer? Look! Look! Look! Oh, where? Where? Where? where? Where? Where? where? Where? Where? Wheres Monty?

CD2, 47 Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Hello, Marie. Whats that?

Marie: Its my computer. Its my favourite toy. Maskman: Oh, ... Marie: Whats your favourite toy, Maskman? Maskman: My car. Its blue and black. Its the Maskman Car. Marie: Oh, thats nice. Where is it? Maskman: Its there, next to the toy box, Maskman. Maskman: Oh, no! Wheres my car? Monty: Is it in the toy box? Maskman: No, it isnt. Marie: Is it under the table. Maskman: No, it isnt under the table. Ooohh. Wheres my car? Marie: I dont know, Maskman. Is it on the chair? Maskman: Noooo, it isnt. Monty: Look, Maskman. Its OK. Its here, in the bag. Maskman: Oh, thank you, Monty. Maskman: My Maskman Car.

Unit 4 My family CD1, 48 Suzy: This is my family. Thats my father, Mr Star. Hes a pop star. Now, this is a nice picture of my mother. Shes on a white chair. Whos that woman in the car? Thats my grandmother. My grandfather is next to my grandmother. Hes funny. Theres my brother, Simon. Hes on a black bike. And thats my sister, Stella. Shes seven. Oh! And whos that girl next to the table, Monty? Thats me. And, oh, where are you? There you are, on the table. CD1, 51 Man: Whos that woman, Stella? Stella: Thats my mother, Mrs Star. Stella: My sister Suzys there. Man: Is that your father next to Simon? Stella: No. Hes my grandfather. Man: Wheres your grandmother? Stella: Shes here, next to my sister, Suzy. Stella: This is my brother, Simon. Hes six. Man: Whos that man? Stella: My father. Man: How old is he? Stella: Ooohh! I dont know. CD1, 54 Look at my family. Thats my mother. Shes beautiful. My sisters young shes three. Oh, dear! Look at that bag. My fathers sad. Today my brothers ugly. My grandfathers old. Hes next to my sister. My grandmothers happy. CD2, 62 Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk,

On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Look at this! Marie: What is it? Maskman: Its a picture of my family. Monty: Whos this? Maskman: Shes my sister, Maskgirl. Monty: And is this your young brother? Maskman: Yes, thats Maskboy. Monty: Wow! Marie: And look, heres my family. Monty: Wow! Shes beautiful. Is she your mother? Marie: Yes, she is. Shes my mum, Babs. Monty: And is this your father? Marie: Yes, thats Ben, my dad. Monty: Are you my brother, Maskman? Maskman: No, Im not. Monty: Wheres my family? Marie: Look, Monty. Heres your family. Its the mouse family. Monty: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin Mouse and Maxi Mouse. Maskman: Are you happy now, Monty? Monty: Yes, I am.

Our world Review Units 1-4

CD 1, 64 Hello. My names Ravi. My favourite toy is my bike. This is my school. I like my school. This is my mother and father. My mother is beautiful. This is Nihal. Hes my friend. Hes six. Were happy. This is my grandfather. My grandfather is old. My grandmother is on the chair next to my grandfather. This is my sister, Shilpa. Shes nine. My sisters favourite toy is her ball. Shes happy.

Unit 5 Our pets CD2, 01 Pet show judge: Hello, children. Its a lovely day for the pet show. Children: Yes. Suzy: This is my pet. Its a black and white dog. Meera: This is my favourite fish. Its orange. Whats your favourite pet, Simon? Simon: My mouse. Its grey. Meera: Oh! Thats, er, nice. Stella: Look at my cat. Its white. Whats your pet, Lenny? Lenny: Its a beautiful bird. Its red, blue and green. Wheres your pet, Mrs Star? Mrs Star: Its there, next to my car. Thats my black horse. CD2, 07 Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Marie: Look at the table. Its dirty. The chairs are dirty too. Maskman: Yes, they are. But the toy box is clean. Marie: And where are the pencils? Monty: Here they are. Theyre on these pictures. Heres a picture of a big dog. Marie: Aahh! The brown pencils short. Maskman: Yes, it is, but the grey pencils long. Monty: And this is a picture of a small mouse. Its beautiful. CD2, 13 Toys in the toy box,

Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Look, Marie. The pet show. Marie: Oh, yes. Maskman: Whats your favourite pet, Marie? Marie: Cats are my favourite pets. Theyre beautiful and clean. Maskman: Yes, but they arent big. Big dogs are my favourite pets. Marie: Hmm, but big dogs are ugly. Marie: Mice are good pets. Maskman: Yes, but theyre small and dirty. Monty: Pardon? Mice are small, but we arent dirty ... and were happy. Maskman: Oops. Sorry, Monty. Maskman: Mice arent dirty and theyre good pets. But my favourite pets are big dogs. Monty: But theyre ugly and ... All three toys: [Gasp.] Marie: Look at the puppet! Monty: Oh, no! Maskman: Eek! Maskman: No, dogs arent my favourite pets. My favourite pets are fish.

Unit 6 CD2, 14 Simon: Ssshh, everybody. Its the Troll Show. Its my favourite programme. Stella: Yes, mmmm. Suzy: Ooohh. Theys big and ugly. Simon: No, they arent. Theyre funny. Presenter: Hi, boys and girls. Its the Troll Show Trevor: Hello, everybody. Mys name Trevor Troll. Im big and green ... Suzy: ... and ugly. Simon: Ssshh! Trevor: My head is big and Ive got purple hair. Look at my face. Its dirty. My eyes are orange and my mouth is big. Ive got yellow teeth and big green ears. My nose is short. Simon: Lovely! CD2, 21 Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Commentator: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Ugly Monster Show. Monty: Look, Maskman. Its my favourite show. Maskman: It isnt my favourite show. Those monsters are ugly. Monty: Sshh! Be quiet, please! Murk: Hello, boys and girls. My names Murk. Ive got a purple head and short orange hair. Ive got one big red eye and a long green nose. Ive got a big mouth and Ive got four clean white teeth. Commentator: Thank you, Murk. You are ugly. Murk: Oh, thank you. Commentator: And this is Moss. Hi, Moss.

Moss: Hello, everybody. Ive got a yellow face and long green hair. Ive got three orange eyes and a small blue nose. Ive got a big purple mouth and a lot of beautiful teeth. My teeth are grey. Commentator: Have you got small ears? Moss: No, I havent. Ive got two big ears. Commentator: Thank you, Moss. Youre ugly too. Moss: Thank you. CD 2,29 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Look, Marie. There he is. Hes a monster. Marie: No, he isnt, Maskman. Hes a troll. Maskman: A troll? Whats a troll? Look at his hair! Its long and ... purple! And his head ... its big and green! Marie: Yes, Maskman. Trolls are green. Maskman: Look at his eyes, Marie ... Theyre orange. Hes a monster! Trevor: Im green, Ive got purple hair and orange eyes, but Im not a monster. Monty: Hello, Monty. Im fine, thank you. Monty: Trevor, this is Marie and this is Maskman. Theyre my friends. Trevor: Hello, Im Trevor. Marie: Hello, Trevor. How are you? Are you happy? Trevor: Yes, I am. Now Ive got three friends. Maskman: Yes, were friends.

Unit 7 Wild animals

CD 2, 31 Simon: Lets play an animal game, Suzy! Suzy: OK, Simon. Simon: Whats this animal? Its a big cat. Its orange and black. Suzy: Thats easy. Its a tiger. Simon: Yes, very good. What now? This animal is big and grey. Suzy: Its a hippo. Simon: No, its big and grey with a long nose. Suzy: Its an elephant. Simon: OK. OK. Whats brown and yellow with a small head? Suzy: Is it a monkey? Simon: No, it isnt. Suzy: I know! Its a giraffe. Simon: Yes, very good. OK. Whats this? Its long and green and ... Suzy: Er, is it a snake? Simon: Hah! No, it isnt. This animal is big, long, green and ... Suzy: I know! I know! Its a crocodile. Simon: Yup! Suzy: Now its in turn. What this? Its small and white with red hair and a big mouth. Simon: Er, I dont know. What animals that, Suzy? Suzy: Its a Simon! Ha! Ha! Ha! Simon: Very funny, Suzy. Thank you. CD 2,37 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk,

On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: What have you got there, Trevor? Trevor: Ive got a book on animals. Look at these monkeys. Theyre funny. Maskman: Yes, theyve got long arms and big hands. Ooohh. What are they? Trevor: Theyre crocodiles. Theyve got short legs and feet. Look at the snakes. Theyve got no legs and no feet. Maskman: Look at the elephants. Theyre big and grey. Theyve got very big ears, long noses and short tails. Monty: Hmmm. Elephants. Theyre my favourite animals. CD 2,43 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Monty: Animals animals, big and small. Animals animals, short and tall. Marie: Help! Help, Maskman! Look at these snakes. Theyre long and ugly and theyve got two long teeth. Maskman: Im here, Marie. Ive got the snakes. Snakes have got two long teeth, but Ive got two big arms. Marie: Ooohhh, Maskman, thank you. Youre superhero! Trevor: Help! Help! Help! Maskman! Look at these crocodiles. Theyve got big mouths ... and theyve got a lot of teeth. Maskman: Im here, Trevor. Ive got the crocodiles. Crocodiles have got big mouths and a lot of teeth, but Ive got a lot of teeth. Trevor: Ooohhh, Maskman, thank you. Youre a superhero! Maskman: Help! Help! Look at these elephants! Theyre very big ... and theyve got very big feet. Aaagghh! Monty: Im here, Maskman! Elephants are very big and theyve got very big feet, but Im a mouse ... and Im very small.

Maskman, Marie, Trevor: Thank you, Monty. Youre a small mouse, but youre a big hero.

Unit 8 My clothes
CD 2, 44 Mr Star: Come on, children. Time for school. Stella: OK, Dad. Simon: Stella, where are my grey trousers? Stella: Theyre under your toy box. Simon: Now, where are my socks? Stella: Your blue socks? Theyre in your shoes. Simon: And where are my shoes? Stella: Under the chair, Simon. Come on! Simon: OK. Is that my green T-shirt next to the computer? Stella: Yes, it is. And your jackets next to the door. CD 2,47 Ive got blue trousers, And a green T-shirt. Ive got a brown jacket, And a purple skirt. Ive got red shoes, And long pink socks. Theyre on the floor, Next to my box. CD 2,51 Stella: Mum, have you got my red trousers? Where are they? Mum: I dont know. Stella: Has Simon got my red trousers? Mum: Ask Simon, not me. Suzy: No, Stella. Simon hasnt got your red trousers.

Simon: Mum, has Stella got my blue T-shirt? Mum: I dont know. Ask Stella, not me. Suzy: No, Simon. Stella hasnt got your blue T-shirt. Stella: No, I havent got your blue T-shirt. Have you got my red trousers? Simon: No, I havent. And whos got my favourite white shoes? Stella and Simon: Wheres Suzy? Mrs Star: look at Suzy. Shes got your red trousers, Stella. Shes got your blue T-shirt, Simon. Simon: And shes got my favourite white shoes ... Not my shoes! CD 2,55 Hes got a blue jacket in his hands, A blue jacket. Hes got a blue jacket in his hands, A jacket in his hands,

Hes got a purple ball in his hands, A purple ball. Hes got a purple ball in his hands, A ball in his hands,

Shes got a yellow sock in her hands, A yellow sock. Shes got a yellow sock in her hands, A sock in her hands,

Shes got a pink pencil in her hands, A pink pencil. Shes got a pink pencil in her hands,

A pencil in her hands, CD 2,58 Simon: Here, Stella. Catch. Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Marie: Look at Stellas clothes. Shes got a yellow T-shirt, shes got a blue skirt, shes got pink socks and shes got brown shoes. Maskman: But she hasnt got a jacket. Look at these. Simons got a red jacket, hes got green trousers and hes got black shoes. Marie: Well, Maskman, Stellas got trousers too. Has Simon got a skirt? Maskman: Huh! No, he hasnt! Trevor: Oooohh! Hee, hee. Monty: Suzys got a skirt, and shes got a beautiful orange T-shirt, with a mouse on it! Trevor: Ha, ha, ha!

Our world. Review Units 5-8

Narrator: Today Ben and Julie are at a safari park with their mum and dad. The safari parks got a lot of wild animals. Narrator: Now theyre in the snake house. Ben: Look, Mum. Theyve got a lot of snakes. Julie: Look at that long yellow snake. Its got a big head. Errr! Its really ugly. Ben: No, it isnt. Its beautiful. Dad: Look at those big cats. Julie: Theyre tigers, Dad. Dad: Thats right. Tigers are big cats. Ben: Oooh! Theyve got lots of big white teeth. Mum: Theyre beautiful. Tigers are my favourite animals. Julie: Oh, look at the giraffes. Theyve got beautiful long legs. Ben: Yes, but they havent got lots of big white teeth. Julie: No, thats right. Theyre my favourite. Mum: look at those dirty hippos. Julie: Theyve got funny faces. Look, Ben. Ben: Hmm. Theyve got big mouths and teeth ... but very small ears. Theyre ugly. Ben: What now? Where are the crocodiles? Dad: Theyre over there. ben: Lets look at them. Theyre my favourite animals. Julie: Thats right, Ben. Theyve got very long mouths and a lot of big white teeth. Ben: Yup!

Unit 9 Fun time!

CD 3, 01 Alex: Lets play Simon says. Everybody: OK. Simon: OK, Simon says put your hands on your head. Simon: OK, good. Simon: Now, play the piano. Oh, sorry, Lenny. Come and stand next to me. Lenny: Oops, yeah, OK. Simon: Simon says play basketball. Good. Simon says play tennis. Very good. Now play the guitar. Oh, dear, Stella. Come and stand next to Lenny. Stella: Ha ha ha! OK! Simon: OK. Meera and Alex. Simon says swim. Great! Now, play football. Oops, Alex, Simon says stand next to Stella. Alex: Thank you. Simon: Great. Meera, Simon says ride a bike. Simon: OK, stop. Meera: Very good, Simon. Now its my turn. CD 3, 01 Suzy: Look at Mum. She can ride a horse. Can you ride a horse, Simon? Simon: No, I cant, but I can ride a bike and I can play football and basketball too. Suzy: Ooh! Can you fish, too, Simon? Simon: No, I cant. Grandpa can fish. Stella: Yes, he can. And Grandma can draw pictures. Suzy: Look at Dad. He can sing and play the guitar. Can you play the guitar, Stella? Stella: Yes, I can, but I cant sing. What can you do, Suzy? Suzy: I can draw and I can sing. Listen. Red and yellow and pink and green ... Simon: Yes, Suzy. You can sing. Can you be quiet too? Suzy: No, I cant ... Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow ...

CD 3, 13 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Lets all do the Maskman song. Monty: Oooh! Look! Theres Maskman. He can ride a bike and play tennis! Trevor: I know, and he can play basketball. Monty, Trevor and Maskman: Ride a bike. Play tennis, basketball. Play, play, play. Monty: Hello, Marie. Trevor and maskman: Hello, Marie. Trevor: Marie! Listen to the Maskman song. He can swim and he can play football! Marie: What? Pardon? Oh! Sorry, Trevor. Marie: Yes, Trevor. Maskman can swim and he cant play the guitar and he cant sing.

Unit 10 At the funfair

CD 3, 15 Suzy: Look at me, Mum! Im in the blue helicopter. Mrs Star: Thats nice, Suzy! Wheres Stella? Suzy: Shes in the plane. Mrs Star: Oh, yes. Simon: Mum, can I ride on the black motorbike? Mrs Star: One moment, Simon. No, sorry, you cant. Alex is on the motorbike, but you can go in the white boat, next to Meera. Simon: Wheres Meera? Mrs Star: Shes on the yellow bus. Simon: OK. Thats good. Mrs Star: Now, wheres Lenny? Simon: Hes there, in the red lorry. Mrs Star: Good! Go and sit in the boat, Simon. Now they can start. CD 3, 21 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Monty: Hello, everybody. Maskman, Trevor, Marie: Hello, Monty. Monty: Are you flying your helicopter, Maskman? Maskman: No, Im not. Monty: What are you doing, Maskman? Maskman: Im flying my plane. Monty: Thats a nice bus, Marie. Where are you driving?

Marie: Im driving to school. Monty: Oh! Are you riding your bike, Trevor? Trevor: Bike! No, Im not. Im riding my big red motorbike. Marie: What are you doing, Monty? Monty: Well, I havent got a bike, a motorbike, a helicopter or a plane, so ... Im walking! CD 3, 28 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Sam: Help! Help! I cant swim. Maskman: Im flying my helicopter. Look! I can see a boy. Oh! He cant swim. Maskman: I can pick the boy up. Maskman: Stand next to me, Sam. You can fly in my helicopter again. Sam: Thanks, Maskman. Wow! Youre my hero! Monty: Maskman ... a green lorry! Stop! You cant cross the street now. Look, the mans red! Maskman: Ooh! Er! Thank you, Monty. Wow! Youre my hero. Monty: Thats OK, Maskman. Do the Monty song. Do the Monty song. Lets all do the Monty song.

Unit 11 Our house

CD 3, 30 Mr Star: Hello, everybody. Im home! Where is everybody? Grandpa: Hello. Were in the living room. Mr Star: Where are the children? Grandma: Stellas in the kitchen, Suzys in her bedroom and Simons in the bathroom. Mr Star: Good. Stella! Stella: Hi, Dad! Yes? Mr Star: Wheres Mum? Stella: Shes in the dining room. Mrs Star: Im here, in the dining room. Where are you? Mr Star: Im in the hall. Mrs Star: Well, come in and sit down. CD 3, 33 Montys in the bathroom. Grandma and Grandpa are in the kitchen. Maskmans in the living room. The cats in the hall. Stellas in the bedroom. Mr Stars in the dining room. Suzys in the kitchen. Mrs Stars in the bathroom. Simons in the living room. CD 3, 34 Stellas got three beds in her bedroom. Shes two chairs in her bedroom. Shes a table in her bedroom.

Shes a computer in her bedroom. Shes a red toy box in her bedroom. Shes a lot of books in her bedroom. Shes a lot of toys in her bedroom. Shes a bike in her bedroom. CD 3, 35 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Monty: What have you got here? OK. The children are sitting in the living room. Meeras listening to music. Trevor: Er, pardon? Maskman: Shh. Meeras listening to music. Trevor: Oh! Monty: Stellas reading a book and Suzys colouring a picture. Trevor: Yum yum. Pencils! Theyre my favourite food. Maskman: Shh. Where are Alex and Lenny? Monty: Theyre sitting on the sofa. Theyre playing a game. Maskman: Whats Simon doing? Monty: Hes drawing a picture. Maskman: Whats he drawing? Monty: Hes drawing a ... a monster. Maskman and Trevor: Aaagghh! Eeekk! Marie: Monty! What are you doing? Monty: Eek! Im er, looking at the children. Marie: Come to the toy box, everybody!

CD 3, 38 Wheres Grandpa? In the dining room Whats he doing? Hes eating fish.

Wheres Simon? In the living room Whats he doing? Hes watching TV. Yeah.

Wheres Suzy? In the bathroom Whats she doing? Shes having a bath.

Wheres Stella? In her bedroom Whats she doing? Shes reading a book. Yeah. Yeah.

Wheres Grandma? In the hall Whats she doing? Opening the door. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Wheres Grandpa?

CD 3, 41 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Suzy: Where are my pencil? Ive only got ten. I havent got orange, pink, yellow or black. Can you help me? Stella: Are they under the table? Suzy: No, they arent and they arent in the box. Stella: Sorry, Suzy. I cant find your pencils. Are they in your bedroom? Marie: Hello, Trevor. What are you doing? Trevor: Mmmm, er ... , mmmm ... , Im not ... doing ... Marie: Where are Maskman and Monty? Are they in the kitchen?

Trevor: Theyre mmm. Marie: Pardon? Trevor! What are you eating? Trevor: Im not ... eating. Marie: Trevor! What have you got in your mouth? Can you open your mouth, please? Trevor: Er, no. Marie: Trevor! Open your mouth. Now! Trevor: er, pencils! Pencils are my favourite food. Marie: Oh, Trevor! You cant eat pencils! Suzy: No, Stella. My pencils arent in my bedroom, and they arent in the kitchen or the dining room. Marie: Sshh! Be quiet. Theyre coming! Stella: Look, Suzy! Your pencils are here on the floor. Suzy: What? Hmmmmm ... CD 3, 56 Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Maskman: Apple, apple. Banana, banana. Trevor: Orange and cake. Orange and cake. Monty: Marie! Come and do the food train with us! Marie: OK! Monty: Ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream and chocolate. Marie: BURGER. Marie: STOP, EVERYBODY! Trevor: Oooops! Maskman: Ooooh, er!

Monty: Eeeek! Help! Marie: But I dont like burgers. Maskman: And I dont like ice cream and chocolate. My favourite foods cake. Marie: Yuk! I like apples and bananas. Trevor: Listen! I know! Can we chant our favourite food? Maskman, Monty and Marie: Yes! OK! Lets chant our favourite food. Maskman: Hah! Now Ive got the ice cream and chocolate. Maskman: Hah! Now Ive got the ice cream and chocolate. Marie: Apple,apple. Banana, banana. Monty: Orange and cake. Orange and cake. Maskman: Ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream and chocolate. Trevor: PENCILS!

OUR WORLD, Review Units 9-12

CD 3, 57 Thiss John. Hes in his road safety class. Hes riding his bike. This girl is standing in the street. The mans red. She cant cross the street. This boy and girl can cross the street. The mans green. These children are crossing the street. Theyre looking and listening for cars. Here are some children. They are saying the road safety chant.

Unit 12 Party time!

CD 3, 43 Suzy: what are you eating, everybody?

Simon: Im eating a big burger. Stella: And Im eating a banana. Suzy: Hmmm. What have you got, Mum? Mrs Star: Ive got a big red apple. Suzy: Whats that, Dad? Mr Star: Its chocolate ice cream. My favourite. Suzy: Grandpa, are you eating ice cream too? Grandpa: no, Im eating fish. Suzy: Hmmm. Can I have some cake, please? Cakes my favourite. Grandma: Yes, Suzy, I know. Here you are. Suzy: Ooooohh, thank you. CD 3, 49 Simon: Ooohh, Stella! What are you doing? Stella: Im making a cake. Suzy: Oh, thats nice! I like cake. Simon: I like cake, too. I like chocolate cake. Stella: Well, sorry, Simon. It isnt chocolate cake. I dont like chocolate. Its banana cake. Simon: Oh! I dont like banana cake. Suzy: Look, Simon! Its Maskman cake. Do you like Maskman cake? Simon: Great! Yes, I really like Maskman cake. Stella: Good! Im really like Maskman cake. Simon: I like Maskman cake

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