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Cable Trays We manufacture state-of-the-art technically superior Cable Trays of various types which provide following advantages : Ease

of Erection : Each Cable Trays are machine punched to precision & equally precise coupler plate also called as Spice Plates and related hardware are provided which enables a technician to erect the trays with ease. Design of Cable Trays : The design of Cable Trays are such that there is no sagging even when the Trays are over loaded. Each of our Cable Trays goes through extensive quality procedures & tests. Coatings : The protective coatings provided on the Cable Trays is Hot Dip Galvanization which increases the life of Cable Trays to more than 25 years. Our Cable trays are made of Materials like M.S, S.S, FRP, GI Aluminum etc. and of different Types like, Ladder, Perforated, Punched & Fabricated trays, & customised Cable Race Ways. We manufacture Perforated cable trays ranging from 50mm to 600mm which can be used for indoor applications & Instrumentation cable layings and Ladder trays ranging from 150mm to 1200mm which can be used for outdoor & heavily loaded areas. Our Product Range Stainless Steel Perforated & Ladder Cable Trays of all sizes Mild Steel Perforated & Ladder Cable Trays of all types Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder Cable Trays of all sizes Perforated & Ladder Cable Trays of all sizes manufactured from pre-galvanized sheets Mild Steel Painted Perforated & Ladder Cable Trays of all sizes Aluminum Perforated & Ladder of all sizes Special supporting systems All FRP coated Cable Trays Cable Race ways & Trunking Wire Type Cable Trays Material used in maufacturing of Cable Trays Mild Steel - Generally used in all types of plants with proper coatings Aluminum - Petrochemical plants, Chemical plants, Paper mills & Marine environment Stainless Steel - All corrosive environment. Fibre Glass Reinforced Plastics - In corrosive and high risk & inflammable environment

Protective Coatings Hot Dip Galvanized (HDGI) Pre-Galvanized Zinc (Pre-Galvanized Sheets) Electrogalvanized Zinc (Super Electroplating) Powder coating

Cable Trays Layout

Cable Race Ways

Perforated Type Cable Tray

Horizontal Bend Elbow

Ladder Trays with the supporting system

Tee Bend Ladder Type

Ladder Type Tray in Tunnel

One Side Reducer

Both Side Reducer

FRP Perforated Cable Tray

FRP Ladder Type Cable Tray

Perforated Cable Tray

Perforated Cable Tray

Perforated Cable Tray in Five Layers

Wire Mesh Type Cable Tray

Pan Flange In

Pan Flage Out

can anyone help me with earthing and grounding of cable tray with separate instrument and power You do not need to earth a cable try in most circumstances. A cable tray only needs to be earthed if is considered to be an exposed conductive part, which normally they would not be. Because of the type of cable that you would normally fit. A cable tray should only carry cables like Steel Wired Armoured (SWA), double sheathed cable such as Hi-Tuf or heaven forbid Twin & Earth, or single core cables that are normally enclosed in a flexible conduit such as Kopex. The second part of your question I assume you mean Band 1 cable (instrument) and band ii (power) cable. Again a tray carrying both of this type of cable would be as above. You would normally find that an instrument cable which for argument sake be a CAT cable, is rated at 600/1000 volts and therefore can run next to a power cable. If this instrument wasn't rated as high, then you would need to either separate them, ie power one side, instrument another, or if that was not possible divide them and insulate them apart. i often bond tray, as 1) its in the client spec, and 2) it will help to reduce Zs at the load end. I do this by bending a banjo on the outside of an enclosure, and linking to the tray with 6mm 6491x. As Malc has said instrument and control cables are required to be seperated, although to be honest, if using SWA, as most systems do nowadays, then i dont see the benefit, apart from aesthetics, as the SWA acts as an effectove screen anyway, and the insulation is rated to band 2. John would you consider it an extraneous conductive part to bond, or an exposed conductive part to earth? i need to know where i should terminate the earth wire which is from my instrument like damper gas detector etc which have metal body and where should i terminate earth wire of my jb and i need a separate bar for both or i can use same earth bar for both.

whether there will be continuity between instrument earth and P.E if i have two separate bar for both and whether both bars can be connected to earth boss?? It depends on where it comes from Malc. If it introduces a potential into the installation, then it must be bonded as it is extraneous, but of not then it is an exposed conductive part, and doesn't have to be bonded. The 23kOhm test can be used to confirm if it requires bonding. In an industrial situation I think it is good practice to bond all metallic containment, as further work by other trades may change metalwork from exposed conductive parts to extraneous. This isn't as likely in a domestic or small commercial situation. Im aware of the argument that 90% of the time there will be no risk of the tray becoming live during a fault, however once installed any type of cable can be installed on the tray. I think that a bit of bonding isn't much of a job and I do it as standard

How to Calculate cable tray Length of an Industrial Plant?

As part of any design for industrial plant a layout drawing will be produced. This will show the cable tray routes and these can be measured from the drawings. The layout for the cable trays will look at their weight carrying capacity - how many cables they can physically carry, the cable widths that are going to be installed (and also any spacing, or segregation, required between cables) what each cable is used for (communication cables arn't routed with power cables generally). These give you the number of cable trays that need to go in the same direction - you might need 2 on top of each other for example. This will all be detailed on the layout drawing and is dead easy for the draughtsman to add up

You must have a cable route diagram, showing the cable route in plan and elevation of the industrial plant. Measure all the routes and add together all the measurements. Depending on the overall size of the plant add say 1.5% to 2% to the measured length to account for measurement errors etc. If there are large power cables, do not forget that cables cannot go through a sharp 90 degree turn. The change of direction must go round a curved tray and these curves add up. Be very careful in saying that the cable tray length is the same as the length of cable required. Note the 90 degree turns above, the additional length needed at each end for correct termination with regard to the location of the switchgear and the terminal box or isolator of the equipment with respect to the route shown on the cable route diagram and that cables have to "snake" a little and cannot be laid in an absolute straight line. You measure the overall distance of the cable runs involved and its branches. You can do this from a scaled plan or by surveying the site, clearly an on-site survey is the most accurate method to use.

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