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Midterm I
Math 1a Introduction to Calculus October 24, 2007

Please check your section: version 1.0 , 2007-10-24 06:44 0.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 3.0 Rules: This is a two-hour exam. Calculators are not allowed. Unless otherwise stated, show all of your work. Full credit may not be given for an answer alone. You may use the backs of the pages or the extra pages for scratch work. Do not unstaple or remove pages as they can be lost in the grading process. Please do not put your name on any page besides the rst page. If you like, MWF9 MWF10 MWF10 MWF10 MWF11 MWF11 MWF12 Sam Isaacson Ji Oon Lee Matthew Leingang Stewart Wilcox Si Li David Smyth John Duncan 4.0 4.1 5.0 TTH10 TTH10 TTH11:30 Samit Dasgupta Jeechul Woo Rehana Patel

you may put your ID number on the top of each page you write on. Please, please, please dont cheat. Hints: Read the entire exam to scan for obvious typos or questions you might have. Budget your time so that you dont run out. Problems may stretch across several pages. Relax and do well!

Good luck!

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Problem Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Possible Points 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100

Points Earned

1. (10 Points)

Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

(a) (2 points) Let f be a function and a a point in the domain of f . State the denition of f ( a), the derivative of the function at a.

(b) (8 points) Let f ( x ) = x2 1. Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of f ( x ) at the point (1, 0) by using the denition of the derivative. No credit will be given for using the Power or any other Rules.

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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

2. (10 Points) Let f be given by f (x) = Justify your answers to both of these: (i) Is f continuous at 1?

2 x + 3 if x 1 2 x + x + 1 if x > 1

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(ii) Is f differentiable at 1?

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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

3. (10 Points) The population of a city is measured at two year intervals and is given as follows: Year Population 1984 265 1986 290 1988 324 1990 358 1992 395 1994 437

Let P(t) be the population at any time t. (a) Estimate the rate of population growth in 1988, 1990, and 1992.

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(b) Based on your answers in (a), do you expect the graph of P(t) to be concave up or down?

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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

4. (10 Points) The graphs of two functions f and g, dened on (, 3), are given below. Use them to evaluate each of the following limits, if they exist. If a limit does not exist, or is , say so and explain why.

f 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

(i) (2 points) lim f ( x )

x 2

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(ii) (3 points) lim [ f ( x ) + g( x )]

x 2

(iii) (2 points) lim [ f ( x ) g( x )]


(iv) (3 points) lim

x 0

f (x) g( x )

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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

5. (10 Points) Let f (x) =

x2 + 1 x+3

Compute the following limits, and explain your answers. (a) lim f ( x )


lim f ( x )

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x 3+

lim f ( x )


x 3

lim f ( x )

(e) Which of these could be the graph of f ? Explain.





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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

6. (10 Points) Derivative shortcuts are allowed on this problem. Find the following derivatives. (i) (3 points) f ( x ), where f ( x ) = x3 + 3x2 4

(ii) (2 points) f ( x ), where f is as above

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(iii) (3 points)

d (3e x ) dx

(iv) (2 points)

dy , where y = 14 . dx

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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

7. (10 Points) Derivative shortcuts are allowed on this problem. The height above ground of a ball at time t is given by the function s(t) = 16t2 + 40t + 10 (i) (4 points) Compute the balls velocity at t = 1. Is the ball going up or down?

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(ii) (2 points) Compute the balls velocity at t = 2. Is the ball going up or down?

(iii) (4 points) Is the graph of the position function concave up or down?

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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

8. (10 Points) In this problem, we will show that every cubic equation has a real solution. More precisely, well show that if f is a function of the form f ( x ) = x3 + ax2 + bx + c (here a, b, and c are constants), then the graph crosses the x-axis. (a) (2 points) Explain why such a function f is continuous.

(b) (5 points) Show that lim

f (x) f (x) = 1 and lim = 1. x x3 x3 version 1.0 , 2007-10-24 06:44

(c) (3 points) It follows from (b) that f has a positive value at some point and a negative value at another point. You dont have to show that. But use this fact to show that f has to achieve the value zero at some point. Give the name of any important theorems you use.

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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007

9. (10 Points) Match the graphs of each of the ve functions below with the graphs of their derivatives. No justication is necessary.




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(iv) Derivatives:










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Math 1a

Midterm I

October 24, 2007


10. (10 Points) A function f ( x ) satises x + 1 x2 f ( x ) x + 1 + x2 for all x. In particular, f (0) = 1. In each of the following, give the name of any important theorem you use. (a) (3 points) Show that f is continuous at 0. That is, show that
x 0

lim f ( x ) = f (0).

(b) (5 points) Evaluate directly the limit lim f ( h ) f (0) h

h 0+

Hint. You may be tempted to think that this is the derivative of f at zero, then take the derivative of the inequality above and evaluate at zero. This is specious (wrong) because (1) we dont yet know if f is differentiable at zero and (2) differentiating an inequality doesnt necessarily preserve the inequality. Instead, simplify and take the limit.

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(c) (2 points) Its also true that lim

f ( h ) f (0) exists and is equal to the limit found in h (b) (you dont have to show that). Is f differentiable at 0?
h 0


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