Godfather PC Game Guide

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The Godfather: The Game/Getting Started

The Godfather: The Game is set in New York City in the 1940s and '50s. In the game, there are five mafia families and five neighborhoods, and when the game starts, each family controls one neighborhood. Your family is the Corleones and they control Little Italy. The Tattaglias, the weakest of the five families, control Brooklyn. The Straccis control New Jersey and the Cuneos control Hell's Kitchen. The Barzinis, the strongest of the five families, control Midtown. You can tell which family a mobster belongs to by the color of his clothing. The Corleones wear black, the Tattaglias wear brown, the Straccis wear blue, the Cuneos wear red, and the Barzinis wear green. The character you play is the son of Sarafina, widow to your father, a Corleone who was killed by a rival gangster. At the beginning of the game, Sarafina asks Don Vito Corleone, the Godfather, to help you out. The Don sends Luca Brasi to find you, train you, and get you started doing work for the family as an Outsider. The object of the game is to advance through the ranks of the Family by doing all the work you can for them, to do everything you can to destroy the rival families, and to get revenge for your father's death. There are also several things for you to collect in the game, in order to get 100% game completion.



Whenever you do something good, and we're using the term "good" here loosely as you are playing a mobster, you will earn Respect for it. Killing rival mobsters, extorting businesses, taking over rackets, completing missions, favors, or hits - these are just some examples of things that earn you Respect. Earn enough Respect and your Respect Level will increase. Each time you go up a level you get 1 skill point that you can use to upgrade a skill. There are five skills that you can upgrade - fighting, shooting, health, speed, and street smarts. Each skill can be upgraded up to 10 times.
The blue represents how close you are to the next level - the number tells you what your current level is


Your Appearance

Before each time you start your game, you are given the option to visit the tailor or the barbershop. When you visit the tailor, you have the ability to purchase new clothing for your character, such as coats, jackets, vests, shirts, pants, hats, shoes, and glasses. In addition to being able to use this clothing to change the appearance of your character, each item you buy gives you a respect bonus. You don't actually have to wear the clothing to get the respect, if you don't want to, you only need to purchase it. Going to the barbershop allows you to not only change the haircut of your character, but to also change several other features of his face. In addition to accessing the tailor and barbershop from the pre-game menu, you can also go into a tailor or barbershop business from within the game and talk to the owner to access the same features.


and Shooting

The core of the gameplay of The Godfather: The Game involves battling rival mobsters, either by hand-to-hand combat, using a melee weapon, or using a firearm.

Hand-to-Hand Combat and Melee Fighting

While using a gun is obviously more effective than using your fists, there are certain times in the game when you will have to use hand-to-hand combat. Or perhaps at times you simply decide you would prefer to use your hands. Also, if you are trying to build up your respect faster, using your fists is a good idea, because you earn more respect from killing your enemies that way compared to using a gun. Whatever the reason, let's learn now how to duke it out old school. The first thing you need to learn to attack your enemy, whether it is with your fists or a gun, is how to "target" or "lock-on" to them. To do this, press and hold and you will automatically lock-on to the nearest target. If you wish to target a different person, release hold it again quickly and you will switch targets. Once you have targeted an enemy, you are now able to attack them. To do so, use while + or the power attack. Pressing and holding + will throw a hook. Pressing and then . Pressing will deliver a quick jab, in order to charge then press and

will deliver a power attack. You can hold

while locked-on to an enemy will cause you to grab that enemy. You can then use the same combinations as above to

deliver a different set of attacks. There are a few other things you can do using grabs. When grabbing, move in different directions to drag your enemy in that direction. The weaker your enemy is, and the less health he has, the easier it is to drag him without resistance. Also, your enemy must be standing for you to drag him. Speaking of which, if your enemy is on his knees, you can grab him and press his feet. To swing your enemy, use the releasing it. Press and to lift him back on

left or right while grabbing. To throw your enemy, swing him and then let go of him by to lean him over

. If you get your enemy's back to a ledge, open window, or furnace, you can press

again and you will throw him into it.

Using a melee weapon is really no different than using your fists, as far as controls are concerned. Simply use the same combinations of locking-on and pressing away. Use

in different directions, but with a melee weapon drawn. To draw a weapon, press to cycle through your available weapons.

. Press

to put a weapon

and , then click and hold and .

Another way to attack and kill your enemy without using a gun is to strangle him. There are two different ways to strangle someone in the game. You can use your bare hands, or you can use a garrote wire. To strangle someone with just your hands, grab them by pressing and holding To strangle someone with the garrote wire, you must be behind them. Press When you are behind them, and with the garrote drawn, press and hold

to crouch so that you can sneak up quietly behind someone. and .

Using Firearms and Taking Cover

. Press again while you have a gun drawn to reload to put the gun away. Use to cycle through your available weapons. . Then press to fire your weapon at that

To use a gun, you must first have it drawn. To draw a gun or any other weapon, press that gun. Press

To fire a gun, you must first lock-on to the enemy you wish to shoot by pressing and holding

target. You can use to target specific areas of the enemy you are locked-on to. For example, if you aim and shoot at your enemy's head, it will kill them in one shot. If you shoot their shoulder, it will disarm them and they will drop their weapon. If you shoot them in the knee, it will immobilize them and make them fall to their knees. If you're trying to shoot a specific object instead of a person, you will need to use free-aim mode instead of trying to lock-on. Press to enter

free-aim mode. A crosshairs target will appear. Use to aim the crosshairs where you want to shoot. Probably the most important thing to learn in the entire game is how to take cover during a gun battle. If you do not use cover, you will not make it anywhere in the game. There are two ways to take cover - by using a wall or low objects. You can press when standing next to any wall to take

cover against that wall. You can then use to slide left or right along the wall. When should you take cover against a wall? When there are enemies around the corner (or when there may be enemies around the corner and you want a safe way to check). When this is the case, take cover against the wall, slide to the corner, target an enemy and then fire at him just like you normally would. When you fire, you will automatically turn the corner to shoot, and then when you stop firing, you will automatically return to behind the wall. The same applies to using low objects for cover.

Besides for fighting and shooting, you will spend the majority of your time driving, so it'd be a good idea to learn how. The first thing you need to know is how to get in a car. To enter a parked car, simply walk to either the driver side or passenger side door and press . To hijack a car that someone is already driving, press the same button to threaten the driver, then press same button again after they get out. Note however that drivers won't always get out when you threaten them, sometimes they will attempt to speed off. If they do so and you decide you definitely want that car, shoot the car a couple times and they will stop but you need to be quick before it disappears. To accelerate the car, press or . To brake or go in reverse, press or . To use the handbrake, press . The handbrake is useful

for taking sharp turns at high speeds and is a good skill to master. It will help you get places in a hurry. To honk your horn, press . Honking will cause cars in front of you going the same direction to steer to the right and cars coming towards you to steer to the left. It will also warn pedestrians to get out of the way. When you crash into things or your car gets shot at, it takes visible damage. Eventually it will start smoking, then the smoking will get worse, and eventually it will catch on fire. When it does, stop immediately, get out quickly, and run away fast because it means that it's about to explode.

Your health is represented by a green bar in the top-left corner of the screen. When the bar loses all of its green, you are considered "iced". If this happens during a mission, you can restart from the last checkpoint, otherwise you will wake up in a clinic or hospital back to full health. You can find blue health bottles during the game that will return your health to 100%. Besides for finding these bottles, you can also purchase them from clinics for $100 bucks.

Safehouses are a very important part of the game. For one thing, you can only save your game by going up to the bed in a safehouse. They are also useful when running from the cops and as a place to restock your ammo. Unowned safehouses are represented by an orange house on your map, while owned safehouses are represented by green houses. You can also use this place to get away from a mob war but it's better to bomb their shop, bribe the FBI or bomb their compound which is risque.


the Map and Notepad

and select it from the menu. You

Using your map and notepad is vital to your success in The Godfather: The Game. To access your map, press

will see lots of symbols on the map. Press to bring up a legend that explains what each symbol means. Blue, yellow, and purple circles on the map indicate places where you can accept a mission, hit contract, and favor respectively. If these colors are Xs, it means that is the next place to go to complete the mission, hit contract, or favor. You will also see lots of symbols that have one of the five families insignias on it. These represent businesses that you are able to enter and extort, and the insignia represents which family currently controls it. Press to view your notepad. Your notepad contains a list of your current objectives.


Hit Contracts, and Favors

The missions represent the main storyline of the game. They are represented by blue Xs and Os on your map. You will earn money and respect for each mission you complete, as well as advancing the story. Also, after completing certain missions, the Family will promote you in rank. Almost every mission contains hidden bonus moneybags which are just one of the many collectibles in the game. Hit contracts are a type of side-quest that you can attempt throughout the game. They are represented by yellow Xs and Os on your map. You will earn money and respect for each hit contract you complete. Each hit contract has a target and bonus condition. The target is the person you are hired to assassinate and the bonus condition is the preferred way your employer wants the hit to go down. Fulfilling the bonus condition will earn you much more money and repsect than you would earn killing the target a different way. Favors are another form of side-quest. They are represented by purple Xs and Os on your map. You won't earn money by completing favors, but you will earn respect. A different type of favor you can find in the game is a merchant favor. These occur when you try to extort a certain shopowner. They will ask you to do them a favor and if you complete the favor, they will accept your payment terms. Favors are useful to add more value points to your RPG menu where you upgrade many factors like health and speed.


Extortion and Racket Takeovers

Extortion is a popular method for mafia families to earn money. Owners of a business agree to pay the Family each week, in exchange for the Family's "protection". Often, the owner is simply paying for protection from the family that is trying to extort him or her, as refusing will often result in damage to their store or themselves. There are 100 businesses in the game that you can extort on behalf of the Corleone Family. You can find these businesses by looking on your map. Any business with a rival family's insignia on it is yours for the taking. To extort a business, go up to the shopowner (they will have a puppet symbol above them) and press . If your respect level is high enough, they will agree to pay you without any problems. If they refuse however, you will need to convince them. A "pressure meter" will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. As you pressure them, the meter will go up. There will be two lines on the meter, one indicating when the owner will give in, and one further down that indicates when you've pushed them too far. When you get the meter between the two lines, it means that if you talk to the shopkeeper again, the extortion will be successful. The closer you get the meter to the breaking point without going over, the more money you will extort from them each week. If you go past the breaking point however, the owner will start fighting back and you won't be able to collect a dime from them. There are 10 different ways to pressure a shopowner, and each shopowner has a particular weakness to one of the ten. If you exploit this weakness you will earn a "weak spot bonus" which is added to the weekly extortion payout. The 10 different methods are threatening with firearms, using firearms, using melee attacks, jabs and hooks, grabs and strangles, throws, slams, and leans, threatening a power attack, reasoning/intimidating, threatening innocents, and property damage. There are 100 rackets in the game available for you to take over. These are generally located in the backs of legitimate businesses. Often, you will have to extort the owner of those businesses first, in order to gain access to the back. Be careful though, the family who owns a particular racket will almost always have goons there protecting the place. Once you enter the racket they will start attacking you. Unlike business owners, racket bosses will always give you the option to buy them out without any trouble (as long as you don't threaten them first). If you do end up in a situation where you need to pressure the racket boss, the rules are the same as extorting a shopowner. When given the choice, you should always extort a business or buy out a racket without any trouble. When doing so, you will automatically receive the maximum payout possible. When you successfully extort a business or take over a racket, the payment you "negotiated" will be added to your payday income. Every payday, you will receive this money, minus a tribute to the Corleone Family. As you go up in rank, the percentage of tribute you pay goes down.


Hubs, and Compounds

Warehouses and hubs are sort of like rackets on steroids. Instead of a small casino or brothel in the back of business, warehouses and hubs are their own buildings which house and deliver stolen goods. They are worth a lot more money than normal rackets and thus are also much more protected. To take over a warehouse or hub, kill all the rival thugs protecting it and then buy out the racket boss just like you would a normal racket. Compounds are the homes and headquarters for the five families. As you can imagine, they are the most heavily guarded and fortified establishments in the whole game. To take over a rival family's compound, you must plant a bomb in the basement of both buildings of the compound and blow them up. Because warehouses, hubs, and compounds are so fortified with manpower, you are advised to hire a crew member to help you bring them down.

Any time you do something illegal in the game, your "heat" level goes up in the neighborhood in which the crime was committed. Heat refers to how wanted you are by the police, and how much effort they will put into finding you and fighting you. Your heat level is represented by police badges in the lower right corner of the screen. You can have anywhere from 0 to 5 badges, 0 meaning you are not wanted at all and 5 meaning that the police will be all over you.

Your heat level will go down slowly on its own, as long as you aren't committing crimes, but you can also bribe police chiefs to bring it down instantly. Police chiefs can be found on your map by looking for a yellow police badge symbol. When you bribe a police chief, your heat is brought down and your police bribe meter is filled up all the way. The police bribe meter is a green meter in the same location as your heat level badges. As long as the bribe meter isn't empty, the police will look the other way when you commit a crime and your heat level won't go up. Not only that, but if rival thugs start fighting with you, and any cops are around, they will come to your aid and help you fight. Besides for bribing the police chiefs, you can actually bribe any cop you find on the street. When you bribe a regular cop, the police bribe meter will fill up a quarter of the way. It's always a good idea to bribe the police before any objective that takes place out in the open. It ensures that they won't interfere. Well if you own the next generation consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii), if you're interested in getting the heat down for free, try to finder a woman with a sign on her head that she has something to tell you. She'll give you the task that will take down the police chief. You can do it anytime but if you don't want any major interference when taking down a compound, warehouse or any kind of business, this is the way to do it.

The green bribe meter is almost empty


and Mob Wars

Whenever you kill a gangster, your vendetta level with the family he was from goes up. You can view your vendetta levels with the five families by going to Tom's Report in the pause menu. If your vendetta gets too high with a certain family, you will start a mob war with that family. During a mob war, you will find yourself being constantly attacked by members of that family wherever you go. If a mob war goes on for too long, the family you're fighting with will start to bomb the businesses under your control. Also, if you get iced during a mob war, you will awake to find that several of your businesses have been bombed while you were out. When a business under your control gets bombed, you will not receive any income from that business until they reopen which can take a while. There are two ways to stop a mob war. You can either bomb one of the rival family's businesses, or you can bribe an FBI agent, also known as a G-man. The latter is less fun, but much easier and thus the method we recommend. You can find G-men by looking for the gold FBI badge on your map. Most, but not all, can be found in the basement of churches. You can bribe G-men at any time to lower your vendetta with the families, not just during a mob war. Lastly if you start in any mission during the time, your vendettas automatically drop in order not to ruin your progress.


Market Merchants

To upgrade your guns, get ammo for your guns, or to buy explosives such as molotovs, dynamite, or bombs, you need to find a black market merchant. On your large map, they each have a different symbol, according to what they sell. On your in-game mini-map in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, they are all represented by a white diamond shape. Each gun in the game has a level 2 and level 3 upgrade that you can purchase. The upgrade will make that gun more powerful, faster, and able to hold more ammo. To purchase the upgrades you need to find the specific black market merchant that sells it, and you need to bring lots of cash with you cause the upgrades aren't cheap.



If you're about to take on a particularly tough objective, or if you're just looking to get some extra muscle, you can hire a crew member. Crew members can be found in every neighborhood by looking at your map. They are represented by an icon of a head in profile. You can only hire one crew member at a time and you can only hire crew members that are equal or lower than you in rank. The higher the rank of a crew member, the more expensive they are to hire, and also the tougher they are and thus more effective in battle. If you decide you no longer want a crewman following you around, you can talk to him and tell him to go home. Check the weapon the crew is going to use before you decide to hire him.

There are several things for you to "collect" in The Godfather: The Game. One of those things are film reels. There are 100 film reels hidden throughout the city. Many of them unlock a real clip from the movie that you can watch by going to the pause menu. You also earn 1,000 Respect points for each film reel you collect. Another thing to collect is cracked safes. There are 100 safes throughout the city, located somewhere in businesses. Most, but not all, businesses have one. To "crack" a safe, simply plant dynamite next to it and get to a safe distance. Each safe you crack also earns you 1,000 Respect points. There are 5 prize fights to be fought and won throughout the city. Each fight you win will earn you $10,000 big ones. There are 6 banks throughout the city which can be robbed. To rob a bank, you must find the vault and blow it up with dynamite, just like a safe. Some banks are small and have their vault right in the lobby. With other banks though, you will have to make it down into their basement to find the vault. Once you steal the money in the vault, you have to get back to a safehouse without being caught for it to count as a successful heist. Another thing to "collect" is execution styles. There are 47 different ways to finish off your enemy in the game. Many of them involve using the Execute button when you are standing next to an enemy who is low on health. Try doing this with different weapons and alternating between your enemy standing and kneeling to perform different executions.



Something fun that you can do in the game at just about any time to earn a little extra dough, is to hijack a racket truck. Racket trucks are the large brown and grey cargo trucks. They are smuggling goods, so they're worth a good amount of money. To hijack a racket truck, keep slamming into it with a vehicle or shoot it up with a firearm. When you do enough damage to it, it will stop. But watch out - at this point rival gangsters protecting the goods will jump out of the back and start attacking you. You must kill them and then pressure the driver of the truck to give you his keys. Once he does, hop in the truck and deliver it to a truck drop-off spot before the family you stole it from blows you up. When you make a successful delivery, you'll be rewarded with cash. The family owning the truck is identified by the color of it. Green is Barzini, Red is Cuneo, Blue is Stracci, and Tan is Tattaglia. Trucks are valued based on the supporting family. They are in order as follows: 1. Barzini 2. Cuneo 3. Stracci 4. Tattaglia 5. Corleone (None)


Don of NYC

To advance through the ranks of the Corleone Family you must complete the missions. Completing all the missions will bring you to the rank of Underboss. To become the Don, you must complete all the missions and take over all four rival family compounds. To achieve the supreme rank of Don of NYC, you must complete all the missions, take over the four compounds, and take over all the rival families' businesses, rackets, warehouses, and hubs, and you must earn all 22 of the Execution Styles by performing each one at least once.

General Tips

In some of your safehouses you can FLIRT or MAKE A MOVE on one of the prostitutes next door to your own room, and she will give you advice (and a little respect). When taking over a warehouse or a compound, hire a CREW MEMBER for some extra muscle. You can retry CONTRACT HITS if you miss the bonus condition the first time around. The PUPPETEER HANDS above someone indicates they can be of some use to you. Check out TRAINING VIDEOS in the main menu for more information on the five families, police, and rackets. Remember to SAVE your progress frequently in the SAFEHOUSES you buy around the city. Exploding cars can be a powerful weapon if you're quick and careful. Banks have lots of cash for the taking if you have dynamite for the vault and aren't afraid of cops. Find a doc to restore your health...for a price. Invest skill points in STREET SMARTS to help avoid mob wars and police crackdowns. Don't forget to upgrade your SKILLS as you earn more respect.

Note that the highest respect level you can reach in the game is 50, after which you earn no more respect points. So in those versions of the game that divide skills upgrades between "Enforcer" and "Operator" (including the Playstation 3 and Wii), you can only get the perk for all 30 points in one or the other, not both.

Telephones can be found in hotels, clubs, and safe houses. Crew members can be hired in every neighborhood. Look for the crew icon on your map. Go into FREE-AIM to easily target explosive crates, barrels, and racket trucks. Buy SAFEHOUSES in different neighborhoods to save your progress and restock your supplies. The handbrake is perfect for power sliding around corners. Outgunned? Find a BLACK MARKET MERCHANT to upgrade your firearms. Use the WAYPOINT flag in the map screen to place a marker on the mini-map. When being chased in your car, slam into enemies before they can pull up next to you. Use dynamite to blow safes inside businesses. When being pursued in your car, shake your chasers with high-speed cornering.


Money Makers

For some big money, try hitting a BANK. Make sure you've got dynamite to blow the vault. (Note: bribe a cop outside the bank so once you get the money you can get back to your safehouse without being chased by the cops.)

Occasionally you will see a heist-in-progress. Kill the gangsters outside the bank and take the money bags, that way you won't have to take heat for blowing up the safe.

After you take over a warehouse, there may be a racket worker hanging around who will ask you to resupply a racket. The farther away the delivery location the more money you earn. The fat older businessmen wearing a yellow shirt and carrying a briefcase are MOB COURIERS. You may kill them to steal their money but this will raise your VENDETTA and you will be pursued by his employers. However if a fellow Corleone or a policeman kills the courier you will get no vendetta for stealing from his corpse.

You can shoot at or repeatedly ram a rival gang's truck until it stops. Kill the two gang members that get out, intimidate the driver until he gives up the keys, then get in and drive it to one of your safehouses for a payout.


The rival gang will come after you, so attack trucks that are near your safehouse to quickly earn the payout.

In the Pause Menu

All of these tips are performed in the pause menu

Check your family standing in CAREER PROGRESS Invert your camera controls in the OPTIONS menu Your HIT LIST in the OBJECTIVES screen will tell you how to get the most respect for each hit. Upgrade your SKILLS each time you earn a RESPECT LEVEL. Check out TOM'S REPORT for information on RIVAL FAMILIES and police HEAT LEVELS. For weapon upgrades and ammo, find the BLACK MARKET MERCHANTS using your MAP.


Family Business

Killing rival mobsters, extorting businesses, and taking over rackets will earn you respect from the Family.

Doing a FAVOR for a Corleone is a great way to earn respect with the Family. The Corleones will receive a percentage of your payday income - but you'll earn more as you climb the ranks. To look your best and increase your respect, buy new threads from a friendly tailor, or get a haircut at the barbershop.

Visit a TAILOR or BARBER to purchase a new look from the Mob Face menu!

Corleone Family allies and soldiers always wear black jackets, and they will help you out in a pinch. You can only hire crew members that are equal or less than your own rank. To get more respect, use your fists to defeat mobsters. Some Corleones will offer you contract hits against rival family members. Completing hits earns you respect and money. You'll get a bigger cut of your extorted business income as you rise up through the Family ranks.



HIT CONTRACTS from Corleones can earn you big respect and cash - especially if you get the BONUS CONDITION.



Eliminate each of the rival families to control all of New York City. Achieve this by taking over all of its businesses and blowing up its compound.

The BARZINIS are the strongest of the four rival families. The TATTAGLIAS are the weakest of the four rival families. Little Italy is the easiest neighborhood to take over. Stripes above an enemy's health correspond to his rank. The more stripes he has, the tougher he is. The color of a mobster's suit shows which family he's from. If a family's vendetta gets too high, you'll start a MOB WAR. End it by blowing up one of their businesses or bribing an FBI agent.

During a MOB WAR, your businesses will be repeatedly bombed until the war ends.

The more mobsters you kill in a family, the higher their vendetta against you. Plant bombs in both buildings in a rival family's compound to take it out. It will also cause them to lose control of their neighborhoods.


Merchants and Businesses

Businesses produce income every payday and make certain services and merchandise available.

Before extorting a business, take care of any rival family guards outside. You will lose income if a shopkeeper or a racket boss under control dies, or their business is bombed. Each merchant has a weakness. Find the weak spot to guarantee a maximum payout! Some potential weak spots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use the threat of a POWER ATTACK. Smash up the store. Break the cash register to get some money. Pull out a gun and target the merchant or his customers. Punch the merchant. Grab the merchant and throw him around.

Some merchants may ask you for a FAVOR. Help them out, and you'll be richly rewarded. Find BLACK MARKET MERCHANTS to buy ammo, weapon upgrades, molotov cocktails, and bombs. These are handy during mob wars.

The STREET SWEEPER is one of the most powerful weapons you can buy from a BLACK MARKET MERCHANT.

If a merchant already respects you, try just talking to him. He may agree to pay you more out of respect for the Corleones. When merchants surrender, you may earn more cash by applying more pressure. Try to find Barzini Underboss Alfredo Satori at the Barzini Compound. If you kill him he drops $5.000 dollars.



Rackets use legitimate businesses as fronts. Like businesses, rackets produce income but at a higher rate.

Taking over a front will reveal other fronts used in that racket. Taking over a business that is a rackets front will unlock t he back door. When you see a roadblock, chances are there is a RACKET WAREHOUSE nearby. Make sure to take over all fronts to steal power from your rivals. Attack racket trucks and interrogate the driver to get his keys. Find and takeover RACKET WAREHOUSES for serious cash - but be ready for a big fight. BUYOUT racket bosses by talking to them first. Have enough cash and they'll make it worth your while.

If you kill a Racket Boss, you won't be able to get money from that racket. Racket bosses will pay you more money, depending on how much pressure you apply. If a racket boss already respects you, don't threaten him. If BUYOUT is an option, you'll earn maximum income. Try camping by a safehouse you own or the Corleone compound. Then wait for racket trucks to come by, then steal them and put them in.



Once you bribe a cop, the BRIBE TIMER will show how long the police will be friendly to you. Bribed cops might even help you out in a fight against rival mobsters.

Bribe corrupt cops to keep them off your back for a while.



HEAT levels are unique for each neighborhood. If your heat gets too high, try driving to a different neighborhood and hide out.

These will raise your HEAT level: 1. 2. 3. When you break the law Killing civilians will raise your HEAT and gets the cops all over you. Only kill when you have to. Killing innocent workers inside rackets

Bribe a police chief to bring down the HEAT level in a neighborhood.


Combat Strategies

Use traffic as cover instead of standing in the open. Grab an enemy and use him as a shield if you're low on health. Use WALL COVER to safely target and shoot enemies around a corner. Always use wall cover to look around corners before blindly running into a group of enemies. Crouching and firing behind low cover is much safer than out in the open.

Running in the open can be suicide during a gunfight - use cover!

High-ranking mobsters can't be grabbed at full health, so beat them down before trying. Sneak up behind people and strangle them using the GARROTE before they have a chance to call for help! Use a POWER ATTACK to break through an enemy's block. For increased firearm accuracy, wait for your spread to shrink to its smallest size. Use your fists to conserve ammo and earn higher respect per kill. DYNAMITE is always handy when you need to takeout a safe or when you're outnumbered. Mobsters with long coats are stronger than mobsters with short coats. They carry Tommy guns or shotguns. Your HIT LIST targets don't always know they're in danger. You may be able to use surprise to your advantage. The shotgun is most effective at close range. Always use the right weapon for the job. BOMBS can do major damage - including taking out a whole business. Use with care. Shoot destructible objects that your enemies hide behind to flush them out of cover. Always reload by pressing Up on the directional pad before going into an unknown situation. Shooting in short bursts can improve your accuracy - especially with the Tommy Gun. Throw bottles at enemies or pistol whip them to get them on their knees.

The Godfather: The Game/Execution Styles

Only performing the execution styles on mobsters will count toward the execution achievements, You must perform all execution styles on mobsters which will get you 100,000 Respect and $150,000, You can review your progress in the Pause menu > Tom's Report > Rap Sheet/FBI Profile > Execution Styles. For executions that require you to press enemy must be low enough on health for it to work. (Xbox) or (Playstation), note that your

Back of the Head Execution: Using a pistol, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press .

Barehanded Kneeling Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press .

Barehanded Standing Execution: Without any weapons drawn, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press .

Between the Eyes Execution: Using a revolver, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press .

Blackhand Execution: Kill your enemy with your fists without grabbing them. Blackhand Grapple Execution: Kill your enemy with your fists while grabbing them. Bombs Away Execution: Kill your enemy with dynamite, a bomb, an explosive barrel, or an explosive crate. Bottle Execution: Kill your enemy by throwing a bottle at them. Chin Up Execution: Using a 2x4, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are kneeling, lock onto them and press can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street. Clavicle Crush Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get right in front of them while holding a tire iron, lock on to them, and press Cocktail Hour Execution: Kill your enemy with a Molotov. Crooked Cop Execution: Using a police baton, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press . . . 2x4s

Disarmed: Shoot your enemy in the shoulder to make them drop their weapon. Double Play Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a baseball bat, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press .

Drowning Execution:Throw your enemy into an open sewer or hold them under a sewer pipe. Open sewers and pipes can be found in Hell's Kitchen and Hell's Kitchen Industrial Park. Faceoff Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get right in front of them while holding a shotgun, lock on to them, and press .

Foot in Mouth Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get right in front of them while holding a magnum, lock on to them, and press . .

Gut Shot Execution: Using a shotgun, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press Hard Head Execution: Kill your enemy by slamming their head into a counter or other low object.

Hats Off Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get right in front of them while holding a pistol, lock on to them, and press .

Headstrong Execution: Using a tommy gun, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press .

How's Your Leg Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get right in front of them while holding a golf club or shovel, lock on to them, and press Kneecapped: Shoot your enemy in the knee. Last Gasp Execution: Strangle your enemy to death with your bare hands. Look at Me Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a revolver, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press Magnum Execution: Kill your enemy with a magnum. Melee Weapon Execution: Kill your enemy using any melee weapon. Neck Boned Execution: Using a tire iron, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press . . .

Neck Kink Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Then, using a police baton, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are still kneeling, lock onto them and press .

Over Cooked Execution: Throw your enemy into a furnace by pushing them against the furnace and holding them over the edge then use the to throw them in the furnace. Furnaces can be found in bakeries and funeral homes.

Pipe Down Execution: Using a lead pipe, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press .

Pistol Execution: Kill your enemy with a pistol. Protect Ya Neck Execution: Using a golf club or shovel, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press .

Revolver Execution: Kill your enemy with a revolver. Riddled With Lead Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get right in front of them while holding a Tommy gun, lock on to them, and press Road Rage Execution: Kill your enemy by running them over with a car. Shotgun Execution: Kill your enemy with a shotgun. Sicilian Candle Execution: When your enemy is standing up. Get right in front of them while holding a 2x4, lock on to them, and press . 2x4s can be found by blowing up a burning barrel on the street. .

Silent Assassin Execution: Strangle your enemy to death using the garrotte wire. Stained Glass Execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them through a window. Note: This execution is more easily obtained by lowering the health level of the gangster to about 1/4, pushing them against an unbroken window, holding them over the edge and using the to throw them through the window. Tried and true method.

Sure Shot Execution: Kill your enemy with a head shot. Taste My Chamber Execution: Using a magnum, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press .

Tommy Gun Execution: Kill your enemy with a Tommy gun. Traffic Accident Execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them in front of a moving vehicle. Do not stand in front of traffic or it will stop - stand to the side of the road. By far the most difficult execution to pull off. Wallpapered Execution: Kill your enemy by slamming them against a wall. Watch Your Step Execution: Kill your enemy by throwing them off a roof, ledge, two-story window, etc. Wrenched Execution: Get your enemy on their knees by shooting them in the knee or beating them down. Get right in front of them while holding a lead pipe, lock on to them, and press .

You're Out Execution: Using a baseball bat, stand in front of your enemy, and while they are standing, lock onto them and press . Note that on the screen it will call this a "Melee Standing Execution" even though there is no such thing.

The Playstation 3 and Wii versions of the game include additional execution styles, for a total of 51 execution styles you must perform against rival mobsters.

Electrocution Execution: You must throw or push your enemy onto a power box. If you push, you risk damage from electrocution yourself. Neck Snap Execution: You first need to acquire the garrote wire. You must approach your enemy from the rear, but enemies usually turn to face you. You can shoot a mobster in the leg and then circle around to approach from the rear, or you can approach a mobster busy fighting a member of your crew or the police if you have bribed them. Then execute with the garrote.

Pistol Whip Execution: You first need to get enough points in the Operator skill category to unlock melee moves with a gun drawn. While locked on to your enemy, make the pistol whip gesture by moving the Sixaxis controller/Wiimote to the left.

Special note: On the Nintendo Wii, a simple summary to execute these moves is to press

and follow the buttons or gestures. You

have to exaggerate what's on display to make it work. The PS3 is similar but its controller motions may be limited so keep a sharp eye out for it.

The Godfather: The Game/Achievements

There are 58 achievements in The Godfather: The Game, with 20 coming from DLC, worth a total of 1,250


Name First Sign of Respect Negotiator Gaining Respect Assassin Petty Theft Smuggler Real Estate Investor Bodyguard Earner Enforcer Arms Dealer Forced Entry Description Reach Respect Level 10 Bribe a Police Chief Reach Respect Level 20 Earn 5 Execution Styles Crack 10 Safes Hijack 10 Racket Trucks Purchase a Safehouse Hire a Crew Member Extort 10 Businesses Take Over 5 Rackets Purchase a Firearm Upgrade Heist a Bank 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10



Name Demolitions Expert Bank Robber Knockout King Making an Impression Entrepreneur Neighborhood Control Demanding Respect Diplomat Real Estate Mogul Jack of All Trades For the Family Contract Killer Service Provider Heavyweight Champ The Don Safecracker No More Narcotics Warehouse Wrecker Transport Takedown Debt Collector Rival Family Elimination Executioner Total Domination

Description Bomb a Business Heist ALL Banks Once Win a Prize Fight Reach Respect Level 30 Collect 10 Film Reels Take Over a Neighborhood Reach Respect Level 40 Help ALL Merchants 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20

Purchase/Own ALL Safehouses 20 Reach Respect Level 45 Complete ALL Missions Complete ALL Hits Complete ALL Favors Win ALL Prize Fights Reach Don Rank Crack ALL Safes Bomb ALL Drug Rackets Seize ALL Warehouses Seize ALL Transport Hubs Collect ALL 100 Film Reels 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30

Destroy ALL Rival Compounds 40 Complete ALL Execution Styles 40 Extort ALL Businesses 50


Name Front Man Don of NYC

Description Take Over ALL Fronts Reach Don of NYC Rank 50 50 50

Public Enemy Number One Reach Respect Level 50


DLC: Title update

Name CC Hijack CC Road Rage CC Executions CC Collecting Dues CC Safe Cracker CC Earn Money Description Corleone Challenges: Hijack 5 racket trucks before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Kill 25 mobsters using your car before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Perform 10 unique executions before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Extort 20 merchants and/or racket bosses before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Crack 10 safes before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Earn $75,000 before time runs out 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 25 20


CC Hits - No Innocents Corleone Challenges: Kill 100 mobsters before time runs out CC Takedown CC Tattaglia Hit CC Batter Up Corleone Challenges: Takedown a warehouse in less than 5 minutes Corleone Challenges: Kill 50 Tattaglias in less than 20 minutes

Corleone Challenges: Kill 30 mobsters in less than 15 minutes using only melee weapons 20


DLC: Corleone Challenges

Name CC Marksman CC Demolition CC Disarm CC Blackhand CC Barzini Hit Description Corleone Challenges: Kill 25 mobsters using firearms before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Kill 10 mobsters using explosives before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Disarm 10 mobsters before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Kill 20 mobsters with your bare hands before time runs out Corleone Challenges: Kill 50 Barzinis in less than 20 minutes 20 20 20 20 20 50


CC Neighborhood Corleone Challenges: Take over a neighborhood in less than 40 minutes



Description 20 20 30

CC Urban Renewal Corleone Challenges: Bomb 10 buildings in less than 20 minutes CC Heist CC Carnage CC Monopoly Corleone Challenges: Rob all six banks in less than 25 minutes Corleone Challenges: Kill 200 mobsters in less than 35 minutes

Corleone Challenges: Take over all of one familys businesses in less than 65 minutes 30


Achievement guide

General achievements

First Sign of Respect: You can earn respect a variety of ways. By completing missions, hit contracts, and favors. By extorting businesses and taking over rackets. By killing rival mobsters. Make sure to complete the bonus condition when fulfilling a hit contract - you will earn many times more respect. Also, killing mobsters with your bare hands earns you more respect than killing them with a weapon.

Negotiator: Police chiefs can be found where you see a yellow police badge on your map. Gaining Respect: You can earn respect a variety of ways. By completing missions, hit contracts, and favors. By extorting businesses and taking over rackets. By killing rival mobsters. Make sure to complete the bonus condition when fulfilling a hit contract - you will earn many times more respect. Also, killing mobsters with your bare hands earns you more respect than killing them with a weapon.

Assassin: To learn how to earn these, see Execution Styles. Petty Theft: See Safes for the locations of all safes in the game. Smuggler: Racket trucks are the large cargo trucks driving around the city. The color of the truck corresponds to the family the truck belongs to (Green - Barzini, Red - Cuneo, Blue - Stracci, Brown - Tattaglia). Barzini trucks are worth the most, while Tattaglia trucks are worth the least. To hijack a racket truck, keep slamming into it with a vehicle or shoot it up with a firearm. When you do enough damage to it, it will stop. But watch out - at this point rival gangsters protecting the goods will jump out of the back and start attacking you. You must kill them and then pressure the driver of the truck to give you his keys. Once he does, hop in the truck and deliver it to a truck drop-off spot before the family you stole it from blows you up.

Real Estate Investor: Safehouses for sale are represented by yellow houses on your map. Bodyguard: Crew members for hire are represented by a head in profile on your map. Earner: Businesses that can be extorted have a rival family's symbol on them in your map. Enforcer: Rackets can be found in the back of businesses. You will usually need to extort the business first to gain access to the back. Arms Dealer: To find a black market merchant selling a firearm upgrade see Weapons. Forced Entry: Banks are represented by a dollar sign on your map. To successfully heist a bank, you must return the stolen money to a safehouse without getting caught. Try bribing a police chief before attempting to rob a bank. Demolitions Expert: Plant a bomb anywhere in a rival family's business. You can also earn this achievement when you bomb a rival family's compound. Bank Robber: Banks are represented by a dollar sign on your map. To successfully heist a bank, you must return the stolen money to a safehouse without getting caught. Try bribing a police chief before attempting to rob a bank. Knockout King: Prize fights can easily be won by using a melee weapon. see Prize Fights for the location of all Prize Fights. Making an Impression: You can earn respect a variety of ways. By completing missions, hit contracts, and favors. By extorting businesses and taking over rackets. By killing rival mobsters. Make sure to complete the bonus condition when fulfilling a hit contract - you will earn many times more respect. Also, killing mobsters with your bare hands earns you more respect than killing them with a weapon.

Entrepreneur: See Film Reels for maps of the hidden film reels.

Neighborhood Control: Taking over a neighborhood means destroying the rival family compound in that neighborhood. To take over a compound, plant a bomb in the basement of both buildings. Demanding Respect: You can earn respect a variety of ways. By completing missions, hit contracts, and favors. By extorting businesses and taking over rackets. By killing rival mobsters. Make sure to complete the bonus condition when fulfilling a hit contract - you will earn many times more respect. Also, killing mobsters with your bare hands earns you more respect than killing them with a weapon.

Diplomat: Some merchants that you try to extort will request a favor from you. Help all these merchants to unlock this achievement. Real Estate Mogul: Safehouses for sale are represented by yellow houses on your map. Jack of All Trades: You can earn respect a variety of ways. By completing missions, hit contracts, and favors. By extorting businesses and taking over rackets. By killing rival mobsters. Make sure to complete the bonus condition when fulfilling a hit contract - you will earn many times more respect. Also, killing mobsters with your bare hands earns you more respect than killing them with a weapon.

For the Family: Missions are represented by blue Xs and Os on your map. See the Walkthrough for help completing the missions. Contract Killer: Hit contracts are represented by yellow Xs and Os on your map. See Hit Contracts for help on completing the hits. Service Provider: Favors are represented by purple Xs and Os on your map. See Favors for help on completing the favors. Heavyweight Champ: Prize fights can easily be won by using a melee weapon. see Prize Fights for the location of all Prize Fights. The Don: You reach the Don rank by completing all missions and taking over all rival family compounds. Safecracker: See Safes for the locations of all safes in the game. No More Narcotics: For help in bombing the drug rackets, see Drug Fronts. Warehouse Wrecker: Buy out the racket boss of every warehouse in the city. Transport Takedown: Buy out the racket boss of every hub in the city. Debt Collector: See Film Reels for maps of the hidden film reels. Rival Family Elimination: To take over a compound, plant a bomb in the basement of both buildings. Executioner: To learn how to do all 47 different execution styles, see Execution Styles. Total Domination: Extort all the merchants in the city. Front Man: Buy out all of the racket bosses. Rackets can be found in the back of legitimate businesses. You will need to extort the owner first to gain access to the back. Don of NYC: To reach the Don of NYC rank, you must complete all missions and take over all businesses, rackets, warehouses, hubs, and compounds. Public Enemy Number One: This is easily the most difficult and also longest achievement of the game. In order to reach respect level 50 you need to complete all missions, hit contracts, and favors. You need to have fulfilled the bonus condition in each hit contract. You need to have taken over all businesses, rackets, warehouses, hubs, drug fronts, and compounds. You need to have collected every film reel and cracked every safe. You need to heist all banks and win all prize fights. You need to perform every execution style. You also should purchase every piece of clothing as you get a respect bonus, you can wear whatever you want but this will help. However, even this may still not be enough. If you're still short, keep killing mobsters until you get there. You can bribe police officers on the streets. If you can't find any mobsters because you've wiped them out, hijack racket trucks and a couple will jump out from them. Heisting banks gets you 8,000 respect per bank. If you have a lot of money you can continue to hire and then dismiss the assassin crew members ($10,000 to hire), this gets you respect each time you hire them, this can be done fairly quickly. Other ways include bribing police officers when there are a lot by you. Generally by a bank a lot of officers will spawn. Once 10 are there, you can keep bribing them in order from 1 to 10. If you are struggling to make the mark, complete all the missions and contracts before you do much else in the game. Each time your rank increases, the multiplier to the respect you gain does also. So when you come round to take over all the businesses you will get a lot more respect than you would taking over the businesses first then doing the missions. The amount of respect for respect 50 is enormous though, and no matter what you do, even if you complete everything mission-wise, take over everything and collect everything, there's a good chance you can end up short by a level or two, leaving quite a few hundred thousand respect under.

Title update DLC

CC Hijack: From the start up menu where you enter the game select Corleone Challenges, then go to Takeovers-Warehouses-Hijack, this will start the challenge. This must be completed in 20 minutes and is fairly easy to do so. Simply run around and look for trucks, once you spot one free aim pressing achievement. and fire until it stops. Extort the driver and then deliver the truck to a safe spot, ditch the truck and repeat five times for the

CC Road Rage: From the start up menu where you enter the game select Corleone Challenges, then go to Professional-Weapons-Road Rage, this will start the challenge. This must be completed in 20 minutes but you'll most likely finish before then. Get into any car, preferably a fast one, and drive to the nearest enemy controlled business. Run over any mobsters standing outside the building then move along to the next. No tactics needed here, just kill some mobsters with your car.

CC Executions: From the start up menu where you enter the game select Corleone Challenges, then go to Professional-Methods-Execution Styles, this will start the challenge. This must be completed in 10 minutes but you'll most likely finish before then. Simply find mobsters and execute them using the button anyway you can think of. Use melee weapons, fists, guns, explosives, slams, anything that mixes it up this will come

with no problem. If you forget which ones you have done just re-inact them and if the execution doesn't come up its already been done.

CC Collecting Dues: From the start up menu where you enter the game select Corleone Challenges, then go to Takeovers-Businesses-Collecting Dues, this will start the challenge. This must be completed in 20 minutes. Run into any businesses not already in control of the Corleones and take it over. This is very easy and you'll already have a good knowledge of how to do this while playing the game. It doesn't matter about max bonus or weak spot so just whack the place up to get the extort quickly. Move onto the racket once you have extorted the front. If you're getting stuck on a business because of the mobsters, move onto an easier business. Making sure the business has a racket is a good idea so you don't have to go to twice the amount of businesses.

CC Safe Cracker: From the start up menu where you enter the game select Corleone Challenges, then go to Freelance-Bombing-Safe Cracker, this will start the challenge. This must be completed in 20 minutes. Grab some Dynamite then go into 10 businesses and crack their safes. If you're struggling to get into a place just move on to another business. Little Italy will have enough businesses for this, so you don't have to go far.


Movie Clips - To unlock the movies complete each of the missions:

#7: Sonny And Tom Argue Again Complete "Fireworks" Mission Mission #13: Carlo Learns A Lesson Complete "Sonny's War" Mission #19 Don Collect 20 Film Sends Luca Reels On An Errand #20 Luca's Demise Collect 30 Film Reels

Complete #1: Regarding "The Alley" Sollozzo Mission Complete "Enforcer" Mission

#2: Mr. Bonasera

Complete "Death To The #8: Mr. Woltz Traitor" Mission Complete "Horseplay" Mission Complete "A Recipe For Revenge" Mission

Complete #3: Meeting "Grave With Sollozzo Situation" Mission Complete "Sleeping With The Fishes" Mission

#9: Trigger Too Tight

#14: Are You Complete Ready To Do "Change Of Me This Plan" Mission Favor? Complete #15: The "Order To Kill" Don's Demise Mission #16: Carlo Goes For A Ride Complete "It's Only Business" Mission Complete "Baptism By Fire" Mission Collect 10 Film Reels

#21 The Don Collect 40 Film Is Dead Reels Collect 55 Film Reels Collect 70 Film Reels


#4: Sicilian Sign

#10: Mattresses Montage


Complete #5: Five Shots "The Don Is Dead" Mission #6: Sonny And Tom Disagree Complete "Intensive Care" Mission

Complete #11: Where's "Now it's Michael? Personal" Mission #12: Spoiled Complete Guinea Brat "The Silent Witness"

#24: Sonny At The Tollbooth #25: Sorry Sally

Collect 85 Film Reels

#17 The Baptism

Collect 100 Film Reels

#18 Johnny Fontane


Infinite Ammo

Become the Don of New York and your ammo will never run out.


Unlockable Guns

Unlockable How to Unlock Assassin's Pistol Buy third Pistol upgrade Dillinger Buy third upgrade for Tommy Gun Python Buy third Magnum upgrade Saturday Night Special Buy third .38 Snub Nose upgrade Street Sweeper Buy third upgrade for Shotgun

Unlimited Money and Respect glitch

After completing the first mission, save and quit before answering the phone. Reload and you will get $500 and 500 Respect for the mission you just finished. You can save and reload as many times as you like. This may not work on all versions.


A Few Interesting Things Around The Streets Of New York

Target a hobo and take a couple punches, if his ring turns red and he fights back, kill him and collect up to $5000 Keep your eyes open for robberies, if you see a defenseless woman getting beat up, protect her and kill her attacker. Sometimes if your heat is at five stars, there are a few cops you can bribe to make it go down. There are numerous ramps set up on the streets. You finish the rest... Kill the Underboss in Barzini in their compound who is guarding the left side steps he will drop $20,000 in cash. (XBOX 360 only) In some versions of the game there are a few locations where gangsters around a truck guard a money bag. If you are successful in taking the money bag from them, it will show up in Tom's Report as "Living World Money Bags",


Hooker crew members

In the Playstation 3 and Wii versions of the game, you can hire a hooker to assist you, similar to hiring a crew member. On the Playstation 3, at some point in the game (perhaps after you have flirted with 25 hookers and made a move on 25 hookers), hookers will appear at some of your safe houses. They all have a "5-stripe" rank, so you cannot hire one until you become Don of NYC. The safe houses are:

Little Italy - Bowery Hotel Hells Kitchen - The Elegante

Brooklyn - St. Sebastian Hotel Midtown - Savannah Hotel

New Jersey - George Hotel

The Godfather: The Game/Weapons


Bare-Handed Weapons

Weapon Baseball bat Lead Pipe Golf Club Tire Iron Pool Cue Shovel Police Baton Found in purchased safehouses. Found in purchased safehouses. Found in purchased safehouses. Found in garages and warehouses throughout the city. Found in bars next to, you guessed it, pool tables. These can be found in some graveyards.


Steal these from certain cops after you kill them. Hard to find most cops have guns. (You have to kill the cop without using a weapon so that he won't use his gun but his baton instead.) Can be found by hobos or when you purchase a safehouse. Some unfriendly guests have them too. Most easily found by shooting one of the many flaming barrels seen around the city. The debris left behind will always have a flaming 2 x 4.

Flaming 2-by-4


Snub Noses
Weapon Location This is the level 1 revolver. It is the first gun you will get in the game and also the weakest. Luca gives it to you during the "Sleeping With the Fishes" mission when he teaches you how to shoot. It carries 6+36 bullets (6 at a time, 36 total). This is the level 2 revolver upgrade. You can purchase it for $7,500 at the far southern end of Broadway Street in Little Italy, where Broadway turns into a circle. It carries 6+60 bullets. This is the level 3 revolver upgrade. You can purchase it for $75,000 in the park in Little Italy, between Worth and Court. It carries 6+80 bullets.

.38 Snub Nose Revolver .38 Special Revolver Saturday Night Special


Weapon Location

.45 Pistol Handgun This is the level 1 pistol. Pistols are more powerful than the revolvers are a good for headshots. Take this weapon from the body of a slain mobster. It carries 8+48 bullets. Extended Clip This is the level 2 pistol upgrade. You can purchase it for $12,500 on Plymouth Street, under the Manhattan Bridge, just north of the Saint Sebastian Hotel in Brooklyn. It carries 10+80 bullets. This is the level 3 pistol upgrade. You can purchase it for $250,000 in the middle of all the storage containers between Willow and Furman on the southernmost side of Brooklyn. It carries 14+140 bullets.



Weapon Magnum Location This is the level 1 magnum. It is more powerful than the revolver or pistol, but also slower. Take this weapon from the body of a slain mobster. It carries 6+36 bullets. This is the level 2 magnum upgrade. You can purchase it for $25,000 on the far western end of Galvin Street in Hell's Kitchen. It carries 6+48 bullets. This is the level 3 magnum upgrade. You can purchase it for $250,000 in the park north of 52nd Street on the far northern end of Hell's Kitchen. It carries 8+80 bullets.

Extended Barrel



Tommy guns
This is the level 1 tommy gun. The tommy gun is pretty powerful and super fast, but runs out of ammo quickly. Take this weapon from the body of a slain mobster. It carries 35+350 bullets. This is the level 2 tommy gun upgrade. It has twice the firepower and twice the damage than the first tommy gun. You can purchase it for $50,000 on the western end of E. 79th Street on the far north side of Midtown. It carries 50+500 bullets. This is the level 3 tommy gun upgrade. You can purchase it for $500,000 on the corner of 25th and Third in Midtown. It carries 70+700 bullets.

Tommy Gun

Modified Tommy Gun Dillinger


Weapon Shotgun Location This is the level 1 shotgun. The shotgun is the most powerful weapon, but also the slowest, and with its small clip, you'll be reloading very often. Take this weapon from the body of a slain mobster. It carries 2+12 shells. This is the level 2 shotgun upgrade. You can purchase it for $45,000. It carries 2+24 shells.

Double Barrel Shotgun Street Sweeper

This is the level 3 shotgun upgrade. You can purchase it for $450,000 in the railyards to the northwest of the Garden Parkway Viaduct in New Jersey. It carries 10+100 shells.


Weapon Location You can purchase this for $100 from different black market merchants throughout the city. It is useful when there is a room full of armed enemies, just be careful because it's easy to kill yourself with. Upgrading your Street Smarts will increase the amount of molotovs that you can carry. You can purchase this for $500 from different black market merchants throughout the city. You can throw it into a crowd of enemies like molotovs, but it's also useful for blowing up safes and vaults. Upgrading your Street Smarts will increase the amount of dynamite that you can carry. You can purchase this for $2000 from different black market merchants throughout the city. Bombs are used to blow up rival family businesses to end a mob war, to blow up Sollozzo's drug fronts, and to blow up rival family compounds. Upgrading your Street Smarts will increase the amount of bombs that you can carry.

Molotov Cocktail




Miscellaneous Weapons
Weapon Location This is given to you in the "Fireworks" mission. You may also take it from the body of Luca's assassin. Use it to strangle people silently by sneaking up behind them and garrote them.

Garrote Wire

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