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Modification of primary cold trap cooling circuit due to change in compressor parameters and its effect on the thermal

and flow characteristics of the system.


Submitted by

Vishal Kumar Mehta

UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF B. Anoop Technical Directorate BHAVINI Submitted to the BARC Training School at IGCAR Campus, IGCAR in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the Training Program of ONE YEAR ORIENTATION COURSE FOR SCIENCE/ENGINEERING STUDENTS OCES (2012-2013)




This is to certify that this project work titled Modification of primary cold trap cooling circuit due to change in compressor parameters and its effect on the thermal and flow characteristics of the system is a bonafide work done by Vishal Kumar Mehta in fulfillment for the training program ONE YEAR ORIENTATION COURSE FOR ENGINEERING GRADUATES AND SCIENCE POST GRADUATES conducted by BARC Training School, IGCAR.

PROJECT GUIDE Designation Section/Division

HEAD, OCES-TS BARC Training School at IGCAR Campus, IGCAR.



I would like to express my wholehearted thanks to my project coordinator Dr. Prabhat Kumar, CMD, BHAVINI, for sharing his knowledge and experience with me and giving me an opportunity to undergo project in BHAVINI. I would like to express my wholehearted thanks to my project in charge Shri T.K Mitra, Director Technical, for sharing his knowledge and experience with me and guiding me through the project.

I register my special thanks to my guides Mr B. Anoop, Technical Directorate, BHAVINI, for their consistent guidance and directions in bringing the project work to culmination. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr Amzad Pasha, for sharing their expertise and taking time from their regular duties and helping with the project work.

Vishal Kumar Mehta


This project entitled Modification of primary cold trap cooling circuit due to change in compressor parameters and its effect on the thermal and flow characteristics of the system has been carried out under the guidance of Shri B. Anoop, Technical Directorate, BHAVINI. Cold traps are used in the purification of sodium so as to remove hydrogen and oxygen impurities. In cold traps purification occurs at a particular temperature i.e. cold point temperature. For maintaining this temperature nitrogen is passed through the jackets of the cold trapand any change in nitrogen temperature will interfere with the purification process of cold trap. This nitrogen in the cold traps comes through a compressor whose parameters like suction and discharge pressures can affect the outlet temperature of nitrogen. The project deals with the design of an appropriate after cooler that will take care of increase in temperature of nitrogen from compressor. Initially a 1-1 shell and tube heat exchanger design was considered and required length was obtained and then 1-1 shell and finned tube heat exchanger was tried and then finally 1-2 shell and finned tube heat exchanger was tried and final length was obtained which was found to be within 4 m. Further work deals with the modification of the design of the present heat exchanger by changing its parameters. Present heat exchanger is a 1-1 shell and low finned tube heat exchanger with carbon steel as tube material. Shell side fluid is nitrogen and tube side fluid is water. Parameters of nitrogen cannot be varied in a closed circuit, hence parameters of tube side fluid i.e. water will be varied to get desired nitrogen temperature Work will be also diverted to modify the design of present heat exchanger of primary cold trap cooling circuit so as to check the requirement of an after cooler.

Table of Contents

1. List of symbols 2. Introduction 3. Chapter 1: Primary cold trap cooling circuit. 4. Chapter 2: Effect of change in compressor parameters. 5. Chapter 3: Design of 1-1 shell and tube heat exchanger. 6. Chapter 4: Design of 1-1 shell and finned tube heat exchanger 7. Chapter 5: Design of 1-2 shell and finned tube heat exchanger 8. Chapter 6:Design & analysis of existing heat exchanger.

Page No.
7 8 9 10 12 15 19 20 25 33 34 36

9. Chapter 7: Pressure drop analysis of 1-2 shell and finned tube heat exchanger 10. Chapter 9: Results 11. Chapter 10: Conclusion 12. Assumptions & References


di d0 Ds Th1 Th2 Tc1 Tc2 CP M k Nt nt V Re Pr Nu h Bs de PT As G hai ha Uf Rfi Rfo TLMTD df tf hf pf

Inside diameter of tubes Outside diameter of tubes Shell diameter Inlet temperature of hot fluid Outlet temperature of hot fluid Inlet temperature of cold fluid Outlet temperature of cold fluid Specific heat of the fluid Mass flow rate of fluid Density of fluid Thermal conductivity Number of tubes Number of tube side passes Velocity of fluid through tubes Reynold number Prandtl number Nusselt number heat transfer coefficient Baffle spacing Equivalent diameter for calculating tube side reynold number Tube pitch Minimum free flow area Mass velocity Air side ideal heat transfer coefficient Air side actual heat transfer coefficient Overall heat transfer coefficient Inside tube dirt resistance Outside tube dirt resistance Log mean temperature difference Heat capacity ration for nitrogen fin diameter fin thickness fin height fin pitch

Nf L Ai A0 Af Ap Xt Xl As dr de,s a b mf

Number of fins/meter Length of heat exchanger Total internal area of tubes Total external area of tubes Total fin side area available Total unfinned area available Transverse pitch of tubes Longitudinal pitch of tubes Shell side free flow area Effective root diameter Effective tube diameter for finned tubes Transverse tube pitch divided by OD of tube Longitudinal tube pitch divided by OD of tube fin parameter fin efficiency effective fin efficiency Thermal conductivity of tube material Number of baffles Baffle spacing Tube side pressure drop Shell side pressure drop tube side friction factor shell side friction factor Viscosity

f 0
ktube Nb Bs Pt Ps ft fs

Subscripts:n for nitrogen a for air s for shell side t for tube side f for fines For example Nun is nusselt number for nitrogen & Nua is nusselt number for air.

The function of the primary cold trap cooling circuit is to purify primary sodium filled in the main vessel before the initial plant startup and to maintain desired sodium purity during normal plant operation to reduce corrosion, plugging of lines and mass transfer of radioactive materials. Sodium purification is accomplished by cold trapping;sodium purity is monitored by plugging indicator. Initially in the system a centrifugal type compressor was planned with particular suction and discharge pressure but due to non-availability of this compressor, a reciprocating type compressor was used with new suction and discharge pressures. Due to this compressor the outlet temperature of nitrogen increased beyond the design value and hence an after cooler was required to bring down this temperature. This report primarily deals with the design of an after cooler that will reduce the temperature of nitrogen entering cold trap to the designed value. The after cooler to be designed has to be located inside RCB building which puts a limit on the choice of coolant we can use to cool this nitrogen. Hence an after cooler has to be designed by taking air as a coolant fluid inside reactor containment building; also we have a limit on the length of an after cooler which cannot be more than 4 m as there are space constraints. Since both the fluids i.e. hot and cold fluids are gases which are having low thermal conductivities and also low heat transfer coefficients, shell and tube heat exchangers design will be preferred to start with compared to double pipe heat exchangers which are used only for small heat duty and have high lengths. For achieving high heat transfer and reduced length shell and finned tube heat exchanger design will be considered and its detailed analysis will be done to achieve the required length and outlet temperature of nitrogen.

Chapter 1: Primary cold trap cooling circuit.

Shown above is a simplified diagram of primary cold trap cooling circuit whose primary components are water cooled heat exchanger, a compressor and a cold trap. Nitrogen from water cooled heat exchanger and enters compressor as shown in the figure above and from this compressor this nitrogen will enter the jacket of cold trap and finally it leaves the cold trap and then reenter water cooled heat exchanger in a closed circuit.

Chapter 2: Effect of Change in Compressor Parameters.

Type: - Centrifugal /Single stage The compressor suction and discharge pressures were 7 and 7.45 bar (abs) Head developed= 0.45 bar (abs) Flow rate of Nitrogen=1.31 m3 /sec. Due to non-availability of this compressor, another compressor was chosen.

Compressor Modified Parameters:Type:-Positive displacement type/lobe type The compressor suction and discharge pressures are 3 and 3.45 bar (abs) Head developed= 0.45 bar (abs) Flow rate of Nitrogen=2.32 m3 /sec. Nitrogen temperature before entering compressor = 58 0C

Let P1andP2 be the suction and discharge pressures of compressor. P1=3 bar (abs) P2=3.45 bar (abs) LetT1 be the inlet temperature in Kelvin= 331K for nitrogen=1.407 Let T2 be the outlet temperature in Kelvin Then for a compressor P1(1-)T1 = P2(1-)T2 Then above equation can be solved for T2. T2 = 344.656K (710C) Additional compensation of 40C we will take for friction and some gradients along tube so that we can assume that that temperature of nitrogen entering cold trap will be 75 0C.

This justifies the use of an after cooler at the outlet side of the compressor to reduce this temperature to 540C.

An after cooler will modify the circuit which is shown below

The above figure shows the modified diagram of primary cold trap cooling circuit with an after cooler. This after cooler will reduce the temperature of nitrogen from 75 0C to 54 0C.


Chapter 3: Design of 1-1 shell and tube heat exchanger.

Inlet temperature of Nitrogen entering after cooler = Th1= 75 0C Outlet temperature of Nitrogen leaving after cooler = Th2= 54 0C Inlet temperature of air entering after cooler = Tc1= 40 0C Outlet temperature of air leaving after cooler = Tc2= 70 0C Making a heat balance for two fluids:MaCpa(Tc2-Tc1)= MnCpn(Th1-Th2)(1) Cpa = 1008.45 J/(Kg.K) Cpn= 1040.5 J/(Kg.K) These values are taken at average inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluid respectively.

Flow rate of Nitrogen=2.32 m3 /sec. Mn of nitrogen at 3 bar (abs) = 7.188 Kg/sec Solving equation (1) will give the value of Ma. Ma.=5.19238 Kg/sec Tube parameters:di= 0.0144m Tube count was taken from tube count table of TEMA for a particular shell diameter. Ds = 1m Nt=1370 nt = 1 Tube side fluid was chosen as nitrogen and shell side fluid was taken as air. Tube side fluid velocity is given as:Mn= ((Vn di2Nt
n t(2)

The above equation (2) can be solved to get velocity of nitrogen in the tubes. Vn = 9.41 m/sec Calculation of tube side heat transfer coefficient Tube side Reynolds number is given as, Ren Ren= (diVn n)/n = 23755.36 Prn = (Cpn n)/kn= 0.713381 Nun=0.021Ren0.8 Prn0.4 (for gases having Pr=0.7, Re>104)


Putting these requisite values will yield Nun Nun = hidi/ kn =58.09748 From this values of Nusselt number we can calculate tube side heat transfer coefficient. hi = 114.9846 W/m2K. Calculation of shell side heat transfer coefficient Parameters:d0 = 0.0161 m Tube Pitch (triangular) PT = 0.023813 m Bs= 0.2 m de = 4(PT2 /4 - d02/8) / ( d0/2) = 0.021412.

Calculation of free flow area:As = DsBs(PT- d0)/PT As= 0.61417 Ga = Ma /As Shell side Reynolds number is given as, Rea Rea = (deGa)/a = 91309.37 Pra = (Cpa a)/ka= 0.711731 Nua=0.023Rea0.6Pra0.(for Re>104 ) Putting these requisite values will yield Nua Nua = haid0/ ka =165.2972 From this values of Nusselt number we can calculate shell side heat transfer coefficient. hai =281.406W/m2K. The values of practical tube side heat transfer coefficient wont vary much from the ideal ones and hence they are taken to be same. The shell side heat transfer coefficient calculated above gives the value of ideal shell side heat transfer coefficient; however practical values of shell side heat transfer coefficient are totally different from the ideal. Practical values of heat transfer coefficient depend upon the following factors:ha= haiJcJlJbJs


[Bell Delaware]

Jc is the correction factor for baffle cut and spacing. Jl is the correction factor for baffle leakage effects including tube to baffle leakage and shell to baffle leakage. Jlis of the order of 0.7-0.8. Jb is the correction factor for bundle bypassing effects. Jb=0.7 Js is the correction factor for variable baffle spacing at the inlet and outlet. For Rea>100, this factor is unity. JcJlJbJs= 0.343 approximately if we take minimum values of all the factors. Hence actual value of shell side heat transfer coefficient will be ha= 0.343 hai ha= 96.522 W/m2K. Calculation of Overall heat transfer coefficient based on outside tube diameter ktube=205 W/mK Uf = ((d0/ di hi) + (d0Rfi/ di ) + d0(ln(d0/ di))/2 ktube + Rf0 + 1/ha )-1 Rfi=Rf0=0.000176 m2K/W Putting the requisite values will yield:Uf= 48.0924. TLMTD=8.741093. Q=157087 W Length = Q / (TLMTDUf d0Nt) Length of tube required = 5.254572 m


Chapter 4: Design of 1-1 shell and finned tube heat exchanger.

Tube side heat transfer coefficient will be calculated in the same way as discussed in Chapter 2, but shell side heat transfer coefficient will be different.

Here in this chapter we are trying to bring down the length of the heat exchanger by taking low finned tubes. Optimization in excel sheet was done for particular fin parameters and the final selected ones are presented here. Following are the parameters associated with the finned tubes, rest all the parameters like diameter of shell, baffle spacing, tube pitch, tube outside diameter etc will be having the same values as in the previous chapter.

Fin Properties:df = 0.0188 m tf = 0.000279 m hf= 0.00135 m pf= 0.003 m Nf = 786 fins/m Assuming tube length= 1.5 m Internal area available (Ai)= diNtL =92.91888 m2 Outside air side area available (A0)= d0NtL =103.8885 m2 Total area offered by fins Af = ( df2- d02)/2 + dftf) NfLNt Af =265.5616 m2 Area offered by unfinned surface Ap = d0(L- tfNfL) Nt Ap = 81.10635 m2 For calculation of shell side minimum free flow area we require both transverse and longitudinal pitch of the tube bundle.


Transverse pitch will be same as the triangular pitch whereas longitudinal pitch can be calculated from transverse pitch. Xt=PT Xl=0.866PT

Fig 1 2a = (Xt - d0)- (Xt - d0) tfNf. Minimum free flow area:As = (((Ds/Xt)-1)2a + (Xt - d0)- (Xt - d0) tfNf.)Bs. Minimum free flow area is = 0.059804 m2. Ga = Ma /As Effective root diameter ( dr ) :dr= [d02 + 4Nfhftf(d0+ hf)] 0.5 dr = 0.016729 m Effective tube dia (de,s):de,s= 4(PT2 /4 dr2) / ( dr'/2) de,s=0.020403 m Shell side Reynolds number is given as, Rea Rea = (desGa)/a = 89356.22 Pra = (Cpa a)/ka= 0.711731 Since Rea is greater than 20,000 Nua=0.0507Rea0.8Pra0.4(a/b)0.2 (pf / d0)0.18(hf / d0)-0.14 Putting required values will yield Nua

(104< Re <105)


a=1.479, b= 1.28 Nua = haid0/ ka = 435.2012 hai = 759.3044 W/m2K Taking account of all the factors that were mentioned in previous chapter for the shell side heat transfer coefficients we can comfortably take ha=0.343hai ha=260.4414 W/m2K Now we have to calculate fin parameter assuming tubes and fins are made up of same material mf= (2ha/ tfktube)0.5

[Kays and London]

Fig 2 The figure above shows variation of fin efficiency on the vertical axis with the product of product of fin height and fin parameter on the horizontal axis. Horizontal axis value = mfhf =0.128832 m df/d0 = 1.1677 Finally we get fin efficiency (f) = 0.97 Effective fin efficiency 0is given by

0 = [ 1-Af/ (Af+Ap) ](1-f ) 0= 0.977

Calculation of overall heat transfer coefficient based on outside tube diameter. Uf = ((A0/ Ai hi) + (A0(ln(d0/ di)/(2 ktubeL) + (1/ha+ Rf0)/ 0)-1 Rf0=0.000176 ktube=205 W/mK Uf = 50.21 W/m2K TLMTD=8.741093. Q=157087 W Length = Q / (TLMTDUf d0Nt) Length of tube required = 4.41 m (3)

Substituting the values in the above equation will yield:-


Chapter 5:Design of 1-2 shell and finned tube H.E

For two tube passed the tube side heat transfer coefficient will change. Instead of nt=1 for calculating tube side velocity we put nt=2 in equation (2). Thus Vt = 18.83 m/sec Ren = 47510.72 Nun = hidi/ kn =101.1536 From this values of Nusselt number we can calculate tube side heat transfer coefficient. hi = 200.2 W/m2K. Hence we see that by increasing the number of tube side passes we can increase the tube side heat transfer coefficient. Shell side coefficient will remain same as calculated in Chapter 4. All other shell side parameters will also remain same. Overall heat transfer coefficient based on outside tube diameter will change because of change tube side heat transfer coefficient. Hence equation(3)will be solved with new value of hi. Uf in this case will be greater than the previous one. Uf = 63.83 W/ m2 K TLMTD=8.741093. Q=157087 W Length = Q / (TLMTDUf d0Nt) Length of tube required = 3.48 m


Chapter 6: Design& Analysis of existing heat exchanger

Existing heat exchanger is a 1-1 shell and finned tube heat exchanger with water in the tube side and nitrogen in the shell side. Tube material is carbon steel. Nitrogen is the hot fluid and water is a coolant. Inlet temperature of Nitrogen entering heat exchanger = Th1= 78 0C Outlet temperature of Nitrogen leaving heat exchanger = Th2= 58 0C Inlet temperature of water entering heat exchanger = Tc1= 36 0C Outlet temperature of water leaving heat exchanger = Tc2= 41 0C Making a heat balance for two fluids:MwCpw(Tc2-Tc1)= MnCpn(Th1-Th2)(1) Cpw = 4180 J/(Kg.K) Cpn= 1040.5 J/(Kg.K) These values are taken at average inlet and outlet temperatures of hot and cold fluid respectively.

Flow rate of Nitrogen=2.32 m3 /sec. Mn of nitrogen at 3 bar (abs) = 7.188 Kg/sec Mw of water= 7 Kg/sec Tube parameters:di= 0.0144m Ds = 0.632 m Nt= 145 nt = 1 Tube side fluid velocity is given as:Mw=((Vw di2Nt
w t


Vw = 0.298967 m/sec


Calculation of tube side heat transfer coefficient Tube side Reynolds number is given as, Rew Rew= (diVw

= 6144.8

Prw = (Cpw w)/kw =4.64816 Nuw=0.023Rew0.8Prw0.33 Putting these requisite values will yield Nuw Nuw = hidi/ kw = 41.206 From this values of Nusselt number we can calculate tube side heat transfer coefficient. hi = 1789 W/m2K. Calculation of shell side heat transfer coefficient Baffle Spacing (Bs)= 0.561 m Fin Properties:df = 0.0188 m tf = 0.000279 m hf= 0.00135 m pf= 0.003 m Nf = 786 fins/m Assuming tube length= 1.69 m Internal area available (Ai)= diNtL =11.0108 m2 Outside air side area available (A0)= d0NtL =12.28836 m2 Total area offered by fins Af = ( df2- d02)/2 + dftf) NfLNt Af =31.66 m2 Area offered by unfinned surface Ap = d0(L- tfNfL) Nt Ap = 81.10635 m2 For calculation of shell side minimum free flow area we require both transverse and longitudinal pitch of the tube bundle. Area offered by unfinned surface Ap = d0(L- tfNfL) Nt Ap = 9.67 m2


For calculation of shell side minimum free flow area we require both transverse and longitudinal pitch of the tube bundle. Tubes for existing heat exchanger are arranged in rotated square pitch. PT = 0.0381 m Xt=1.4142 PT Xl= PT/1.4142 2a = (Xt - d0)- (Xt - d0) tfNf. 2a = 0.02743 Minimum free flow area:As = (((Ds/Xt)-1)2a + (Xt - d0)- (Xt - d0) tfNf.)Bs. Minimum free flow area is = 0.020863 m2. Gn = Mn/As Effective root diameter ( dr ) :dr= [d02 + 4Nfhftf(d0+ hf)] 0.5 dr = 0.016729 m Effective tube diameter (de,s):de,s= 4(PT2 /4 dr2) / ( dr'/2) de,s=0.017585 m Shell side Reynolds number is given as, Rea Ren= (desGn)/n = 89356.22 Prn = (Cpn n)/kn= 0.713881 Since Ren is greater than 20,000 Nun=0.0507Ren0.8Prn0.4(a/b)0.2 (pf / d0)0.18(hf / d0)-0.14 Putting required values will yield Nun Nun=1241.529 hni= 2012.268 W/m2K Taking account of all the factors that were mentioned in previous chapter for the shell side heat transfer coefficients we can comfortably take hn=0.343hni hn=690.20 W/m2K Now we have to calculate fin parameter assuming tubes and fins are made up of same material



mf= (2hn/tfktube)0.5= 0.45 ktube= 43 W/mK df/d0 = 1.1677 Finally we get fin efficiency (f) = 0.98 from Fig 2 Effective fin efficiency 0is given by

0 = ( 1-Af/ (Af+Ap)) (1-f ) 0= 0.977017

Calculation of overall heat transfer coefficient based on outside tube diameter. Uf = ((A0/ Ai hi)+(d0Rfi/ di )+A0(ln(d0/ di)/(2 ktubeL)+(1/ha+ Rf0)/ 0)-1 Substituting the values in the above equation will yield:Rfi=0.000176 m2K/W ktube= 43W/mK Uf =380.155 W/m2K TLMTD=28.805 Q=149592 W Length = Q/(TLMTDUf d0Nt) Length of tube required = 1.59 m The length we have obtained is less than the given length of heat exchanger, hence the design of present heat exchanger is validated. To eliminate the requirement of an after cooler let us alter some of the parameters of the existing heat exchanger. Suppose in Equation (3) if we alter the thermal conductivity of the tube material, then the overall heat transfer coefficient will change. Hence once we increase the thermal conductivity of the material, the overall heat transfer coefficient is bound to increase and this will decrease the length of the heat exchanger required. But by keeping the length and inlet and outlet temperature of water constant we can bring down the outlet temperature of nitrogen. Hence using a value of ktube= 205 W/mK in Equation (3). We get Uf = 718.5 W/m2K and corresponding Length =0.56 m Or else if we keep length constant we can bring this temperature down to 44 0C


Another aspect is that if we lower the inlet water temperature, we can also bring down the outlet temperature of nitrogen keeping the mass flow rate of both the fluids same. Analysis of effect of change of inlet water temperature on outlet temperature of nitrogen is shown in the results section.


Chapter 6: Pressure drop analysis of 1-2 shell & finned tube H.E

Calculation of Tube side Pressure drop Pt = ( 4ftLnt/di + 4nt)nVn2/2 For 103<Ren< 106 ft= 0.00140 + 0.125 Ren-0.32 ft=0.005384 Using this value of ft above, we get Pt = 10813.08 Pa or (0.10813 bar) Calculation of Shell side Pressure drop fs= 9.465Rea-0.316(Xt/d0)-0.927(Xt/Xd)0.515 Xd=(Xt2 +Xl2)0.5 Xd=0.031450 m fs= 0.1794 Shell side pressure drop given by[Kern] Ps= fsGa2( Nb+1)Ds/2ade Nb= L/Bs-1 Ps=531828 Pa or (5.31 bar). [Zukauskas] [McAdams]


Chapter 7: Results
Different graphs were plotted for evaluating optimum parameters for after cooler as well as for the present heat exchanger by keeping other parameters fixed. For an after cooler graphs were plotted for different values of tube side heat transfer coefficient for different tube ids and with different tube passes as shown
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500


1 pass 2 pass 14.4 mm tubes

No of tubes Graph 1


250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000

1 pass 2 pass 29.92 mm tubes


No of tubes

Graph 2 Graph 1 & Graph 2 show the variation of tube side heat transfer coefficient with number of tubes for a particular tube id and tube pass. For example if we increase the number of tubes tube side heat transfer coefficient will come down. But for two tube passes for a particular number of tubes, tube side heat transfer coefficient is maximum compared to one pass. Similarly lower the internal diameter of the tube maximum is the heat transfer coefficient.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0


U(W/m2k) length(m)

Thermal Conducitvity Of Tube Material Graph 3


60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0



Thermal Conducitvity Of Tube Material Graph 4 Graph 3 & 4 are the graphs plotted between overall heat transfer coefficient & Length on Y axis and thermal conductivity of the tube material on X axis. From Chapter 4 & 5 we have seen that as we increase the thermal conductivity of the material, the overall heat transfer coefficient will increase and the tube length required will decrease. This increase in overall heat transfer coefficient is maximum for two tube pass and comparatively less for 1 tube pass. Similarly length required will be less for two tube pass compared to one pass.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1400

U(W/m2k) length(m)

Number of tubes

29.9 mm id tubes

Graph 5

250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1400

U(W/m2k) length(m)

Number of tubes

14.4 mm id tubes

Graph 6 Graphs 5&6 show the variation of overall heat transfer coefficient and length with number of tubes for a particular tube inside diameter. If we increase the number of tubes both the overall heat transfer and required tube length will decrease and this decrease is less for overall heat transfer coefficient compared to length and for a comparatively low inside diameter tube this length is less. Hence to decrease the length of the after cooler we have to go for large number of low diameter tubes.
62.2 62 61.8 61.6 61.4 61.2 61 60.8 60.6 60.4 60.2 60 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 3.8 3.78 3.76 3.74 3.72 3.7 3.68 3.66 1400

U(W/m2k) Length(m)

Number of fins/metre

Graph 7

Graph 7 shows how overall heat transfer coefficient and length of the heat exchanger required vary with increasing number of fins per meter. With increasing number of fins per meter the overall heat transfer coefficient will increase and the length of the heat exchanger required will decrease. Analysis of present heat exchanger

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0



Inlet service water temperature

Graph 8 The above graph shows the variation of log mean temperature difference (LMTD) and length of the heat exchanger with inlet service water temperature. Increasing the inlet water service temperature will lead to a decrease in LMTD across the heat exchanger and also length of the heat exchanger will decrease. Present heat exchanger length is around 1.75 m, hence for maintaining this length we require an inlet temperature of service water as less as 6 0C this will bring down the temperature of nitrogen to 37 0C. An inlet nitrogen temperature of 37 0C through compressor will give rise to an outlet temperature of 490C as per the calculations of changed compressor parameters from Chapter 2. Additional 5

C increment we take to account for frictional increase in temperature and other losses through

pipelines. So we can assure that nitrogen will enter cold trap 54 0C even if the compressor parameters are changed.

Hence this shows that if we maintain the temperature of cooling water in existing heat exchanger close to 6 0C, we can achieve our goal of maintaining the temperature of nitrogen entering cold trap to 54 0C without any use of after cooler at all.
1.74 1.72 1.7 1.68 1.66 1.64 1.62 1.6 1.58 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Length Outlet Temp

Mass flow rate of water.

Graph 9 Graph 9 shows the variation of length and outlet temperature of cooling water with changing mass flow rate of cooling water. As the mass flow rate of cooling water changes the length required initially decreased rapidly and then became more or less constant and cooling water temperature also decreased rapidly and then remained constant. This shows that by changing mass flow rate of water, length required would not decrease substantially and it also results in less driving force for heat transfer on coolant side as outlet temperature of water decrease. Increasing mass flow rate of water will also result in increased tube side pressure drop. Changing the thermal conductivity of tube material will also result in a lower outlet nitrogen temperature which was shown in Chapter 6. Thermal conductivity of the material. (W/mK) 42 205 Outlet Temperature of Nitrogen ( 0C ) 58 44

Results :Type of heat exchanger Tube and shell side passes I.D/OD of tubes (mm) Thermal conductivity of tube material Shell and tube 1 shell and 1 tube 14.4 /16.1 pass Shell and finned 1 shell and 1 tube 14.4/16.1 tube pass Carbon steel/ Aluminium Carbon steel / Aluminium Carbon steel / Aluminium 8.5/3.5 9.47/4.5 Length of heat exchanger (meter) 10/5.25

Shell and finned 1 shell and 2 tube 14.4/16.1 tube pass


Chapter 10: Conclusion

Using chilled water which is normally at 6 0C instead of service water which is presently used in water cooled heat exchanger will eliminate the need of design of an after cooler. Another way is to change the existing water cooled heat exchanger by introducing aluminum finned tubes having high thermal conductivity instead of carbon steel tubes while keeping inlet and outlet temperature of service water same as before. Increasing mass flow rate of water would not aid too much in bringing down the outlet temperature of nitrogen, rather it will increase tube side pressure drop. From the results it is clear that we have to go for low inside diameter tubes and multiple passes as this will increase the tube side heat transfer coefficient. Another thing is that by increasing the number of tubes the required length of heat exchanger will come down, hence large number of tubes are required since nitrogen and air are having low heat capacities and low heat transfer coefficients. For accommodating large number of tubes large shell diameter is required therefore 1 m was chosen as shell diameter from TEMA design tables. If the modification of parameters of existing heat exchanger is not possible then we have to go for the design of the 1-2 shell and finned tube heat exchanger with parameters which are used in chapters 4 &5 and final length would come within 3.5 m. Pressure drop analysis of 1-2 shell and finned tube heat exchanger shows that the pressures are within permissible and design limits and heat exchanger can be comfortably operated at these pressures.


Assumptions:The following assumptions and/or idealizations were made for the exchanger heat transfer problem formulations: the energy balances, rate equations and subsequent analysis. 1. The heat exchanger operates under steady-state conditions [i.e., constant flow rates and fluid temperatures (at the inlet and within the exchanger) independent of time]. 2. Heat losses to or from the surroundings are negligible (i.e. the heat exchanger outside walls are adiabatic). 3. There are no thermal energy sources or sinks in the exchanger walls or fluids, such as electric heating, chemical reaction, or nuclear processes. 4. The temperature of each fluid is uniform over every cross section in counter flow and parallel flow exchangers (i.e., perfect transverse mixing and no temperature gradient normal to the flow direction). 5. Wall thermal resistance is distributed uniformly in the entire exchanger. 6. There are no phase changes (condensation or vaporization) in the fluid streams flowing through the exchanger or the phase change occurs under the following condition. 7. Longitudinal heat conduction in the fluids and in the wall is negligible. 8. The individual and overall heat transfer coefficients are constant (independent of temperature, time, and position) throughout the exchanger. 9. The specific heat of each fluid is constant throughout the exchanger, so that the heat capacity rate on each side is treated as constant. Note that the other fluid properties are not involved directly in the energy balance and rate equations, but are involved implicitly in NTU and are treated as constant. 10. For an extended surface exchanger, the overall extended surface efficiency considered uniform and constant. 11. The heat transfer surface area A is distributed uniformly on each fluid side in a single-pass or multipass exchanger. 12. For a plate-baffled 1n shell-and-tube exchanger, the temperature rise (or drop) per baffle pass (or compartment) is small compared to the total temperature rise (or drop) of the shell fluid

in the exchanger, so that the shell fluid can be treated as mixed at any cross section. This implies that the number of baffles is large in the exchanger. 13. The velocity and temperature at the entrance of the heat exchanger on each fluid side are uniform over the flow cross section. There is no gross flow maldistribution at the inlet. 14. The fluid flow rate is uniformly distributed through the exchanger on each fluid side in each pass i.e., no passage-to-passage or viscosity-induced maldistribution occurs in the exchanger core. Also, no flow stratification, flow bypassing, or flow leakages occur in any stream. The flow condition is characterized by the bulk (or mean) velocity at any cross section. 15. All the fluid properties were evaluated at the average of their inlet and outlet temperatures.


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