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Comes from Mametchi, Furikotchi, or Hatugatchi.

Comes from Sukatchi, Mumutchi, or Uhyotchi.

Comes from Kuchipatchi, Nemutchi, or Mukugetchi.


Comes from Chantotchi, Violetchi, or Lovezukintchi.

Comes from Memetchi, Onputchi, or Watatchi.

Comes from HotTeatchi, Yonepatchi, or Potetchi.


PapaKurotchi (Father)
Comes only from KuroMametchi.

Majorite (Mother)
Comes only from Makiko.

Planetchi (Father or Mother)

Comes only from Sunnytchi.

These parents not only come from the neglect adults. From the second gen onward, if you neglect and the
characters become "neglect" adults, the parents become neglect parents, and can't be changed back.

Metaboritchi (Father or Mother)

Comes from Osumotchi (Large Family, feeding lots of meals).

Puchioyatchi (Father or Mother)

Comes from Puchiputchi (Petite Family, almost never feeding).

Kasiratchi (Father)
Comes from Gozarutchi (Ninja Family, no Happiness hearts).

Okugatatchi (Mother)
Comes from Kunoitchi (Ninja Family, no Happiness hearts).

These are families that are only gotten under specific conditions.

Mame Family
Get Mametchi. Raise Bonding to 100%. Breed with Chantotchi.
Parents become PapaMametchi and MaMametchi.
2 eggs, hatch into 2 Mimifuwatchi. Oldest becomes Mametchi, youngest becomes ChaMametchi.

Meme Family
Get Memetchi. Raise Bonding to 100%. Breed with Mumutchi.
Parents become MemePapatchi and MemeMamatchi.
2 eggs, hatch into 2 Omututchi. Oldest becomes Memetchi, youngest becomes Imotchi.

Kuchipa Family
Get Kuchipatchi. Raise Bonding to 100%. Breed with Yonepatchi.
Parents become PapaPatchi and MamaPatchi.
2 eggs, hatch into 2 Futabatchi. Oldest becomes Kuchipatchi, youngest becomes ChibiPatchi.

Violet Family
Get Violetchi. Raise Bonding to 100%. Breed with Sukatchi.
Parents become PapaKizatchi and MamaVioletchi.
2 eggs, hatch into Mimifuwatchi and Omutuchi. Mimifuwatchi becomes Violetchi, Omutuchi becomes Kizatchi.

Points Stat Rating

------- ---- -------
0- 99 0% low
100-199 10% low
200-299 20% low
300-399 30% low
400-499 40% medium
500-599 50% medium
600-699 60% medium
700-799 70% medium
800-899 80% high
900-998 90% high
999 100% high

V5 and FamiTama Royal FamiTama

Golf Putt Shoe Match Billiards Sing-along
Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points
----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------
0- 2 0 0- 2 0 0- 2 0 0- 2 0
3-12 2 3- 8 2 3-12 ? 3- 4 ?
13-24 8 9-14 8 13-24 ? 5- 7 ?
25-29 14 15-19 14 25-29 ? 8- 9 ?
30 20 20 20 30 ? 10 20


Points V5 & FamiTama Items Royal FamiTama Items V5 Celebrity Items

------ ------------------- -------------------- ------------------
1 campfire grammophone glamophone
1 textbook screen famous painting
1 cracker safe safe
1 DVD satellite tv satellite
1 aquarium planetarium planetarium
1 disco ball ferris wheel ferris wheel
1 stereo system gameboy game console
3 Unchi-kun doll house dollhouse
3 Gotchi King DVD home theatre system home theatre
3 Magokorotchi Magokorotchi Magokorotchi


V5 & FamiTama Royal FamiTama & Celebrity Familitchi

------------- -------------------------------------
10:00 AM 9:30 AM
12:00 PM 1:00 PM
2:00 PM 4:00 PM
4:00 PM 5:30 PM
6:00 PM 7:30 PM

You can lose bonding points by...

Not providing your Tamagotchi with training when they call for it. You will lose 10 bonding points every time you
miss a training call.

Large Family back to Normal Family

balance biscuit (meal)
mirror (item)

Small / Petite Family back to Normal Family

milk (meal)
magnifying glass (item)

Ninja Family back to Normal Family

steamed bun (snack)
whistle (item)

Some items can be used to change one character into another.

Change Hatsugatchi into KuroMametchi

sesame pudding (snack)

Change Watatchi into Makiko

dresser (item)

Character Type Oceania V5 N.America V5 Europe V5

------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Ahirukutchi 21000 10509 22000 10500 23000 10501
Bakutchi 21000 10587 22000 10588 23000 10589
Belltchi 21000 10532 22000 10533 23000 10534
Chamametchi 21000 20500 22000 20501 23000 20502
Chantotchi 21000 30556 22000 30557 23000 30558
Furikotchi 21000 20566 22000 20567 23000 20568
Futabatchi 21000 00564 22000 00565 23000 00566
Futabatchi 21000 00553 22000 00554 23000 00555
Gozarutchi 21000 40557 22000 40558 23000 40559
Hatsugatchi 21000 20577 22000 20578 23000 20579
Hoshitchi 21000 10554 22000 10555 23000 10556
Hoshitchi 21000 10565 22000 10566 23000 10567
Hotteatchi 21000 40535 22000 40536 23000 40537
Ichigotchi 21000 20511 22000 20512 23000 20513
Iwatchi 21000 00575 22000 00576 23000 00577
Iwatchi 21000 00586 22000 00587 23000 00588
Korokotchi 21000 10598 22000 10599 23000 10590
Kuchipatchi 21000 30523 22000 30524 23000 30525
Kunoitchi 21000 40568 22000 40569 23000 40560
Kuromametchi 21000 20588 22000 20589 23000 20580
Lovezukintchi 21000 30578 22000 30579 23000 30570
Makiko 21000 40513 22000 40514 23000 40515
Mamekatchi 21000 10576 22000 10577 23000 10578
Mametchi 21000 20555 22000 20556 23000 20557
Mattaritchi 21000 10510 22000 10511 23000 10512
Memetchi 21000 30589 22000 30580 23000 30581
Mikazukitchi 21000 20533 22000 20534 23000 20535
Mikazukitchi 21000 20544 22000 20545 23000 20546
Mimifuwatchi 21000 00520 22000 00521 23000 00522
Mimifuwatchi 21000 00519 22000 00510 23000 00511
Mousetchi 21000 00597 22000 00598 23000 00599
Mukugetchi 21000 30545 22000 30546 23000 30547
Mumutchi 21000 20599 22000 20590 23000 20591
Nemutchi 21000 30534 22000 30535 23000 30536
Omututchi 21000 00531 22000 00532 23000 00533
Omututchi 21000 00542 22000 00543 23000 00544
Onputchi 21000 30590 22000 30591 23000 30592
Osumotchi (female) 21000 50503 22000 50504 23000 50505
Osumotchi (male) 21000 40591 22000 40592 23000 40593
Potetchi 21000 40546 22000 40547 23000 40548
Puchiputchi (female) 21000 40580 22000 40581 23000 40582
Puchiputchi (male) 21000 40579 22000 40570 23000 40571
Sakuramotchi 21000 10521 22000 10522 23000 10523
Shelltchi 21000 20522 22000 20523 23000 20524
Sukatchi 21000 30501 22000 30502 23000 30503
Sunnytchi 21000 50525 22000 50526 23000 50527
Sunnytchi 21000 50514 22000 50515 23000 50516
Tororotchi 21000 10543 22000 10544 23000 10545
Uhyotchi 21000 30512 22000 30513 23000 30514
Violetchi 21000 30567 22000 30568 23000 30569
Watatchi 21000 40502 22000 40503 23000 40504
Yonepatchi 21000 40524 22000 40525 23000 40526

Prize codes
13459 00080 ? from channel 4 character find game
05325 45130 ? from channel 5 soccer game
61063 66080 ? from channel 6 dance game
39194 70807 ? from channel 7 cookie cooking show
38186 70009 ? from channel 7 pizza cooking show
13854 00861 ? from channel 8 exercise game

Shopping TV (channel 9)
(These codes allow you to purchase goods at a reduced price.)

Goods from Japan

09010 03508 Oden 480G
03947 60120 Soba 320G
09000 43792 Takoyaki 200G
29137 38030 Dorayaki 160G
39824 90030 Senbei 280G

Goods from Asia/Oceania

90063 58010 Dumplings 360G
90073 79500 Mabodofu 400G
30080 90415 Soup 520G
32094 90533 Moon Cake 240G
03955 60653 Coconut Juice 280G

Goods from America

09110 43334 Hamburger 280G
39237 47030 Ice Cream 360G
03941 40751 Prime Rib 1240G
09100 13655 Hot Dog 360G
39925 98030 Chocolate 160G

Goods from Europe

90063 79051 Blueberry Creamcheese Bagel 200G
90073 50842 Sausages 240G
31081 90820 Shepherd's Pie 1160G
34099 90040 Pudding 120G
03955 60974 Chocolate Crepe 400G

Dougu (equipment)
09410 23964 Camp Fire 1200G
03947 00805 Textbook 1120G
09500 93141 Party Cracker 1200G
59632 02030 DVD 2000G
59529 63030 Aquarium 2800G
90063 45135 Stereo System 1600G

Omocha (toys)
90073 29055 Paints 800G
90073 80696 Train 1440G
69736 62030 Bubble Pipe 440G
03957 30636 Basketball Set 1200G
69325 24030 Magician's Hat 520G
35092 90961 Tennis Racket 1080G
09600 13661 Yo-yo 960G
09610 83726 Sandbox Toys 680G

Koukyuuhin (luxury items)

31185 90319 Repotchi DVD 5000G

The following fill 3 Hungry Hearts

07101 43297 shark fin (meal)
07101 43398 mushroom (meal)

The following fill 3 Happy Hearts

07600 43897 yacht (item)
07101 43196 Repotchi DVD (item)
07101 43499 gingerbread castle (snack)
07101 43590 pottery (rare)
07101 43691 cruise ship (rare)

The following increase Bonding level by 0.3%

07500 43694 Unchi-kun (item)
07500 43795 Gotchi King DVD (item)
07201 43894 magokorotchi (rare)

Note about Bonding Levels

The bonding level you see on the status screen is from 0% to 100% in steps of 10%. Internally, bonding is
measured on a scale of 0 to 999 points. To see bonding go up by 10%, you need to use a 1-point item up to 100
times, or a 3-point item up to 34 times. This topic has more information about bonding:

The following can transformation certain characters into other characters

07200 43398 balance biscuit (meal)
07200 43499 milk (meal)
07400 43794 steamed bun (snack)
07400 43895 sesame pudding (snack)
07500 43896 dresser (item)
07900 43890 magnifying glass (item)
07900 43991 whistle (item)
07101 43095 mirror (item)

1) Raise one of the following characters.


2-A) If you will be using the matchmaker.

Your character's Bonding Level must be 100%.

Select the marriage partner as follows.

Your Mametchi + matchmaker's Chantotchi = Mame Family

Your Memetchi + matchmaker's Mumutchi = Meme Family
Your Flowertchi + matchmaker's Sukatchi = Flower Family
Your Kuchipatchi + matchmaker's Yonepatchi = Kuchipa Family

2-B) In the case of a love marriage (by connection.)

The marriage partner must visit your character to mate on your Tamagotchi toy.
Do not send your character to the partner's Tamagotchi toy to mate there.
Either character's Bonding Level must be 100%.

Select the marriage partner as follows.

Your Mametchi + their Chantotchi = Mame Family

Your Memetchi + their Mumutchi = Meme Family
Your Flowertchi + their Sukatchi = Flower Family
Your Kuchipatchi + their Yonepatchi = Kuchipa Family

Mametchi Family
• Mametchi
• Chamametchi
• Papamametchi
• Mamamametchi
• Bagubagutchi
Memetchi Family
• Memetchi
• Imotchi
• Memepapatchi
• Mememamatchi
• Chitchii
Kuchipatchi Family
• Kuchipatchi
• Chibipatchi
• Papapatchi
• Mamapatchi
• Onsen Moguratchi
Furawatchi Family
• Furawatchi
• Kizatchi
• Papakizatchi
• Mamafurawatchi
• Hanatarezoutchi
Gozarutchi Family
• Gozarutchi
• Konoitchi
• Kashiratchi
• Okugatatchi
Other Families:
• Osumotchi (Male and Female)
• Metaboritchi (Male and Female)
• Puchiputchi (Male and Female)
• Puchioyatchi (Male and Female)
• Kuromametchi
• Papakurotchi
• Makiko
• Majorite
• Furikotchi
• Hatsugatchi
• Mumutchi
• Sukatchi
• Mimifuwatchi
• Pantsutchi
• Mausutchi
• Ahirukutchi
• Mattaritchi
• Sakuramotchi
• Belutchi
• Tororotchi
• Mamekatchi
• Bomutchi
• Korokotchi
• Ichigotchi
• Shelutchi
• Hottotiitchi
• Watatchi
• Lavuzukintchi
• Potetchi
• Chantotchi
• Onputchi
• Yonepatchi
• Uhyotchi
• Nemutchi
• Mukugetchi
• Jidoutchi
• Ciaotchi
• Melulutchi
• Nazotchi
• Repotchi
• Depagatchi
• Gaidotchi

Family Names:
• Mamezoku Family
• Memezoku Family
• Kuchizoku Family
• Mametchi Family
• Memetchi Family
• Kuchipatchi Family
• Furawatchi Family
• Gozarutchi Family
• Large Family
• Puchi Family

07000 43194 (m) fried rice

07000 43295 (m) bread
07000 43396 (m) sushi
07000 43497 (m) tempura
07000 43598 (m) oden
07000 43699 (m) soba
07000 43790 (m) takoyaki
07000 43891 (m) steamed dumplings
07000 43992 (m) mabodofu
07100 43094 (m) soup (tom yam kung)
07100 43195 (m) crab
07100 43296 (m) barbeque
07100 43397 (m) hamburger
07100 43498 (m) prime rib
07100 43599 (m) shrimp cocktail
07100 43690 (m) hot dog
07100 43791 (m) gumbo soup
07100 43892 (m) pasta
07100 43993 (m) bagel
07200 43095 (m) sausage
07200 43196 (m) shepherd’s pie
07200 43297 (m) paella
07200 43398 (m) balance biscuit
07200 43499 (m) milk
07200 43590 (d) lollipop
07200 43691 (d) donut
07200 43792 (d) candied apple
07200 43893 (d) dorayaki
07200 43994 (d) dango
07300 43096 (d) senbei
07300 43197 (d) wagashi
07300 43298 (d) moon cake
07300 43399 (d) tapioca juice
07300 43490 (d) tropical fruits
07300 43591 (d) mango pudding
07300 43692 (d) coconut juice
07300 43793 (d) shaved ice
07300 43894 (d) chocolate bar
07300 43995 (d) cupcake
07400 43097 (d) popcorn
07400 43198 (d) biscuit
07400 43299 (d) parfait
07400 43390 (d) frappe
07400 43491 (d) pudding
07400 43592 (d) apple pie
07400 43693 (d) crepe
07400 43794 (d) steamed bun
07400 43895 (d) sesame pudding
07400 43996 (i) campfire
07500 43098 (i) textbook
07500 43199 (i) cracker
07500 43290 (i) DVD
07500 43391 (i) aquarium
07500 43492 (i) disco ball
07500 43593 (i) stereo system
07500 43694 (i) Unchi-kun
07500 43795 (i) Gotchi King DVD
07500 43896 (i) girl’s dresser
07500 43997 (i) paint
07600 43099 (i) train
07600 43190 (i) horn
07600 43291 (i) bubble set
07600 43392 (i) basket ball
07600 43493 (i) silk hat
07600 43594 (i) tennis racket
07600 43695 (i) yo-yo
07600 43796 (i) sandbox toys
07600 43897 (i) yacht
07600 43998 (t) daruma
07700 43090 (t) lucky cat
07700 43191 (t) Mt.Fuji
07700 43292 (t) Japanese wooden doll (Kokeshi)
07700 43393 (t) carp windsock
07700 43494 (t) panda
07700 43595 (t) koala
07700 43696 (t) merlion
07700 43797 (t) Chinese fan
07700 43898 (t) batik cat
07700 43999 (t) Statue of Liberty
07800 43091 (t) Liberty Bell
07800 43192 (t) space shuttle
07800 43293 (t) cowboy gear
07800 43394 (t) totem pole
07800 43495 (t) double-decker bus
07800 43596 (t) bull
07800 43697 (t) La Bocca della Verita
07800 43798 (t) Eiffel Tower
07800 43899 (t) windmill
07800 43990 (r) heart key
07900 43092 (r) palette (Ciaotchi)
07900 43193 (r) airplane ticket (JALtchi)
07900 43294 (r) bow (Depagatchi)
07900 43395 (r) book (Jidoutchi)
07900 43496 (r) T-shirt (Uniqlotchi)
07900 43597 (r) debit card (Nanakotchi)
07900 43698 (r) computer
07900 43799 (r) bottled water
07900 43890 (i) magnifying glass
07900 43991 (i) whistle
07001 43094 (d) roll cake
07001 43195 (r) Morikamitchi
07001 43296 (i) watering can
07001 43397 (d) creme pastry
07001 43498 (i) karaoke machine
07001 43599 (r) trophy
07001 43690 (i) jukebox
07001 43791 (m) maki
07001 43892 (m) pizza
07001 43993 (d) cookie
07101 43095 (i) mirror
07101 43196 (i) Repotchi DVD
07101 43297 (m) fried egg
07101 43398 (m) mushroom
07101 43499 (d) gingerbread castle
07101 43590 (r) pottery
07101 43691 (r) cruise ship
07101 43792 (r) family trip ticket
07101 43893 (m) canned fish
07101 43994 (d) mochi
07201 43096 (d) cocktail
07201 43197 (i) necklace
07201 43298 (d) gingerbread house
07201 43399 (i) pinball machine
07201 43490 (i) lady’s hat
07201 43591 (i) clothes
07201 43692 (r) cell phone (Melulutchi)
07201 43793 (i) noise maker
07201 43894 (r) Magokorotchi

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