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YUUZHAN VONG ARTILERY BEAST Artillery beasts are seldom seen war behemoths used by the Yuuzhan Vong

only in critical engagements. Resembling giant beetles, these living weapons have been shaped in order to replace their abdomens with a Yaret-Kor emplacement. Though powerful, these beasts are rather more fragile than most Yuuzhan Vong beasts of an equivalent size and must be kept from harms way. The Yuuzhan Vong deployed these weapons at the Battle of Yuuzhantar, using them both as artillery and AA emplacements - though they typically work in triads to take down aerial threats. Artillery Beast CL14 Colossal Shaped Beast 12 Init +11; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +14 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 15 (Natural Armour +15, Flat-footed 15), Fort 28, Will 16 HP 235; DR 10; Threshold 78 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 4 squares Melee Slam +19 (3d6+16) or Ranged Medium Yaret-Kor* +9 (3d10x5, 4 square spash) Fighting Space 6x12; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +9; Grp +39 Atk Options: Coordinated Attack, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 30, Dex 10, Con 40, Int 4, Wis 16, Cha 10 Special Qualities: Armoured Defences**, Force Immunity, Integrated Yaret-Kor* Feats: Coordinated Attack, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Skill Training (Initiative), Skill Training (Perception) Skills: Endurance +26, Initiative +11, Perception +14, Stealth -14 ----------------------------------------------------------Armoured Defences**: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Force Immunity: Artillery beasts are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Integrated Yaret-Kor*: The Yaret-Kor integrated into the artillery beast is somewhat larger than a Colossal creature can cope with. In order to use the Yaret-Kor, artillery beasts must use a Full-round action to both charge and fire the plasma round. Additionally, if the artillery beast moves in the round prior to firing the Yaret-Kor, it takes a -5 penalty on its Attack roll. **Special qualities granted by shaping

Yuuzhan Vong Ngdin Ngdin CL0 Diminutive Shaped Beast 1 Init -3; Senses: Perception +4 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 13 (Natural Armour +1, Flat-footed 13), Fort 7, Will 9 HP 2; Threshold 7 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 1 square Melee Cilia -4 (1 plus special) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 0 squares Base Atk +0; Grp -18

Atk Options: Stinging Cilia ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 2, Dex 4, Con 5, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 2 Special Qualities: Force Immunity, Stinging Cilia Feats: Skill Training (Perception) Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +12, Survival +4 ----------------------------------------------------------Force Immunity: Ngdin are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Stinging Cilia: If a ngdin deals damage to a living target with its cilia attack and succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+2) against the targets Fortitude Defence, the target takes 2d4 points of stun damage and moves -1 step along the condition track. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage and doesn't move along the condition track. A target moved to the end of the condition track by a Ngdin is immobilised, but not unconscious or killed. (can be revived as per the Treat Injury skill, page 74 SECR). The 'poison' attacks every round in which the ngdin is in contact with its target.

YUUZHAN VONG FIRE BREATHERS The Fire Breathers are 30 metre-tall, bladder-like leviathans that have been shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong for use as a heavy support organism. These deadly war beasts have flexible proboscises that spew streams of gelatinous flame, pores that exhale anti-laser aerosols and hides thick enough to withstand all but a blast from a turbolaser. The liquid flames are created through a unique chemical reaction caused by the mixture of methane, hydrogen sulfide, and a mysterious substance deep within the guts of the Fire Breather. The beasts are often deployed for clearing out entrenched enemy positions. A smaller anti-personnel version also exists. Fire Breather CL14 At least... Colossal Shaped Beast 6 Init +0; Senses: Perception +12 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 13 (Natural Armour +16, Flat-footed 13), Fort 24, Will 9 HP 110; DR 25 (40 against blaster/laser weapons), Threshold 74 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 4 squares Melee Slam +10 (3d6+9) or Ranged Flamethrower +1 (12d10, 20 square cone) Fighting Space 6x6; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +4; Grp +38 Atk Options: Flamethrower ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 22, Dex 4, Con 38, Int 2, Wis 9, Cha 3 Special Qualities: Antilaser aerosol, Enhanced Armour* (2), Flamethrower, Force Immunity Feats: Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Training (Survival) Skills: Perception +12, Stealth -20, Survival +7 ----------------------------------------------------------Antilaser aerosol: Fire breathers exhale antilaser aerosols as long as they are alive and breathing, effectively increasing their Damage Reduction to 40 against

blaster/laser weapons. Releasing the aerosol requires a Move action, filling an 8x8 square area surrounding the beast and lasting for 10 rounds. Enhanced Armour*: Fire breathers have been shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong to improve their durability. Fire breathers gain a +10 Natural Armour bonus to their Reflex defence. Flamethrower: Fire breathers are capable of blasting a cone of gelatinous flame 20 squares long and 20 squares wide at the terminus. This flame deals 12d10 points of damage to anything caught in the area, including vehicles and buildings. The fire breather may use this attack once every 1d4+2 rounds. Force Immunity: Fire breathers are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). *Special qualities granted by shaping


Grutchin CL14 Large Shaped Beast 12 Init +13; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +6 Immunities: Mild, Moderate and Severe Radiation ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 21 (Natural Armour +15, Flat-footed 21), Fort 21, Will 13 HP 150; DR 5; Threshold 26 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 5 squares, fly 666 squares (600 km/h), fly 5 squares (Starship scale) Melee Bite +13* (2d8+20) or Melee Bite +13* (3d8+20) with Mighty Swing Fighting Space 1x2 squares, 1 square (Starship scale); Reach 1 square, 0 squares (Starship scale) Base Atk +9; Grp +33 Atk Options: Crush, Mighty Swing, Pin ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 28, Dex 5, Con 26, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 2 Special Qualities: Acid-edged Mandibles, Armoured Defences**, Constrict, Darkvision, Force Immunity, Hyperspace & Vacuum Survival, Improved Natural Weapons**, Selfguiding Missile, Shaped for Grappling Feats: Crush, Mighty Swing, Pin, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Initiative) Skills: Climb +15, Initiative +13, Jump +15, Stealth -2 ----------------------------------------------------------Acid-edged Mandibles: Due to their acid-edged mouthparts, grutchins ignore the Damage Reduction of their targets. Armoured Defences**: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Constrict: A grutchin that succeeds in grappling an opponent can use the Crush and Pin feats as normal. When crushing, however, a grutchin deals damage through its Bite attack. Force Immunity: Grutchins are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Hyperspace & Vacuum Survival: Grutchins possess a unique physiology that prevents them from taking damage when exposed to vacuum or hyperspatial environments. In addition, a grutchin is able to maintain its Grapple through a hyperspace jump. Improved Natural Weapons**: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Self-guiding Missile: When used as a missile, grutchins are self-guiding and do not require the pilot to establish a target lock. Grutchins simply fly towards the nearest

target it can see and will not relent as long as its target is still in range and functional. The target may attempt to place a more palatable target (ie. slower) between itself and the creature in order to lose it. When the grutchin is in the same square as its target, it can attempt to Grapple as long as it does not possess functional shields. If the Grapple check is successful, the grutchin will begin to deal Bite damage as per the Crush feat. Shaped for Grappling: Yuuzhan Vong shapers have altered the legs of the grutchin to be particularly adept at grappling. Grutchins are treated as Gargantuan creatures for the purposes of Grapple checks (included in stat block). *Includes 5 points of Power Attack **Special qualities granted by shaping

YUUZHAN VONG GRUTCHIN SYMBIOTE The grutchin symbiote is a miniature version of the grutchins used as space borne weapons. Smaller and unable to survive in vacuum environments, the grutchin symbiotes are used for assassinations and are often carried by Yuuzhan Vong agents. In order to carry a grutchin symbiote, the Yuuzhan Vong host must first undergo a ritual modification in the form of four grooves cut from the shoulders to the lower back. The symbiote's back legs slip into these grooves, hooking onto the newly formed bone spurs, while the front legs latched around the host's neck. At the hosts telepathic command, the grutchin symbiote would launch itself at a target, attacking with its acid-edged mandibles. Grutchin Symbiote CL11 Tiny Shaped Beast 8 Init +8; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +4 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 25 (Natural Armour +9, Flat-footed 21), Fort 16, Will 13 HP 60; DR 5; Threshold 16 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 8 squares Melee Bite* +9 (2d3+7) and Melee 2 Claws +9 each (2d2+7) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +6; Grp +15 Atk Options: Crush, Pin ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 16, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 6 Special Qualities: Acid-edged Mandibles*, Armoured Defences**, Contact Telepathy, Darkvision, Force Immunity, Improved Natural Weapons**, Shaped for Grappling Feats: Crush, Pin, Skill Training (Stealth) Skills: Jump +12, Stealth +23 ----------------------------------------------------------Acid-edged Mandibles*: Due to their acid-edged mouthparts, grutchin symbiotes ignore the Damage Reduction of their targets. Armoured Defences**: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Constrict: A grutchin symbiote that succeeds in grappling an opponent can use the Crush and Pin feats as normal. When crushing, however, a symbiote deals damage through its Bite* attack. Contact Telepathy: Grutchin Symbiotes are able to establish a telepathic link to their hosts when they are in physical contact with each other. This allows the symbiote to receive single thoughts (such as attack commands) from their host, though the host

must use a standard action in order to communicate with the symbiote. Only simple, one word commands may be issued to the symbiote due to their limited Intelligence and this cannot be performed unless they are in physical contact with each other. Force Immunity: Grutchin Symbiotes are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Improved Natural Weapons**: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Shaped for Grappling: Yuuzhan Vong shapers have altered the legs of the grutchin symbiote to be particularly adept at grappling. Grutchin Symbiotes are treated as Large creatures for the purposes of Grapple checks (included in stat block). **Special qualities granted by shaping

YUUZHAN VONG IMPLANTER Implanters are Yuuzhan Vong creatures used to implant Yorik-Kul (surge-coral) into sentient beings, in order to enslave them. Also known as "creepers", these creatures carry dozens of Yorik-Kul seeds on their backs. The implanter inflicts pain on and disables their victims by using a feathery appendage to disrupt the victim's nervous system. The victim would then be implanted with surge-coral, though the chances of successful implantation are greatly improved by restraining the victim within the Embrace of Pain beforehand. Relatives of implanters were also used in escalation ceremonies. Implanter CL0 Diminutive Shaped Beast 1 Init +3; Senses: Low-light Vision, Perception +3 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 20 (Natural Armour +1, Flat-footed 17), Fort 8, Will 9 HP 2; Threshold 8 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 2 squares Melee Claw -4 (1+Implant*) or Melee Frond -4 (2d6 stun) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 0 squares Base Atk +0; Grp -12 Atk Options: Implant*, Stunning Frond ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 2, Dex 16, Con 5, Int 4, Wis 6, Cha 5 Special Qualities: Force Immunity, Implant*, Low-light vision, Stunning Frond Feats: Improved Defences, Skill Training (Perception) Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +18, Survival +3 ----------------------------------------------------------Force Immunity: Implanters are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Implant*: If an implanter successfully uses its claw attack on a stunned or helpless opponent, it implants one Yorik-Kul seed into the target. Improved Defences: Implanters have Improved Defences as a bonus feat. Stunning Frond: Any living being struck by the implanters frond attack takes 2d6 points of Stun damage. Yorik-Kul When a target is implanted with Yorik-Kul, they immediately begin to take root within the host. If the Yorik-Kul succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+[5+No. of implanted surgecoral seeds]) against the targets Fortitude defence, the target moves -1 persistent

steps along the condition track. If the attack fails, the target does not move down the condition track. Whether or not the initial attack succeeds, the target is prevented from running or charging and, if Force Sensitive, takes a -1 penalty on Use the Force checks for each Yorik-Kul seed that has been implanted. In addition, the Force presence of the target becomes obscured due to the inclusion of the Yorik Kul. The target gains a +1 species bonus per surge coral seed implanted to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Yorik-Kul attacks each day until the target has reached -10 steps on the condition track or it has been removed with a successful DC (15+No. of implanted surge-coral seeds) Treat Injury check. A maximum of ten Yorik-Kul can be implanted into any single target.

YUUZHAN VONG KHATTAZZ'O After careful analysis of the military strategies of the infidels, Shaper Adept Zharalia Tsunek came to an unpleasant conclusion - if her people continued to rely on meleebased personal combat when engaged with a people who preferentially utilised ranged weapons, they would take an inordinate number of casualties during the purification of the Promised Land (if not defeated outright). Seeking to rectify this deficiency in service to her people, Zharalia violated the shaper protocols in order to create a slave species suitable for ranged combat. After extensive experimentation with the Promised Lands native species, Zharalia managed to shape the Khattazzo - roughly translated to the Avatars in Basic. Khattazz are barely recognisable as their original species; they are completely coated in organic armour plating, possess claws in place of their natural digits and glowing green eyes. The most distinctive feature of the Avatar is a rifle-scale Yaret-Kor fused into their left arm capable of firing small plasma charges - thus equipping them with a ranged weapon suitable for use against the infidels dishonourable battle tactics. Unfortunately for Zharalia, her heresy was detected by Master Shapers from another domain and warriors were sent to apprehend her for execution. Ironically, the Khattazz she created proved her theories correct, as they devastated the very warriors she wanted to protect - though they managed to succeed in killing her before the last warrior was felled. Fortunately for the Yuuzhan Vong cause as a whole, the portable Qang Qahsa she had recorded her data in was found by the masters and, given how effective they had been, the Khattazz were incorporated into the armies of the invasion force. Conveniently, the methods involved in their creation were passed off as a gift from the Yuno and the truth swept under the carpet to prevent further heretical acts from the shapers. Khattazz CL10 Medium Shaped Beast 3/Scout 7 Dark Side 10 Init +11 (may reroll, must keep second result); Senses: Darkvision, Perception +5 (may reroll, must keep second result) Languages: Yuuzhan Vong (Cannot speak) ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 25 (Natural Armour +3, Flat-footed 22), Fort 21, Will 17 HP 75; DR 5;Threshold 21 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 8 squares Melee 2 Claws +7* each (2d4+15) or Melee 2 Claws +7* each (3d4+15) with Mighty Swing or

Ranged Fused Yaret-Kor +10 (3d8+5) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +7; Grp +12 Atk Options: Coordinated Attack, Leap Attack, Mighty Swing, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Special Actions: Surge Of Energy ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8 Special Qualities: Darkvision, Fused Yaret-Kor, Improved Natural Weapons**, Leap Attack, Surge Of Energy Talents: Acute Senses, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Surefooted Feats: Coordinated Attack, Mighty Swing, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Shake It Off, Skill Training (Initiative), Skill Training (Jump) Skills: Endurance +13, Initiative +11 (may reroll, must keep second result), Jump +13 ----------------------------------------------------------Fused Yaret-Kor: Khattazz possess a rifle-scale Yaret-Kor that has been fused into their left forearm, thus preventing them from being disarmed. Khattazzo brace their left arm with their right claw when firing, thus avoiding -5 penalty for using a rifle with one hand. The Yaret-Kor does not need to be reloaded but if the Khattazz rolls a natural 1 when using this weapon, it locks and the Khattazz must spend a Full-round action in order to return the weapon to functional use. Khattazz are naturally proficient with this weapon [Treat as a Rifle for purposes determining the weapons range]. Improved Natural Weapons**: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Leap Attack: As a Full-round action, a Khattazz can make a leap attack at the end of a charge of at least 2 squares in distance. This leap attack allows it to make two separate claw attacks against a single opponent. Surge Of Energy: Once per encounter, as a Swift Action, Khattazz are able to perform extraordinarily powerful jumps whilst increasing their speed. Khattazz gain a +20 species bonus on Jump checks and their speed increases by 2 squares until the end of the turn in which this ability is activated. Khattazz move -2 steps along the condition track after using this ability. *Includes 5 points of Power Attack **Special quality granted by shaping

YUUZHAN VONG QUEDNAK Quednak (also called riding lizards) are six legged, reptilian herbivores used by the Yuuzhan Vong as beasts of burden. Despite their size, quednak were capable of reaching speeds up to forty kph. Quednak are also more intelligent than other Yuuzhan Vong creatures and could minimally understand their orders. The Yuuzhan Vong occasionally use them as war mounts, but this was rare, as it was felt that the Warriors were more deserving of the honor of battle than mere beasts. They were used prominently by the Yuuzhan Vong at the Battle of Ylesia. Quednak CL4 Huge Shaped Beast 4 Init +2; Senses: Perception +2 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 17 (Natural Armour +9, Flat-footed 17), Fort 18, Will 10 HP 50; Threshold 33 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 9 squares

Melee Bite +11 (2d6+10) and Melee 2 Claws +11 each (1d8+10) Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 1 square Base Atk +3; Grp +21 ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 26, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 4 Special Qualities: Enhanced Armour*, Force Immunity, Intractable Feats: Improved Damage Threshold, Skill Training (Survival) Skills: Climb +15, Stealth -8, Survival +7 ----------------------------------------------------------Enhanced Armour*: Quednak have been shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong to improve their durability. Quednak gain a +5 Natural Armour bonus to their Reflex defence. Force Immunity: Quednak are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Intractable: Quednak respond only to pain, in accordance with Yuuzhan Vong beliefs. Non-Yuuzhan Vong take a -10 penalty to Ride checks involving quednak, unless they are aware of this requirement. *Special qualities granted by shaping

YUUZHAN VONG RAKAMAT Rakamats are shaped reptillian collosi that the Yuuzhan Vong use as seige weapons, effectively their equivalent of an Imperial AT-AT. These six-legged war beasts are equipped with Yaret-Kors and are capable of smashing through barricades with impunity - the New Republic found the beasts nearly indestructible thanks to their dovin basal shielding. Chazrach warriors typically grip the thick outer skin of the rakamats, using it as a means of transportation. Further, rakamats were used to control the Chazrach - if they were destroyed, the associated Chazrach would scatter. Rakamat CL16 Colossal Shaped Beast 10 Init +5; Senses: Perception +15 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 15 (Natural Armour +15, Flat-footed 15), Fort 30, Will 10 HP 255; DR 10; SR 25; Threshold 80 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 6 squares Melee Slam +26 (3d6+24) or Melee Slam +26 (4d6+24) with Mighty Swing or Ranged 4 Light Yaret-Kors +8 each (5d10x2, 2-square spash) Fighting Space 6x12; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +7; Grp +46 Atk Options: Mighty Swing ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 48, Dex 10, Con 50, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 6 Special Qualities: Enhanced Armour*, Force Immunity, Integrated Dovin Basals Feats: Mighty Swing, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Perception) Skills: Perception +15, Stealth -15 ----------------------------------------------------------Enhanced Armour*: Rakamats have been shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong to improve their durability. Rakamats gain a +5 Natural Armour bonus to their Reflex defence. Force Immunity: Rakamats are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will

defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Integrated Dovin Basals: Rakamats have been shaped to include dovin basals that grant it SR25. These dovin basals follow the same rules as those found aboard Yuuzhan Vong starships, except that they cannot be used to strip the shields off other vehicles - they are restricted to defence only. *Special qualities granted by shaping

YUUZHAN VONG SGAURU Sgauru CL17 Gargantuan Shaped Beast 15 Init +12 (+17^); Senses: Perception +11 (+16^) ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 20 (Natural Armour +15, Flat-footed 20), Fort 22, Will 9 HP 250; Threshold 42 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 10 squares Melee Head Slam +16* (+21*^) (2d6+40) and Melee Bite +16* (+21*^) (3d6+40) and Melee Pincers +16* (+21*^) (2d6+40) and Melee 6 Leg Slams +16* (+21*^) each (2d6+40) or Melee Head Slam +16* (+21*^) (3d6+40) with Mighty Swing and Melee Bite +16* (+21*^) (4d6+40) with Mighty Swing and Melee Pincers +16* (+21*^) (3d6+40) with Mighty Swing and Melee 6 Leg Slams +16* (+21*^) each (3d6+40) with Mighty Swing Fighting Space 2x8; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +11; Grp +45 Atk Options: Aura of Horror, Cleave, Crush, Devour, Mighty Swing, Pin, Terrifying Presence ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 49, Dex 11, Con 34, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 16 Special Qualities: Demolition, Force Immunity, Symbiosis (Sgauru) Feats: Cleave, Crush, Mighty Swing, Pin, Power Attack, Skill Training (Perception) Skills: Initiative +12 (+17^), Perception +11 (+16^), Persuasion +10 (+15^), Stealth -8 (-3^) ----------------------------------------------------------Aura of Horror: This ability functions in the same manner as Terrifying Presence, affecting all living beings in a 12 square radius of Sgauru. This is a Free-action and Sgauru is still able to use Terrifying Presence during its initial attack. Demolition: Sgauru was created to demolish artificial constructs. Whenever Sgauru scores a critical hit when attacking buildings, machinery or other structures, it deals triple damage rather than double damage. Devour: If Sgauru hits with its Bite attack against a Large or smaller opponent; it can automatically make a grapple check with its Bite attack at its full bonus (even if it has already taken a full round action). If the grapple check is successful, Sgauru can begin devouring its target. Any creature being devoured takes 1d6+26 points of damage each round it is in Sgaurus maw. When the creature reaches 0 Hit Points, it is swallowed by Sgauru and continues to take 5d6 points of acid damage each round along with any equipment they are carrying. Force Immunity: Sgauru is immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Symbiosis (Sgauru)^: Sgauru maintains a symbiotic relationship with Tu-Scart as long as they are in physical contact or within 6 squares of each other. When in symbiosis, Sgauru and Tu-Scart share all sensory input, communicate telepathically and function

as a single entity. Telepathic communication is a Free-action and allows the pair to utilise rudimentary tactics and grants a +5 bonus to all skills and attacks. When determining Initiative, each beast makes a separate check and then both act upon the highest result. While in symbiosis, Sgauru and Tu-Scart are immune to all forms of chemical attack and can even exist in vacuum environments for 1 day. Sgauru is the lesser partner of the pair. If Tu-Scart dies, an attack roll (1d20+12) is made against Sgaurus Fortitude defence. If this attack is successful, Sgauru immediately dies; failure results in Sgauru being Immobilised for 1 round due to shock, after which it can resume normal functions. Terrifying Presence: During its initial round of combat, as a Free-action, Sgauru may make an untrained Persuasion check to awe its opponent. This ability works in the same fashion as the Force Power Fear, substituting the Use the Force DCs for Persuasion DCs (See KOTOR CG, page 50). This is a Mind-affecting effect. *Includes 14 points of Power Attack

YUUZHAN VONG TU-SCART Tu-Scart CL17 Gargantuan Shaped Beast 15 Init +12 (+17^); Senses: Low-light Vision, Perception +11 (+16^) ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 17 (Natural Armour +12, Flat-footed 17), Fort 22, Will 9 HP 250; Threshold 42 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 10 squares Melee Slam +17* (+22*^) (2d6+35) and Melee Bite +17* (+22*^) (3d6+35) or Melee Slam +19* (+24*^) (2d6+42) with Powerful Charge and Melee Bite +19* (+24*^) (3d6+42) with Powerful Charge Fighting Space 2x8; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +11; Grp +43 Atk Options: Cleave, Constrict, Crush, Devour, Pin, Powerful Charge, Overrun, Terrifying Presence ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 45, Dex 10, Con 35, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 15 Special Qualities: Demolition, Force Immunity, Low-light Vision, Scent, Symbiosis (TuScart) Feats: Cleave, Crush, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Skill Training (Perception) Skills: Initiative +12 (+17^), Perception +11 (+16^), Persuasion +9 (+14^), Stealth -8 (-3^) ----------------------------------------------------------Constrict: When Tu-Scart succeeds in grappling an opponent, it can use Crush and Pin feats as normal. When crushing, however, Tu-Scart deals 3d6+30 points of damage and it can use this ability against artificial constructs. Demolition: Tu-Scart was created to demolish artificial constructs. Whenever Tu-Scart scores a critical hit when attacking buildings, machinery or other structures, it deals triple damage rather than double damage. Devour: If Tu-Scart hits with its Bite attack against a Large or smaller opponent; it can automatically make a grapple check with its Bite attack at its full bonus (even if it has already taken a full round action). If the grapple check is successful, Tu-Scart can begin devouring its target. Any creature being devoured takes 1d6+24 points of damage each round it is in Tu-Scarts maw. When the creature reaches 0 Hit Points, it

is swallowed by Tu-Scart and continues to take 5d6 points of acid damage each round along with any equipment they are carrying. Force Immunity: Tu-Scart is immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Overrun: Tu-Scart is literally able to run over its targets. As a Full-round action, TuScart can overrun a single target at least one size category smaller than itself. TuScart must move through the opponents square and end its move in an unoccupied square. When adjacent to an opponent at the beginning of its action, Tu-Scart can begin an overrun attack and move normally. The Overrun strike makes an attack roll (1d20+24) against the targets Reflex Defence; if successful, the target takes 3d6+30 points of damage and is knocked Prone. Otherwise, the target only takes half-damage and is knocked Prone. Scent: Tu-Scart ignores concealment and cover when making Perception checks to notice opponents within 20 squares, and take no penalty from poor visibility when tracking. Symbiosis (Tu-Scart)^: Tu-Scart maintains a symbiotic relationship with Sgauru as long as they are in physical contact or within 6 squares of each other. When in symbiosis, Tu-Scart and Sgauru share all sensory input, communicate telepathically and function as a single entity. Telepathic communication is a Free-action and allows the pair to utilise rudimentary tactics and grants a +5 bonus to all skills and attacks. When determining Initiative, each beast makes a separate check and then both act upon the highest result. While in symbiosis, Tu-Scart and Sgauru are immune to all forms of chemical attack and can even exist in vacuum environments for 1 day. Terrifying Presence: During its initial round of combat, as a Free-action, Tu-Scart may make an untrained Persuasion check to awe its opponent. This ability works in the same fashion as the Force Power Fear, substituting the Use the Force DCs for Persuasion DCs (See KOTOR CG, page 50). This is a Mind-affecting effect. *Includes 11 points of Power Attack

YUUZHAN VONG UMRACH Umrachs are large reptilian bipeds, introduced to Coruscant when the Yuuzhan Vong vongformed the planet into Yuuzhantar. These creatures inhabited the lower levels and often fed upon stranded Coruscanti. The umrach have two muscular hind limbs and two spindly forelimbs which were used to catch prey. The creature hunted by ambushing its victims from above, killing them with its razor-tipped mouth tentacles. Umrach CL9 Large Shaped Beast 9 Init +6; Senses: Blindsight, Perception +5 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 20 (Natural Armour +9, Flat-footed 18), Fort 12, Will 11 HP 60; Threshold 17 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 10 squares Melee Mouth-spears +11 (2d6+9) and Melee 2 Slams +11 each (1d6+9) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 2 squares (mouth-spears), 1 square (slam) Base Atk +6; Grp +16 Atk Options: Crush, Pin ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 20, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 8

Special Qualities: Blindsight, Constrict, Force Immunity Feats: Crush, Pin, Skill Training (Stealth) Skills: Stealth +6, Survival +10 ----------------------------------------------------------Blindsight: Using scent and acute hearing, umrach can detect creatures and objects within 20 squares. As a result, umrach manoeuvre and fight as well as sighted creatures. Intense light and darkness do not adversely affect them. Constrict: An umrach that succeeds in grappling an opponent can use Crush and Pin feats as normal. When crushing, however, an umrach deals 2d6+5 points of damage as it brings its mouth-spears to bear. Force Immunity: Umrach are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill).

YUUZHAN VONG VAGH RODIEK The Vagh Rodiek are Rodians shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong to use as war beasts during the Yuuzhan Vong War. After destroying the cities of Rodia, the Yuuzhan Vong turned their attention to the violent Rodians, planning to forge their captives into deadly warbeasts. Master Shaper Taug Molou was placed in charge of this project. Taking his Rodian experimental subjects apart on a cellular level and reassembling their genetic code with other creatures found in the Qang Qahsa, this experiment resulted in the creation of the Vagh Rodiek. These mindless warbeasts scuttle forth on four crab-like legs, have sharp half-meter long scythes of bone in place of arms and their natural head-spines have been mutated into razor-sharp quills. The drones retained enough intelligence to understand commands from their Yuuzhan Vong masters, but nearly all sense of their former species was erased. These armoured beasts devastated many battlefields; particularly those in Hutt Space. While the shaping protocols were violated in the process of their creation, the effectiveness of the Vagh Rodiek was so impressive that it was overlooked in this case. Vagh Rodiek CL2 Medium Shaped Beast 1 Init +0; Senses: Low-light Vision, Perception +1 (may reroll, must keep second result) ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 15 (Natural Armour +4, Flat-footed 15), Fort 16, Will 15 (25 against Force effects) HP 7; DR 5; Threshold 16 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 8 squares Melee 2 Bone scythes +2 each (2d6+2) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +0; Grp +2 ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 14, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 8 Special Qualities: Armoured Defences*, Climbing Claws, Heightened Awareness, Improved Natural Weapons*, Limited Force Immunity, Low-light Vision Feats: Improved Defences Skills: Climb +12 ----------------------------------------------------------Armoured Defences*: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Climbing Claws: Due to their hooked claws, Vagh Rodiek gain a +5 species bonus to Climb checks.

Heightened Awareness: Vagh Rodiek may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. Improved Natural Weapons*: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Limited Force Immunity: The Force presence of the Vagh Rodiek has been obscured due to the inclusion of Yuuzhan Vong genetic material. Vagh Rodiek gain a +10 species bonus to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). *Special qualities granted by shaping

YUUZHAN VONG VOXYN Voxyn CL15 Large Shaped Beast 12 Init +8; Senses: Low-light Vision, Perception +9 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 19 (Natural Armour +8, Flat-footed 17), Fort 11, Will 13 (23 against Force effects) HP 90; Threshold 16 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 9 squares Melee 2 Claws +10* each (1d6+13 plus Disease) and Melee Bite +10* (1d8+13) and Melee Tail +10* (1d6+13 plus Poison) or Ranged Acid Spit +11 (Special) Ranged Sonic Screech +11 (2d8 Sonic stun) Fighting Space 1x2; Reach 1 square, 4 squares (Acid Spit) Base Atk +9; Grp +18 Atk Options: Acid Spit, Combat Reflexes, Disease, Poison, Sonic Screech ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 12 Special Qualities: Fast Healing 2, Force Perception, Limited Force Immunity, Low-light vision, Nutrient Dependency, Toxic Blood Feats: Combat Reflexes, Force Sensitivity, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Skill Training (Stealth), Skill Training (Survival) Skills: Stealth +8, Survival +14, Use the Force +9 ----------------------------------------------------------Acid Spit: As a Full-round action, the voxyn can spray highly corrosive acid at a target up to 4 squares away with a successful ranged attack. If the acid succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+10) against the targets Fortitude Defence, the target takes 1d6 points of acid damage. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage. The acid attacks each round for 5 rounds until the acid is washed off or treated (DC 15 Treat Injury check and requires a medical kit). Disease: If a voxyn successfully deals damage to a target with its claw attack, compare the attack roll to the targets Fortitude Defense (ignoring equipment bonuses from armor). If it exceeds the victim's Fortitude Defense, the target contracts one of the many retroviruses found coating the claws. If the disease succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+10) against the targets Fortitude Defense (ignoring equipment bonuses), the target takes 2d6 points of damage and moves -1 steps along the condition track. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage and does not move down the condition track. The retrovirus attacks every day until cured with a DC 25 Treat Injury check. Fast Healing 2: Voxyn automatically regain 2 hit points every round at the end of their

turn, up to its normal maximum, until it is killed. Force Perception: A voxyns sensitivity to the Force grants it Force Perception, an ability that works like the Sense talent of the same name. Force Sensitivity: Voxyn have Force Sensitivity as a bonus feat. Limited Force Immunity: Voxyn possess a muted Force presence due to the inclusion of Yuuzhan Vong genetic material. Voxyn gain a +10 species bonus to resist any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). This also interferes with the voxyns own Force abilities and they take a -10 species penalty to the Use the Force skill (included in the above stat block). Nutrient Dependency: Voxyn cannot survive without a nutrient compound found only on the planet Myrkr. Without this nutrient, voxyn lose half their Strength and Constitution after one month, lose half of the remainder after two and die after three. Poison: If a voxyn deals damage to a living target with its tail attack, the target is also poisoned. If the poison succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+10) against the targets Fortitude Defence, the target takes 1d6 points of damage and moves -1 step along the condition track. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage and doesn't move along the condition track. A target moved to the end of the condition track by voxyn poison is immobilised, but not unconscious or killed. (can be revived as per the Treat Injury skill, page 74 SECR). The poison attacks every round until cured with a successful DC15 Treat Injury check. Sonic Screech: Voxyn have the ability to utter a compressed-wave screech of sufficient power to shatter eardrums as a Full-round action against all beings within a 6 square radius. If a voxyn successfully deals strikes a target with its Sonic Screech, compare the attack roll to the targets Fortitude Defense. If it exceeds the victim's Fortitude Defense, the target takes 2d8 points of Sonic stun damage (half damage otherwise). Toxic Blood: If voxyn takes damage equal to or greater than its Damage Threshold from a single attack, it begins to bleed and its blood vaporised. Any air breathing creature within 1 square of the voxyn is exposed to a Toxic Atmosphere (Atmospheric Hazards - SECR, page 253). *Includes 5 points of Power Attack

YUUZHAN VONG VOXYN QUEEN Voxyn Primary CL19 Large Shaped Beast 16 Init +8; Senses: Low-light Vision, Perception +9 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 23 (Natural Armour +12, Flat-footed 21), Fort 14, Will 13 (23 against Force effects) HP 126; Threshold 19 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 9 squares Melee 2 Claws +12* each (1d6+20 plus Disease) and Melee Bite +12* (1d8+20) and Melee Tail +12* (1d6+20 plus Poison) or Melee 2 Claws +10* each (2d6+20 plus Disease) with Rapid Strike and Melee Bite +10* (2d8+20) with Rapid Strike and Melee Tail +10* (2d6+20 plus Poison) with Rapid Strike or Ranged Acid Spit +14 (Special) Ranged Sonic Screech +14 (2d8 Sonic stun) Fighting Space 1x2; Reach 1 square, 4 squares (Acid Spit) Base Atk +12; Grp +23 Atk Options: Acid Spit, Combat Reflexes, Disease, Poison, Rapid Strike, Sonic Screech

----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 22, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 12 Special Qualities: Fast Healing 2, Force Perception, Limited Force Immunity, Low-light vision, Nutrient Dependency, Toxic Blood Feats: Combat Reflexes, Force Sensitivity, Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Skill Training (Stealth), Skill Training (Survival) Skills: Stealth +10, Survival +16, Use the Force +11 ----------------------------------------------------------Acid Spit: As a Full-round action, the voxyn primary can spray highly corrosive acid at a target up to 4 squares away with a successful ranged attack. If the acid succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+10) against the targets Fortitude Defence, the target takes 1d6 points of acid damage. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage. The acid attacks each round for 5 rounds until the acid is washed off or treated (DC 15 Treat Injury check and requires a medical kit). Disease: If a voxyn primary successfully deals damage to a target with its claw attack, compare the attack roll to the targets Fortitude Defense (ignoring equipment bonuses from armor). If it exceeds the victim's Fortitude Defense, the target contracts one of the many retroviruses found coating the claws. If the disease succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+10) against the targets Fortitude Defense (ignoring equipment bonuses), the target takes 2d6 points of damage and moves -1 steps along the condition track. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage and does not move down the condition track. The retrovirus attacks every day until cured with a DC 25 Treat Injury check. Fast Healing 2: Voxyn primary automatically regain 2 hit points every round at the end of their turn, up to its normal maximum, until it is killed. Force Perception: A voxyn primarys sensitivity to the Force grants it Force Perception, an ability that works like the Sense talent of the same name. Force Sensitivity: Voxyn primary have Force Sensitivity as a bonus feat. Limited Force Immunity: Voxyn primary possess a muted Force presence due to the inclusion of Yuuzhan Vong genetic material. Voxyn primary gain a +10 species bonus to resist any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). This also interferes with the voxyn primarys own Force abilities and they take a -10 species penalty to the Use the Force skill (included in the above stat block). Nutrient Dependency: Voxyn primary cannot survive without a nutrient compound found only on the planet Myrkr. Without this nutrient, voxyn primary lose half their Strength and Constitution after one month, lose half of the remainder after two and die after three. Poison: If a voxyn primary deals damage to a living target with its tail attack, the target is also poisoned. If the poison succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+15) against the targets Fortitude Defence, the target takes 2d6 points of damage and moves -1 step along the condition track. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage and doesn't move along the condition track. A target moved to the end of the condition track by voxyn primary poison is immobilised, but not unconscious or killed. (can be revived as per the Treat Injury skill, page 74 SECR). The poison attacks every round until cured with a successful DC20 Treat Injury check. Sonic Screech: Voxyn primary have the ability to utter a compressed-wave screech of sufficient power to shatter eardrums as a Full-round action against all beings within a 6 square radius. If a voxyn primary successfully deals strikes a target with its Sonic Screech, compare the attack roll to the targets Fortitude Defense. If it exceeds the victim's Fortitude Defense, the target takes 2d8 points of Sonic stun damage (half damage otherwise). Toxic Blood: If the voxyn primary takes damage equal to or greater than its Damage Threshold from a single attack, it begins to bleed and its blood vaporised. Any air

breathing creature within 1 square of the voxyn primary is exposed to a Toxic Atmosphere (Atmospheric Hazards - SECR, page 253). *Includes 6 points of Power Attack

YUUZHAN VONG YAMMOSK Yammosk CL16 Colossal Shaped Aquatic Beast 1/Noble 7/Officer 9 Init +6; Senses: Low-light Vision, Perception +22 Languages: Gravitic Pulse Code, Yuuzhan Vong (Cannot speak), 3 unassigned (Cannot speak) ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 18 (Natural Armour +1, Flat-footed 18), Fort 38, Will 35 HP 256; Threshold 93 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 2 squares, 10 squares (swim) Melee Bite +30 (4d6+24) and Melee 6 Tentacles +30 (Special) Fighting Space 6x6; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +14; Grp +50 Atk Options: Melee Defence, Pin Special Actions: Battle Analysis, Combined Fire, Coordinate +1, Demand Surrender, Fleet Deployment, Fleet Tactics, Inspire Confidence, Presence, Weaken Resolve ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 42, Dex 6, Con 32, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 18 Special Qualities: Atmosphere Generation, Breathe Underwater, Command Cover +4, Crew Enhancement, Exceptional Swimmer, Gravitic Telepathy, Low-light Vision, Share Talent (Battle Analysis), Share Talent (Combined Fire), Share Talent (Demand Surrender), Share Talent (Presence), Subsensory Awareness, Tentacle Grab, Transferred Knowledge Talents: Battle Analysis, Combined FireSotG, Coordinate, Demand Surrender, Fleet DeploymentSotG, Fleet TacticsSotG, Inspire Confidence, Presence, Weaken Resolve Feats: Improved Defences, Improved Damage Threshold, Linguist, Melee Defence, Pin, Skill Focus (Knowledge [Tactics]), Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Persuasion), Skill Training (Knowledge [Tactics]), Skill Training (Persuasion) Skills: Endurance +24, Knowledge (Tactics) +20, Perception +22, Persuasion +22, Stealth -14, Survival +17 ----------------------------------------------------------Atmosphere Generation: A yammosks lung capacity lets it support thousands of oxygen-breathing creatures for several hours by exhaling a large transparent bubble as a Full-round action. This bubble can pass over solid objects without breaking and allows solid objects to move through it, provided that they do so slowly. A yammosk can only produce one such bubble every 24 hours. Breathe Underwater: See SECR, page 29 as Mon Calamari species ability Crew Enhancement: Yammosks can assist the crew of its assigned Yuuzhan Vong capital ships within 10000 km, giving the vessels a +5 competence bonus on all skill checks and attack rolls (increase CL of affected vessels by 2). This bonus is not cumulative; a vessel can only receive one such bonus and it does not affect ships smaller than Colossal (Frigate) in size. If the yammosks telepathic link is somehow severed, this bonus is lost until it can be re-established. Exceptional Swimmer: As an aquatic beast, the yammosk does not need to make Swim checks for any purpose of the skill.

Gravitic Telepathy: Yammosks are able to broadcast and receive thoughts by using a gravitic resonance chamber found within its physiological structure. A yammosk may treat all of its assigned forces as being within line of sight (and voice) range for the purposes of the following talents: Combined FireSotG, Coordinate, Fleet DeploymentSotG, Fleet TacticsSotG, Inspire Confidence. The maximum range for this ability is 10000 km and if the telepathic link is severed, the yammosk cannot use this ability until it can be re-established. Subsensory Awareness: A yammosk is able to understand the basic state of mind of non-Yuuzhan Vong creatures, sentient or otherwise. If a yammosk succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+15) against the targets Will Defence, it gains a +5 bonus on Deception, Perception and Persuasion checks made against that target for the duration of the encounter. Tentacle Grab: If a yammosk hits with one of its tentacles against a Huge or smaller opponent, it can automatically make a Grapple check with its tentacle attack at its full bonus (even if it has already taken a Full-round action). If the Grapple check is successful, the yammosk can make an opposed Grapple check each round to move the grappled creature 1 square closer, until it pulls the creature into its maw. Transferred Knowledge: Yammosks transfer their collected knowledge to their progeny. As a consequence, a new-born yammosk will have the sum of its progenitors memories, although it may take some time to translate this into actual abilities. SotGDescriptions of these talents may be found in Starships of the Galaxy

Yuuzhan Vong Dread Weapon CL10 Colossal (Cruiser) Shaped Beast 10 Init +2; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +8 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 11 (Natural Armour +14, Flat-footed 11), Fort 26, Will 12 HP 165; DR 15; Threshold 226 Immunities Mild, Moderate and Severe Radiation ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 12 squares, Fly 2 squares (Starship scale) Melee Bite +15* (6d6+25) or Melee Bite +15* (7d6+25) with Mighty Swing Fighting Space 30x600 or 1x4 (Starship scale); Reach 4 squares, 1 square (Starship scale) Base Atk +7; Grp +51 Atk Options: Inhalation, Mighty Swing ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 39, Dex 4, Con 34, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 1 Special Qualities: Armoured Defences**, Darkvision, Force Immunity, Inhalation, Vacuum Survival Feats: Improved Defences, Mighty Swing, Power Attack, Skill Training (Perception) Skills: Perception +8, Stealth -18, Survival +8 ----------------------------------------------------------Armoured Defences**: See LECG, page 220 for a description of this ability. Force Immunity: Dread Weapons are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Inhalation: The dread weapon can expidite travel by the action of its lungs and the same process can also draw in unwilling passengers. The inhalation effect covers a 30-square radius in front of the creature. Make an attack roll (1d20+7) against any unsecured targets Reflex Defence; success indicates that the target is able to grab hold of something solid enough to resist the inhalation, failure indicates the target moves 12 squares closer to the maw of the dread weapon.

Secured targets must succeed at a Strength check (DC 10) on subsequent rounds to resist being dragged towards the dread weapon; failure indicates the target is dragged 12 squares towards the dread weapon's mouth. Inhaled targets cannot cut their way out as the dread weapons skin is dozens of metres thick. The dread weapon can employ this ability for 20 rounds at a time, after which it must rest for a like number of rounds before it can employ the ability again. Vacuum Survival: Dread Weapons possess a unique physiology that prevents them from taking damage when exposed to vacuum environments. *Includes 6 points of Power Attack **Special qualities granted by shaping

Capture Beast CL4 Colossal (Frigate) Shaped Beast 5 Init +2; Senses: Perception +2 ----------------------------------------------------------Defences Ref 5 (Natural Armour +5, Flat-footed 5), Fort 30, Will 10 HP 122; DR 15; Threshold 130 ----------------------------------------------------------Speed 5 squares Melee 100 Sucker-tipped Legs +21 (Special) Fighting Space 2x130; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +3; Grp +46 Atk Options: Pin ----------------------------------------------------------Abilities Str 47, Dex 10, Con 50, Int 2, Wis 20, Cha 2 Special Qualities: Enclose, Force Immunity, Leg Grab, Uncanny Dodge II Feats: Pin, Skill Training (Survival) Skills: Climb +25, Stealth -18, Survival +7 ----------------------------------------------------------Enclose: The capture beast is able to move its body segments in any direction it wishes to form any configuration of an unbroken line (including a circle if it joins its head to its tail). This alters the targets to which it is adjacent. Any being that it tries to climb over the capture beast is subject to 1d4+4 leg attacks per round (the capture beast is 2 squares tall). Force Immunity: Capture Beasts are immune to any Force effect that targets its Will defence (including Force powers and aspects of the Use the Force skill). Leg Grab: If a capture beast hits with one of its sucker-tipped leg attacks a Huge or smaller, it can automatically make a Grapple check with its leg attack at its full bonus (even if it has already taken a Full-round action). If the Grapple check is successful, the capture beast can make an opposed Grapple check to keep the grappled being in the same relative position to the capture beast. The capture beast can also move, carrying any grappled beings along with it. Uncanny Dodge II: This ability is the same as the Scout talent of the same name (SECR, pg 49), but does not require those prerequisites.

Turfhopper Grutchin (CL8) Huge vacuum weapon Beast 9 Init +9; Senses Darkvision, Perception +10 Defences Ref 21 (flat-footed 16), Fort 16, Will 11 hp 108; Threshold 26 Speed 10 squares (fly) or 1 square (starship scale) Melee +21 bite (2d6+14)

Fighting Space 3 x 3; Reach 1 square Base Attack +6; Grapple +40 Abilities Str 38 Dex 20 Con 22 Int 1 Wis 12 Cha 2 Feats Crush, Pin, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Perception +10 Acid Damage After a successful bite attack, the Turfhopper Grutchin secretes a powerful acid that deals an additional 4d6 damage and ignores DR. Each successful attack by a Turfhopper Grutchin is cumulative for purposes determining whether damage overcomes the target's Damage Threshold. Living weapons Turfhooper Grutchins are most commonly used as weapons by Yuuzhan Vong vessels. In space combat they are dropped like mines then move under their own power towards the nearest large target such as an enemy capital ship. Whenever an enemy ship enters a square that has been seeded with Turfhooper Grutchins, each one makes a grapple attack (Due to their many grasping legs, a Turfhopper Grutchin gains a +10 bonus on grapple checks, which is already included in their stats). If they succeed, they attach themselves to the target and begin to attack as normal, eating their way through to the ion drives or the crew compartments.

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