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INTRODUCTION This journal is written from a group of researchers from the National University of Malaysia, Abdul Razaq Ahmad, Norhasni Zainal Abiddin, Zalizan Mohd Jelas and Anisa Saleha. The objective of this journal is to investigate on the teachers perspective towards schools diversity which refers to teachers factors such as gender, race, teaching experience and position. Schools diversity approach in Malaysia is crucial because it is to bridge gap among schools and to stop any discrimination towards students with learning disabilities and low achievement students. Moreover, the policies of education diversities in Malaysia focus on two main parts which are integration of students with learning problems in special classes in a normal school and also to support the system provided by the government agencies, and several related parties to lessen the pressure, trauma and a feeling of hopelessness faced by this group of students in the education mainstream. There are many factors that contribute in the successfulness of having a diverse school. First, is in terms of gender, races, and teaching experiences.


CONTENT The authors of this journal have references that there is still a lack of responsiveness among teachers and students on schools multiplicity particularly in the aspect of accepting students with special needs, hence caused these special students to be further secluded and unmotivated to learn. So, the teachers have to recognize students diversity in the class in order to know them better and motivate them to learn. To develop and approve multiplicity ,it is decisive to make available of education in the aspects of efficient leadership, staff involvement, dedication towards arrangement and professional partaking and focusing on difficulty solving and learning suggestion. Therefore, this study is to seek teachers recognition towards the implementation of schools multiplicity based on sovereign variables which is the gender, race and teaching experiences. There are twelve domains involved as dependent variables which are strategy, openness towards multiplicity, role model and multiplicity, ease of access, rapport among races, inclusivity, gender communications, perceptions towards justness, perceptions towards equality, pro- diversity attitudes, commitment towards diversity and attitude towards children with special needs.

The key word which is very noticeable in this journal is school diversity which means that a school which consists of range of identities that exist in a group of people.

The methodology used for this study is the survey method because it was suitable to gather the data. A set of questionnaire was used as a main instrument of this study. To measure the teachers; perception towards students diversity in school, the School Diversity Inventory developed by Gottfredson and Jones (2001) was revised and used to gather the data. The questionnaire was distributed to 465 teachers from three districts of Temerloh, Maran, and Kuantan of the Pahang state of Malaysia. The findings of this study conclude that level of teachers perspectives towards school diversity is still at the moderate level in the overall domain of school diversity. But, only certain domains show a high level of mean scores, which regarding the policy and diversity practices, inclusivity, role model and diversity, relationship among races, commitment towards diversity, perceptions towards and pro- diversity attitudes, this finding shows that even though teachers are well- trained and well exposed , their attitudes towards school diversity are still inadequate. This is to support another finding which revealed that teachers perspectives were still inadequate because teachers do not take this matter seriously in the education contexts in Malaysia. This finding also supports a statement that school environment in Malaysia is still not at the inclusive environment level. This situation reveals that there is still lacking of awareness among teachers on the elements of diversity in school, this might be due to the lack of exposure provided by the school administration and the Malaysian Ministry of Education. It is very important that the schools will promote awareness of school diversity among teachers and students to enhance awareness to the necessary matters, whether to accept the disables in the class or to embrace the elements of cultural diversity in terms of different living styles, family economic status and ethnicity. This awareness is important in maintaining harmony among multi-races in Malaysia. Besides that, the male and female teacher also have the similar perspectives towards school diversity and there is no difference based on races, occupation and teaching experiences. This concludes that the differences in background do not influence the teachers perspectives. Overall

the study showed on the level of teachers perspective towards school diversity. The findings show that the level of perspectives towards domains of school diversity is still very moderate and far from satisfactory. The above is the overall finding from the survey conducted at the schools.

After analysing the finding I am very surprised that Malaysian teachers and students still have a very moderate perspective on school diversity because it totally contradicts to our multiracial population in Malaysia. I totally agree with the suggestions given whereby teachers and students should be more exposed to the different cultural context in Malaysia. More programs should be conducted to promote awareness of school diversity among teacher and students. Even in the education courses provided, the subjects regarding different cultures should be included the syllabus. Also, the Malaysian government should implement a Cultural Day in the academic calendar so that both the teacher and students will learn more about their differences. But, I feel that the teachers and students in the three districts where the survey was conducted have different perspective about school diversity because here in urban areas things are different. Teachers and students in urban area are maybe more exposed to school diversities because their parents and teachers lead their communities to diversity according to an e-book Achieving Educational

Excellence for All: A Guide to Diversity-Related Policy Strategies for School Districts.

The author should have conducted the survey in both rural and urban area and that the author did not achieve his purpose because he should have distributed the questionnaire in both areas to receive different findings. Then the findings might differ according to the rural and urban areas. Besides, this journal over generalize the statement that only moderate number of teachers agree on school diversity but I feel that the author did not conduct the survey around all the places in Malaysia.



The researchers have done a good work by conducting a survey on the topic of school diversity in Malaysia. They could have just expanded from rural to urbanized areas to get more definite results. But, this journal will be very useful for those teachers or future teachers who might be teaching in rural areas in Malaysia will be able to get an insight of what they must expect in their schools. Malaysian schools have provided equal education for everyone regardless our race, culture, and religion. There are many institutions in our country which provide proper education for children who need special care. All in all, everyone is entitled to get equal education and care. All teachers should be motivated to teach and educate students with knowledge and skills


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