Simple and Efficient Method For Load Flow Solution of Radial Distribution Networks

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Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 335-346, 1995 Copyright 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved


Simple and efficient method for load flow solution of radial distribution networks
D Das Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan-330 031, India

D P Kothari Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Instititue of Technology, Hauz Khas. New Delhi-110 01 6, India A Kalam Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Victoria University of Technology, Footscray, Melbourne. Australia

The paper presents a simple and efficient method for solving radial distribution networks. The proposed method involves only the evaluation of a simple algebraic expression of voltage magnitudes and no trigonometric functions as opposed to the stan&~rd load flow case. Thus, computationally the proposed method is very effic&nt and it requires less computer memory. The proposed method can easily handle different types of load characteristics. Several Indian rural distribution networks have been successfully solved by using the proposed method. Keywords: distribution loadflow, mathematical techniques, radial networks

fi(m2) LP(j) LQ(j) IS(j) IR(j) PLOSS QLOSS

voltage angle of node m2 real power loss o f b r a n c h j reactive power loss o f b r a n c h j sending-end node of branch j receiving-end node of branch j total real power loss total reactive power loss


total number of nodes total number of branches (LN 1 = NB- 1) real power load of ith node reactive power load of ith node voltage magnitude of ith node resistance o f j t h branch reactance o f j t h branch current flowing through branchj total real power loadTed through node m2 total reactive power load fed through node m2

NB LN1 PL(i) QL(i)


I(j) P(m2) Q(m2)

Received 17 May 1993; revised 17 November 1993; accepted 4 August 1994

I1. I n t r o d u c t i o n Load flow analysis of distribution systems has not received much attention unlike load flow analysis of transmission systems. However, some work has been carried out on load flow analysis of a distribution network but the choice of a solution method for a practical system is often difficult. Generally distribution networks are radial and the R / X ratio is very high. Because of this, distribution networks are ill-conditioned, and conventional Newton-Raphson (NR) and fast decoupled load flow (FDLF) methods 1-4 are inefficient at solving such networks. Many researchers 5-7 have suggested modified versions of the conventional load flow methods for solving ill-conditioned power networks. Recently researchers have paid much attention to obtaining the solution of distribution networks. Kersting and Mendive s and Kersting9 have presented a load flow technique based on the ladder network theory and it appears to work very well. Shirmohammadi et al.lO have presented a compensation-based power flow



Method for solution of radial distribution networks. D. Das et al.

method for weakly meshed distribution and transmission systems. Baran and Wu 11 and Chiang u have obtained the load flow solution in a distribution system by the iterative solution of three fundamental equations representing real power, reactive power and voltage magnitude. These three equations are very useful as they appear to be useful in real physical systems. Renato 13 has proposed one method for obtaining load flow solutions of radial distribution networks. His technique seems to be quite promising because it gives a solution for bus voltage magnitude only. Goswami and Basu 14 have presented a direct solution method for solving radial and meshed distribution networks. However, the main limitation of their method is that no node in the network is the junction of more than three branches, i.e. one incoming and two outgoing branches. Jasmon and Lee 15'16 have proposed a new load flow method for obtaining the solution of radial distribution networks. They have derived the fundamental equations for solving a load flow problem of a distribution network using a single-line equivalent. In India, all the 11 kV rural distribution feeders are radial and too long. The voltages at the far end of many such feeders are very low with very high voltage regulation. In this paper the main aim of the authors has been to develop a new load flow technique for radial distribution networks. The proposed method involves only the evaluation of a simple algebraic expression of voltage magnitude and no trigonometric terms, as opposed to the standard load flow case. Computationally the proposed method is very efficient. Another advantage of the proposed method is that it requires less computer memory. Convergence is always guaranteed for any type of practical radial distribution network with a realistic R/X ratio while using the proposed method. Loads, in the present formulation, have been represented as constant power. However, the proposed method can easily include composite load modelling if the break up of the loads is known. The proposed load flow technique has been implemented on an IBM PC-AT. Several practical rural radial distribution feeders in India have been successfully solved using the proposed method. Relative speed and memory requirements of the proposed method have also been compared with the methods proposed by Baran and Wu ~1.


7 12


Figure 1. Single line diagram of an existing distribution feeder

Table 1. Branch number, sending-end and receiving-end nodes in Figure 1 Branch number Sendingend node Receivingend node

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14

1 2 3 4 2 9 2 6 6 3 11 12 4 4 ,v2,~ 2 _ ......

2 3 4 5 9 l0 6 7 8 ll 12 13 14 15

I IVll~l


R (I) +j x (I)

-~ P (2),Q(2)

Figure 2. Electrical equivalent of Figure 1

From Figure 2, we have the following equations: I ( l ) = ]V(1)]16(1) - ] V(Z)]L6(2)

III. A s s u m p t i o n s

R(1) +iX(l)
P ( 2 ) - j Q ( 2 ) = v*(2)I(1) [V(2)I = {[(P(2)R(1) + Q(Z)X(1) - 0.5] V(1)]2) 2 - (R2(1) + xz(1))(p2(2) + Q2(Z))]U2 - (P(Z)R(1) + Q(Z)X(1) -


We assume that the three-phase radial distribution networks are balanced and can be represented by their equivalent single line diagrams. This assumption is quite valid for 11 kV rural distribution feeders in India and elsewhere. Line shunt capacitance (different from shunt capacitor banks that are considered as loads) is negligible at the distribution voltage levels as is found in most practical cases.

From equations (1) and (2) we have (details in Appendix 1):

0.5]v(1)[2)}'/2 (3)

IV. S o l u t i o n m e t h o d o l o g y
Figure 1 shows a single-line diagram of an existing rural distribution feeder. Branch number, sending-end and receiving-end nodes of this feeder are given in Table 1. Figure 2 shows the electrical equivalent of Figure 1.

where P(2) and Q(2) are total real and reactive power loads fed through node 2. (P2) = sum of the real power loads of all the nodes beyond node 2 plus the real power load of node 2 itself plus the sum of the real power losses of all the branches beyond node 2.

Method for solution of radial distribution networks: D. Das et al. (Q2) = sum of the reactive power loads of all the nodes beyond node 2 plus the reactive power load of node 2 itself plus the sum of the reactive power losses of all the branches beyond node 2. Equation (3) can be written in generalized form:



= [B(j) - A(j)] 1/2


A(j) = P(m2)*R(j) + Q(m2)*X(j) - 0.5"1V(ml)l 2

B(j) = {A2(j) - [R2(j) + X2(j)] *
[PZ(m2) + QZ(m2)]}l/2 (6)

j is the branch number, rn 1 and m2 are sending-end and receiving-end nodes respectively (ml =IS(j) and

m2 = IR(j)).
Real and reactive power losses in branch 1 can be given by: LP(1) = R(1)*[p2(2) + Q2(2)] IV(2)] 2 (7) LQ(1) = X(1)*[P2(2) + Q2(2)] Iv(2)l 2 Equation (7) can also be written in generalized form as:

We will now explain IB(j, ip + 1) and IE(j, ip + 1). Consider the first branch in Figure 1, i.e. j = 1, the receiving-end node of branch 1 is 2 (see also Table 1), therefore, IB(1,ip+ 1) and IE(1,ip+l) will help to identify all the branches and nodes beyond node 2 and node 2 itself. This will help to find the exact load feeding through node 2. Similarly, consider branch 2, i.e. j = 2, the receiving-end node of branch 2 is 3. Therefore, IB(2, ip + 1) and IE(2, ip + 1) will identify nodes and branches beyond node 3 and node 3 itself. This will help compute the exact load feeding through node 3. For each node and branch identification ip will be incremented by 1. Note here that before identification of nodes and branches beyond a particular node, ip has to be reset to zero. For j = 1, (first branch in Figure 1, Table 1), IR(j) = 2, check whether IR(j)= IS(i) or not for i = 2 , 3 , . . . ,LNI-1. It is seen that IR(j) = IS(2) = 2; IR(j) = IS(5) = 2; IR(j) = IS(7) -- 2; corresponding receiving-end nodes are I R ( 2 ) = 3; I R ( 5 ) - - 9 and IR(7) = 6. Therefore IB(j, 1)= I, IE(j, 1)=2; IB(j, 2)=2,

IE(j, 2)=3; IB(j, 3)=2; IE(j, 3)=9; IB(j,4)=2, IE(j, 4) = 6. We will miss out IB(j, 1), because we want to identify the nodes and branches which are beyond node IR(j) and
we store the receiving-end node in the name of a variable, say KK(ip), i.e. KK(1) = 2, KK(2) -- 3, KK(3) = 9 and KK(4) = 6. Note that there should be no repetition of any branch or node while identifying nodes and branches and this logic has been incorporated in the proposed algorithm (Algorithm 1). This is further explained in the flowchart given in Figure 3. From the above discussion it is seen that node 2 is connected to nodes 3, 9 and 6 and the corresponding branches are branch 2, (2 ~ 3), branch 5 (2 ~ 9) and branch 7 (2---+ 6). Similarly, the proposed logic will identify the nodes and branches which are connected to nodes 3, 9 and 6. First, it will check whether node 3 appears in the left-hand column of Table 1. It is seen that node 3 is connected to nodes 4 and 11 (branches 3 and 10 in Figure 1, Table 1). Therefore IB(j, 5 ) = 3, IE(j, 5) = 4, IB(j, 6) = 3, IE(j, 6) = 11 and KK(5) = 4, KK(6) = 11. Then it will check whether node 9 appears in the left-hand column of Table 1. It is seen that node 9 is connected to node 10 (branch 6 in Figure 1, Table 1). Therefore, IB(j, 7) = 9, IE(j, 7) = 10, K K ( 7 ) = 10. Similarly, node 6 is connected to nodes 7 and 8. Therefore, IB(j, 8) = 6, IE(j, 8) = 7, IB(j, 9) = 6, IE(j, 9) = 8, KK(8) = 7, and KK(9) = 8. From the above discussion, again it is seen that node 3 is connected to nodes 4 and 11, node 9 is connected to node 10 and node 6 is connected to nodes 7 and 8. Similarly, the proposed logic will check whether nodes 4, 11, 10, 7 and 8 are connected to any other nodes. This process will continue unless all the nodes and branches are identified beyond node 2. Table 2 gives the nodes and branches beyond node 2. Computer logic (Algorithm 1) will automatically skip the node and branch behind node 2, i.e. node 1 and branch 1. Total load fed through node 2 is the sum of the loads of all the nodes beyond node 2 plus the load of the node 2 itself (right-hand column of Table 2) plus the sum of the losses of all the branches beyond node 2 (see Table 2).

L P ( j ) = R(J)*[p2(m2) +

Q2(m2)] ]V(rn2)I2 Q2(m2)]

IV(rnZ)l 2


L Q ( j ) = X(J)*[PZ(m2) +

Initially, if LP(j) and LQ(j) are set to zero for all j, then initial estimates of P(m2) and Q(m2) will be the sum of the loads of all the nodes beyond node m2 plus the load of the node m2 itself.

V. Explanation of the proposed technique

Before giving the detailed algorithm, we will discuss the methodology of identifying the nodes and branches beyond a particular node which will help in finding the exact load feeding through that particular node. First we will define the variables: J j = 1 , 2 . . . , L N 1 (j indicates branch of Figure 1; see also Table 1) node count (identifies number of nodes beyond a particular node) IK(~) node identifier (helps to identify the sending-end and receiving-end nodes which are given in the ith branch of Table 1 (i > j ) LL(ip) stores sending-end node of ith row of Table 1 (i > j ) KK(ip) stores receiving-end node of ith row of Table 1 (i > j ) N(j) total number of nodes beyond node IR(j) plus 1 (node IR(j) itself) IB(j, ip + 1) sending-end node IE(j, ip + 1) receiving-end node


Method for solution of radial distribution networks. D. Das et al.

Read Receiving-end & sending-end nodes and total number o f nodes


From@ From~


,,_-o I



LL (ip)=lS (i) KK (ip)=/R (i) /E q, ip+l)=lR (i) IB (j, ip+l)=/S (i) N (j)=ip+ I

tE (j,,p+l)=1Rq)


In clip+ 1)=/s q)

Y ~ = INo
IR(j)=KK(iq) K=lK(iq+ 1)

m q, it,+l)=m q)]


ta q, ip+~)=mq)l U (j)=ip+l [

I ,n--,." I
Yes ~-


I Yes

[IE (LN1, I)=IR (LN1)

Im (t~vl, l)=m (t.m) I N(LNI)=-!

~ No


Figure 3. Flowchart for identification of nodes and branches beyond a particular node Similarly, we have to consider the receiving-end nodes of branch 2, branch 3, branch 4 , . . . , branch L N I - 1 in Figure 1, and in a similar way to that discussed above, the nodes and branches have to be identified beyond these receiving-end nodes Table 3 and 4 also give the nodes and branches beyond nodes 3 and 4. Note that if the receiving-end node of any branch in Figure 1 (see also Table 1) is an end node of a particular lateral, then the total load fed through this node is the load of this node itself For example, consider node 5 in Figure 1 (branch 4, Table 1). This is an end node, therefore the total load fed through node 5 is the load of node 5 only. Similarly nodes 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 and 15 are end nodes in Figure 1. The proposed computer logic will automatically identify all the end nodes Tables 2, 3 and 4 give the pattern of computer output For any end node, the computer output will show only this end node. The concept of identifying the nodes and branches beyond a particular node which helps in computing the exact load feeding through the particular node has been realized using an algorithm (Algorithm 1) given below.

VI. A l g o r i t h m 1" Identification of nodes and branches beyond a particular node

Step 1 Step 2 Step3 Step4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 read system data j = 1 k=j+l

i= k
nc = 0 if { I R ( j ) = I S ( i ) } go to step 7 otherwise go to step 15 if {ip = 0} go to step 13 otherwise go to step 8

Method for solution of radial distribution networks: D. Das et al.


Table 2. Nodes and branches beyond node 2 in Figure 1 Sendingend nodes

Node behind node 2 has been skipped (node 1) Branches beyond node 2
2 3 4 2 9 2 6 6 3 11 12 4 4

Step 14 ip = ip + 1

Receivingend nodes

2 3 4 5 9 10

Step 15

Step 16 Step 17

6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15

Step 18

Step 19

Step 20

Table 3. Nodes and branches beyond node 3 in Figure 1

Sendingend nodes Nodes behind node 3 have been skipped Branches beyond node 3 3 3 4 4 4 11 12 --+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Receivingend nodes Step 21

Step 22 3 4 11 14 15 5 12 13

IK(ip) = i LL(ip) = IS(i) KK(ip) = IR(i) IE(j, ip + 1) = IR(i) IB(j, ip + 1) = IS(i) U ( j ) = ip + 1 i=i+l if{i<~LN1} go to step 6 otherwise go to step 16 if{ip = 0} go to step 17 otherwise go to step 18 IE(j, ip + 1) = I R ( j ) IB(j, ip + 1) = I S ( j ) N ( j ) = ip + 1 go to step 20 iq=iq+l if {iq > ip} go to step 20 otherwise go to step 19 I R ( j ) = KK(iq) k = IK(iq) + 1 if {iq<~ip} go to step 5 j=j+l if {j~<LN1 - 1} go to step 3 otherwise go to step 21 IE(LN1, 1) = IR(LN1) IB(LN1, l) = IS(LN1) N(LN1) = 1 stop

VII. Load f l o w calculation

Once all the nodes and branches are identified, it is very easy to calculate voltage magnitudes of all the nodes by using equations (4), (5) and (6). In this algorithm, we have to obtain the exact load feeding through all the receivingend nodes (Table 1) and the voltage magnitudes of all these nodes by using equations (4), (5) and (6), as the voltage magnitude of substation is known (V(1)). Then we can compute the feeder current, branch loSses etc. The convergence criteria of the proposed method is that if, in successive iterations the difference between the real and reactive power delivered from the substation is less than 0.1kW and 0.1kVAr, the solution has converged. Before a detailed load flow algorithm is given, note that:

Table 4. Nodes and branches beyond node 4 in Figure 1 Sendingend nodes Nodes behind node 4 have been skipped Branches beyond node 4 Step 8 Step 9 4 4 4 ~ ~ ~ Receivingend nodes

14 15 5

I S ( j ) = IB(j, 1) ~ for allj I R ( j ) = IE(j, 1) J


The proposed load flow algorithm is given in the form of a flowchart in Figure 4.

Stepl0 Stepll

Step 12 Step 13

in = 1 i f { I S ( i ) = LL(ip) and IR(i) = KK(ip)} or if {IR(i) = KK(ip)} go to step 10 otherwise go to step 11 nc= l in = in + l if{in<.~ip} go to step 9 otherwise go to step 12 if{nc = 1} go to step 15 otherwise go to step 14 IE(j, ip + 1) "-- I R ( j ) IB(j, ip + l) = I S ( j )

Villi. A l g o r i t h m 2: Load f l o w calculation

iteration count = I T = l S L P = 0.0; SLQ = 0.0 Step 2 P L O S S = 0.0; Q L O S S = 0.0 Step 3 j = 1 Step4 LK = N(j) Step 5 i = 1 Step 6 if {IB(j, i) ~ I S ( j ) } go to step 8 otherwise go to step 7 Step7 L I = I B ( j , i ) Step 1

L2 = IE(j, i) ml = I S ( j )


Method for solution of radial distribution networks. D. Das et al.

Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13

m2 = I R ( j ) P(m2) = PL(L2) Q(m2) = QL(L2) go to step 13 L1 : IB(j, i) L2 = IE(j, i) in= l if {L1 = IS(in) and L2 = IR(in)} go to step 11 otherwise go to step 12 P(m2) = P(m2) + PL(L2) + LP(in) Q(m2) = Q(m2) + QL(L2) + LQ(in) in = in + l if {in<<.LN1} go to step 10 otherwise go to step 13 i=i+1 if {i<~LK} go to step 6

Step 14 (a) compute voltage magnitude by using equation (4), i.e. compute A ( j ) and B ( j ) by using equations (5) and (6) then compute voltage magnitude by using equation (4) (b) compute branch real and reactive power losses by using equation (8) (c) P L O S S = P L O S S + L P ( j ) QLOSS : QLOSS + L Q ( j ) Step 15 j = j + l if {j<~LN1} go to step 4 Step 16 DP = I(PLOSS-SLP)[ DQ = I(QLOSS-SLQ)I if {(DP and DQ) < EPS} go to step 18 otherwise go to step 17 Step 17 I T = I T + 1 SLP = P L O S S

Read line parameters & load data

Iteration count 1 T=I I From D Set SLP=0.0; SLQ=O.0 Set

T_ ~- No

From E

I ,-.,l


From C

[ ~

I LK='U' [
From B

Compute voltage magnitude by using eqn. (4) i.e. Compute A(]) & B(]) by using eqns. (5) & (6). Then compute voltage magnitude by eqn. (4). Also compute branch real and reactive power losses by using eqn. (8)

,~ No
L l = m O, i) Ll=/B q, i)


] j=j+l ]


Solution has converged Write voltage magnitudes, power losses, etc.

L2=iE (j, i) P (m2)=PL (L2) Q (m2)=QL (L2)

m l =/S (j) m2=lR (j)

H'= IT+ 1
SLP=PLOSS SLQ=QLOSS P (m2)=P (m2)+PL (L2)+LP(in) Q (m2)=Q (m2)+QL (L2)+LQ (in) ]

I @

Figure 4. Flowchart for load flow calculation

Method for solution of radial distribution networks: D. Das et al.



go to step 2 Step 18 solution has converged, write voltage magnitudes, power losses, feeder current etc. Step 19 stop

IX. Examples
IX.1 Example 1 In this example, we consider Figure 1, which is an existing rural distribution feeder. Line data and load data of this system are given in Appendix 2. It took three iterations to converge by the proposed method. The proposed method has also been compared with that of Baran and Wu II. Their method also took three iterations to converge. The memory requirement of the proposed method is 63% of Baran and Wu's method. The proposed method is 1.37 times faster than that of Baran and Wu. It is worth mentioning here that to compute the Jacobian matrix, Baran and Wu's method needs a series of matrix multiplications and the number of these multiplications increases with the increase in size of the radial distribution networks. In addition, Baran and Wu's method needs at least one matrix inversion. However, the proposed method needs no matrix multiplication and inversions. The solution of this system has been given in Table 5. The total real and reactive power losses of this system are 61.79 kW and 57.30 kVAr respectively. The proposed method has also been compared with the methods proposed by Renato 13 and Kersting8, respectively. The proposed method is 1.1 times faster than the method proposed in Reference 13 and 2.3 times faster than the method proposed in Reference 8. However, the memory requirement is the same as that of the methods given in References 8 and 13.

convergence. The memory requirement of the proposed method is approximately 65% of Baran and Wu's method. The proposed method is also 1.93 times faster than that of Baran and Wu. It is worth mentioning here that the proposed method is much faster than Baran and Wu's ll' 12method when the system is very large. The solution of this system is given in Table 6. The total real and reactive power losses of this system are 286.52 kW and 180.52 kVAr respectively. Further, it is found that the proposed method is 1.39 times faster than the method in Reference 13 and 4.2 times faster than the method in Reference 8. Again, the memory requirement is the same as in References 8 and 13.

Table 6. Load flow solution of Example 3 Node no. 1 (substation) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Voltage magnitude 1.00000 0.99587 0.98977 0.98197 0.97816 0.96443 0.95599 0.91950 0.91778 0.91394 0.91122 0.09897 0.90799 0.90769 0.90751 0.99557 0.98916 0.97580 0.97439 0.97370 0.97300 0.97234 0.97427 0.95559 0.91410 0.90996 0.90453 0.90202 0.89741 0.89319 0.89122 0.88998 0.88900 0.88476 0.88248 0.88239 0.90969 0.90380 0.89700 0.88934 0.88841 0.88828 0.88819 Node no. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Voltage magnitude 0.88316 0.00213 0.88153 0.88143 0.88050 0.88024 0.87979 0.87945 0.87818 0.87775 0.87749 0.87777 0.88014 0.91562 0.90975 0.90962 0.90624 0.90517 0.90444 0.90533 0.90184 0.90167 0.90154 0.90008 0.89722 0.89510 0.89455 0.89430 0.89994 0.89580 0.89560 0.89533 0.89415 0.90166 0.91319 0.91294 0.90744 0.90694 0.90688 0.90625 0.90606 0.90761

IX.2 Example 2 In this example, we consider a rural distribution feeder of 85 nodes. The line and load data of this system are given in Appendix 3. The proposed method took four iterations to converge. Baran and W U ' S 11' 12 method also took four iterations for
Table 5. Solution of Example 1 Node no. 1 (substation) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1.00000 0.97128 0.95667 0.95090 0.94992 0.95823 0.95601 0.95695 0.96797 0.96690 0.94995 0.94583 0.94452 0.94861 0.94844


Method for solution of radial distribution networks. D. Das et al.

Newton like method' IEEE Trans. gol PAS-101 (1982) 3648 3657 8 Kersting, W H and Mendive, D L 'An application of ladder network theory to the solution of three phase radial load flow problem" IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, January 1976, paper no A 76 044-8 9 Kersting, W H 'A method to teach the design and operation of a distribution system' IEEE Trans. Vol PAS-103 (1984) 1945 1952 I0 Shirmohammadi, D, Hong, H W, Semlyen, A and Lno, G X 'A compensation-based power flow method for weakly meshed distribution and transmission networks' IEEE Trans. Vol PWRS-3 (1988) 753-762 11 Baran, M E and Wu, F F 'Optimal sizing of capacitors placed on a radial distribution system' IEEE Trans. Vol PWRD-2 (1989) 735-743 12 Chiang, H D 'A decoupled load flow method for distribution power network: algorithms, analysis and convergence study' Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. Vol 13 No 3 (1991) 130138 13 Renato, C G 'New method for the analysis of distribution networks' IEEE Trans. P W R D Vol 5 No 1 (1990) 391-396 14 Goswami, S K and Basu, S K 'Direct solution of distribution systems' IEEProc. C. Vol 188 No 1 (1991)78-88 15 Jasmon, G B and Lee, L H C C 'Stability of loadflow techniques for distribution system voltage stability analysis' lEE Proc. C. Vol 138 No 6 (1991) 16 Jasmon, G B and Lee, L H C C 'Distribution network reduction for voltage stability analysis and load flow calculations' Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. Vol 13 No 1 (1991) 9-13

X. Additional application of the proposed method

X.1 Load modelling All loads, including shunt capacitators for reactive power compensation are represented by their active (P0) and reactive (Q0) components at 1.0 p.u. The effect of voltage variation is represented as follows:

P = Pol vI ~
Q = Q01Vl k where is the voltage magnitude k = 0 for constant power loads k = 1 for constant current loads k = 2 for constant impedance loads


I vl

The value of k differ according to the load characteristics. The load flow solution depends on the type of real and reactive loads. It is extremely easy to include a real and reactive power loads representation in the proposed algorithm. For constant current and constant impedance loads, real and reactive power loads have to be computed after every iteration. XI. C o n c l u s i o n s A simple and efficient load flow technique has been proposed for solving radial distribution networks. It completely exploits the radial feature of the distribution network. The proposed method always guarantees convergence of any type of practical radial distribution network with a realistic R / X ratio. Computationally, the proposed method is extremely efficient compared with Baran and Wu's method as it solves a simple algebraic expression of voltage magnitude only. Another advantage of the proposed method is that it requires less computer memory. The proposed method can easily handle the composite loads if the break up of the loads is known. The proposed method has been implemented on an IBM PC-AT. Several Indian rural distribution networks have been successfully solved by using the proposed load flow technique.

Appendix 1
F r o m Figure 2, we have the following equations: I(1) =

I V(1)llr(1)

- I v(2)1l~(2) R(1) + j X ( 1 )


and I(1) - P(2) - jQ(2) v*(2) F r o m equations (12) and (13) we obtain: (13)

XlI. References
1 Tinney, W F and Hart, C E 'Power flow solution by Newton's method' IEEE Trans Vol PAS-86 (1967) 1449-1456 2 Stott, B and Alsae, O 'Fast decoupled load flow' IEEE Trans. Vol PAS-93 (1974) 859-869 3 Stagg, G W and EI-Abiad, A H Computer methods in power system analysis McGraw Hill (1968) 4 Nagrath, I J and Kothari, D P Modern power system analysis 2nd edn, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1989) 5 Rajicie, D and Bose, A A modification to the fast decoupled power flow for networks with high R / X ratios IEEE Trans. Vol PWRS-3 (1988) 743-746 6 Iwamoto, S and Tamura, Y 'A load flow calculation method for ill conditioned power systems' IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS100(1981) 1736 1713 7 Tripathy, S C, Durgaparasad, G, Malik, O P and Hope, G S 'Load flow solutions for ill conditioned power systems by a I V(1)ILr(1) - I V(2)ILr(2) _ P(2) - j Q ( 2 ) R(1) + j X ( 1 ) V*(2) therefore IV(1)I IV(Z)ILr(1) - t5(2) - I V ( 2 ) I 2 = [P(2) - jQ(2)][R(1) +jX(1)] therefore IV(1)I IV(2)I cos[6(1) - 6(2)] - I V(2)I 2 +Jl V(1)I I V(2)I sin[6(1) - 6(2)] = [P(2)R(1) + Q(2)X(1)] + j[P(Z)X(1) - Q(Z)R(1)] (14)

Method for solution of radial distribution networks: D. Das et al.

Table A2.1 Line data of Example 1


Branch number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Sendingend node 1 2 3 4 2 9 2 6 6 3 11 12 4 4

Receivingend node 2 3 4 5 9 10 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15

R (ohm)

(ohm) 1.32349 1.14464 0.82271 1.02760 1.35790 1.13770 1.72490 0.73400 0.84410 1.21110 1.65150 1.35790 1.50470 0.80740

1.35309 1.17024 0.84111 1.52348 2.01317 1.68671 2.55727 1.08820 1.25143 1.79553 2.44845 2.01317 2.23081 1.19702

Separating real and imaginary parts of equation (14) we obtain


] V(2)I 4 + 2.0[P(2)R(1) + Q(2)X(1)

I v(1)l I v(2)l cos[6(1) - 6(2)] - I v(2)l 2

= P(2)R(1) + Q(2)X(1) therefore

- 0.50] V(1)[2]I V(2)[ 2 + (R2(1) + xz(1))(p2(2) + Q2(2)) = 0 (17)

I v(1)l I v(2)l cos[6(1) - 6(2)]

= ]v(2)] 2 + P(Z)R(1) + Q(z)x(1) and I V(1)] IV(Z)] sin(6(1) - 6(2)) = P(2)X(1) - Q(2)R(1) (16) Squaring and adding equations (15) and (16) we obtain: ] V(1)[2[ V(2)[ 2 = [[ V(2)[ 2 -~- P(Z)R(1) + Q(Z)X(1)] 2 + [P(Z)X(1) - Q(Z)R(1)] z (15)

Equation (17) has a straightforward solution and does not depend on the phase angle, which simplifies the problem formulation. In a distribution system, the voltage angle is not so important because the variation of voltage angle from the substation to the tail-end of a distribution feeder is only few degrees. Note that from the two solutions of IV(2)] 2 only the one considering the positive sign of the square root of the solution of the quadratic equation gives a realistic value. The same is applicable when solving for IV(2)]. Therefore from equation (17), the solution of IV(2)I can be written as:

] V(2)I = {[(P(2)R(1) + Q(2)X(1) - 0.51V(1)]2) a


(R2(1) + X2(1))(p2(2) + Q2(2))]1/2

- (P(Z)R(1) + Q(Z)X(1) - 0.5] V(1)[2)} U2 (18)

Equation (18) can be written in generalized form:

Table A2.2 Load data of Example 1

V(m2) = [B(j) - A(j)] U2 KVA 100.0 63.0 200.0 100.0 63.0 100.0 200.0 where


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0.0 63.0 100.0 200.0 63.0 200.0 200.0 100.0

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A ( j ) = P(m2)*R(j) + Q ( m 2 ) * X ( j ) - 0.5*]V(ml)l 2 (20) B ( j ) = [AZ(j) - (RZ(j) + X3(j))*(PZ(m2) + QZ(m2))]l/2 (21) j is the branch number, ml and m2 are sending-end and receiving-end nodes respectively ( m l = I S ( j ) and m2 = I R ( j ) ) .

P o w e r f a c t o r o f the l o a d is t a k e n as c o s q~ = 0.70. R e a l p o w e r l o a d = PL = K V A * c o s ~b. R e a c t i v e p o w e r l o a d = QL = K V A * sin ~b.

~ E q~

X C~





Method for solution of radial distribution networks: D. Das et al.

Table A3.1. Continued
Branch no. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Sendingend 41 41 34 44 45 46 35 48 49 50 48 52 53 52 49 9 57 58 58 60 61 60 63 64 65 64 67 68 69 70 67 68 73 73 70 65 10 67 12 80 81 81 83 13 Receivingend 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 R (ohm) 0.273 0.455 1.002 0.911 0.911 0.546 0.637 0.182 0.364 0.455 1.366 0.455 0.546 0.546 0.546 0.273 0.819 0.182 0.546 0.728 1.002 0.182 0.728 0.182 0.182 0.455 0.910 1.092 0.455 0.546 0.182 1.184 0.273 1.002 0.546 0.091 0.637 0.546 0.728 0.364 0.091 1.092 1.002 0.819


X (ohm) 0.113 0.189 0.416 0.378 0.378 0.226 0.264 0.075 0.151 0.189 0.567 0.189 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.113 0.340 0.075 0.226 0.302 0.415 0.075 0.302 0.075 0.075 0.189 0.378 0.453 0.189 0.226 0.075 0.491 0.113 0.416 0.226 0.037 0.264 0.226 0.302 0.151 0.037 0.453 0.416 0.340


Method for solution of radial distribution networks: D. Das

et a

Table A3.2. Load data of Example 2

Node no. 4 6 8 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 31 33 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45

(kW) 56.0 35.28 35.28 56.0 35.28 35.28 35.28 112.0 56.0 56.0 35.28 35.28 35.28 56.0 35.28 35.28 56.0 56.0 35.28 35.28 14.0 35.28 56.0 56.0 56.0 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28 35.28

Node no. 46 47 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 59 61 61 62 63 66 69 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85


(kW) 35.28 14.0 36.28 56.0 35.28 56.0 56.0 14.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 14.0 56.0 56.0 35.28 56.0 56.0 35.28 56.0 14.0 56.0 35.28 56.0 56.0 35.28 14.0 35.28

Power factor of the load cos = 0.70. Reactive power load = QL = PL* tan 8. Those nodes with no power are not shown.

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