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CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the methodology and procedure employed in the

development of the study. Sources of data, instruments used and data gathering procedure are likewise given. This section lists and discusses specific steps and activities that will be performed by the proponents to accomplish the project. Research Design The study will adopt the developmental method of research to achieve the desired system. It focused on developing a mobile application that saves and manages manually summarized notes to help users review their lessons as well as generate an evaluation through multiple forms of quizzes. A descriptive method of research will be helpful in data gathering, relying on published and unpublished sources as well as sources available in the internet. This method will be a great help in the realization of the proposed system. Research Methodology The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was used as a research method for this study. SDLC is a common methodology for a system development featuring several phases that mark the progress of the system analysis and design effort. It consists of several activities which are important in the development of the software to attain the objectives. A typical Software Development life cycle consists of the following phases: Requirement gathering and analysis, Design, Implementation or coding, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance. PHASE I: Requirement Gathering and Analysis

because the quizzes and answers will be derived from the summarized notes. This application is designed to be user-friendly as well as entertaining to invigorate the User on their review. As it is user-friendly, the system is designed to be a simple step-by-step process to manage the notes inputted by the User as well as create different forms of quizzes. To put it simple, User will input their desired lecture notes and the system will guide them on how to effectively summarize these notes then the system will manage and create quizzes from the summarized notes. HTML5 is the chosen programming tool by the researchers. HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML. The previous version of HTML, HTML 4.01, came in 1999. The web has changed a lot since then. HTML5 is still a work in progress. However, the major browsers support many of the new HTML5 elements and APIs. This tool was chosen by the researchers as it housed on the Web and runs inside a mobile browser. Unlike apps built specifically for Apple devices or Google's Android operating system, it does not need to be built from scratch for each OS. The promise is that it can be "write once, run anywhere." Some of the most interesting new features in HTML5:

The <canvas> element for 2D drawing The <video> and <audio> elements for media playback Support for local storage New content-specific elements, like <article>, <footer>, <header>, <nav>, <section> New form controls, like calendar, date, time, email, url, search

Though HTML5 is not yet an official standard and no browsers have full HTML5 support, all major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer) continue to add new HTML5 features to their latest versions. PHASE II: Design In this phase the system and software design is prepared from the requirement specifications which were studied in the first phase. System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining overall system architecture. The system design specifications serve as input for the next phase of the model. In illustrating the features of the Reviewer Maker Mobile Application, we will display each of it one by one, as this system is a step-by-step process.

Software requirements are gathered in this phase. This phase determines the requirements like; who is going to use the mobile application? How will they use the application? What data should be input into the application? What data should be output by the application? These are general questions that get answered during a requirements gathering phase. After requirement gathering these requirements are analyzed for their validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system to be developed is also studied. This mobile application is designed for students to help them manage their lecture notes as well as provide an evaluation on their knowledge on a particular course. Problem solving and mathematical calculations would not work in this application

Once the User click the mobile reviewer icon, the start-up window will show the steps to be done to manage notes as well as generate the quizzes for that Lecture. Once clicking the Start button, the system will direct the User to Step 1.

The Setting button is available for User to view other options available in the App: Start Review will direct the User to the start-up window showing the steps, Files, will direct the User to his saved files, Progress will direct the User to its Progress report/s, and the Logout option. The Input Options This system will accept two (2) forms of input: Text through typing and by adding a file. The accepted files for this system are Text, Doc, and Docx.

By clicking the Done button, the User shall be asked to name the Notes as the system saves it as an individual file. Once saved, the summarized notes shall be managed by the system, displaying it in bulleted form and bolding the object in each note. The User can already use this managed summarized notes as a reviewer. Once the process of summarizing the notes is done, the User will have the option to add another text/file. Hovering to the upper right corner of the screen will reveal the input options, and will lead the User to Step 1, adding the processed notes to the previous summarized notes.

Clicking the Take the Quiz Button will direct the User to the fourth and final step. Step 4: Taking the Quiz As the system identifies the entities and its content, it is ready to create the quizzes for this particular Lecture (summarized notes). The application has three (3) forms of quizzes available: Multiple-choice form, Identification form, and True-orFalse. So, how will the system create these quizzes? In each Note, the system will either change or omit the Object or its content. For multiple-choice form of questions, the choices are generated by changing the first word of the correct object/answer. For example, for the object Software Process Model, the first word Software will be changed to another word for the rest of the choices. In changing the first word the system will search for words that have six (6) or more letters (words with more than 6 or more letters are guaranteed to be non-demonstrative, non-article and non-preposition words, thus leaving the nouns, pronouns, verb, adjective, etc. to be used as alternative words for the multiple choices) and which is not equal to the second or third word or so on. The system will search this word in the notes saved. Note 1: A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It represents a description of a process from some particular perspective. Question 1 (Multiple-choice form): A _______________ is an abstract representation of a process. It represents a description of a process from some particular perspective. a. software process model b. perspective process model c. abstract process model The User then can choose among the answers. For the Identification form of questions, the system will just omit the object of a note. Note 1: A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It represents a description of a process from some particular perspective. Question 1 (Identification form): A is an abstract representation of a process. It

Step 1: Adding Notes The User can choose two (2) ways in generating a note: through typing or by adding a file. Once the note has been added, the button Add Note shall be pressed for the system to recognize the text/file as a Note. And this will be displayed in a text form.

Step 2: Highlighting Important Texts In this step, the User shall be asked to highlight the important texts in the note added. The system will consider every highlight as individual notes. If the user highlighted several sentences in one go, the system will consider it as one (1) note. Once done, the Done button is available to end the second step. Back button is also available for the User to go back to Step 1 in case changes are necessary, though the past actions are saved only if the added text/file is not changed. If the text/file is changed in step 1, step 2 will be voided.

Step 3: Identifying the Object The highlighted texts shall be displayed in bulleted form in Step 3. In this step, the User shall be asked to identify the object in each bullet by highlighting it.

The User can highlight only one (1) object in one note. By this, the system can recognize these objects as entities of each note.

represents a description of a process from some particular perspective. The User can type his answer in the box, and system will match it to the Object of the note if it matches or not. Note 1: A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It represents a description of a process from some particular perspective. Question 1 (Identification form): A Static Diagram is an abstract representation of a process. It represents a description of a process from some particular perspective. TRUE FALSE Finally, for the True-or-False questions, the system will interchange the Object of a note from other Objects saved in the whole Lecture. The system can identify if the answer is True if the Object and Content matches, if not hence False. One the User chooses an answer the system will automatically check if its correct displaying the result right after the User answers. Automatic checking is necessary for the user to see right away if he got the correct answer as well as confirm the correct answer if he got it incorrectly. The system will display how many questions are generated from the notes saved. The END button is available if the owner wishes to end the quiz. The system will consider the rest of the items in the quiz incorrect if the User wishes to end it w/o finishing the quiz. The Next button will direct the User to the next item. Once all the items are answered, the final score of the User is displayed. The system identifies if it passes or fails by 75% score rate. Motivational comments are included to give enthusiasm and encouragement to the User. Pressing OK will prompt the User to take the Quiz again or not. Pressing no will direct the User to the start-up window. The Progress Report The progress page will show how well the User does in his review by evaluating his progress with the quizzes he took in a particular lecture. Each lecture will have its each progress report.

when the result is constantly increasing though more fails than of passes are made, or if the result has no progress at all, be it all passed. Great, when the result is mostly passed and shows considerable increase on its scores in each try. Awesome, when the last try the User did resulted to a perfect score. PHASE III: Implementation / Coding On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actual coding is started. Since, in this phase the code is produced so it is the main focus for the developer. This is the longest phase of the software development life cycle.

PHASE IV: Testing After the code is developed it is tested against the requirements to make sure that the product is actually solving the needs addressed and gathered during the requirements phase. During this phase unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing are done. Testing will be done by the researchers as well as some selected B.S. Computer Science students in Bicol University. Their feedback will be recorded to confirm the systems success. PHASE V: Deployment After successful testing the product is delivered / deployed to the clienteles for their use. These clienteles will be some selected students of B.S. Computer Science in Bicol University as well as some students in a non-technical course. Their comments and suggestion will be the basis of changes in the system in the Maintenance phase, if ever they have encountered any problem in the system. Once these problems are solved, this will be deployed to the panellist for this research presentation. PHASE VI: Maintenance Once when the clienteles starts using the developed system then the actual problems comes up and needs to be solved from time to time. This process where the care is taken for the developed product is known as maintenance. If the system doesnt show any problem, the system is unlikely to be changed, thus upgrade or such wont be necessary. Maintenance will only be applied of problem on the system arises while its already been deployed

Since the User has unlimited times to try the quiz, the system will evaluate its improvement by checking the pattern of the scores it gets in each try. Progress feedbacks have four (4) types: Bad, Fair, Great, and Awesome. Bad, when the results are all failed and no to little increase on score progress has been made. Fair,

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