RDBMS:: Oracle 10g With Forms (3 Hrs/Day)

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Oracle 10g With Forms ( 3 Hrs/Day)

Overview of Database Management and Architecture What is a Database System? Why Database? Components of a Database System Database Users Database Architecture Introducing Relataional Databases Keys Integrity Attribute Constraints Database Constraints


Entity-Relationship Model Introducing Entity-Relationship Model Entity Attribute Relationships Case Study

SQL : Day3 & 4

Introducing Oracle Features of Oracle Use Of SQL Background of SQL SQL*PLUS Fundamentals SQL*Plus Difference between SQL and SQL *PLUS How to work with SQL Working with SQL Categories of SQL statements Retrieving Data Using SQL Overview (Select Command) Arithmetic Operators and Expressions Null Values Using Column Aliases Concatenation Operator Eliminating Duplicate Rows Using the Where Clause Comparison Operators Logical Operators Precedence of Logical Operator Between Operator The IN Operator Wild Card Matching Checking for Null Values

Arranging Output

Assignment in SQL 1


Joining of Tables and Sub query Inner join Outer join , left / right / full Self join Nested query Correlated query

Assignment in SQL 2

Day 6
Data Manipulation Language - Overview Insert Update Delete Tables, Views and Sequences Creating Tables Datatypes Default Values of Columns Constraints ROWID and ROWNUM pseudo-columns Altering tables Dropping tables Derived Tables Views DML Operations on Views Introduction to Oracle Architecture

Assignment in SQL 3

PL/SQL : Day 7
Introduction to PL/SQL Features and Execution process Block Structure Nested blocks Variables, Control Structures Exceptions Declaring, Raising and Handling System and User defined Exceptions Pragma Exception_Init Using Raise_Application_Error

Cursors Implicit Cursors , Explicit Cursors Using Implicit Cursor attributes

Day 8

Using Explicit Cursor attributes Parameterized Cursors Cursor FOR loops For update clause Ref Cursor


Day 9
Subprograms Need for Subprograms Creating Local Procedures and Functions Creating Stored Procedures and Functions Calling Procedures and Functions Rules for defining a function calling from SQL Statement Parameter modes, IN, OUT, IN OUT AUTONOMOUS Transaction


Day 10
Packages Advantages of a Package Package Specification Package Body Calling a subprogram from a Package Private package members Package Block


Day 11
Database Triggers Trigger Components Statement and Row triggers Using old and new variables Constraining and Mutating triggers Triggers on View Trigger firing sequence Mutating Trigger


Day 11

Assignment & PL-SQL Doubt Clearing

Oracle Forms : Day 13

Form builder design interface form builder major tool set form builder wizards, main menu, and modules using the property palette using the layout editor Building a basic form module connecting to the database creating a new form module new blocks Building a robust form

working with toolbars add new objects creating canvas-views and a detail block relations Editors and alerts specialized windows editors and alerts

Day 14

Lovs and record groups lists of values lov properties record groups record group properties Trigger concepts types of triggers database triggers versus form triggers validation strategies pl/sql trigger scripts Basic menus menu modules saving a menu module compiling a menu module attaching a menu module to a form module

Day 15

Using parameters system parameter,a bind parameter parameter property inspector validation triggers generate parameter form parameter form editor, size Using pl/sql understanding pl/sql, pre-defined packages and exceptions pl/sql functions in triggers creating and attaching external pl/sql

Project Development : Day 15 Day 22 Project Presentation Day: Day 23

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