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A felony is a serious crime in the common law countries. The term originates from English common law where felonies were originally crimes which involved the confiscation of a convicted person's land and goods; other crimes were called misdemeanors. Many common law countries have now abolished the felony/misdemeanor distinction and replaced it with other distinctions such as between indictable offences and summary offences. A felony is generally considered to be a crime of "high seriousness", while a misdemeanor is not. A person convicted in a court of law of a felony crime is known as a felon. In the United States, where the felony/misdemeanor distinction is still widely applied, the federal government defines a felony as a crime punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of one year. If punishable by exactly one year or less, it is classified as a misdemeanor.[1] The individual states may differ in this definition, using other categories as seriousness or context. Similar to felonies in some civil law countries (Italy, Spain etc.) are delicts, whereas in others (France, Belgium, Switzerland etc.) crimes (more serious) and delicts (less serious).

Classification by subject matter
Felonies include but are not limited to the following: Murder; Rape; Aggravated assault and/or battery; Arson; Robbery; Burglary; The manufacture, sale, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute of certain types and/or quantities of illegal drugs; In some states, the simple possession (possession without intent to distribute, e.g., for personal use) of certain types of illegal drugs, usually in more than a certain quantity but regardless of quantity for some drugs in some jurisdictions (such as Virginia for cocaine and heroin) regardless of quantity; Grand larceny or grand theft, i.e., larceny or theft above a certain statutorily established value or quantity of goods; and Vandalism on federal property. Broadly, felonies can be characterized as either violent or nonviolent: Violent offenses usually contain some element of force or a threat of force against a person. Some jurisdictions classify as violent certain property crimes involving a strong likelihood of psychological trauma to the property owner; for example, Virginia treats both common-law burglary (the breaking and entering of a dwelling house at night with the intent to commit larceny, assault and battery, or any felony therein) and statutory burglary (breaking and entering with further criminal intent but without the dwelling-house or time elements, such that the definition applies to break-ins at any time and of businesses as well as of dwelling houses) as felonies. Most offenses involving drugs or property alone are characterized as nonviolent. Some offenses, though similar in nature, may be felonies or misdemeanors depending on the circumstances. For example, the illegal manufacture, distribution or possession of controlled substances may be a felony, although possession of small amounts may be only a misdemeanor. Possession of a deadly weapon may be generally legal, but carrying the same weapon into a restricted area such as a school may be viewed as a serious offense, regardless of whether there is intent to use the weapon. Additionally, driving while intoxicated in some states may be a

Felony misdemeanor if a first offense, but a felony on subsequent offenses. "The common law divided participants in a felony into four basic categories: (1) first-degree principals, those who actually committed the crime in question; (2) second-degree principals, aiders and abettors present at the scene of the crime; (3) accessories before the fact, aiders and abettors who helped the principal before the basic criminal event took place; and (4) accessories after the fact, persons who helped the principal after the basic criminal event took place. In the course of the 20th century, however, American jurisdictions eliminated the distinction among the first three categories." Gonzales v. Duenas-Alvarez, 549 U.S. 183 [2] (2007) (citations omitted).

Classification by seriousness
A felony may be punishable with imprisonment for one or more years or death in the case of the most serious felonies, such as murder. Indeed, at common law when the British and American legal systems divorced in 1776, felonies were crimes for which the punishment was either death or forfeiture of property. All felonies remain considered a serious crime, but concerns of proportionality (i.e., that the punishment fit the crime) have in modern times prompted legislatures to require or permit the imposition of less serious punishments, ranging from lesser terms of imprisonment to the substitution of a jail sentence or even the suspension of all incarceration contingent upon a defendant's successful completion of probation.[3][4][5] Standards for measurement of an offense's seriousness include attempts[6] to quantitatively estimate and compare the effects of a crime upon its specific victims or upon society generally. In some states, all or most felonies are placed into one of various classes according to their seriousness and their potential punishment upon conviction. The number of classifications and the corresponding crimes vary by state and are determined by the legislature. Usually, the legislature also determines the maximum punishment allowable for each felony class; doing so avoids the necessity of defining specific sentences for every possible crime. For example: Virginia classifies most felonies by number, ranging from Class 6 (least severe: 1 to 5 years in prison or up to 12 months in jail) through Class 2 (20 years to life, e.g., first-degree murder and aggravated malicious wounding) up to Class 1 (life imprisonment or the death penalty, reserved for certain types of murders). Some felonies remain outside the classification system. New York State classifies felonies by letter, with some classifies divided into sub-classes by Roman numeral; classes range from Class F (encompassing the least severe felonies) through Classes D, C, B, and AII up to Class AI (encompassing the most severe).

England and Wales

Sir William Blackstone wrote that felony "comprises every species of crime, which occasioned at common law the forfeiture of lands or goods."[7] The word felony was feudal in origin, denoting the value of a man's entire property: "the consideration for which a man gives up his fief."[8] Blackstone refutes the misconception that felony simply means an offence punishable by death, by demonstrating that not every felony is capital, and not every capital offence is a felony. However he concedes that "the idea of felony is indeed so generally connected with that of capital punishment, that we find it hard to separate them; and to this usage the interpretations of the law do now conform."[8] The death penalty for felony could be avoided by pleading benefit of clergy, which gradually evolved to exempt everybody (whether clergy or not) from that punishment for a first offence, except for high treason and offences which were expressly excluded by statute. During the 19th century criminal law reform incrementally reduced the number of capital offences to five (see Capital punishment in the United Kingdom), and forfeiture for felony was abolished by the Forfeiture Act 1870. Consequently the distinction between felony and misdemeanour became

Felony increasingly arbitrary. The surviving differences consisted of different rules of evidence and procedure, and the Law Commission recommended that felonies be abolished altogether. This was done by the Criminal Law Act 1967, which made all felonies (except treason) misdemeanours, and introduced a new system of classifying crimes as either "arrestable" and "non-arrestable" offences (according to which a general power of arrest was available for crimes punishable by five years' imprisonment or more). Arrestable offences were abolished in 2006,[9] and today crimes are classified as indictable or summary offences. Procedure The Trials for Felony Act 1836 (6 & 7 Will 4 c 114) allowed persons indicted for felony to be represented by counsel or attorney. Terminology A person prosecuted for felony was called a prisoner.[10]

United States
The reform of harsh felony laws that had originated in Great Britain was deemed "one of the first fruits of liberty" after the United States became independent.[11] In many parts of the United States, a convicted felon can face long-term legal consequences persisting after the end of their imprisonment, including: Disenfranchisement (which the Supreme Court interpreted to be permitted by the Fourteenth Amendment) Exclusion from obtaining certain licenses, such as a visa, or professional licenses required in order to legally operate (making many vocations off-limits to felons) Exclusion from purchase and possession of firearms, ammunition and body armor Ineligibility for serving on a jury Ineligibility for government assistance or welfare, including being barred from federally funded housing Deportation (if the criminal is not a citizen) Additionally, most job applications and rental applications ask about felony history, (with the exception of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) and answering dishonestly on them can be grounds for rejecting the application, or termination if the lie is discovered after hire. It is legal to discriminate against felons in hiring decisions as well as the decision to rent housing to a person, so felons face barriers to finding both jobs and housing. A common term of parole is to avoid associating with other felons. In some neighborhoods with high rates of felony conviction, this creates a situation where many felons live with a constant threat of being arrested for violating parole.[12] Many bonding companies will not issue bonds to convicted felons, also effectively barring them from certain jobs. Many banks will refuse service to convicted felons. Some states also consider a felony conviction to be grounds for an uncontested divorce. The status and designation as a "convicted felon" is considered permanent, and is not extinguished upon sentence completion even if parole, probation or early release was given.[12] The status can only be cleared by a successful appeal or executive clemency. However, felons may be able to apply for restoration of some rights after a certain period of time has passed. In some states, restoration of those rights may depend on repayment of various fees associated with the felon's arrest, processing, and prison stay.[12]


For state law convictions, expungement is determined by the law of the state. A few states do not allow expungement, regardless of the offense. Federal law does not have any provisions for persons convicted of federal felonies in a federal United States district court to apply to have their record expunged. While the pending Second Chance Act which may change this, at present the only relief that an individual prosecuted in federal court may receive is a Presidential Pardon, which does not expunge the conviction, but rather grants relief from the civil disabilities that stem from it.[13]

Federal Republic of Germany

A felony (Verbrechen) is defined as a crime that is punishable with at least one year of imprisonment.[14] Misdemeanours (Vergehen) are all other crimes punishable by imprisonment of less than one year or by fine.[15] However, in some cases a very severe version misdemeanour may be punished with imprisonment of more than one year, yet the crime itself remains considered a misdemeanour. Same applies for a milder version of a felony that is punishable with imprisonment less than a year.[16] An attempt to commit a felony crime is always punishable whilst an attempt to commit a misdemeanour is solely punishable if particularly prescribed by law.[17] A plea bargain (Strafbefehl) is not applicable for felony crimes at all.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 18 U.S.C. 3559 (http:/ / www. law. cornell. edu/ uscode/ 18/ 3559. html) http:/ / supreme. justia. com/ us/ 549/ 183/ case. html Doing Justice The Choice of Punishments, A VONHIRSCH, 1976, p.220 Criminology, Larry J. Siegel An Economic Analysis of the Criminal Law as Preference-Shaping Policy, Duke Law Journal, Feb 1990, Vol. 1, Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, (http:/ / www. jstor. org/ pss/ 1372651) [6] Offense Seriousness Scaling: An Alternative to Scenario Methods, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Volume 9, Number 3, 309322, DOI: 10.1007/BF01064464 James P. Lynch and Mona J. E. Danner, (http:/ / www. springerlink. com/ content/ k82650582x366612/ ) [7] Blackstone, W. (1765). Commentaries on the Laws of England (http:/ / www. lonang. com/ exlibris/ blackstone/ bla-407. htm) (Book IV chapter 7) Oxford: Clarendon Press. [8] Blackstone. [9] Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005. [10] O. Hood Phillips. A First Book of English Law. Sweet and Maxwell. Fourth Edition. 1960. Page 151. [11] Bradley Chapin (Apr., 1989), Felony Law Reform in the Early Republic, 113, The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, pp.163183, JSTOR20092326 [12] The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander (The New Press, 2010) [13] United States Department of Justice, Pardon Information and Instructions (http:/ / www. usdoj. gov/ pardon/ pardon_instructions. htm) "While a presidential pardon will restore various rights lost as a result of the pardoned offense and should lessen to some extent the stigma arising from a conviction, it will not erase or expunge the record of your conviction." [14] (http:/ / www. gesetze-im-internet. de/ stgb/ __12. html) "Verbrechen sind rechtswidrige Taten, die im Mindestma mit Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr oder darber bedroht sind." [15] (http:/ / www. gesetze-im-internet. de/ stgb/ __12. html)"Vergehen sind rechtswidrige Taten, die im Mindestma mit einer geringeren Freiheitsstrafe oder die mit Geldstrafe bedroht sind." [16] (http:/ / www. gesetze-im-internet. de/ stgb/ __12. html)"Schrfungen oder Milderungen, die nach den Vorschriften des Allgemeinen Teils oder fr besonders schwere oder minder schwere Flle vorgesehen sind, bleiben fr die Einteilung auer Betracht." [17] (http:/ / www. gesetze-im-internet. de/ stgb/ __23. html)"Der Versuch eines Verbrechens ist stets strafbar, der Versuch eines Vergehens nur dann, wenn das Gesetz es ausdrcklich bestimmt."

Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors

Felony Source: Contributors: A. B., Acegikmo1, Acerperi, AchimP, Ainlina, Andeggs, Anders Trlind, Angela, Aniish72, Anythingyouwant, Astral highway, Aude, Avalon, BD2412, Bachrach44, Barbienoire, Basalisk, Bender235, Binksternet, Blue-Haired Lawyer, BobMahmoodi, Bobmack89x, Bobo192, Bongwarrior, BreakDecks, Brewcrewer, Btipling, Bubbleboys, COMPFUNK2, Captain-tucker, Ccacsmss, Chaossaber314, Charm, Chrislk02, Chrisminter, CliffC, Commander Nemet, Conversion script, CrucifiedChrist, Cymru.lass, Dale Arnett, Davidcannon, DeadEyeArrow, Deville, Dirac1933, Dmyersturnbull, Drmies, Ellsworth, EmilioSilva, Epeefleche, Eugene van der Pijll, FT2, Flowerpotman, Frank Lofaro Jr., FrankTobia, Gabbe, GraemeL, Greenwave75, Ground Zero, Gunmetal Angel, Guy M, Hairy Dude, HangingCurve, Hbdragon88, Hcheney, Heff01, Hooperbloob, Hydra2, Icydid, Ihcoyc, Illnab1024, JForget, JJJJust, JPatrickBedell, James500, Jeffy77, Jerdwyer, Jessesamuel, Just James, JustinMullins, Jws401, K, Kaliz, Kingdomkey01, Kirvett, Kloth, KnowledgeOfSelf, Kubigula, Kukini, La goutte de pluie, LaszloKreizler, Lightmouse, Longhair, Lotje, LoverOfArt, Lugnuts, Luke C, MKoltnow, MONGO, Macellarius, Magioladitis, Malber, Mallanox, Marcopil64, Maxis ftw, Meaghan, Michael Hardy, MichaelHovell, Miquonranger03, Miserlou, Mnc4t, Mnmngb, Monfornot, Mr. Stradivarius, MyReference, NTK, Neelix, Netmouse, Njupas, Otisjimmy1, PPdd, Patrick, PaulGS, Pepsidrinka, PeterSymonds, Phantomsteve, Philip Trueman, Piledhigheranddeeper, Pkadam, Plumpurple, Postdlf, Preciouslilheart, PrimeCupEevee, Pro66, R'n'B, RJFJR, RadioFan, Rainbowwarrior1977, Reedy, Requiem18th, Rich Farmbrough, Richard75, Rroots, SCEhardt, STATicVerseatide, Sabby123456789, Sam8, Sardanaphalus, Sbowers3, SchuminWeb, Scientizzzzle, Scottwiki, ScottyBerg, Scratchy, Shadowjams, Shanes, ShelfSkewed, Shenandoah999, Shentino, Shino Baku, Simishag, Simon Dodd, Simon J Kissane, Sirex98, Smyth, Snoyes, Srich32977, Synchronism, Teddythetank, The Master and Margarita, The Thing That Should Not Be, TheFBH, TheWeakWilled, Thiste, Thomas888b, Tide rolls, Tim1988, Tisane, Tommy2010, Tomtheman5, Ttony21, Tufflaw, Twin Bird, Uwguy 34, Vanished user 39948282, Versus22, Vita Vitae, Vudicarus, WatchAndObserve, Wiki Law Editor, Willdasmiffking, Winston365, Wobble, Woohookitty, X1987x, Xiong Chiamiov, Ztobor, Zyk0, 359 anonymous edits

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