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English VI Name: __________________________________ Section: ______________ Date: ______________ A. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. The setting sun turns the sky a gorgeous shade of purple and pink. What time of day is it? a) morning c. afternoon b) evening 2. When the pinata ruptured, the kids went crazy! What does ruptured mean? a) broke open c. candy filled b) closed 3.
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When the

alarm sounded, the kids quickly walked outside and waited in a line. Where are they? a) at the park c. at school b) at home B. Read the passages, understand the questions and write the letters of the correct answes. Sarah lit the candle as the room grew darker. The clock chimed eight times, so she knew it would soon be bedtime. She hurried to find her chalkboard slate. She had not finished her lessons yet. She knew the teacher would be disappointed in her if she did not finish. 4. The paragraph takes place in: A. in the morning B. at night 5. The paragraph takes place in: A. modern times B. historical times Claude walked slowly to the barn. He could hear the puppies as they cried for their mother. It would be a long night if she did not come back soon. 6. Claude is: A. male B. female 7. Claude is: A. a human B. an animal C. dont know As I walked in the door, I knew there was trouble right away. The trash can was turned over, and papers were everywhere. The sofa cushions were on the floor. One of the pillows had been ripped open. Stuffing was all over the floor. As I looked around I saw Ringo in the corner. He had a ball in his mouth, ready to play. 8. What is Ringo? _____________________________________________________________________ 9. What happened to the trash can, the sofa cushions and the pillow? _____________________________

English VI Name: __________________________________ Section: ______________ Date: ______________ C. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper. 8. The setting sun turns the sky a gorgeous shade of purple and pink. What time of day is it? c) Morning d) Afternoon e) Evening 9. When the pinata ruptured, the kids went crazy! What does ruptured mean? c) Broke open d) Candy filled e) Closed When the alarm sounded, the kids quickly walked outside and waited in a line. Where are they? c) At the park d) At school e) At home D. Read the passages, understand the questions and write the letters of the correct answes. Sarah lit the candle as the room grew darker. The clock chimed eight times, so she knew it would soon be bedtime. She hurried to find her chalkboard slate. She had not finished her lessons yet. She knew the teacher would be disappointed in her if she did not finish. 11. The paragraph takes place in: A. in the morning B. at night 12. The paragraph takes place in: A. modern times B. historical times Claude walked slowly to the barn. He could hear the puppies as they cried for their mother. It would be a long night if she did not come back soon. 13. Claude is: A. male B. female 14. Claude is: A. a human B. an animal C. dont know 10.
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As I walked in the door, I knew there was trouble right away. The trash can was turned over, and papers were everywhere. The sofa cushions were on the floor. One of the pillows had been ripped open. Stuffing was all over the floor. As I looked around I saw Ringo in the corner. He had a ball in his mouth, ready to play. 8. What is Ringo? _____________________________________________________________________ 9. What happened to the trash can, the sofa cushions and the pillow? _____________________________ 10. Automobiles must have certain safety devices such as seat belts, headlights, and good brakes. We can infer that a safety device is something that makes driving a) Safer b) Faster c) More fun Read the passages. I dentify and write the main idea and supporting details of each paragraph. The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France. It has become a universal symbol of freedom. 11 -15 Main idea: ____________________________________________________ a) ____________________________________________________ b) ____________________________________________________ c) ____________________________________________________ d) ____________________________________________________ Choose the best supporting detail of the main idea given. 16. Kangaroos usually live in family groups called mobs. a. Kangaroos are mammals. b. These mobs can be as large as 100 kangaroos. 17. Kangaroos usually have only one baby at a time a. Kangaroo babies are called joeys. b. They eat grass and leaves. 18. Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots. a. The joey lives in the mothers pouch for 9 months. b. They only like grass that is green and close to the grounds. 19. Kangaroos are mostly night time creatures. a. Kangaroos have a long powerful tail. b. They sleep during the day under the shady tree or bush.

Automobiles must have certain safety devices such as seat belts, headlights, and good brakes. We can infer that a safety device is something that makes driving d) Safer e) Faster f) More fun Read the passages. I dentify and write the main idea and supporting details of each paragraph. The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France. It has become a universal symbol of freedom. 11 -15 Main idea: ____________________________________________________ e) ____________________________________________________ f) ____________________________________________________ g) ____________________________________________________ h) ____________________________________________________ Choose the best supporting detail of the main idea given. 16. Kangaroos usually live in family groups called mobs. a. Kangaroos are mammals. b. These mobs can be as large as 100 kangaroos. 17. Kangaroos usually have only one baby at a time a. Kangaroo babies are called joeys. b. They eat grass and leaves. 18. Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots. a. The joey lives in the mothers pouch for 9 months. b. They only like grass that is green and close to the grounds.

19. Kangaroos are mostly night time creatures. a. Kangaroos have a long powerful tail. b. They sleep during the day under the shady tree or bush.

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