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<START> <TITLE>UAE0b89256</TITLE> <BODY> <P>PAGE89256</P> <P>nature in the threat of man.

rent in two pieces, the strip of papyrus flutter ed to the ground. the perfect<br>caught the despot, who, seized with giddness, s tretched out his hands as if seeking a support. the<br>physician hurriedly broug ht out the drug which golenus had advised him to use ins uch cases, and<br>which he always carried with him, and then, pointing to the letter, asked the perfect : in the name of<br>all the gods, from whom from the gem cutters fair daughter, replied macrinus, with a contempluous<br> shrug from her cried the physician, i ndignantly. from that lightphryne, who kissed and embraced my<br>rich hasts son down there in his sick room at this the emperor, who had notloot consciousness f or one<br>moment started as if slung by a serpent, and sprany at the physicians throat screaming while he<br>threatened to strangle him: what was that what did you say cursed babbler the truth, villain, and the<br>whole truth, if you love y our life the half choked man, ever prone to talking, had no reason for<br>concea ling from caesar what he had seen with his own eyes, and had subsequently heard in the<br>serapeum and at the table of polybius. when life was at stake a promis e to freedom could be of no<br>acclunt so he gave free rein to his tongue, and answered the questions caracalla haoarsely put to him<br>without reserve, and be ing a man used to the ways of a court with insnuations that were doubly<br>welco me to a judge so eagerfar damning evidence. yesterday, the day before, and the d ay before that<br>every day on which melissa had pretended to feel the mysteriou s lies that bound her heart to his, every<br>day that she had feigned love and l ed him on to woo her, she had as he now learned granted to<br>another what she h ad refused to him with such stern discretion. her prayer for him, the sympathy s he<br>said she felt, the maidenly sensibility which had charmed him in her all, all had been lies, deceit,<br>sham, in order to attain an object. and that old m an and the brothers to serve whom she had dared to approach him they all knew th e cruel game she was playing with him and his hearts love. the lips<br>that had lured him into the vilest trap with lying words had kissed another. he seemed to hear the<br>alexandrains laughing at the farosaken bridegroom, to see them poin ting the finger of decision at the<br>here in its rays, told els what had drawn eva to the stairs. the knight must have slipped into the house<br>and found her there. she knew him and, bfefore being had time to collect his thoughts, she sai d<br>soothingly to her sister, who threw her arms around her as though seeking p rotection, go up to your<br>room, child help her, katterle. ill came directly. w hile eva, leaning on the maids arm, mounted the<br>stairs with trembling knees, els turned to the swiss and said in a grave, resolute tone: if you are<br>worthy of your esculchean, air knight, you will not now fly like a coward from this ho use across whose<br>threshold you stole with shameful insolence, but await me he re until i return, you shall not be detained<br>long. but, to guard yourself and another from misinterpretation, you must hear me, being nodded<br>assent in sil ence, as if still under the spell of what he had recently experienced. but, ere he reached the<br>entry below, martsche, th old housekeeper, and endres, the age d head packer, came towrds him, just<br>as they had risen from their beds, the f ormer with a petticoat flung round here shoulders, the latter<br>wrapped in ahou se blanket. evas shrick had waked both, but els enjoined silence on everyone and , after<br>telling them to go back to bed, said breifly that eva in her somnambu lism had this time gone out into<br>the street and been brought back by the knig ht. finally, she again said to being, presently and then<br>and sweet. she raise d her delicate emaciated hand to her head and found that her thick hari was gone .<br>then she must havecut if off to disguise herself. but where was she whither had she fled it mattered<br>not. the serapeum was far away, and she need no lon ger fear gminis, and his spies. now


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