When Did We Feel Exceptionally Bad About Our Job - What Turned Us Off?

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[ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR PERSONAL LEARNING PAPER - 2] July 19, 2013 Organization Behaviour has been a wonderful course, I have

been enlightened with the importance of human values and their impact on ones life .The second half of the organisation behaviour course has focussed on Motivation, motivational theories, effective leadership and live projects to demonstrate and link personal experiences to the classroom understanding. Its a very interesting subject and helps us better to understand people behaviour. I felt that it can be related to either individual or a group of people working in teams. The simple fact that no two individuals are likely to behave in the same manner in a particular work situation complicates the whole understanding of Organizational Behaviour. In an attempt to expand the scope of self-directed learning, this subject presents a comprehensive theoretical model. The proposed model integrates self-management (contextual control), self-monitoring (cognitive responsibility), and motivational (entering and task) dimensions to reflect a meaningful and worthwhile approach to self-directed learning. Motivation is a factor that can directly affect the productivity of employees and hence the organization. Through the course of the lecture I was able to understand various theories about motivation and how those affect a person. These theories confirmed my belief that self-efficacy of a person can be increased by motivation. Motivation helps in building the self-confidence which plays an important part in achieving success. Repeated success with positive feedback builds a persons self-efficacy. The Equity Theory of work motivation helped me understand the relationship between a persons perceived ratio and work motivation. It was interesting to note that a person always tries to restore the equity between his/her perceived (outcome/input) ratio to others perceived (outcome/input) ratio. The sessions on motivation helped me understand motivation and the factors that play important role in motivating not only others but also our own self. I was able to understand the answers to the questions like - What motivates us at the workplace? Or as stated by Herzberg: (1) When did we feel particularly good about our job what turned us on? And (2) When did we feel exceptionally bad about our job what turned us off? Need for achievement is an important intrinsic need which drives all employees. I was able to understand the importance of goal setting or the motivational application through goal setting. The expectations should be clearly communicated so that the efforts can be directed in the right direction. Specific goals result in higher performance and also the tasks should be challenging rather than easy or routine. The importance of feedback cannot be undermined. It should also be specific, objective and timely. I never thought my boss had any impact of my abilities. I thought all the abilities are within me, my boss, my peers cannot change my abilities, what they can affect though is my external environment. My external environment could be frustrating, de-motivating, and full of negativity or it could be supportive, motivating and full of positive energy. In my short
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[ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR PERSONAL LEARNING PAPER - 2] July 19, 2013 experience, I believe it is somewhat a mix of both. I never thought that a major part my success or failure can depend on others. Now when I look back, having heard of Pygmalion effect, I understand that the level of trust others have in us, decides largely, our level of success. I think I now understand why the program was designed for only those people who have more than 2 years of work experience. As our work experience increases our ability to relate the theoretical concepts taught in the classroom with the practical on-job situations increases. The importance of the concepts which we have learned in the class about motivation, goal setting, positive psychology, positive thinking, Emotional quotient can be realized only by someone who has had some on-job real time experience of negativity, stress, pressure to meet the deadlines etc. I think all those who have worked in the IT industry have faced such situations. Through the course of the subject I understood various theories, the effect of which I had already experienced but was not able to relate to them earlier. By getting to know the Pygmalion Effect and Herzberg's two-factor theory, it dawned upon me that it is not that no one has any effect on you and your behaviour. Herzberg stated the two factors as Motivators which give positive satisfaction, and Hygiene factors that do not motivate if present, but, if absent, result in demotivation. The name hygiene factor is used because, like hygiene, the presence will not improve health, but absence can cause health deterioration. I also learnt that the Pygmalion effect in management is indeed necessary to study motivation at workplace. It is rightly said that Employees dont leave organisations, they leave managers or bosses. The influence of one person's expectations on another's behaviour is by no means a business discovery. If managers' expectations are high, productivity is likely to be excellent. If their expectations are low, productivity is likely to be poor. Also a manager should pay special attention to employees first year in the organisation or on the new project. A high degree of faith when displayed in subordinates pushes them to achieve superior results. The attribution theory was yet another very influential one that emphasized the importance of cognition and perception leading to the better understanding of work motivation and organizational behaviour. At times I used to judge my competency by comparing with my colleagues at work place. The attribution theory helped me understand that I had believed my outcomes were externally controlled. I came to know that people who perceive internal control feel that they personally can influence their outcomes through their own ability, skills or effort. Now I believe that perceiving internal control will help me remain motivated and to be more responsible. The most important learning which I received in the class and which I will try to implement in my life once I get back to be working in an organization is to maintain a synchronized and
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[ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR PERSONAL LEARNING PAPER - 2] July 19, 2013 balanced interaction between health, relationship and work and achieve a high level of Emotional Quotient through practice and discipline. Balancing a sound Health-RelationshipWork level can be achieved only by understanding the importance of Confidence, Hope, Optimism, Assertiveness and Resiliency. Emotional Quotient combines emotions with intelligence and to be a successful manager it is very important that one should develop a high level of E.Q. Man is the product and producer of his environment. To be a successful manager it is crucial that we create a positive environment around us in which our peers, seniors and subordinates can flourish and nurture their talents and abilities. Unless there is a synergy between peers, subordinates and seniors, it is not possible for an organization to achieve an environment that encourages growth and productivity.

Moreshwar Dani FT14439 Section 4B

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