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CONSIDERATIONS AGE GROUP This Visual experience is intended to be achieved It is suitable for children aged from 3 to 5 years with a small group of children. Ideally 4 children, old. but no more than 6. INSPIRATION Andy Goldsworthy who makes land art. He uses materials from the natural world and creates sculptures. Show the Andy Goldsworthy youtube clip to the class. Alexander Calder is an artist who creates sculpture, he creates mobiles, Show the children pictures of his work so they get an understanding of what the artist Andy Goldsworthy creates with nature. And also the structure and shapes of Alexander Calders mobiles and sculptures.

DISCUSSION Begin to talk to the children about sculpture. Ask them questions about what they think it is? What do the think natural materials are? If they could name some. Whether you can make sculptures outside, and what materials you need to make a sculpture? Having these open-ended questions allows the students to think about what their ideas are on the topic before we start the visual experience. LINK TO EARLY YEARS LEARNING FRAMEWORK Children are confident and involved learners. Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. Children are effective communicators Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes. OBJECTIVES For children to collaborate with other children, when creating this sculpture. For the children to share ideas and communicate with each other extending on their ideas. For the children to find the natural materials themselves so they have a sense of satisfaction. For the children to be able to work with clay to get there found materials to attach to the

Children express ideas and make meaning using a sculpture. range of media. Children are connected with and contribute to their world Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment. ACTIVITY RESOURCES AND MATERIALS 1. Go outside with the small group and ask Clay, them to find some natural materials. This could be (leaves, pebbles, twigs, grass etc). A stick 30cm 60cm tall and an inch in width. 2. Set up the experience outside on a table with enough space for all (4-6) children. 4-6 Rolling pins, 3. On the table there will be a thick stick from 30cm to 60cm tall. Art Smocks (If necessary) 4. The children will work together to cover the stick with clay. (This is the structure for Flat Tray their sculpture). 5. Supervision is vital, as the structure needs to Childrens found natural materials. be able to balance and be secure. So you need to make sure that the stick is attached to the tray with clay. 6. The children will add their natural materials to the sculpture. 7. Make sure to answer any questions the children may have while exploring. MODIFICATIONS Depending on the childrens level of development, Instead of clay, the children could try to work out their own way of attaching their materials together. The children could use there outside environment to make their sculpture instead of it being attached to the tray. Creating their own land art. ASSESSMENT This Visual arts experience would be a great opportunity to create a Learning story. Observing the children collecting their own materials, and watching to see how they use them and collaborate with the group to create a sculpture. The discussion the children are having would be a fantastic opportunity to observe the childrens social interactions and their communication (verbal and non verbally) with their involvement in the experience.

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