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L T P M C0 0 3 100 2 1. Amplitude Modulation and demodulation2. Frequency Modulation and FSK Generation 3. Balanced modulator 4. Pre-emphasis & de-emphasis 5. Phase locked loop and applications 6. PWM Generation and detection 7. AM detector and AGC Characteristics 8. FM detector 9. PAM and verification of sampling theorem 10. Pulse Code Modulation Encoder and Decoder 11. Delta modulation and demodulation 12. Digital Modulation Techniques using Train

1. AMPLITUDE MODULATION AND DEMODULATION AIM: To design a circuit for amplitude modulation and demodulation. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO. 1 2 3 4 APPARATUS NAME Digital trainer kit Power chord CRO Connecting wires 30MHZ 1 REQUIRED RANGE QUANTITY 1 -

THEORY: Amplitude modulation is the process of converging message signal with the carrier signal is always greater than the massage signal. Amplitude demodulation is the process of recovering the message signal from the modulated signal. PROCEDURE: 1. Connect the power supply to the trainer. 2. switch on the trainer and check the power supply. connect the oscilloscope to the output of AF genertor and verify the sine wave by changing the frequency and amplitude controls frequency 10HZ TO 10KHZ and amplitude 10V approximately. 3. Some for RF generator and verify the frequency 10KHZ to 150KHZ and amplitude 10V. 4. Switch off the trainer patch the circuit as show in the diagram. 5. Connect the CRO at AF generator output and switch ON the trainer kit(200HZ) modulating sine wave signal by frequency control. 6. Set 100KHZ carrier frequency by using frequency plot in RF generator unit. 7. Connect the oscilloscope at the output of AM and observe the waveform. 8. From the waveform measure Emax and Emin . calculate the % of modulating using the formula %Modulation=(Emax-Emin)/(Emax+Emin) *100 9. Increase the amplitude of modulation signal and calculate the % of modulation for various ranges.




Type of signal Message Signal Carrier Signal Modulated signal Demodulated Signal

Amplitude (in V)

Time (in ms)

RESULT: Thus amplitude modulation and demodulation was designed and verified successfully.



AIM: To study and observe the characteristics of frequency modulation and demodulation using ditital modulation trainer kit. APPARATUS REQUIRED: SNO 1 2 3 APPARATUS NAME FM modulation kit Powrer chord CRO RANGE QUANTITY 1 -

THEORY: FREQUENCY MODULATION: When frequency of the carrier wave varies as per amplitude modulation signal, then it is called as frequency modulation. Amplitude of the modulated carrier wave remains constant It represented by E(t)=Ec.sin[wct+k1Em/wm .sinwmt] PROCEDURE: 1. Turn on te trainer kit and check power supply and sine wave generator output. 2. Switch off the trainer , patch the circuit as shown in wiring diagram. 3. Connect CRO to the ouput wave generator and set 200Hz frequency and amplitude at maximum pattern. 4. Observe the FM output wave , it is slightly blurred sine wave as shown in the figure this graphically derivation of FM output.


FM MODULATION: Type of signal Message Signal modulated Signal Amplitude (in V) Time (in ms)

RESULT: Thus the frequency modulation and frequency demodulation was designed and the outputs are verified successfully.


AIM To study and observe the characteristics of FSK by using digital modulation trainer kit. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO. 1. 2. APPARTUS REQUIRED Digital modulation trainer kit CRO RANGE _ _ QUANTITY 1 _

THEORY: FSK is a form of constant amplitude angle modulation similar to FM in CW modulation. The binary FSK means , the frequency of the transmitted signal is switched between the binary values of 0 or 1 or +1,-1 (i.e) there are two different frquency signals according to binary symbols. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Check input and data input is given to data conditioning trainer. Connect NRZ(i) output to modulating input of carrier modulation circuit. Give one of the modulating input to data inverter input,. Connect inverter input of another input of another carrier modulater circuit.



Type of signal Message Signal

Amplitude (in V) Time (in ms)


RESULT: Thus the charateristics of FSK has been studied successfully using Digital Trainer kit.



AIM: To study the characteristics of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO . 1 2 3 4 5 6 APPARATUS NAME AFO Resister IC 741 CRO RPS Capacitor RANGE QUNNTITY 1 EACH 1 1 1 1 1

15K ,22K 30 MHZ (0-30V) 0.1MF

THEORY: PRE-EMPHASIS: This circuit is in the transmitting side of the frequency modulator . It is used to increase the gain of the higher frequency component. As the input signal frequency increased the impedenceof the collector voltage increase. If the signal frequency is lower then impedence decrease which increase the collector current and hence decrease the voltage. DE-EMPHASIS: The circuit is placed at the receiving side. It acts as a low pass fillter. The boosting gain for higher frequency signal in the circuit transmitting side is done by the pre-emphasis circuit is filtered to the same value by the low pass fillter. The cut off frequency is given by the formula Fo =1/2PRC where R=2PFcL L=1/2piPF Assume R=10k, c=0.01MF PROCEDURE: 1. The circuit connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram for pre-emphasis and deemphasis. 2. As power supply of 10v is given to the circuit. 3. For a constant value of input voltage the values of the frequency is varied and output is noted in the CRO. 4. A graph is plotted between gain and frequency. 5. The cut off frequency and predicted values of cut off frequency are found compared and verifide.



TABULATION: DE-EMPHASIS Frequency (in Hz) VO (in V) VO/VIN Normalised Gain 2olog(VO/VIN)

TABULATION: PRE-EMPHASIS Frequency (in Hz) VO (in V) VO/VIN Normalised Gain 2olog(VO/VIN)

RESULT: Thus the characteristics of pre-emphasis and de-emphsis was studied successfully.


AIM: To test the chareteristics of frequency Synthesis using PLL. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S .NO. 1. 2. 3. THEORY: PLL is basically a closed loop feedback system. Action of the PLL is to lock the output frequency and phase to the frequency and phase of the inputsignal lock range. The input signal frequency over which the lop can maintain the lock is called PULL IN TIME. This depends on the lock initial pulse and frequency difference between two signals as well as on the loop gain and fliter charateristics. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Swich on the kit and check the power supply . Coonnectins are made as per the circuit diagram. Connect the CRO with the ouyput of the IC 4046. Observe the waveform and plot the graph. APPRATUS NAME PLL Trainer Kit CRO Power chord RANGE _ 30MHZ _ QUANTITY 1 _ _



TABULATION: Signal Input Output RESULT: Hence the charateristics of frequency synthesis is successfully studied using phase locked loop. 6. PULSE WIDTH MODULATION AND DEMODULATION Amplitude (in V)_ Time (in ms)

AIM : To study and observe the characteristics of pulse width modulation and demodulation by using the pulse width modulation trainer kit. APPARATUS RECURIED: S.NO 1 2 Patch chord 3 CRO THEORY: In this small sample is made up of modulating signal and then a pulse is transmitted. In this wave some characteristics of pulse is varied in accordance with sample of modulating signal. The sample in actual measure of modulating signal of a specification there are several types of pulse modulation system in advance. PROCEDURE: 1.Patch up the circuit as shown. 2.Connect the 1KHZ sine singnal from sine wave geneator to input of PWM and channel at output. 3.verify signal polarity by varying the carrier signal. 4. Draw the graph of the output taken and veify. 30MKHZ 1 APPARATUS NAME Pulse width modulation Trainer kit RANGE QUANTITY



TABULATION: Type of signal Message Signal Carrier Signal Pulse width modulated signal Demodulated Signal Amplitude (in V) Time (in ms)

RESULT: Thus the pulse width modulation and demodulation is performed using trainer kit and output is verifed.



SAMPLING THEORM AIM: To study and observe the charateristics of PAM using PM kit. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO. 1. 2. THEORY: PAM is defined as the message signal is multiplexed by a periodic trainer of rectangular pluse.In other words, it can be defined speed pulse sample sample value of continuous signal. The PAM is similar to actual sampling higher at rate. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect ciruit as per circuit diagram. Connect 1KHz sine wave to input of PAM. Connect 1KHz sine generator output tocontrol input of PAM and channel1 of output. observe output wave and plot the graph. APPARATUS NAME Trainer kit of PM CRO RANGE _ 30MHZ QUANTITY 1 1


TABULATION: Signal Message Signal Carrier Signal Single Polarity Double Polarity Amplitude (in V)_ Time (in ms)

RESULT: Thus the charateristics of PAM using pulse modulation kit was studied and observed.

10 PULSE CODE MODULATION ENCODER AND DECODER AIM: To study and observe the charateritics of PCM by using TDM pulse code modkula\tion trainer kit. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO. 1. 2. 3. APPARATUS NAME TDM pulse code modulation Trainer kit Patch chord CRO RANGE _ _


THEORY: PCM is the major form of digital pulse modulation. In PCM the two modulation signal is sampled just as in other forms of pulse modulation. The sample amplitude is then converted into a binary code and transimitted as the stream of pulses. In other forms of PCM , the same amplitude is converted into PAM duration or position however in PCM since. The amoplitude must transmitted as a specific number the sample amplitude must be converted nto nearest quantum. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Patch the circuit as per diagram. Connect the DC volttage to the input of both channel. Select the circuit frequency to 240KHz. Connect CRO channel 1 to synchoronous and channel to the output of PCM. Vary that the input voltage of channel 1 and verify that the output channel of voltage and verify the output appear on next frae.



TABULATION: Signal Input Sampled Signal PCM Signal Demodulated Signal Amplitude (in V)_ Time (in ms)

RESULT: Thus the characteristics of PCM is studied and verified.



AIM: To study and observe the waveform of the delta modulation and demodulation. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO. 1 2 3 APPARATUS NAME DM trainer kit Patch chord CRO RANGE 30MHZ QUANTITY 1 1

THEORY: Delta modulation transmits one bit per sample. That is present sample value is compared with he previous sample value and the indication whether the amplitude is increased or decreased is sent. The step size is fixed . the transmitter and receiver implementation is very much simple for deltamodlation . In deltamodulation dis advantage are slope overload disortion and granular noise. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the main supply and make connection as per circuit diagram. Ensure that the clock frequency selection switched A and B are in A=0,B=0. Ensure that the integration block 142 switched are in following position. Turn on the trainer kit and connect 250hz sine wave signal from he function generator to the input of comparator. 5. The output of the comparator is given to a bistable circuit and clock input is applied to the clock geneator 6. Then plot the waveform.



TABULATION: Type of signal Message Signal Integrator output Delta modulated signal Delta demodulated Signal RESULT: Thus the delta modulation and demodultion was verified successfully. Amplitude (in V) Time (in ms)

12. DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUERS USING TRAINERS AMPLITUDE SHIFT KEYING AIM: To study and observe the waveform of amplitude shift keying. APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO. 1. 2. 3. THEORY: Ampitude shift keying or ON-OFF keying is the simplest digital modulation technique. In the method, there is only one unit energy carrier and if swiched ON or OFF depending upon the input binary sequence. The ASK waveform can be represented as s(t) = root of (2P3 * cos(2*Pi*Fo*t) PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Clock input and data input is given to data conditioning frame trainer. Connect NRZ output to modulation input carrier modulation technique. Carriar genearator produces two carrier frequencies. Give one of the modulater input carrier ferquency to carrier modulation circuit which produces modulated output. 5. different modulation signals can be generated for different digital input. APPARATUS NAME Data conditioning and carrier modulation Frame kit CRO Power chord RANGE _ 30MHZ _ QUANTITY 1 1 _




TABULATION: Signal Carrier Ask Output Amplitude (in V)_ Time (in ms)

RESULT: Thus the amplitude shift keying was designed and output is verified successfully.

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