Final Project (1) of Power

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Final project hghf- Power Supply!

The final projehhfhfct for ENTC250 is to design and fabricate a variable voltage Power Supply. This phhgower supply wfhdhfhill accept standard USA wall outlet voltage (120VAC, 60Hz) and output three sets of DC voltages, capable of supplying 1A of current: Fixed 5V Variable 2-18V Variable 2 - -18V Objectives The learning objectives for this project are: An introduction to basic electronic concepts, components, and circuits. Basic operation of an AC/DC power supply. Use OrCADs Captuhgfre tool for analysis and documentation. Experiment with the different types of simulations we will be learning about in OrCADhgfs PSPICE. Basic concepts of PCB design, and experience developing a simple PCB in OrCADs Layout. Experience solhghfdering together a circuit and constructing a semi-professional project box for it. Develop dhhgghfebugging skills. Provide a thgghool for the student to use for the remainder of their education (and the joy of the feeling that he or she built it!) Dates Oct. 29th, 31st: Bias point calculation, DC Sweep analysis Nov. 5th, 7th: Transient Analysis, AC Sweep, Parametric Response, Power Supply officially assigned, last official lab th Nov. 21 : Layohgghut project files due to Nate Nov. 26th: Manufactured PCBs returned to students Dec. 5th: Power Supply demonstration and report due th Dec. 10 : Review for final exam Dec. 16th: Final exam There will also be a 10th grade, probably due on Nov. 26th. This may be homework over the hghg to work on it in parallel to the power supply project for a short period of time. Given the time frame Ihgf do not think this will be a problem. If you wish to complete your layout project files earlier than Nov. 19th, I will try to get the boards back to yhgfou sooner than Nov. 26th to allow you more time for constructing and debugging the power supply. Grading Grading will be done on a 100 percent scale with the following weighting: Clear Schemghhgatic design: 10%

Simulation results and discussion: OrCAD layout design: Assembling and soldering: Functionality and working power supply: Following Project Requirements and fineness of work: Report:

20% 10% 20% 10% 10% 20%

The final project is equivalent to Exam I and Exam II in terms of its impact on your grade. The power supply is 1/5th of your total grade for the semester. hghgf Report As all lab reports this semester, the power supply lab report should be complete and thorough. It shghghghould especially include a variety of schematics and simulation results using the OrCAD tools. Because you will not turning in your hardware or software for this project, the report will need more diagrams anhghd pictures than prior reports, it will be our only visual indicator while grading the report. As much as possible, follow the report guidelines in the syllabhghgus that we have been following all semester. In the impleghmentation section, especially talk about the three primary stages of an AC/DC power supply. When performing the following simulations, be sure to probe the output and input signals for comparisons. Discuss the results in your report, simply showing them is not suffihhgcient.h Expected Simulations Transient Transformer (110Vac, 60 Hz -> 24Vac, 60Hz) DhhghgSweep Diode Transient Half Wave Rectifier (1 diode) (24Vac, 60Hz -> 23.3Vac, 60Hz) Transient Full Wave Rectifier (4 diodes) (24Vac, 60Hz -> 22.6Vac, 120Hz) Transient-Parametric Full Wave Rectifier with smoothing capacitor (1n, 250n, 500n, 1u, 100u, 500u, 1000u, 2200u, .5) Transient 7805(12) Regulator (22.6Vdc + .2Vac, 10kHz -> 5Vdc) Transient, complete power supply (110Vac, 60Hz -> 5Vdc) Demonstration All power supplies must be checked off by Mehdi or myself to receive credit. Partial credit will be awarded. You will not be turning in the actual power supply to us, only the report, but we will evaluate your power supply at the time of demonstration, no later than Dec. 5th. Aesthetics Part of the grade will be based on the user friendliness and aesthetics of the power supply. Try to make it look as professional as possible. Extra Credit If you wish to add extra features to your power supply such as voltmeters, 7-segment displays, cooling fans, whatever-you-can-think-of, extra credit will be awarded. The amount of extra credit will be on a case-by-case basis.

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