What The Liberal Media Won't Tell You About Israel, The Palestinians and The Middle East

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What the Liberal Media Wont Tell You about Israel, the Palestinians and the Middle East

The above map shows where it is proposed that the line between Israel and East Jerusalem would be placed. NOTE: All of the traditional Biblical sites shown on the right, would be part of the proposed future Palestinian territory under Islamic rule. Also note the location of our building which would be just a few hundred yards from this new border dividing Jerusalem.

The Outline of the Peace Plan

The details of the plan being pushed by Secretary of State John Kerry are not new. The plan is the same basic outline pushed by the Arab League and put forward by President Bill Clinton. A Palestinian state would be created from the Bible lands of Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) with East Jerusalem as its capital. The basic border would be the pre-1967 boundary, with certain land swaps to accommodate various population centers. The plan also calls for the newly formed nation of Palestine to be contiguous. Of course anyone who has seen a map and the

distance between Gaza and the other territory that would be included in a new country realizes that as a practical matter this is impossible. The most commonly suggested idea is for a corridor to be established that would cut through southern Israel (leaving it not a contiguous state) so that Palestine could be linked. As a practical security matter these borders are completely impractical for Israel to accept. The nation of Israel is tinythe entire country could fit inside the borders of Lake Michigan. The pre-1967 borders would leave the Jewish state just over seven miles wide in the center. (over, please)



What the Liberal Media Wont Tell You about Israel, the Palestinians and the Middle East

From a military standpoint this is indefensible. No Jewish leader should put his country at such great risk by accepting this arrangement. One of the biggest concessions demanded by the plan is the division of Jerusalem to also serve as the capital of the new Palestinian state. Anyone who knows history understands the deep irony of this. The United States (and most of the rest of the world) has refused to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel despite centuries of history, but they are willing to call the Holy City part of Palestine without hesitation. The proposed division of the Holy City would place the holiest sites to both Christianity and Judaism in the hands of the new nation of Palestine.

The Political Situation in Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the leader of a very fragile coalition government. He is under pressure both from those to his left and those to his right, and any concessions that he makes could easily undermine his government and lead to another round of elections. This fact is not lost on leaders in Washington, and they are using it as leverage against him. It is no secret that President Obama dislikes and distrusts the leader of Israel, and would love to see him replaced with a more pliable successor. The last round of elections went very badly for Netanyahu and his coalition. Though he won his election, his governing majority is razor thin. Under Israels parliamentary system, he must maintain a majority of the 120 member Knesset in order to remain as prime minister. If any of the partners in his coalition defects, the current government would be dissolved and new elections would need to be held. There is little agreement within Israel as to what approach would best resolve the situation. Some favor the quick establishment of a Palestinian state while others want to see no concessions at all. Netanyahu is trying to hold his government together across this divide while at the same time responding to outside pressure. The recent decision by the (continued)

European Union to establish an economic boycott of Israeli companies and products based on the so-called Green Line (an attempt to force Israel to de facto give the Palestinians what they want), and the continuing pressure from America are designed to leave him few options. And Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Jewish people urgently need the help of America and other allies as they deal with the deepening crisis with Iran. The mullahs of Tehran continue their work on their nuclear weapons program. The amount of 20% enriched uranium they have has almost doubled just in the past six months. The security challenges Israel faces from Iran (and also from Egypt and Syria and Lebanon) are a major unreported factor in the peace process and Israels response to demands from Secretary of State John Kerry and others.

The Political Situation of the Palestinians

The pretense that the Palestinians have a functioning government is a necessary fiction to those who insist on a peace process. But the reality is that the Palestinian Authority has no legitimacy or power. This raises the question: even if Israel agreed to a deal, who on the other side would actually carry out the Palestinian end of the bargain. The two main Palestinian factions are Fatah and Hamas. Though the world refuses to admit it, both of these groups are terrorist organizations as part of their essential DNA. Neither is willing to acknowledge or accept the Jewish state of Israel, although only Hamas is willing to say so openly. When elections were held, Hamasthe group whose charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel gained control over the legislative body. When Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (of Fatah) refused to give them power, Hamas seized control of Gaza leaving Abbas to preside over the West Bank. President Abbas (the supposed moderate leader) is the man who provided the funding

What the Liberal Media Wont Tell You about Israel, the Palestinians and the Middle East


for the Black September PLO terrorist attack during the 1972 Munich Olympics, which killed eleven Israeli athletes and coaches. He claims that he didnt know what the money was for. He is not popular among the Palestinian people, yet he clings to power by refusing to hold new elections. In fact Abbas is in the ninth year of his four year term of office. He clings to power so that he can continue to enrich himself and his cronies from the billions of Western aid dollars that flow to his people. Abbas has repeatedly refused to recognize Israels right to exist, nor will he even agree to begin peace talks unless Israel first concedes to all of his demands. There has never been a nation of Palestine. The territory claimed for the Palestinian state was governed by Egypt and Jordan prior to the Six Day War in 1967. Israel did not conquer Palestine because there was no Palestine and forming a new nation with violent and kleptomaniacal leaders will not promote peace.

urgency of the effort is the attempt to get some agreement in place prior to the 2014 US election season. Congressmembers of both partieshas been notably hostile to President Obamas treatment of Israel. After the president pointedly snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu a few years ago, Congress invited him to speak to a rare joint session. The American public supports Israel, so any plan put forward by the United States must at least contain the appearance of evenhandedness. Yet as the details of the ObamaKerry plan emerge, they are little more than the recycled attempt to force Israel to make dangerous territorial concessions while asking nothing from the Palestinians except empty promises of peaceand history teaches us that those will be ignored.

What God Says

I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. (Zechariah 12:2-3) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. (Psalm 122:6) God had said to David and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen before all the tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever. (2 Chronicles 33:7) For Zions sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalems sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. (Isaiah 62:1)

The Political Situation in America

President Obamas second term has been filled with challenges. Though he was reelected with a comfortable margin, he has had a difficult time advancing his agenda through a deeply divided Congress. A series of scandalswith the IRS, the ATF, the EPA and lingering questions about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libyahas derailed his plans for his second term. As has often happened in the past with second term presidents, Obama has turned his attention and focus to foreign policy in a search for a success which will help cement his legacy in office. Like Presidents Clinton and Bush before him, President Obama has apparently decided to focus his efforts on resolving the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. The plan he has put forward through intense shuttle diplomacy by Secretary of State John Kerry and many others is not newit is basically the same one that has been presented before. The time frame is critical for all parties, but one of the unspoken realities driving the


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