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List of moments of inertia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of moments of inertia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a list of moments of inertia. Mass moments of inertia have units of dimension mass length2. It is the rotational analogue to mass. It should not be confused with the second moment of area (area moment of inertia), which is used in bending calculations. The following moments of inertia assume constant density throughout the object. NOTE: The axis of rotation is taken to be through the center of mass, unless otherwise specified. Description Thin cylindrical shell with open ends, of radius r and mass m Thick-walled cylindrical tube with open ends, of inner radius r 1, outer radius r2, length h and mass m


Moment(s) of inertia

Comment This expression assumes the shell thickness is negligible. It is a special case of the next object for r 1=r 2.

With a density of and the same geometry or when defining the normalized thickness tn = t/r and letting r = r 2, then

Solid cylinder of radius r , height h and mass m

This is a special case of the previous object for r 1=0.

Thin, solid disk of radius r and mass m Thin circular hoop of radius r and mass m

This is a special case of the previous object for h=0.

This is a special case of a torus for b=0. (See below.)

Solid sphere of radius r and mass m

A sphere can be taken to be made up of a stack of infinitesimal thin, solid discs, where the radius differs from 0 to r.

Hollow sphere of radius r and mass m

Similar to the solid sphere, only this time considering a stack of infinitesimal thin, circular hoops.

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5/15/2009 1:45 PM

List of moments of inertia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oblate Spheroid of major a, minor b and mass m Right circular cone with radius r, height h and mass m

Solid cuboid of height h, width w, and depth d, and mass m

For a similarly oriented cube with sides of length s, .

Thin rectangular plane of height h and of width w and mass m

Thin rectangular plane of height h and of width w and mass m (Axis of rotation at the end of the plate)

Rod of length L and mass m

This expression assumes that the rod is an infinitely thin (but rigid) wire. This is a special case of the previous object for w=L and h= d= 0. This expression assumes that the rod is an infinitely thin (but rigid) wire.

Rod of length L and mass m (Axis of rotation at the end of the rod) Torus of tube radius a, crosssectional radius b and mass m. Plane polygon with vertices , , , ..., and mass m uniformly distributed on About a diameter:

About the vertical axis:

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List of moments of inertia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

its interior, rotating about an axis perpendicular to the plane and passing through the origin.

See also
Parallel axis theorem List of area moments of inertia List of moment of inertia tensors

1. ^ Classical Mechanics - Moment of inertia of a uniform hollow cylinder ( /classical-mechanics/find-moment-of-inertia-of-a-uniform-hollow-cylinder.html) . Retrieved on 2008-01-31. Retrieved from "" Categories: Mechanics | Physics lists | Introductory physics This page was last modified on 13 May 2009, at 19:16 (UTC). All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (See Copyrights for details.) Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity.

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