Rope: Robust Position Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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Loukas Lazos, Radha Poovendran Srdjan C̆apkun

Network Security Laboratory (NSL) Networked & Embedded Systems Laboratory (NESL)
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington University of California, Los Angeles
Seattle, WA, 98195 Los Angeles, CA, 90095
l lazos,

ABSTRACT and Chaum [3] have proposed a location verification method based
We address the problem of secure location determination, known on a distance bounding protocol that verifies that two nodes con-
as Secure Localization, and the problem of verifying the location nected by a wired link of size d, cannot claim to be at a distance
claim of a node, known as Location Verification, in Wireless Sen- closer than d. In [18], Sastry, Shankar and Wagner proposed a lo-
sor Networks (WSN). We propose a robust positioning system we cation verification protocol that utilizes both RF and ultrasound
call ROPE that allows sensors to determine their location without signals to bound the distance between two nodes. Recently, Kuhn
any centralized computation. In addition, ROPE provides a loca- proposed an asymmetric security mechanism for securing naviga-
tion verification mechanism that verifies the location claims of the tion signals [12], such as commercial GPS.
sensors before data collection. We show that ROPE bounds the To the best of our knowledge only two methods have been pro-
ability of an attacker to spoof sensors’ locations, with relatively posed for secure localization in WSN. In [7], C̆apkun and Hubeaux
low density deployment of reference points. We confirm the ro- proposed SPINE, a secure positioning system based on distance
bustness of ROPE against attacks analytically and via simulations. bounding and verifiable multilateration. SPINE is a range-depen-
dent secure positioning scheme, that estimates the location of a
1. INTRODUCTION sensor by verifying the distances of the sensor to at least three ref-
erence points. The location estimation is performed centrally and
Knowledge of the position of the sensing nodes in a Wireless Sen- once a sensor is aware of its location it also becomes a reference
sor Network (WSN) is an essential part of many sensor network point. Hence, sensors rely on other sensors as well as the cen-
operations and applications. Sensors reporting monitored data need tral authority to securely acquire their location. Though SPINE
to also report the location where the information is sensed, and is robust against attacks in WSN, it requires the deployment of a
hence, sensors need to be aware of their position. In addition, high number of reference points to achieve localization. In [14],
many network protocols such as routing [2] require location in- Lazos and Poovendran proposed SeRLoc, a decentralized range-
formation in order to provide the specific protocol service. independent localization scheme that achieves secure localization
Positioning in WSN has been a topic of extensive research, based on beacons transmitted from reference points. In SeRLoc,
leading to numerous positioning systems that provide an estima- sensors passively determine their location with no assistance from
tion of the sensor location, based on a variety of mechanisms [1, 4, other sensors, and a relatively small number of reference points is
6, 10, 16, 17, 19]. However, almost all previously proposed local- sufficient to localize all sensors. However, SeRLoc is based on the
ization techniques are designed for a trusted environment, where assumption that no jamming of the wireless medium is feasible.
all network nodes operate in an honest and cooperative manner, In this paper we present a hybrid approach that unlike the
and no external attacks are feasible. previously developed algorithms [7, 14], provides robust location
WSN may be deployed in hostile environments where ma- computation and verification, without centralized management and
licious adversaries attempt to spoof the locations of the sensors vulnerability to jamming. We propose a positioning system called
by attacking the localization process. For example, an attacker RObust Position Estimation (ROPE) that limits the ability of an
may alter the distance estimations of a sensor to several reference adversary to spoof a sensor’s location by launching well known
points, or replay beacons from one part of the network to some attacks in WSN [8, 11]. To quantify the impact of attacks against
distant part of the network, thus providing false localization infor- our positioning system, we introduce a novel metric called Maxi-
mation. Hence, we need to ensure that the location estimation is mum Spoofing Impact (MSI) that denotes the maximum distance
performed in a robust way, even in the presence of attacks. Fur- between the actual location of the sensor under attack, and any pos-
thermore, adversaries can compromise the untethered sensor de- sible spoofed location. We show that ROPE limits the MSI while
vices and force them to report a false location to the data collec- requiring the deployment of a significantly smaller number of ref-
tion points. Therefore, a secure positioning system must have a erence points, compared to the only previously known jamming-
mechanism to verify the location claim of any sensor. resistant solution [7].
The current localization methods [1, 4, 6, 10, 16, 17, 19] are The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In Sec-
vulnerable to most attacks in WSN, since they were not designed tion 2, we state our problem, present necessary background and re-
based on an adversarial model. Both secure localization and lo- lated work. In Section 3, we state our network model and describe
cation verification are fairly unexplored areas of research. Brands ROPE. In Section 4, we present the security analysis on ROPE. In
Section 5, we evaluate the resilience of ROPE in security threats u: Generate random nonce Nu
via simulation and in Section 6, we present our conclusions. : Generate commitment (c, d) = commit(Nu )
u→v: c
v: Generate random nonce Nv

Nv (bits sent from MSB to LSB)
N̂u Nv (bits sent from LSB to MSB)
2.1. Problem statement
We address the problem of robust computation of the location of
Measure time tvu between sending Nv
and receiving Nu Nv
sensors in WSN, in the presence of malicious adversaries. We will u → v : EKvu (u, Nu , Nv , d)
refer to this problem as Secure Localization. Note that our goal is v: Decrypt message and verify if
only to secure the localization process and hence, we are not con- N̂u = open(c, d)
cerned with attacks against any other network protocol. Further- Fig. 1. Pseudocode for the distance bounding protocol.
more, our goal is to ensure that an attacker cannot force a sensor
to falsely estimate its location while it remains undetected. with nanosecond precision (1ns corresponds to the time that it
We also address the problem of verifying the location claim takes an electromagnetic wave to propagate over 30 cm). Cur-
of a sensor, referred as Location Verification. Since every sen- rent technology allows nanosecond processing and time measure-
sor reports its monitoring information to the data collection points ments only with dedicated hardware. RF time of flight systems
within its range, in our location verification we only verify that an based on Ultra Wide Band (UWB) can achieve nanosecond pre-
out-of-range sensor cannot appear to be in-range. Making an in- cision of measured times of signal flight (and consequently of the
range sensor appear out-of-range is of no use to the attacker and distances), thus providing two- and three-dimensional location of
hence, it is not addressed. objects to within a few centimeters [9]. The range of the system
in [9] is 100m indoor and 2km outdoor, with the devices used be-
2.2. Background ing roughly the size of a wristwatch, weighing approximately 40
grams each.
Distance Bounding: Distance bounding protocols are used to ver- Verifiable multilateration: In [7], C̆apkun and Hubeaux pro-
ify that a claimant node u being at a distance duv from a verifier posed Verifiable Multilateration (VM), a technique that enables
node v, cannot claim to be at a distance duv < duv . These pro- secure computation and verification of the positions of wireless
tocols were first introduced by Brands and Chaum [3] to prevent nodes in the presence of attackers. In VM at least three refer-
Mafia Fraud attacks. As shown in [7], in order for distance bound- ence points (verifiers) v1 , v2 , v3 , independently perform distance
ing protocols to resist distance reduction attacks the distance mea- bounding to the wireless device (claimant) and communicate the
surement must be performed with the exchange of RF signals. Any distance bounds db1 , db2 , db3 to a Central Authority (CA). The
use of a slower medium such as ultrasound, allows to a claimant u CA estimates the claimant’s position based on the known posi-
to appear closer to the verifier v than it actually is. tion of the verifiers and the distance bounds db1 , db2 , db3 by the
The pseudocode for the distance bounding protocol is shown Minimum Mean Square Estimate (MMSE) method or any other
in Figure 1. Initially, the claimant u commits to a random nonce method that ensures robust position computation. Subsequently,
Nu . The verifier replies to u with a challenge nonce Nv , which two tests are run: (i) does the computed position differ from the
is sent in the reverse order, and starts its timer as soon as the last

measured distance bounds db1 , db2 , db3 by less than the expected
bit of the challenge has been sent. The claimant u responds to v

distance measurement error δ and (ii) does the computed posi-
with Nv Nu , immediately upon receiving the challenge from tion fall within the physical triangle (v1 , v2 , v3 ) formed by that
v. Once the verifier has received Nv Nu , it stops the timer and triplet of verifiers. If both tests are positive, the CA considers the
converts the challenge-response time tvu to a distance dvu . In the position of the node to be valid; else, the authority considers the
last step of the protocol, u authenticates itself to v by revealing the position to be invalid.
decommit value dˆ via a transmission encrypted with the pairwise VM relies on the property of distance bounding, that neither
key Kvu . Finally, v verifies if the value Nu received in the time- the attacker or the claimant can reduce the measured distance of
measuring phase corresponds to the received commit, decommit the claimant to the verifier, but only enlarge it. If the node is po-
pair (c, d). sitioned within the triangle formed by the verifiers and any of the
The commitment made by the claimant must satisfy two prop- three distance bounds has been enlarged, the attacker would need
erties: (i) the party who commits to a certain value Nu cannot to reduce one or both of the remaining distance bounds in order to
change Nu after the commitment is made (we say that the scheme make the enlarged distance bound consistent with the other dis-
is binding), (ii) the commitment is hidden from the receiver un- tance bounds. The same principle applies in three dimensions,
til the sender “opens” it (we say that the scheme is hiding). A where four verifiers form a triangular pyramid. VM prevents at-
commitment scheme is both binding and hiding if it transforms a tackers from spoofing positions of honest nodes, launching worm-
value m into a commitment/opening pair (c, d), where c reveals hole [11] and jamming attacks, while it prevents dishonest nodes
no information about m, but (c, d) together reveal m, and it is from lying about their positions.
infeasible to find dˆ such that (c, d)
ˆ reveals m̂ = m. Efficient Secure Range-Independent Localization: In [14], Lazos and
commitment schemes can be realized with collision-resistant hash Poovendran proposed a Secure Range-independent Localization
functions such as SHA1 [20], which do not impose high computa- (SeRLoc) scheme based on a two tier network architecture that
tional requirements on sensor nodes. achieves decentralized passive localization. The sensors rely on
In order for the distance bounding protocol to be accurate the beacons transmitted from reference points called locators, with
claimant u must be able to bound its processing (XOR) to a few known position and orientation, in order to determine their po-
nanoseconds, and the verifier v needs to be able to measure time sition. Each locator is equipped with directional antennas, thus
Sensors: Sensors are randomly deployed in an area A with a
density ρs , are equipped with omnidirectional antennas, and have
a sensor-to-sensor communication range equal to r. We assume
that sensors can bound the processing time for performing simple
operations such as XOR to a few nanoseconds, and can measure
time with nanosecond precision. Such requirements are essential
for performing distance bounding with a satisfactory accuracy and
can nowadays be satisfied only using UWB [9].
Locators: Locators are also randomly deployed within the
(a) (b) same area A with a density ρL  ρs , are equipped with M di-
rectional antennas of beamwidth 2π M
each, and have a locator-to-
Fig. 2. (a) Each locator Li transmits at each sector its location sensor communication range R > r. Due to the antenna directivity
(Xi , Yi ), and the slopes of the boundary lines that define the sec- gain G of the locators’ antennas, the sensor-to-locator communica-
tor area Si . A sensor s hearing the transmission of Li is included tion range rsL is longer than r. If γ denotes the signal attenuation
within the sector Si . (b) The sensor s defines its position as the 1

CoG of the ROI(s) of all the sectors Si that include s. factor, rsL can be computed to be rSL = rG γ [14]. Furthermore,
locators are assumed to have known position and orientation ei-
covering different sector areas with different transmissions. At ther via manual insertion or a secure GPS system [12]. We further
each sector, the locator transmits its position, and the slopes of assume that locators can perform nanosecond processing and time
the boundaries of the sector where the transmission takes place, measurements, required for distance bounding.
referred to a commonly known axis. In Figure 2(a), we show the Security assumptions: We assume that both sensors and loca-
localization information that is transmitted by a locator Li , at one tors are capable of performing basic cryptographic operations and
of its sectors. manage cryptographic primitives. In detail, each sensor s shares
A sensor s hearing a beacon from locator Li has to be included a pairwise key KLs i with each Li . To reduce the storage at each
within the sector area Si indicated by the localization information locator, pairwise keys are derived from a master key KLi by the
embedded in the beacon1 . The sensor collects beacons from all application of a pseudo-random function [20], to the sensor ID.
the locators within range, determines the sector areas Si where Sensors need not store many pairwise keys, since ROPE requires
it is located and estimates its position ŝ as the Center of Gravity the deployment of a small number of locators. In the case of a very

(CoG) of the Region of intersection (ROI) of all sectors Si . large network, storage scalability can be ensured by a clustered ap-
proach where sensors are pre-loaded only with the pairwise keys

ŝ = CoG(ROI(s)) = CoG  S ,
|LHs |
associated with the locators covering a specific sub-region of the
i (1) deployment region.

where |LHs | denotes the cardinality of the set of locators heard 3.2. Description of the ROPE algorithm
to sensor s. In Figure 2(b), we show how sensor s determines its
We now describe our Robust Position Estimation algorithm (ROPE),
position as the CoG of the ROI, computed by the intersection of
that provides both the location determination and location verifi-
the Si heard by locators L1 ∼ L5 . Note that sensor localization
cation function.
is achieved passively, without any communication of the sensors
with any locators or other sensors.
Location determination: A sensor s determines its location exe-
In SeRLoc, sensors are able to detect attacks against WSN
cuting the following steps:
such as the wormhole attack [11] and the Sybil attack [8], with a
probability very close to unity assuming that no jamming of the Step 1: The sensor broadcasts its Ids and a random nonce Ns .
wireless medium has occurred. However, if jamming is feasible
s : Ids  Ns .
the attacker can spoof the location of any sensor. In the next sec-
tion we describe how we can limit location spoofing by combining
Step 2: Any locator Li that can communicate bi-directionally
the geometric properties of SeRLoc with distance bounding.
with the sensor s performs distance bounding with s. Distance
bounding verifies that sensor s is indeed within the vicinity of Li ,
3. ROPE: ROBUST POSITION ESTIMATION and enables the sensor s to define the set LDBs :
3.1. Network model assumptions LDBs = {Li : Li − s ≤ rG γ }. (2)
We assume a two tier network comprised of sensor devices ran-
Step 3: If |LDBs | ≥ 3 the sensor s checks if it can perform
domly deployed to sense the environment, and reference points
Verifiable Multilateration (VM). VM can only be performed if the
we call locators, also randomly deployed to, (a) enable sensors to
sensor lies inside a triangle formed by three locators Li ∈ LDBs .
determine their position by broadcasting localization information,
If VM is possible, the sensor computes its location, notifies loca-
(b) verify the origin of the sensed information, and (c) serve as
tors Li ∈ LDBs via a transmission encrypted with each pairwise
data collection points.
key KLs i that the location has been estimated, and terminates the
1 A sensor may hear a sector even if it is not included to that sector algorithm. Otherwise, for each locator Li ∈ LDBs , it computes
due to multipath effects and/or imperfect antenna sectorization. However, the disc Di , according to the distance bound. Then, s computes
our scheme is resilient to such sources of error due to the majority voting the Distance Bounding Intersection Region (DBIR(s)) as the in-
scheme employed [14]. tersection of all Di .
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3. (a) The sensor s performs distance bounding with locators L3 , L4 and determines the DBIR(s), (b) the sensor s computes the
ROI(s) as the region of DBIR(s) where more sectors of the set LHsv intersect. LHSv denotes the locators Li ∈ LHs whose sectors
intersect with the DBIR(s), (c) sensor s proves its proximity to locator L3 .
Step 7: The sensor defines the set of locators LHsv as all

DBIR(s) =

|LDBs |
Di . (3)
locators Li ∈ LHs whose sectors Si intersect with DBIR(s).
Then it defines the Region of Intersection (ROI) as the region of
i=1 DBIR(s) where most sectors Si from locators in the set LHsv
Step 4: If locators Li ∈ LDBs have not received a termina-
tion notification, they re-broadcast the initial sensor message along

LHsv = {Li ∈ LHs : DBIR(s)

 S = ∅},
i (5)
with their own IdLi . The re-broadcast is guaranteed to cover all
locators heard by sensor s (within a range of R from the sen-
sor) since directional antennas are used both at the receiver and DSk = {Li ∈ LHsv :
 S = ∅, 1 ≤ k ≤ |LH |},

the transmitter. In specific, the re-broadcast covers a range of i=1
2 1
RG γ > R + rG γ . = arg max DSk ,
DS (6)
Step 5: Locators Lj that hear the broadcast of a locator Li ∈
LDBs , transmit at each sector Sjk the following information: 
DBIR(s)  S .

 M , M AC
k k
s (M )
, ROI(s) =
i (7)
j KL j
Note that in Step 3, if a sensor is included within a triangle
Mjk : IdLj  (Xj , Yj )  (θj,1
k k
, θj,2 )  Ns ,
of three locators of the set LDBs it performs VM. VM can be
performed by the sensor itself in the absence of a CA, since the
where Mjk denotes the message transmitted from the jth locator
sensor is aware of the locators’ positions via the beacon transmis-
at the kth sector,  denotes the concatenation operation, IdLj de- sions. Hence, ROPE does not require any central computation and
notes the locator Id, (Xj , Yj ) denote the coordinates of the locator the sensor estimates its own position.
k k
Lj , (θj,1 , θj,2 ) denote the slopes of the boundaries of the kth sec- In Figure 3(a), the sensor s identifies the set of locators heard
tor of locator Lj , Ns denotes the nonce initially broadcasted by LHs = {L1 ∼ L4 }, and the set of locators that can perform
sensor s, and M ACKLs (Mjk ) denotes the Message Authentica- distance bounding as LDBs = {L3 , L4 }. Since |LDBs | < 3,
tion Code for message Mjk , generated with the pairwise key KLs j , the sensor cannot be included within a triangle of locators and
shared between Lj and s. hence, it defines the DBIR(s) as the intersection of the discs
The message authentication code is used to preserve the in- D3 , D4 obtained from the distance bounds from locators D3 , D4 .
tegrity of the message and prove the authenticity of the source. Observe that the sensor s may be located anywhere within the
Since only locator Lj has knowledge of the pairwise key KLs j be- DBIR since the distance bounds db3 , db4 may have been en-
sides the sensor s, and it is computationally infeasible for an at- larged. However the distance bounds cannot be enlarged beyond
tacker to find M  , K  such that M ACK  (M  )=M ACKLs (Mjk ), the sensor-to-locator communication range rsL = rG γ . In Figure
the sensor upon receipt of any beacon claimed to be from locator 3(b), sensor s defines the set LHs = {L1 ∼ L4 } since all sec-
Lj can verify that, (a) the message indeed originated from locator tors Si intersect with the DBIR and computes the ROI(s) as the
Lj and, (b) the message has not been altered in transit. intersection of DBIR(s), with all the sectors Si , i = 1 . . . 4. In
The nonce Ns broadcasted by the sensor and replayed by the Figure 4, we present the pseudocode for ROPE.
locator is used to provide message freshness. The sensor starts a
timer when its initial broadcast occurs and waits for beacon replies Location verification: Locators can also operate as data collec-
only for a limited amount of time. Once the pre-specified time tion points since every sensor can communicate with at least one
interval has expired, beacons including Ns are rejected. locator. In the case a sensor reports data to a locator, the locator
Step 6: The sensor s collects all valid beacons transmitted needs to verify the sensor’s position to ensure that the data being
from locators within range. reported corresponds to the region claimed by the sensor.
Though we could provide a high accuracy location verification
LHs = {Li : Li − s ≤ R}. (4) protocol by involving multiple locators, we adopt a simple scheme
ROPE: Robust Position Estimation Scheme tion. Every sensor receiving a hash, can verify the authenticity
of the source, and associate it with the localization information
s : broadcast Ids  Ns stored. To guarantee freshness, locators need to be synchronized
for all Li that receive broadcast from s (via their gps clocks for example) and periodically update the lo-
Li : perform Distance Bounding with s calization information by transmitting the next value of each hash
s : define LDBs = {Li : Li − s ≤ rG γ , Li ∈ LHs } chain. Due to space limitations we will describe this approach in a
if ∃ {Li , Lj , Lk } ∈ LDBs such that future work.
s inside Li Lj Lk
s : compute ŝ :=Verifiable Multilateration
s : notify EKLs (T ermination), ∀Li ∈ LDBs 4. SECURITY ANALYSIS
else 4.1. Attacker model
Li : broadcast Ids  Ns  IdLi
endfor We assume that the attacker attempts to spoof the location of the
for all Lj that receive broadcast from Li sensors, i.e. force the sensors to estimate a location significantly
Lj : generate Mjk : IdLj  (Xj , Yj )  (θj,1 , θj,2 )  Ns , k =
different than their real location. We also assume that the attacker
1...M has to remain undetected in its effort to spoof the locations of the
Lj : transmit Mjk , M ACKLs (Mjk ) , k = 1 . . . M sensors. Hence, the attacker does not prevent the sensors from
endfor making any location estimation. Sensors that cannot estimate their
s : define LHs = {Li : s − Li  ≤ R, M AC = valid, tr < location, detect that they are under attack and are excluded from
Texpire } the network, since they cannot associate a location with their mon-

s : define Di : Li − s < dbi , ∀Li ∈ LDBs itoring data.
DBIR(s) = |LDB s|
Di Furthermore, we assume that the attacker is capable of selec-

v tively jamming any transmission, thus denying communication be-
LHs = {Li ∈ LHs : DBIR(s) Si = ∅}
tween any network entities at will. However, jamming all beacons
DSk = {Li ∈ LHsv : ki=1 Si = ∅, 1 ≤ k ≤ |LHsv |}

leads to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack and prevents sensors from
DS = arg maxk DSk
computing any location estimate. Since a DoS attack is detectable,
ROI(s) = DBIR(s) i=1 Si we do not consider such attacks in our security analysis.

Fig. 4. The pseudo-code for the Robust Position Estimation 4.2. Maximum spoofing impact
(ROPE) scheme.
To quantify the impact of each type of attack and classify the ad-
where only the locator receiving the data report verifies the dis- versaries based on their ability to spoof the locations of the sen-
tance to the claimant sensor. The locator Li verifies that a sensor sors, we introduce a new metric called Maximum Spoofing Impact
located at a distance db from Li , cannot claim to be at a distance (MSI). Let SR denote the union of all the regions where the sensor
db < db. Though distance enlargement is possible (the sensor can be spoofed to estimate its position due to an attack. The Max-
can appear further away from the locator than it actually is), this imum Spoofing Impact metric is defined as the maximum of all
is of no use to a dishonest sensor or an attacker, since the sensor distances between the actual position of the sensor and the points
will not be able to report its data to a locator outside the commu- in SR,
nication range rsL . In Figure 3(c), sensor s proves its proximity to M SI = max p − s. (8)
locator L3 , by the execution of the distance bounding protocol.
4.3. Wormhole Attack – Replaying beacons
3.3. Discussion on ROPE
Threat model: The wormhole attack is a replay type of attack
In ROPE, sensors initiate the localization process, by demanding [11], where the adversary records information at one (or multiple)
localization information to be transmitted when desired. This fea- point(s) of the network, referred as the origin point, tunnels it via
ture allows for a highly mobile network where both locators and a direct wired link or long range wireless transmission to another
sensors may change positions and sensors may request new infor- point of the network, referred as the destination point, and replays
mation when their position becomes outdated. However, locators the information. The wormhole attack does not compromise the
have to transmit individual beacons for each sensor s, in order for integrity and authenticity of the communication [11], and hence
s to estimate its position. Hence, when the position update occurs security primitives that ensure integrity and source authentication
frequently, ROPE is not scalable in communication cost with the such as Message Authentication Codes, do not detect the attack.
network size. Wormhole attack against ROPE: An adversary launching a
To reduce the communication cost for localizing the sensors, wormhole attack against the localization procedure, provides to
we can modify ROPE so that locators transmit one beacon per sec- sensors false location information. In ROPE, the adversary can
tor for all sensors. Instead of using MACs to verify the authenticity replay beacons originating from locators that are at a remote site
and integrity of the message, every locator associates a one-way compared to the sensor’s real position.
hash chain [13] with each of his sectors. The heads of the hash When the sensor broadcasts its Ids along with a nonce Ns , the
chains of all locators and the associated locators’ positions and attacker records the message, tunnels it to some distant point of the
sectors are stored at each sensor. Assuming that locators are sta- network and replays the message. In the next step, locators reply
tic, they only need to transmit the next value of the hash chain at with localization information and the attacker records the beacons
each sector along with their Id to provide localization informa- tunnels them back to the sensor’s position and replays them to the
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 5. (a) The attacker prevents sensor s from performing verifiable multilateration by jamming one of L1 , L2 , L3 , or enlarging the
distance of s from L3 , (b) the attacker jams all transmissions from locators L2 ∼ L5 and enlarges the distance from s to L1 in order to
enlarge the DBIR(s) to the maximum possible region, (c) the attacker replays beacons from locators L1 , L5 , L6 , L8 to displace the sensor
in ROI(s) with the M SI occurring at s .

sensor. Note that the attack has to be performed in a timely manner, 4.4. Sybil attack – Impersonating network entities
before the nonce Ns broadcasted by the sensor expires.
Let LHsr denote the set of locators replayed at the sensor s In a Sybil attack [8, 15], the adversary performs node imperson-
under attack, and assume that s can perform VM i.e. is included ation by either generating valid node identities, or assuming the
within a triangle Li Lj Lk . Assume also that the attacker has en- identities of existing nodes. In ROPE, sensors do not rely on other
larged the distance from s to Li by jamming the transmission of sensors to estimate their location. Hence, an attacker has no in-
Li and replaying the message of Li , after some delay. Since the centive to impersonate sensors. On the other hand, an attacker can
sensor can perform VM, it still has to be inside Li Lj Lk . How- inject bogus localization information into the network if it is able
ever, since the distance to Li is now enlarged, at least one of the to impersonate locators.
distances to Lj , Lk has to be reduced, which is not possible due to In order for an attacker to impersonate a locator Li to a sensor
distance bounding. Hence, the attacker cannot spoof the location s, the attacker must be able to generate a valid message authenti-
of a sensor, when the sensor can perform VM. cation code (MAC) for the bogus beacon information. However, it
However, the adversary can prevent the sensor from perform- is computationally infeasible for an attacker to find M  , K  such
ing VM by jamming the signals from Li ∈ LDBs so that no that M ACK  (M  )=M ACKLs (Mik ). Furthermore, only locator
triangle exists that includes the sensor. In Figure 5(a), the sensor Li has knowledge of the pairwise key KLs i besides the sensor s.
s is included inside L1 L2 L3 , and hence could possibly perform Hence, an attacker cannot impersonate a locator Li , unless it com-
VM. An attacker jams locator L1 , so that s is not included within promises Li . We describe node compromise in the following sec-
any triangle. tion.
If the sensor cannot perform VM, the attacker can displace the
sensor only within the DBIR. The maximum spoofing impact oc- 4.5. Compromised network entities
curs in the scenario illustrated in Figures 5(b),(c). In Figure 5(b),
the adversary jams all signals from the set LHs , but the locator L1 A network entity is assumed compromised if an adversary gains
(if L1 was also jammed the sensor would not be able to localize access to all its cryptographic quantities. In ROPE, the compro-
itself and the attack would be detected). The sensor performs dis- mise of a sensor reveals nothing more than the pairwise key of the
tance bounding with L1 , but the adversary enlarges the distance compromised sensor with each locator. Since sensors do not assist
to the maximum allowable distance of rG γ . Hence, the sensor other sensors in localization, their compromise cannot facilitate
1 location spoofing.
defines the DBIR(s) as the disk of radius rG γ , centered at L1 .
Though locators are assumed to be significantly more diffi-
In Figure 5(c) the attacker records beacons from locators L1 ,
cult to compromise, ROPE is impacted by any such compromise.
L6 , L7 , L8 (L6 , L7 , L8 , are within the range of L1 ), tunnels them
The combination of locator compromise with the attacker’s abil-
via the wormhole link and replays them in the proximity of s. The
ity to jam any transmission desired, constitutes a severe security
sensor computes the ROI(s) as the intersection of DBIR(s) with
breach. The attacker gains access to all the pairwise keys between
∩i Si , i = {1, 6, 7, 8}. The Maximum Spoofing Impact (M SI)
the compromised locator and each sensor. Hence, the adversary
that the attacker can cause based on this type of attack is
can perform distance bounding with any sensor and generate valid
M SI = s − Li  + rG γ , (9) MACs for any bogus localization information.
To mitigate the impact of a single locator compromise, we can
where Li is the locator in LDBs that is not jammed. require to involve more than one locator in the location determi-
Note that the adversary needs significant resources (knowl- nation scheme. Based on the statistics of our locator deployment,
edge of the position of sensors and locators, wormhole link, jam- we can compute the probability of a sensor to perform distance
ming of multiple transmissions) to spoof the location of just one, bounding with k locators (see Section 5). Hence, we can require
or a small set of sensors, at best by M SI. In order to spoof the lo- each sensor to perform distance bounding to at least kmin locators
cation of many sensors, the adversary needs to repeat the attack by in order for its location estimation to be valid. The adversary has
jamming different locators and replaying beacons from different to compromise at least kmin locators in order to spoof the location
sets of locators. Hence, the cost of the attack becomes prohibitive of sensors. The increase of the resilience of ROPE in locator com-
in comparison to the impact of a limited displacement of very few promise, comes at the expense of increased locator density, since
sensors of the network. the sensor must be able to communicate with at least Kmin loca-
Maximum Spoofing Impact for varying G P( | LDB |=k ) vs. ρ for varying k Probability mass function of MSI for ρ =0.007 and G=4
s L L
5 1 0.14
omni ρ =0.007, G=4
4.5 G=1.5 L
G=2 0.12
4 G=4 0.8
3.5 G=8 0.7 0.1

P( | LDB |=k )

Probability p
3 0.6
MSI (r)


2.5 0.5

2 0.4 0.06
| LDB |=1
1.5 0.3 | LDB |=2
| LDB |=3 0.04
1 0.2 | LDB |=4
| LDB |=5 0.02
0.5 0.1 s
| LDBs |=6
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
| LDB |
Locator density, ρL MSI (r)

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6. (a) Maximum Spoofing Impact (MSI) vs. the number of locators |LDBs | that a sensor s can bi-directionally communicate with, for
varying antenna directivity gain G at the locator, (b) probability that a sensor s can bi-directionally communicate with |LDBs | locators,
vs. locator density ρL , for G = 4, (c) the probability mass function (pmf) of M SI, for ρL = 0.007 and G = 4.

tors. It is evident that if a fraction of the locators (reference points) can express the probability that a randomly deployed sensor can
are compromised and the attacker can control the information flow communicate with k locators as [14]:
to the sensors via jamming, impersonation and selective replay,
providing a robust position estimation is a very difficult task.

P (|LDBs | = k) 1 − e−ρL πr . (11)

In Figure 6(b), we show the probability P (|LDBs | = k) vs.
In this section we evaluate the resilience of ROPE against attacks the locator density ρL , for different values of k, and for G = 4.
in WSN, via simulations. We show that ROPE “ties” each sensor For example, when ρL = 0.007, a sensor bi-directionally commu-
around a set of locators thus limiting the possible sensor displace- nicates with four locators with a probability P (|LDBs | = 4) =
ment. For our simulations, we randomly placed sensors within a 97.55%, while it communicates with six locators with a probabil-
square area of size 100x100 with a density ρs = 0.5, and also ran- ity P (|LDBs | = 6) = 87.14%. Note that for ρL = 0.007, we
domly placed locators within the same area with varying density only need 70 locators to cover a deployment region of 100x100.
ρL . Based on Figures 6(a),(b), we can compute the probability
distribution for the M SI, for given values of ρL , G. In Figure
6(c), we show the probability mass function (pmf) of M SI for
5.1. Maximum spoofing impact vs. locator density.
ρL = 0.007 and G = 4. We show the distribution of MSI as
In Section 4, we showed that if an adversary jams all locators but discrete, since M SI depends on |LDBs | that takes only discrete
one, the M SI is equal to (9). In our first experiment, we evaluate values. In fact since |LDBs | is distributed according to a Pois-
the M SI that an adversary can achieve, if it has full knowledge son distribution, we observe that the pmf of M SI is also Poisson
of the network topology i.e. the positions of both the sensors and distributed.
the locators of the network, but does not jam locators from the
set LDBs . Instead the adversary enlarges the distance bounds to
1 5.2. Locator density requirements
the maximum value of rsL = rG γ . For each sensor, we com-
pute the Distance Bound Intersection Region (DBIR) based on If a sensor is able to perform VM, spoofing a location inside the
the enlarged distance bounds and evaluate the M SI as the longest DBIR can be avoided. To do so, a sensor s must be included
distance between the actual position of the sensor and any point of within at least one triangle formed by three locators of the set
the DBIR, LDBs . In Figure, 7(a), we show the probability P (V M ), that a
M SI = max s − p. (10) sensor s is able to perform verifiable mulitlateration vs. |LDBs |.
We observe that as |LDBs | increases, the probability that the sen-
In Figure 6(a), we show the M SI in units of sensor commu- sor is included within a triangle formed by three locators in LDBs
nication range r vs. |LDBs | for varying antenna directivity gain also increases. Note that P (V M ) is independent of the antenna
G at the locator. We observe that the M SI decreases with the directivity gain G, since whether the sensor is inside a triangle of
increase of |LDBs |, as the sensor is able to bound its distance sensors is only dependent upon |LDBs | and not how far or close
to multiple locators. On the contrary, the increase of the antenna those locators are positioned.
directivity gain G increases M SI, since the sensor is able to com- In Figure 7(b), we show the percentage of sensors able to per-
municate with locator at longer distances and hence, the DBIR form verifiable multilateration vs. the locator density ρL , for vary-
grows larger. ing G. As expected, the number of sensors able to perform multi-
Since M SI is a function of |LDBs |, we can derive the sta- lateration, grows with the locator density and the antenna directiv-
tistics on M SI based on the statistics of LDBs . The probability ity gain G. For higher locator density, the sensors perform distance
that a sensor communicates with |LDBs | = k locators is com- bounding with more locators and hence, according to Figure 7(a)
puted via Spatial Statistics Theory [5]. The random deployment of there is a higher chance that they can perform verifiable multilater-
sensors and locators can be modeled after a Homogeneous Poisson ation. Similarly for higher directivity gain G, the sensors are able
Point process [5], with rates ρs and ρL , respectively. Hence, we to perform distance bounding with locators further away. Hence,
Probability of performing verifiable mulilateration Percentage of sensors performing VM for varying ρ Comparison of SeRLoc vs. ROPE for varying ρ
1 0.8 3.5
0.9 ROPE, G=6
0.7 3 SeRLoc, M=3
0.8 SeRLoc, M=8

% of sensors performing VM
0.7 2.5

0.6 0.5

MSI (r)

0.5 0.4
0.3 1
0.2 omni
0.2 G=2
G=4 0.5
0.1 G=6
0 0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
| LDB |
Locator density, ρL Locator density, ρL

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 7. (a) Probability P (V M ), that a sensor can perform verifiable multilateration vs. |LDBs |, (b) Percentage of sensors able to perform
verifiable multilateration vs. ρL for varying G, (c) comparison of ROPE with SeRLoc for varying locator densities.

for the same ρL but higher G, sensors perform distance bound- [6] S. C̆apkun, M. Hamdi and J. Hubaux, GPS-Free Positioning in Mo-
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We observe that as the density increases the performance of the FOCOM, Miami, FL, USA, March 2005, available to the reviewers
upon request.
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is shown when jamming is not feasible. If jamming is present an [8] J. Douceur, The Sybil Attack, In Proceedings of IPTPS 2002, Cam-
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attacker can spoof any location. Compared to SPINE presented
in [7], ROPE can limit the M SI even for very low densities. In [9] R.J. Fontana, E. Richley, and J. Barney, Commercialization of an
Ultra Wideband Precision Asset Location System. In Proceedings
[7], a much higher locator density is required to allow sensors to
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6. CONCLUSION Free Localization Schemes in Large Scale Sensor Network, In Pro-
ceedings of MOBICOM, San Diego, CA, USA, Sept. 2003, pp. 81–
We studied the problem of secure position determination and lo- 95.
cation verification in wireless sensor networks. We proposed a [11] Y. Hu, A. Perrig, and D. Johnson, Packet Leashes: A Defense
hybrid algorithm called Robust Position Estimation (ROPE) that Against Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, In Pro-
ceedings of INFOCOM, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2003, pp.
achieves robust sensor localization and verification of sensor loca-
tion claims even in the presence of malicious adversaries. Com-
pared to previously proposed schemes, ROPE allows sensors to [12] M. Kuhn, An Asymmetric Security Mechanism for Navigation Sig-
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estimate their own location without the assistance of a central au- 2004, Toronto, Canada.
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[13] L. Lamport, Password Authentication with Insecure Communica-
the wormhole attack, node impersonation and jamming of trans- tion, In Communications of the ACM, 24(11):770 − 772, November
missions. We introduced a new metric called Maximum Spoofing 1981.
Impact (M SI) for evaluating the impact of possible attacks, and
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