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Manual for Mathematics (T) Coursework is to be downloaded from MECs Portal ( by the subject teacher during the first term of form six. Individual Private Candidates Manual for Mathematics (T) Coursework is to be downloaded from MECs Portal ( by the candidate during the first term of form six.


The manual contains regulations and guidelines on the conduct and assessment of coursework which needs to be implemented by the school as well as coursework assignments. The school authority is responsible to make copies of Part 2: Students Manual For Mathematics (T) Coursework of this manual to be given to the students. Student are required to complete the coursework which comprises three assignments in the respective terms.

Students must carry out each assignment individually. Plagiarism will be penalised. Teachers must monitor the progress of the students coursework. It is, however, not acceptable for teachers to give detailed suggestions as to how the work may be improved to meet the assessment criteria.

Examples of unacceptable assistance are as follows: detailed omissions indication of errors or

the provision of detailed outlines, analysis, discussion, or conclusion specific to the coursework tasks personal intervention to improve the presentation or content of the coursework

A complete assignment report should be structured as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) Introduction Methodology Results Conclusion

(a) Introduction: Description of the problem (including the title) (b) Methodology The application of appropriate method or strategy to address the given problem The generation or collection of relevant data and information

(c) Results Mathematical calculations mathematical reasoning Interpretation of results (d) Conclusion Discussion of outcomes




Focus should be on the successful application of appropriate mathematics, not necessarily difficult techniques. The assignment reports should be written in the passive voice using correct mathematical language, terminology and notation. The assignment reports should be concise. The table of contents, folders, decoration and binding are not required. References, if any, should be included at the end of the report and cited in the texts.

Assignment report may be written either in English or Bahasa Malaysia. Each student is required to write the declaration statement confirm that the assignment report submitted is his/her own work and attached to the assignment report.

Declaration Statement This is to certify that the assignment report submitted is based on my own work. Signature: Name: I/C Number: Date:

The teacher is required to set the deadline for the submission of each assignment in the specified date. Once an assignment report is submitted, it is not allowed to be revised or replaced. Adding or removing of any material to or from the assignment report is prohibited.

Assignment reports are to be marked by the teacher according to the assessment criteria stipulated in this manual. The annotation enable the teacher to distinguish as precisely as possible where the students work has met the assessment criteria specified in this manual.

The viva for an assignment should be carried out by the teacher in the relevant term after the assessment of the assignment reports of all students. The viva should take about 15 minutes for each student. The assessment of coursework must be completed four weeks before the STPM examination for each term. The student may be given grade X for the subject grade for failing to send assignment report on the specified deadline.

Assessment criterion
1. Assignment Report (a) Introduction (b) Methodology (c) Results (d) Conclusion (e) Communication 2. Viva (a) Understanding of the assignment (b) Communication Total mark 14 6 60

4 8 10 6 12

A common standard for marking must be agreed upon if more than one teacher in the same school is involved in assessing the assignment. All components of assessment are subjected to moderation by an external moderator appointed by the Malaysia Examinations Council (MEC). Random samples of assignment reports may be requested.

The teacher is required to record the marks for each assignment report and the viva in the Assignment Record. In the event that a student has transferred to another school, the principal of the former school is responsible to submit the students Assignment Record to the principal of the new school. These records must be certified by the subject teacher of the former school.

The moderator is required to record the marks for the assignment report moderated by him/her in the Assignment Record. The total marks for each student must be submitted to MEC via electronic submission by the specified date. All the assignments report and assignment record are evidence, and should be kept and destroyed under secure conditions six months after the released of the STPM result in the following year.


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