Kevin Lynch - The Image of The City

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THE IMAGE OF THE CITY Keoin Lynch ‘What dacs the city’s form actully mean tothe people wh live there? ‘What can the aty planner do to make the city’s wmage more vivid and memorable 10 the city dweller? To answer these quetuors, Mr. Lynch, SSpported by studies of Las Angeles, Boston, and Jersey City, forms lites anew extern — inegeabilty and shows is potential value as 1 guide for the building snd rebutlaing af cites "The wide scope of tis stoly led to an original and vital method forthe evaluation of ety form. The architect, the planner, and certainly the ety dweller wills want to ead this book What the reviewers hae sid Kevin Lynch has come op with « readable, teuty organize, suthortative volume that may prove at important to ety bulking. at Camilo Site’ The Art of Building Cite” Architectural Forum “City planers and urban designers everywhere willbe taking account af hs work for Years to come «The importance of this book nthe TMersture of urbanism is ebvious | we have lacked «theory of the ‘tyr visual perption based on ebjactiveeriteria For some’ strange feason, inthe period ating from tho late 19th Century in Germany Sind Tasting until Lynch's eforts thre was no experimentation in the matter of how cites aye perceived. All f us can be grateful Tor the resumption of this line of ought. The Impact of this wlome should be enormous” —Leonard K- Eaton, Progresoe Architecture ele design theory Tynchs . 0 back to 1958, the year when he began his studies perception with a travel period in aly. This was several years before ll the ‘urban design’ conferences, bafre the calsng of the phase, tnd ata time when respectable planners were concerned with anything bat the eaplartion of srban fore. It Feed ty the inspiration of FL. Wr the tables on thsty” years. of plann Journal othe American Iattte of Ponnars uh) TEM. Ress aa 45 y REGISTERED ©) VERSION ADDS NO WA TERMARK &, ey Kevin Lynch The Image of the City Se REGISTERED ON VERSION ADDS NO WA TERMARK &, & A <2 > PREFACE ZS ee 4 I> REGISTERED ON VERSION ADDS NO

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