The Years. Jailed

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University of Illinois - Tossup Questions

I A friend of Emile Zola, whose portrait he painted, he is often lumped with the
impressionists but did not consider himself a member of their group. His works
include The Fifer, The Balcony and Sinking of the Alabama by the Kearsar ge. For ten
points. identify this painter of Olympia and Luncheon on the Grass.
Ans: Edouard Manet
A book of the apocrypha has as its title heroine a young Jewish widow who seduces
""L- an Assyrian general and kills him. For ten points, name this woman whose
assassination of Holofernes helped lead to a Jewish victory.
Ans: Judi th
1 Published in 1868, it concerns the disappearance of an enormous diamond that had
once adorned a Hindu idol. The mystery is solved by Sergeant Coff, possibly the
first detective in British fiction. For ten points, name this pioneering mystery
novel by Wilkie Collins.
Ans: The Moonstone
~ For a quick ten points, what staunch Republican, businessman, actor and bodybuilder
was recently named by President Bush as Chairman of the President's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports?
Ans: Arnold Schwarzenegqer
It was Established in 1963 by John F. Kennedy, who chose the first recipients but
) was unable to ~ a k e the awards due to his untimely death. For ten points, what is
the highest civilian award in the United States?
Ans: Presidential Medal of Freedom
i His history of the French Revolution, entitled The Old Reg ime and the Revolution
was left unfinished at the time of his death in 1859. His 1835 Democracy in
America is considered the first impartial study of American institutions. For ten
points, who was this French social philosopher and historian?
Ans: Alexis de Tocgueville
1 For a quick t e ~ points, what nation consists mainly of the Jutland peninsula and
nearby islands?
Ans: Denmark
8 It is an indus:rial byproduct which contaminates various herbicides; it first came
to public attention as the contaminant in Agent Orange which caused many claims
against the U.S. government by Vietnam veterans. It is now generally accepted as
the most carcinogenic substance yet discovered. For ten points, name this toxic
organic chemical.
Ans: dioxin
1 Because the ru;es at Harvard required that he wear a black coat to chapel, he
naturally worE a green coat. Because his first book had not sold well, he was
unable to find a publisher for his second (and most famous) work for five years.
Because he dis=pproved of the MExican War, he refused to pay his poll tax and was
subsequently jailed for one night. For ten points, who was this transcendentalist
author of Walden?
Ans: Henry David Thoreau
First enacted in 1966 and strengthened in 1974, it has helped reporters gather
information for such important stories as the My Lai massacre and the FBI's
harassment of domestic political groups. For ten points, name this legislation
which gives the public access to non-classified governmental records.
Ans: the Freedom of Information Act
Born in 1899, he established his reputation with The Lodger in 1926. In 1929 he
directed Britain's first sound feature Blackmail. After turning out several well-
known films, he moved to Hollywood in 1939 where he did some of his finest work,
including Rope, Spellbound and Vertigo. For ten points, who was this "notorious"
,Ans: Alfred Hitchcock
i ~ One of the Beatles last albums, Let it Be, had little or nothing to do with
economics. However, the two word French term for "let it be" has a specific meaning
in economics, for a policy of government non-intervention in economic matters. For
ten points, what is this phrase?
Ans: laissez faire
,; Because she would allow no alcohol in the White House, the wife of Rutherford B.
Hayes was given a an alliterative two word nickname. For ten points, what was it?
Ans: Lemonade Lucy
11 A fragrant resin obtained from thorny trees of the genus Commiphora has been used
for thousands of years for embalming, medications and incense. It was so valuable
that the wise men were said to have given this to the young Christ child. For ten
points, name this substance.
Ans: myrrh
tfAlthough he is French-Canadian, he was the hometown favorite in the 1990 NHL AII-
star game held in Pittsburgh. For 10 points, name this Penguin center who scored 4
goals in leading the Wales Conference to a 12-7 victory over the Campbell
Conference while earning his third All-Star MVP award.
Ans: Mario Lemieux
~ ' 1 pl. in1','{f
J ~ For ten points, ~ what pseudonym is Norma McCorvey better knol"/O, as the d.flOlRila1'I't
in a much publicized 1973 Supreme Court decision?
Ans: Jane Roe
l:t They regulate such events as leaf movements in plants and sleep and wakefulness in
animals. For ten points what name is given to biological cycles having roughly 24
hour periods?
Ans: circadian rhythms
" During the 1960's and 70's he was a leader in the Alabama Democratic Party, where
he helped soothracial tensions. Most recently he served as a Federal judge of the
11th Circuit Court of Appeals until he was killed by a letter bomb in his
Birmingham home in December, 1989. For ten points, name him.
Ans: Robert Vance
/1 Founded in the 18th century by Francois Quesnay, this school of economists held
that agriculture was the basis of a nation's wealth and that land alone shou:d be
subject to tax. For ten points, name this group of thinkers who influenced Adam
Ans: physiocrats
'ZIJ "It is better to be feared than loved." For ten points, which author of Discourses
on Livy and Art of War penned these words in his 1513
Ans: Niccolo Machiavelli
fA For an average-sized raindrop it is about 26 feet per second. For someone falling
out of an airplane without a parachute, it is approximately 160 miles per hour. For
ten points, what is this speed at which the forces of gravity and air resistance
exactly balance each other?
Ans: terminal velocity
For a quick ten points, what is the nom de plume of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, the
17th century author of The Miser, The Misanthrope and Tartuffe?
Ans: Moliere
V, After granting independence to most of the rest of Namibia, or Southwest Africa,
the Republic of South Africa will retain control of the major port of this former
colony. For 10 points, what is this port which will soon become a South African
enclave within Namibia?
Ans: Walvis Bay
"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch." So the narrator of the classic Christmas ca,toon
by Dr. Suess tells us. But before he narrated this story at the end of his long and
distinguished career, the voice of the Grinch was the voice (and persona) of many
more diabolical creatures in such Hollywood classics as The Mummy and Frankenstein.
For 10 points, by what stage name do we know the legendary horror actor born as
William Henry Pratt?
Ans: Boris Karloff
William Shakespeare's works are so well known that familiarity with his major works
is required of any culturally literate person. However, not all of his works are
widely known, for example an early tragedy which is his shortest and bloodiest and
includes the characters of Alarbus, Aaron, Tamara, Lavinia and Saturnis. For ten
points, identify this somewhat obscure Shakespeare work whose title characte, is a
noble Roman general fighting against the Goths.
Ans: Titus Andronicus
Noteworthy for his experimentation with the use of sand in paint for added texture,
his works include Computier, Reclining Nude and Guitar Player. For ten points. who
was this French painter, born in 1882, who joined with Picasso in developing
Ans: Georges Bragues
In November 1988, his worm invaded thousands of computers over nationwide ne:works,
causing computer users to scurry to remove it. He was recently convicted of
violating the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. For ten name this hacker,
who coincidentally enough is the son of a computer security consultant for the
National Security Agency.
Ans: Robert Morris
It's quite easy to tell their writing apart, although the similarity of their names
can be confusing. For ten points, what last name is shared by the authors of The
Web and the Rock and Bonfire of the Vanities?
Ans: Tom and Thomas Wolfe
Although he is now on the heavy side and bald, this boxer turned preacher is on the
comeback trail. His biggest recent bout was an easy knockout of Gerry Cooney. For
ten points, name this 41 year old heavyweight who was champion from January 22,
1973 to October 30, 1974.
Ans: George Foreman
For a quick ten points, which French novelist wrote the original novels which were
later adapted into the movies The Bridoe on the River Kwai and Planet of the Apes?
Ans: Pierre 80ulle
University of Illinois - Bonus Questions
(30 points) How much do you know about Russian literature? For ten points each,
identify the writer given a list of his works.
. ./ a)
./ b)
Taras Bulba, Dead Souls, The Overcoat
The poems "Zima Junction" and "Babi Yarn
Mother and The Lower Depths
(Nicolai Gogol)
(Yevgeny Yevteshenko)
(Maxim Gorky)
~ (20 points) Here's something for those of you who remember your high school
biology, or have recently brushed up on your Latin. For five points each give the
anatomical terms, derived from latin, which refer to the following areas on an
/" a)
Toward the front of the body.
Toward the rear of the body .
Away from the medial plane of the body
A vertical cut dividing the body into left
(Ventral or Anterior)
(Dorsal or Posterior)
and right (Saqi ttal )
~ points) It's been hazardous to be a Prime Minister of Japan recently. Since
early 1988, four men have held this distinguiShed post. Name them for five points
each and put them in order (from earliest to most recent) for an additional five.
(Nakasone, Takeshita, Uno, Kaifu)
4 (30 points) Name this American statesman, thirty points on the first clue, twenty
on the second, or ten if you require all three.
1) He was President of the Continental Congress from 1778-79.
2) He was one of the commissioners who negotiated the peace treaty with
J Great Britain which ended the American Revolution and one of the authors of the
Federalist Papers.
3) He was the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
{John Jay}
~ (30 points) Here's a good question for fans of fans of movies and rock music. In
1976 this rock group performed its last concert in an all-star event as Eric
Clapton, Van Morrison, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Ringo Starr, Bob Dylan, Neil
Diamond and other stars all joined the group on stage. The entire event was filmed
by a now-famous director and later released to theaters. For ten points each, name
the group, the director, and the title of the film.
(The Band, Martin Scorsese, The Last Waltz)
~ (20 points) A mistress of Charles the Second, this English actress of the London
theatre bore him two sons, one of whom became the Duke of St. Alban's. It is said
that the King's dying reqUEst to his brother was "Let not poor Nelly starve," For
twenty points, who was she?
(Eleanor or Nell Gwyn)
--. 1

For five points each, identify the authors of these current best-
The Dark Half
Clear and Present Danger
Oldest living Confederate Widow Tells All
Talking God
Foc:eult'a Pplill"Lm
(Stephen King)
(Tom Clancy)
(Allen Gurganus)
(Tony Hi llerman)
c:::: (":i!be L 5M
(30 points) Identify this figure from Greek mythology 30-20-10.
1) As a baby, he was thrown in front of his father's plow to test his
father's pretended madness.
2) In later life, it was he who found his father and assisted him in
slaying his mother's suitors.
3) He was the only son of Odysseus and Penelope and one of the books of
the Odyssey is named for him.
(25 points) Was it Professor Plum or Colonel Mustard? Whoever it was, they
certainly didn't lack a choice of lethal instruments. For ten points, name three
of the six murder weapons in the game of Clue, with an additional five points
awarded for each one over three which you are able to list'n ..
(the candlest ick, knife, revol ver or r' rqp:S,Y and wrenctr1
y I ' /' 7/
1).--(30 points) During Lyndon Johnson's administration the Supreme Court underwent a
number of changes. For fifteen points each, identify two of the Supreme Court
Justices involved in these changes, given a brief description.
a) Instrumental in the 1955 merger of the AFl and the CIa, he was a
supreme court justice from 1962-65. In 1965, Johnson convinced him to resign in
order to serve as U.S. representative to the U.N. from 1965-68. For 15 points,
<' name this recently deceased eX-justice. (Arthur Goldberg)
b) Named to the court in 1965, in 1968 Johnson proposed him as chief
justice but the senate refused to confirm him. After allegations of conflict of
interest in financial dealings he resigned in 1969. For 15 points, who was this ex-
justice who died in 1982? (Abe Fortas)
\/, (25 points) Born in Austria in 1889, he spent his last 22 years in England. He
trained as an engineer but studied philosophy under Bertrand Russell. His only
work published during his lifetime was Tractatus. For 25 points, name this logical
positivist whose posthumous works include the "Blue" and "Brown" books and On
(ludwig Wittgenstein)
(25 points) For five points each, twenty-five total, identify the currency name
which is common to each of the following groups of countries:
Columbia, and Uruguay.
fJakistan and India.
Kuwait, Yugoslavia, and
and The Bahamas.
Burundi and Madagascar.
<Di nar )
(3, (30 points) Here's another bonus about famous dead people. To make it a little
easier, we can tell you that all three of these people headed for the hereafter in
1989, and all at the ripe old age of 81. For ten points each, name them.
a) A co-winner of the Nobel prize in Physics for the transistor, he was
criticized for his racist views on genetics.
(L-Ji 11 iam B. Shockley)
b) The leader of the Berlin Orchestra, and perhaps's best
known orchestral conductor.
(Herbert von Karajan)
c) The author of Rebecca and other Gothic novels.
(20 points)
.-- a)
.",.- c)
(Daphne de Maurier)
For five points each, identify the dinosaur from the meaning of its
Roof Lizard
Crooked Li zard
Three Horned Eye
Rough Tooth
If. (25 points) Born in Romania in 1876, he was influenced by Rodin before turning to
abstract forms and examples from primitive art. For twenty-five points, who
sculpted The Kiss and Bird in Space?
/(, .
(Constantin Brancusi)
(30 points) For ten points each, name these bright stars found in Orion from a
brief description.
>-/ a)
in the night
__ b)
Alpha-Or ion:
a whitish-blue star which is the seyenth brightest star
a red star, the tenth-brightest star.
c) Gamma-Orion: a blue star whose name means "Woman of War."
( Be 1 1 a t r i x)
(30 points) For ten points each, identify these new national leaders (as of
January 27, 1990 at 3:30 a.m.):
a) The current President of Czechoslovakia, a formerly jailed dissident
playwright. (Vaclev Havel)
b) The current President of Lebanon (not a safe job to have).
(Elias Hrawi)
c) The communist Premier of East Germany.
(Hans Modrow)
,8. (20 points) Born in 1889, he had an almost unbroken string of Broadway hits
between 1921 and 1944. Perhaps best known for his collaborations with Marc
Connelly and Moss Hart, his works include the script for the Marx Brothers' Animal
Crackers, the plays You Can't Take It With You (with Hart) and Dinner at Eight with
Edna Ferber. For twenty points, name this American playwright.
(George 5. Kaufman)
(2Z)points) Sure they were best sellers 2300 years ago, but can you remember them
now? For five points each, identify each classical Greek author from a partial list
of his works:
The Symposium, Apology, Phaedro, and laws
On the Sphere and the Cylinder
TIIG Pee-Hili, fjRl!!l1:CS, QreOPP, Ph tonic
Prometheus Bound, Oresteia
The Clouds, The Birds, The Frogs
( Plato)
( Archimedes)
(AI isLa tle4
( Aeschylus)
( '}JJ. (30 points) 30-20-10, identify this nation.

1) The president of this country of 26 million is Ali Hassan Mwinyi and
its prime minister-is-Joseph Warioba.
2) It was created on April 26, 1964, when two newly independent East
African nations merged, one of them an island.
3} Its capital is Dar Es Salaam.
( Tanzania)
(20 points) For 5 points each, given a brief description, identify these Egyptian
a) The goose-headed Earth god and father of Osiris.
CGeb, Keb, or Seb)
b) The cow-headed goddess of love and mirth.
(Hathor or Athor)
c) The god of darkness and evil, brother and enemy af Osiris.
(Seth or Set)
d) The chief deity of Memphis (not Elvis!).
(25 points) For five points each, plus a bonus
the four actors to play chief mutineer Fletcher
film adaptations of Mutiny on the Bounty.
of five points for them all, name
Christian in the four Hollywood
Clark Gable, Byando, Mel Gibson)
23.(30) For ten pOints each. identify these famous Native Americans:
/". A. Born in 1768. this Shawnee Chief organized what was probably the most
/ formidable Indian mllitary alliance in American history. He was
slain in 1813 at the Battle of Thames (Tecumseh)
B. The brother of Tecumseh. he claimed to see visions and practiced
/' mystic rites which won him a large following (Tenskwatawa or The
Prophet or The Shawnee Prophet or The Open Door) ---
C. The Cherokee craftsman who lived from 1770-1843. was crippled in a
hunting accident and developed a written alphabet for the Cherokee
language (Seguoyah or The Tall Redhead or The Really. Really. B1g
Tree with Lotsa Leaves)
Law students often are forced to turn to standard texts called hornbooks
to figure out what it is they're supposed to be learning. Given the
name of a primary authority in the hornbook world. identify the subject
matter associated with him or them for 5 pOints each:
A. Wigmore (Evidence)
B. Prosser (Torts)
C. Williston ~ t r a c t s )
D. White & Summers (Uniform Commercial Code or UCC; accept Commercial
Law; if "Contracts" is given. ask for more specific infonnat10n)

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