Ftmi胤 Db仙: I?J.1'::#Uhll,Fj'+:,F

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(MoPhH/Ph.D )

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11 lVl.rHH l 01 niversit rlf I,m:m:ll,JRF lpr nil^::4 : ^..`L^_^__ 1 'qualined ofJamm qualille(1 0rthOsc whO have NET/SET/SLET/1NSPIRE/COllege Teachers,thL ^ Sta1lI10rv fF r prc 1.^: 1 ,, . _havi _ StatutOry Offlcers and l1011 ^^^4:^. ^1 ^rr___ VaCaliolla1 0fncers of the University and M phir n-om otrrer'il;;"J:iJ.'ll"l,,",lf L::VOo W:

dB FTmi :T : lttl 1 :1

Every en Olled candidate seeking adlnissiOn tO Ph.D.Progranllne(exCeptthOse with M.Phil frOln Universit

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i?j.1'::#UHll,fJ'+:,f Tesl.AX'LH#,r.':i';lii:i*:.1:1,: candidate shall be requittd tO

that sha be cOnsidered as the eligibility fO}

processing ofthe case ofthe canclidate.

The candidates who have appe'ared in M.AiM.Sc. 4rl' semester/final examination can also apply for combirted entrance test for M.Phil/Ph.D. and their case will be considered only if theirresult is declared at the time of determining the merit.
The merit of the canclidate shrli be calculated on the basis of 50% rveightage to the Entrance Test and 50% rveightage to the Academic Merit of the candidates at the p.G. Level. The syllabus and details about rhe conducr of E,trance Test shail be provided by the HoD concerned.

Admission Brochurei Application Form/s can be obtainecl fiom the Forms and Stationary Section / Sale counter on caslt pavment of l(s. I20l- Last date to submit the Form/s in the respective Teaching
Departnrent/s of the Uni versitl- i s I 9. 07.20 I 3,




Spl. Secretary to Vicc-chancellor of the kind information of vice-chancellor. The cornnrissioner-cum Secrerary, Higher Education
P.S. to Registrar

Sr. P.A. DDE/Jt. Registrar/Dean Students Welfare. Registrar, Urri versity of Kashnrir.

/DAA/corrtroilei of Exams/Director c"ri.;;;-;;;eropment.

o.p.rtr.ni, civil Sectt, Srinagar.

All Directors of the LJniyersity/provost

AII Carnpus Deans/All Heads of the Teaching Departments.



The Managirrg Director o1'JK Chanrrel, Jamrnu rvith the request to kindly annollnce the contents of tlre notice. The Statiorl Director. Doordiu'sltan/Radio Kashrlir. Janrrnu with the request to kinclly arroLlrce

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l. I/c Web Sire.

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